
Behind Those Smiles

Yoongi: Minji.

Minji got startled but she pretended to be calm and act cool.  When she turned around their eyes met she doesn't understand why she feels like she's lost inside Yoongi's mysterious eyes.  They have a staring contest with each other she is mesmerized by Yoongi's eyes. And she doesn't even know how long did they stare at each other. She couldn't find any reason why she's staring into Yoongi's eyes. It is her first time having eye contact with Yoongi, they don't even talk with each other before. They know each other but it seems that they don't, they were total strangers with each other. Minji is lost with her own thoughts when Yoongi suddenly broke the silence between them.

Yoongi: Your book.

He pointed Minji's book on the floor, Minji hurriedly picked up the book completely looking in the ground. Her face was so red, as she's really felt ashamed of her action a moment ago. She doesn't even realize that she'd been staring at him for no reason. When she gained her sanity, she saw Yoongi smirk while staring at her and then walked out of the room. She feels weird. She thought that was really weird.

Minji: What's with the smirk?  Do I have something in my face?  ugh... ( she shake her head)

Minji makes her way to the cafeteria to have lunch with Yuki. When she arrived at the cafeteria, she immediately looking for Yuki. 

Minji: Where's that girl? I can't see her anywhere? I thought she's already here.

She keeps on looking for Yuki. Then suddenly someone covered her eyes.

??: Guess who?

Minji: Yah! Take off your hands!
??: Say my name first, honey... 

Minji: Yah! HAN YUKI!!! WANNA die??? ( she said while laughing)

Yuki: Ok! OK! haha!! :) hmmm, let's go grab some food!

Yuki said excitedly while pointing to the counter. 

Yuki: I'm soooooo huuuunnnngggrrrryyy!!! Minji, what do you wanna eat?

Minji:  Hmm one coke and sandwich for me.

Yuki: WHAT? Do you call that a meal?!

Minji: Yes. 

She answered with a poker face to tease Yuki.

While waiting for Yuki, Minji opened her notebook to study her notes for her quiz later. While reading, Yoongi's face suddenly appeared in her thoughts. 

Minji: What's with the smirk earlier? ugh, he creeps me out.

Yuki: Creeps you what?

Minji got startled when Yuki suddenly spoke out of nowhere, she did not notice that Yuki is already done ordering their food. 
Minji: What are you talking about? 

Yuki: Who creeps you out, huh? 

Minji: nothing. I'm just memorizing some lines for our quiz later on.

Yuki: ehhh, Something's going on with you Minji! Haha! Tell me, I promise I will keep quiet.

Minji: Tell you what?

Yuki: Did some---

Minji cuts what Yuki is about to say.

Minji: yah!! stop talking and start eating! You're annoying me... 

Yuki: Fine, fine (she rolled her eyes) why so worked up?? haha

Yuki keeps pestering Minji, but Minji did not give in to Yuki and put some sandwich to Yuki's mouth to stop her from talking.'

He's been staring Minji from afar, Watching Minji's every movement.

Yoongi: Cute. (Smirks)

While walking her way to her class, she is reading her notes. She could not concentrate earlier at the cafeteria because Yuki kept on asking her what is going on with her these past few days. Minji is a very hardworking student, she wants to get good grades to become a good teacher someday. 

The class ended Minji is walking her way to her apartment, she did not feel to take a bus. She wanted to enjoy the good weather. She feels really great today, as she's done a good job with her quiz earlier. She smiled and look up to the sky, she takes a deep breath then release a sigh of relief.

Minji: So beautiful, hmm... such nice weather. Let's go home. (talking to herself)


Her phone rang, she took her phone out and answered the call.

Minji: (It's Yuki) Ohh... what?


Minji: what? 

Yuki: Let's hang out!

Minji: Yah! HAN YUKI! It's Monday and we still have classes tomorrow! What's with you?

Yuki: Please Minji (acting cute)... I'm bored, did you not feel sorry for your beautiful BFF? (acting cute again)

Minji: Yah! Yuki, just go home, study and sleep.

Yuki: please... hmm... I will treat you lunch tomorrow... just hung out with me tonight, please. I promise we will just hang out for just 3 hours... pretty please....

Minji: hmm... Fine, fine just for 3 hours ok?

Yuki: Oh Yeah!! ok, what do you want to eat?

Minji: hmm... Chicken and beer?

Yuki: Deal!

Minji: See you at 7 pm.

Yuki: ok! bye!! See yah!!

Minji smile as she ended the call. She arrived at her apartment, she lies down to her bed then looked at the time.

Minji: It is still 5:30 PM, I still have time to sleep.

She's walking in a dark room, she could not see anything. No one's there, she cannot see anything her heart beats so fast. She's afraid, confused. She needs to hide, but she couldn't see it is so dark. 

Minji: Where am I? What kind of place is this? Why is it so dark in here? Where can I hide?

She keeps on walking, swaying her hands to prevent her from bumping anything. She's scared, she keeps on asking herself...

Minji: What kind of place is this?

Then she heard a familiar voice...

??: Minji...

RRRRRRRRiiiiiinnnnngggg.......rrriiiiiiiiinnnnngggg....... rrrrrriiiiiiinnnnngggggg...

Minji opened her eyes, breathing heavily. She woke up from her alarm. she grabs her phone and turned off the alarm.

Minji: What was that dream all about?

Then she looked at her phone.

Minji: Oh... it's 6:30 pm... I need to hurry up.

She got up, change her clothes then grab her hoodies and head out to meet Yuki.

Minji and Yuiki are at the chicken place near ***** University. They talked about random things, they both enjoyed their meal. 

Yuki: Minji...

Minji: hmm? (drinking her beer)

Yuki: Is there something wrong? You keep on spacing out... tell me?

Minji: Ohh... nothing (she smiled at Yuki) just thinking about our upcoming exams.

Minji keeps on thinking about her dream earlier, but she decided to not tell Yuki to avoid Yuki from worrying.

Yuki: ok... after this, let's go-to karaoke!  Let's enjoy our remaining 2 hours!!

Minji: ok.

He saw Minji at the chicken place earlier. She looked bothered.

Yoongi: Is there a problem Minji?

He said quietly while walking his way to his home. He looked at the sky, he sighed he keep on thinking Minji.

Yoongi: Minji... Kang Min-ji...

He snapped out from his thoughts as there is something bumped on his feet. He looked down, and it is not something it is a little kid looking at him. He sat down and asked the kid...

Yoongi: Kid, where are your mom and dad?

Kid: Over there... (pointing his parents then ran towards them)

Minji is staring at her ceiling, she keeps on thinking about that strange dream. 

Minji: Where did I hear that voice before? What was that dream all about? It's weird. 

Yoongi is sitting at his bed, spacing out.

Yoongi: Minji... why do you keep bothering me?


The school bell rang, Minji is sprinting to her class...

Minji: I'm late!!!!!

While she's rushing to her class, she saw Yoongi entering their classroom...

??: Minji...

That mysterious voice flashes back suddenly in her head the moment she saw Yoongi.

Minji: What was that? ugh!! That dream again!

She brushes her hair with her fingers then entered their classroom.

He keeps on staring at Minji while the class is going on. 

Yoongi: What's with you that keep on bothering me? Why do I am really curious about you? 

Suddenly, Minji turned around and look at Yoongi, he's surprised by her sudden action, but Yoongi acts cool and pretended that he's looking at the professor.

Minji felt that someone's staring at her again, so she turned around. But her eyes landed to Yoongi instead, He's listening to the Professor's lesson. 

Minji: Ugh... What's wrong with me? Minji!! get your act straight!! 

She scolded herself.  She couldn't understand what she's been doing lately, she keeps on thinking Yoongi for some reason and it is weird. 

Minji: Minji, You're being paranoid. Maybe I should refrain from watching too many thriller dramas. I've become paranoid these days.

Kkkkkkrrrrrrriiiiiinnnngggggg...... KKkkkkkkkrrrrriiiiiinnnggg...

The classes for the day has ended. Minji rushes to lobby she and Yuki will be going home together.  

In the lobby...

Yuki: Minji!!! ( she waved her hands to Minji)

Minji: Oh!!!

Yuki: How was today's class?

Minji: As usual, nothing special. haha.

Yuki: ( She took her phone, scrolling for something on her phone) Guess what?

Minji: What?

Yuki: I have coupons for chicken and beer!! Let's go to the chicken place where we ate last time!! haha

Minji: (smiled)  Oh!! yeah!! Let's go!! (High five with Yuki)

Yoongi is been looking at Minji from not too far...

Yoongi: There you go again, smiling, laughing...But what's with those mysterious eyes? 

Then he took something from his bag, it is a bracelet. He stared at the bracelet...

Yoongi: You and HER ... (pauses ) are very alike.





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It is really a short chapter. I promise I will do better in the next chapter. :)


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