arrival to the new unknown 

faint line
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An alarm going off can be heard in the whole room, not that it mattered because she’s all alone but a smiley Yujin is slowly getting rid of the sleep in her body. The sun has still not shine but a whole  Ahn Yujin is already awake, something unexpected, even for herself.  

“Yujinnieeeee!” A little girl shouted bursting into the room almost looking like a baby zombie with her messy hair and milk-stained cheeks.  

It's too early for a little kid who likes to sleep in to be awake, Yujin thought.  

“Morningggg Velalalala!” Yujin mumbled obviously that she’s still fighting the urge to go back to sleep. 

“Mom made you breakfast! She told me you’re leaving?” The little girl questioned. Brows meeting in the center and cheeks puffed with confusion.  

“Just for some time, baby.” Yujin said while bopping her cousin’s adorable little nose. 

Yujin made Vela sit at the edge of her bed, letting the younger one play with her stuffed toys while she freshened up. Vela requested Yujin to play some music, in this case, some Twice songs.  

“I can’t believe you're letting me listen to Twice this early...” Yujin whispered, careful not to let the other hear it but in that very moment, Cheer Up played.  

What a way to start the morning.  

Maybe it was a sign. A sign to cheer up for today, for tomorrow and for the future. A sign she badly needed without even knowing.  

Yujin danced a little more than she planned to which left Vela laughing her off with the mistakes Yujin purposely made.  

Vela's little giggles. Her eye smiles. Her pouts. Her heartwarming presence. 

Surely Yujin will miss all of it, every single bit to be honest but she’ll come home still. When the time is right, when she finally finds herself.  

After what seems like forever, the two finally graced their way downstairs where the whole floor smells like home.  

“Morning, Yuj!” Her aunt shouted from the kitchen, peaking at the two as they walked the remaining steps of the staircase.  

“Morning Tams! Why up so early?” Yujin asked.  

“Am I not allowed to prepare breakfast for my eldest baby?” Tams replied pouting. “Besides, we’ll take you to the airport.” She added. 

Yujin didn’t answer. She just chewed on the sandwich handed to her. 

A simple breakfast prepared for a soul that's about to take a trip of a lifetime.  

Her favorite tuna sandwich. A recipe handed down to Tams by Yujin’s mother. A recipe that reminds her of her mom. The recipe that saved her many times. Adorned with slices of tomatoes, avocados and several pieces of crunchy lettuce all wrapped in a soft milk bread. Her favorite iced americano. Just the right amount of bitterness to remind her that life can be a bit bitter at times. And of course, what’s a Yujin staple without perfectly cooked scrambled eggs?  

Yujin made sure to savor every moment of this early morning with her favorite people. It's all that she can hold while being away from them.   

In just a few hours.  

They took some time to finish breakfast, enough to tell stories which have been repeated many times. Enough to joke with one another. Enough to keep everything in the pocket.  

Not that anyone’s complaining, but the sun is taking its time to rise. Making Yujin move a little slower. 

Time for Yujin to prepare herself. Emotionally, mentally & physically.  

Yujin picked the prettiest (That’s according to her) and comfiest outfit for today.  

A soft denim wide-leg pants overall paired with a sleek short sleeved t-shirt and a comfy classic white Vans. Topped with her signature mini ochre Kanken and moon necklace. Close to completeness. 

“Can’t forget my favorite scrunchies!” Slipping her one on her wrist and putting the rest on the pocket of her luggage. She decided to wear a simple watch today to match her soft look. A brown strapped mini DW. It's also her favorite, a gift from someone special. Last but absolutely not the least, her much needed makeup to cover up the dark circles that formed alongside the emotions she hid.   

Soft & fresh. One that would make her look alive and happy. A little bit of a rosy blush, some subtle glitter eyeshadow and a peck on the lips of her all-time favorite Romand juicy lasting tint in the shade summer scent.  

Now that she’s all dolled up and ready to go, what’s left on the list is to carry all the baggage she voluntarily took. Baggage she welcomed to her life. Those that feel close and home to her.  

Emotions. Past memories. Trauma. Regret. Feelings. Doubts.  

“Whatever.” She sighed. It's been so long since she was left alone with her thoughts. Let alone have all the time to assess and actually face all of them.  

But after all, this trip is intended to release all that’s been hidden. Fix everything one by one. And find her most authentic self in between.  

Maybe this will bring something good. Yujin surely hopes for that. Dismissing all the negative thoughts and only letting optimism run free in her mind.  

Nothing's going to ruin this trip for her. It's all planned out.  

“It will all work out, I guess?” She hugged herself butterfly style to at least calm every nerve in her body that’s about to tense up.  

“Time to go.” She took all her things and made her way out of her beloved room.  

“Be back soon.” She closed the door.  

“When I am better.” Walking down the hall with her luggage tailing behind. 

“When I am all right.” Taking her steps down the stairs.  

“When I am healed.” A faint sigh escaped her lips.  

“It's now or never.” She reached the front door, Tams waiting in the garage with Vela by her side, with a smile that reassures, one that cares and one that loves.  

The drive to the airport was quite long, quiet and peaceful. Tams was the one who drove, insisting that Yujin should rest and get some sleep. Vela seated in the back, slept halfway through the drive. She waited for the sun to rise first before drifting into a deep slumber. 

Yujin spent the either drive listening to music, admiring the beauty of Seoul’s sunrise and feeling the crisp cold summer morning air.  

“Seoul is home, always will.” She closed her eyes, matched with the rhythm of her heartbeat. 

There will be times when home gets too suffocating, too threatening. It'll get tiring and boring. Same old people. Same old memories. It is inevitable not to grow out of it. But you can always leave home temporarily, it will understand you because home is where the heart is, and the heart always wants what is the best.  

They finally arrived at the airport. Tams promised not to cry. Vela did too. Now Yujin is laughing at the two-crying mess in front of her. She can't blame them though, it’s the first time she’s leaving home with no definite plan ahead of her.  

She’s scared, who isn't?  

But it's Yujin. A wild soul.  

“Take care, okay? Just call me if anything happens. We’ll fly to you. Immediately.” Tams reminded Yujin who is fiddling with the zipper of her Kanken.  

“Yup, I’ll be safe! I’ll have fun. Don’t worry too much, aye? Go out as much as you can also, please.” Sporting her famous puppy eyes no one can say no.  

“You can’t just show me those eyes and expect me not to follow you, kiddo.” Tams replied, covering her eyes with the palm of her hand.  

Lines are starting to form just outside the entrance, signaling that Yujin now needs to bid goodbyes.  

She didn’t say anything though, instead she hugged the two, sandwiching Vela in between.  

Words will never suffice, as far as Yujin feels, so actions are a better choice.  

“We’ll get going, update me! Love you! Unlimited times!” Tams shouted from a distance.  

“I love you Jinnie! Call me please!” Vela shouted, struggling to keep her voice loud enough for her unnie to hear.  

Yujin waved. Smiling as big as she can. Nodding her head, she flashed a thumbs up to the two and turned her back against them.  

A sigh, again.  

“Here goes everything.”  

It didn’t take long for Yujin to go to find her gate. Despite the airport being full with tourists and some locals, it is still manageable.  

But first, coffee.  

Yujin directed her way to the Starbucks nearest to her gate, she can’t afford going further than a few steps, besides this one is quite empty with just a few people in front of their laptops obviously working with eyebrows meeting in the middle due to confusion  and some children having their breakfast with coffee (Kids shouldn’t drink coffee!) and sausage bread.  

She finds herself a spot farthest from the crowd, a solo sofa nearest to the ceiling to floor window that overlooks the busy apron.  

She ordered a simple iced vanilla macchiato paired with her favorite four cheese flatbread.  

“An hour and a half. I can manage.” Yujin glanced at her watch. Just a few more hours.  

Yujin unlocked her phone, skimming through apps, deciding which one she should first open. It hasn’t been a day since she last opened them but the amount of notification is unbelievable.  

“Ehhh they are all emails.” Rolling her eyes, her work can’t give

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Soumyapunz5 #1
Chapter 3: Yes you better update soon 😤✌️
bearbear16 #2
Chapter 2: 2kim here
Chapter 2: I think 2kim is the gay couple that love each other too much right? So wonyoung has short tempered here and now yujin testing it, it was so funny cant wait to see what will happen next
i'm curious as to how annyeongz dynamics will be.. and how wonyoung's life may possibly be up turned in the succeeding chapters with the appearance of yujin in her life. looking forward to the next update!
Chapter 1: Looking forward to the next chapter
Chapter 1: Looks like it will be a good story, and i like your writing style too. Cant wait to see when annyeongz meet later, and I'm curious about what 2kim and kwonchaeng will doing here...