
Velvet Village
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“I swear I will kill you Kim Yerim.” A girl almost on her 30 with a big suitcase grunt in frustration after she shut her phone. She got transferred to Jeju island and she wants to kill her best friend so badly because she places her at here and you know, lots of bugs. I mean LOT and she hate it. she quickly took out the bug spray and spray a beautiful butterfly that didn’t aware it life will end soon.




Ssssssssss sssssssssssssssss

“Die! Die!” she sprays that butterfly until it didn’t move anymore. Satisfied with her work, she placed the spray bug back into her bag. Suddenly someone slapping her cause her to shriek up.



 “Ahkkkk~ what the hook.” She turning around and looking at the small girl who smiling in satisfaction. (Hah, she is not small Joohyun, she just short and you use your killer heels.)



 “Ya! What do you think you’re doing!?”



 “Are you Bae Joohyun?” the girl asked innocently while hugging her little goat.



 “No!” the Bae Joohyun girl shouted at her cause the girl steps back with her lips tremble ready to cried. Quickly she inhaled deeply to make herself calm and clear .



 “Just please call me Irene. Bae Irene. what’s your name little girl?” Irene tried to be more friendly in the middle of nowhere.



 “Seulgi, call me Seulgi and meet my friend Lucifer.” The shorter girl flashing her perfect white teeth and her goat greet Irene with his unique voice. Irene smiles awkwardly and looks around.



 “where’s the- *Shriek*….Ya where’s your manner?!” Irene shouting again, her once again got slap by that midget who grins innocently.

“Sorry can’t help it Joohyun. Back to business, I’m the chief here. Welcome to Jeju Island.”

Seulgi said proudly cause Irene stared her dumbfounded. Duh, this kid here is so fluffy and she is the chief? how old is she again?



“come please follow me this way.” She gestures Irene to follow her. they walk almost 15 minutes but there’s still no sight where she has to live. Look at her surrounding, Irene just found trees, trees, field, and other trees. With her killer heels, she starts to feel pain on her feet and she got left behind.



“Wait for me. Seulgi, why we still don’t arrive at my place, how long we have to walk?” she bends down and massage her feet.



“ oh, it still one mile away,” Seulgi said casually followed by Lucifer's voice agreeing his master said.






“Yeah is there any problem?” Seulgi approach the frustrated girl and sat down beside her.



“Do you have any transportation? My legs hurt.” Irene asking politely.



“Sure. Lucifer, call Sooyoung to pick me and Joohyun at here.” Seulgi pat his head and he ‘meeh’ as agreement. Irene just rolls her eyes and silently curse the girl beside her for calling her surname. Seulgi place Lucifer down and he started to walk. Turn to his right, he found fresh grass and go to eat it. Irene hung her head low and sigh. How come you told a goat to call someone to pick you up while he just eating at there and that just makes her want to cry right now. After Lucifer finish, he walks away, quickening his pace, running with all his might but still, if Irene doesn’t wear her heels she will beat Lucifer easily. After 1 hour, a shiny black Mercedes car pulls aside where the duo waits patiently. A tall girl stepping out from that car and bow to Irene. Seulgi on the other hand jump on her like a koala.

“SYoungie~! I miss you~” Seulgi said with her cute aegyo that Irene found it horrible.



 “We just meet 4 hours ago Ddulgie. Who is that girl?” Sooyoung asking casually.



 “Oh she is our new doctor, Bae Joohyun but she wanted us to call her Bae Irene. SYoungie~ her is so firm~ almost like yours,” Seulgi smiling like a fool. Irene can see the laser beam of hearts shoot through her eyes, showering all of her affection toward the taller girl. What vibe is this?



 “You and Your Seulgi.” She pats her wife’s head and told her to get down from her long feet, but Seulgi refuse to do it, so she just walks toward Irene with Seulgi hanging half on her body.



 “Hi, Dr.Bae. I’m sorry about my wife’s behavior and my name is Park Sooyoung. Nice to meet you.” Sooyoung offers her hand toward the young lady and she took it.  So they are the wife and uh, wife. Irene is not judging. there is plenty of couples she met, same- couples, duh, she is a highly intelligent and open-minded person. so seeing another one plus pay her paycheck very well, she is not going to say a word.



 “Bae Irene, nice to meet you Mrs.Park, please call me Irene.” she sighs in relief that finally, she meet a sane person. Sooyoung helping her with her suitcase and put Seulgi down to the front seat while Irene sat at the back seat with Lucifer. After an hour 'crazy' calm ride with Sooyoung,(nope, Lucifer keeps trying to c

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Chapter 2: Cysjbs you almost got me there ngl. Dthank you for the story!! ❤️
Chapter 2: I want to live on that village too 😍😍
Chapter 1: What a perfect village! I wanna live there too !!!
Chapter 2: Epilogue please
Chapter 2: This is so goooood. I hope there will be a mini sequel where Joohyun's eyesight is back clearly.
Chapter 1: Sounds fun already. Hopefully you can update again :)
cakehunter #7
Chapter 1: hEY!
Are you going to keep writing it? It's sounds fun and interesting.
Chapter 1: Sounds so fun already!
22 streak #9
Chapter 1: This story is interesting!!
FateNdreaM #10
Chapter 1: I didn't get the last line. But it's fun to read this. I can't stop laughing.