
Find You Again
The first time Donghae talked to Hyukjae
The first time Donghae had talked to Hyukjae was for a school event.

Donghae had been selected as a committee member in charge of coordinating with the different school organizations and clubs who will have a booth or performance for the event. He was sent by the committee head to go to the club where Hyukjae is a part of.

Hyukjae was someone who Donghae had known by face from the times his classmate had talked with a friend from a different class from them, though he never dared to approach when the guy was with Hyukjae. Imagine his surprise when after dodging the guy for nearly all his high school life (he was… painfully shy, please bear with him) he had no other choice but to talk to him because Hyukjae was the officer-in-charge of communication with the other clubs and organizations.

“Oh hi, um,” were the first few things that flew out of Hyukjae’s mouth when he opened the club room door to Donghae’s cute head peeking in, his long hair pushed back a bit. “Donghae, from the overall committee, right?”

Well, Donghae blinks, he doesn’t remember any instance where Hyukjae could’ve learned his name, but that saves time for them both. He shrugs in his thought.

“Hello, Lee Hyukjae ssi.” He greets, friendly smile on his face. “May I come in to talk to you about the things needed for the event?”

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sorry for not being able to update for a while now. i can't finish the last parts of the next update yet, however, they're all planned out :)
if you want to talk to me feel free to HMU on Twitter! :D @S0FTVY


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Chapter 12: Ohhh i think i understand now the bad news you're mentioning about. Omg this is so intense and sad.
BUT! I love it~~ 😍 Take all the time you need i will wait for the updates. Such an interesting story~~
Chapter 5: oh my heart all fluffy reading this ^^
Chapter 12: IM HURT RIRI JRNSKSJSJSJSJSJJSJDJDJDJFJDKSJSJSHSHDHHDHDHD idk what to say just make them live and be happy again 😭
Chapter 9: omg I just realized there's a tag for reincarnation omg this is going to hurt me real good lmao
Chapter 7: omg donghae confessing like that is so adorable!!!! AGHH even I was caught off guard omg i aint ready to be hurt!!!!
Achichi #6
Chapter 12: I hope in their new life, this world will be a better place for them.
Chapter 5: oh god this is so cute I swear HAHA it says there is angst am I ready for it 😂
Chapter 4: LMAO THE TITLE FOR THIS ONE HAD ME LAUGHING 😂😂 i was supposed to leave a comment after I catch up with everything but the title made me sldhowhsuaw

anyway so cute so far and I really love the layout you have!!!

thanks for sharing this to us!!! SO CUTE I SWEAR 💕💕
Chapter 8: Oh my.. finally they are bfs after 4 yrs of liking each other.. I thought Hyukjae would immediately say yes to Donghae cause hasn't he be pinning on him for 4 yrs now?
The chapters were soo cute and fluff.. I loved them. :)
I hope more ppl can leave comments to cheer you on as your story is really amazing.
Pls keep writing.. I'm sure more ppl will find your nice fic.^^
The plot line seems so intriguing and I'm a er for such stories. Separating and meeting again. Would go on binge reading it now.^^