
Point of No Return

Kyuhyun was standing at the point of no return when he met Yesung.




"...I swear you purposely did this to annoy me, Kyuhyun."





10 years ago...




Cho Kyuhyun, a fifteen year old boy, was wandering in a forest behind his village alone. Being a hyper teenager who had to stay at a remoted countryside was nothing but pure suffering. His family always visited this village hidden amidst mountains during the winter break to visit their grandparents. Not that he didn't love his grandpa and grandma, but you had to understand that living in a village with nothing to do was killing him! He could only call his friends and complained about it so many times before they got bored and refused to answer his call. That was why he decided to check the forest out. Actually, his parents forbade him from coming here but who cared? He was bored and that was the only thing mattered.




Kyuhyun wandered aimlessly until he arrived at a large frozen lake. He whistled. Why didn't his parents tell him that there was a lake here? He could have brought skates and had some fun here! Approaching the lake, he noticed that there was a lone willow tree situating by the lake. Its leaf-less branches hung lifelessly around its trunk. He moved closer and inspected the tree curiously. The color of its bark was flawless white with no spots. He placed his hand on it and was surprised to find out that the bark felt strangly smooth and soft to the touch, almost as if he was feeling a human skin except it had no warmth. Getting even more curious, he placed both hands on the tree and began to feel every part of it.



"Stop ual harassing me, human."

"What the hell!?"



Hearing a voice coming from the tree, he was startled and jumped backward in surprise. Unfortunately, there was nothing but the lake behind him so he fell -straight to the frozen ground.




As if he wasn't unlucky enough, the ice below him began to crack from the impact. His face turned pale after finding out that a spider web pattern was slowly spreading from under his buttom. At this rate, the ice would break and he would fall into the freezing lake, saying goodbye to the living realm without having a first kiss yet!




He yelled at the willow tree but it just stood there silently.


"Don't pretend to be dead! I mean, I know a tree is half-dead during winter but help!"


Its leaf-less branches swirled softly but nothing still happened.


"...Hello Mr. Willow tree? Could you please lend me a hand, I mean, a branch?"


Just as Kyuhyun was about to give up on life, one of the willow tree's slender branch lowered itself to the boy. Kyuhyun quickly grabbed it and pulled himself up from the frozen ground. The ice plate broke as soon as his feet landed on the soil ground and fell into the dark lake. God! He almost became a human flavor ice cream just now!


"Thank you for saving me, although you're the one who made me fall there in the first place. Still, you save me, so I guess you're still a good guy, I mean, a good tree. By the way, how long have you been here? Aren't you bored by yourself here alone? Why are you the only tree living here-"

"... Are you not afraid of me?"

"Huh? Afraid? Why? You literally just saved my life!"

"... What a weird human."


Kyuhyun's heart stopped beating (figuratively, you know, because he wasn't dead) as soon as his gaze fell on the most gorgeous being he had ever seen. A petite man stepped out from behind the willow tree dressed in a sleeveless, one-piece white robe cascading to his ankles and ending just above his bare feet. A dark brown curly vine hugged loosely around his thin waist. Resting above his black hair was a crown made from willow branches. The mysterious man carefully approached the boy, and Kyuhyun found himself being lost in that beautiful black eyes.



"No, I am not the angel. I am the spirit of this willow tree."

"I know. It's just, you're beautiful, like an angel."

"Beautiful?" The spirit frowned, "did you know that angel has a thousand eyes, one on each feather. Their palms and their feet are covered by iron barbs. They have no hair, no eyes, and no nose. On their face lies only a single giant maw with tiny, hundred or thousand sharp teeth. Knowing that, will you still compare me with the angel?"

"Okay, maybe not the angel..." Kyuhyun's face distorted in disgust from the image, "still, you're beautiful. What is your name?"

"Spirits have no concept of name."

"But I can't keep calling you Mr. Willow Tree! Hmm... I know! I'm gonna call you Yesung! Do you like it?"

"I neither like nor dislike it."

"Nice to meet you Yesung! My name is Cho Kyuhyun."


Kyuhyun beamed and extended his hand to hold the spirit's hand. However, his hand just passed through Yesung's hand as if it wasn't there. He could only stare at his hand in shocked.


"Spirits cannot materialize. What you did is useless."


Staring at his hand, Kyuhyun smiled smugly before changing to hold the willow tree's branch instead.


"There, I can hold your hand now!"


The boy stared expectantly at the spirit but the spirit just stared blankly at him. Kyuhyun didn't give up and continued to shake the branch as if he was really shaking a hand. Finally, the spirit sighed and shook the branch in the boy's hand.


"...Nice to meet you, Cho Kyuhyun."

"Nice to meet you, Yesung!"


That was the first time he met the spirit. It was also the first step he took toward the point of no return.





7 years ago...




"Yesung, I miss you!"

"...I cannot say that I exactly miss you, Cho Kyuhyun."

"Tsk, come on Yesung, when will you call me by my name?"

"I am calling you by your name, Cho Kyuhyun."

"... That's not what I mean. Sigh..."


Kyuhyun, now an eighteen years old man, sighed and sat down under the willow tree. Yesung sat down beside the human. One of the tree's branch lowered to the man and swang happily in front of him. Kyuhyun chuckled and gently held the branch in his hand.


"Well, at least your real body is being honest with your feeling."


Yesung still maintained his straight face but two more branches lowered itself to caress Kyuhyun's face lovingly. Kyuhyun laughed and the slim branch in his hand back. He had known the spirit for three years now. Ever since that faithful encounter, Kyuhyun no longer complained when his parents brought him to visit the grandparents. In fact, he even asked his parents to take him here as much as possible. So, instead of seeing the spirit only in the winter break, he now came to this remoted village once a month. Even still, he wished that they could meet more often. Fortunately, his wish came true now.


"Yesung, I'm eighteen now. Do you know what does it mean?"

"You are one year closer to death?"

"Yeah, that's not depressing at all."


Yesung, again, maintained his straight face. However, one of the branches that was caressing the man's cheek lightly slapped him, so Kyuhyun knew that his dear spirit was joking with him.


"I wish you show your emotions through your gorgeous face, not your branches."

"Spirits know no concept of emotions."

"My dear Yesung, I know you're joking with me."


The slim branch slapped his cheek again, though impatiently this time.


"Alright, fine, fine, so, now that I'm eighteen I don't have to wait for my parents to take me here. I can freely come here by myself! Yesung, that means I can see you every weekend! Isn't that awesome!"

" It is indeed amazing. I am so happy to hear that."

"Jeez, Yesung, can't you at least smile? I can barely tell that you're happy!"


One of the branches smacked Kyuhyun's head.


"Ouch! Sorry! Please stay stoic and don't be expressive!"


The same branch that smacked him gently patted where it hit. Kyuhyun smiled and gladly accepted the soothing touch.


"I'll be starting uni soon so I'm gonna be busy. But  don't worry! I'll see you every weekend as promised! Though our lives will be a lot easier if I can take you to Seoul with me."


Kyuhyun turned to Yesung.


"Hey, I'll work hard and save a lot of money. Say, if I bought a house of my own with a garden, do you want to move in with me? I mean, moving your willow tree to my house?"

"That is impossible. I have come to life because of the soil so I will cease to exit as soon as my roots are uprooted from the ground."

"I see... What a shame. It seems I really have to consider about moving here permanently."


Kyuhyun said and held the branch in his hand firmer.




At that time, he didn't know that he had already headed full force toward the point of no return.





2 years ago...




Kyuhyun, now a twenty-three years old man, ran happily to the willow tree by the lake.


"Yesung, look at what I have here!"

"A camera?"

"Yep, I visited an aquarium not long ago because I remembered you said that you want to see a turtle and penguin. Here, aren't they cute?"


Kyuhyun smiled contently as he watched the spirit looking at the picture in his camera with twinkling eyes. Ever since he knew that Yesung couldn't leave this place, he picked up photography as a hobby and took a photo of people, places, animals, and plants that couldn't be found in this forest and showed them to Yesung. He really loved the way Yesung's black eyes shining with interest. So beautiful...


A branch impatiently tapped his cheek.


"Ah, sorry, I'll be more focused now."


He apologized and pressed the button on his camera to see the next picture. At the same time, he answered all questions the spirit asked him. Yesung was like a kid, always eager to learn something new and couldn't stop asking questions once he got curious. He had never got bored of answering them though. In fact, Kyuhyun no longer remembered how it felt to be bored ever since meeting Yesung. Even when they were far apart, his heart never once felt lonely. He survived all hardships by keeping the spirit close to his heart as a headlight, guiding him through even the darkest days.


"Yesung," he called the spirit after they finished looking at the photos, "I have a good news to share with you."


Kyuhyun grinned and shouted at the clear blue sky above him.


"I'm moving here! Permanently!"

"...Is that true?"

"Yes! I got a job as a teacher at the local highschool. The salary isn't the best but I get to see you every day now!"


The branch that he was holding was pulled back.



"Kyuhyun, I think it is time you stop coming here."

"What? You're kidding me, right?"


Yesung didn't say anything. The spirit got up from Kyuhyun's side and stepped onto the lake. His bare feet floated above the surface but the water rippled whenever he took a step. Stopping at the middle of the lake, Yesung slowly turned around to face the man. The afternoon sunlight of spring showered his ethereal body and enhanced his beauty. However, it also made him look more fragile and transparent as if he could disappear at any moment.


"Kyuhyun, I sincerely appreciate your company throughout these past years. However, I am a spirit and you are a human. We cannot be together. Do not waste your time with me and find someone else who can explore the world with you."

"But you're my world!" Kyuhyun said as he headed toward the lake, "there is no place I'd rather be than by your side!"

"What are you doing? Stop. Kyuhyun. You cannot swim."

"Make me then." Kyuhyun challeged the spirit and stepped into the lake. "Because I'll never stop if you're at the end of my journey."


The water was surrounding his ankles now. If he continued to walk, there would be no footing left to stand on and he would drown under the lake. However, just as he was about to take another step, something caught his wrist and pulled him to stop. Looking down, he saw a branch with a tiny green bud firmly holding his wrist.


"You really are a stubborn human, Kyuhyun."


Yesung said with a small sigh as he headed back toward the shore. Kyuhyun unhooked the branch on his wrist and held it instead while staring into the spirit's eyes.


"I'm not stubborn. Yesung, I'm in love with you."


He kissed the branch in his hand and smiled amusingly when it fluttered bashfully in his hold.


"...You love me even though I am not a human?"


Kyuhyun let go of the branch and turned around to face the willow tree. Placing his hand on the smooth trunk, he rested his forehead on the tree and closed his eyes before whispering softly at it.


"Human or not, I know I'll always love you for the rest of my life. Only you. Yesung."


When he opened his eyes again, he saw Yesung's beautiful face right in front of him. The spirit leaned on the tree and stared fixedly at him.


"Spirits do not know what love is, but,"


A branch gently caressed Kyuhyun's cheek.


"I do know that I want to be with you too, forever, Kyuhyun."


Yesung smiled. For the first time ever since they had known each other for eight years, Yesung finally showed an emotion through his spiritual body. Tears threatened to escape from his eyes but Kyuhyun held it back, knowing that a smile would be more appropriate for the situation at hand.


"Then let's be together forever, my dear Yesung."




Kyuhyun finally realized that he was standing at the point of no return but he embraced it gladly, ready to face any consequences that might be thrown in his way.




Present day...




Cho Kyuhyun, now a twenty-five years old man, smiled sheepishly at his boyfriend, the spirit of a willow tree named Yesung.



"...I swear you purposely did this to annoy me, Kyuhyun."


The spirit sighed but extended one of the branch to his human lover anyway. Kyuhyun beamed as he grabbed the branch and pulled himself up from a kneeling position. The ice plate cracked resulting in a wider spider web pattern on its surface, though it still remained intact. Back on the stable ground, Kyuhyun let out a breath and patted his chest in relief.


"Phew, so kneeling on a thin sheet of ice is really a bad idea! I'm glad you're here to save me, Yesung."

"I told you that it is a bad idea but you still do it regardless. Maybe I should have let you drown to teach you a lesson."

"My dear Yesung, I doubt that you will let danger befall me. You're too kind and loving for that."


Yesung rolled his eyes in annoyance, but the slim branch that just saved his lover rubbed itself against Kyuhyun's cheek in worry while slightly shaking. Kyuhyun stopped joking around at once. He caught the anxious branch and brought it to his lips.


"Sorry for scaring you. Promise I won't do it again."

"I shall remember your promise. Anyway, why are you so adamant about kneeling before me in the first place?"

"Oh, that's because I thought kneeling on the ice lake sounds cool!"

"Why do you want to kneel down? That is my question."

"That's because,"


Kyuhyun smiled warmly and kneeled down again (on the ground this time). He took something out from a pocket of his thick jacket and presented it to his boyfriend.


"Yesung, will you marry me?"


The spirit stared unblinking at the object in his human lover's hand, a plain sapphire blue-colored plastic ring with no precious stone adorning it.


"Kyuhyun? This object is...?"

"Our engagement ring." Kyuhyun smiled, "I have one too, see!"


Kyuhyun showed his left hand to the spirit. A similar blue-colored plastic ring was indeed hugging his left ring finger.


"If it's a toy ring then no one will steal it if I leave it here. So, Yesung, your answer?"

"Kyuhyun, I am really happy, but, are you sure?"

"I've never been so sure about my decision in my life. Yes, Yesung, I want to marry you. It doesn't matter that we'll never be like other couples or that we can't engage in physical contact. I love you. That's all that matters to me."


Yesung's spiritual body wavered for a second as if he might disappear. However, he became more vivid and bright in the next second. Placing his hands on his chest, the spirit smiled with tearful eyes as he nodded.


"I gladly accept your oath of marriage. Kyuhyun, thank you."

"I should be the one who said that!" Kyuhyun beamed and stood up, "now, give me your hand."


All branches were lowered and presented to Kyuhyun.


"Very funny, Yesung, give me one of your hands."


Yesung giggled and retracted the branches, leaving only one branch waiting expectantly in front of his human lover, the one that was the closest to the center of the trunk. Kyuhyun slid the plastic ring on the leaf-less branch and watched in amusement how it carefully lifted up to let the ring slide further into the branch. The sapphire blue ring stopped just above the stem of the branch, resting comfortably near the trunk. He kept watching the spirit in joy. His heart almost imploded from happiness just looking at Yesung glancing up at the willow tree, admiring the object that bound them with the most beautiful smile he had ever seen.


"We're officially married now, my dear Yesung. I'll go home and prepare something. Then we'll have a honeymoon tonight, here."

"I shall wait eagerly for the night to come."


Kyuhyun smiled and stepped closer to the tree. He placed his hand on the trunk and whispered in a small voice full of affection.


"I love you, Yesung."


One of the branches gently caressed his cheek.


"I love you too, Kyuhyun."





Unbeknown to the couple, a pair of eyes green with jealousy were glaring at them in hatred from a distance.




The night fell. Kyuhyun headed to the forest with his heart swelling from happiness. He brought many books and more photos with him to show to his (now) husband. Shining a flashlight on the trail, he frowned when he heard a commotion coming from the direction he was heading to. Worry crept up on his heart so he picked up his speed, running to the lake while hoping that nothing happened to his beloved spirit.




"Cut this evil tree down! It bewitches my Kyuhyun oppa and leads him astray!"

"What are you doing! Stop!"


Kyuhyun shouted angrily and pushed a group of three men away from the willow tree. He stood in front of it protectively and glared at the intruders. His gaze turned hateful once he saw that all men were carrying an axe in their hands. Then, his eyes widened in surprise when he saw who was standing among these men.


"Kim Hyejin-ssi? What're you doing here?"


The petite girl, Kim Hyejin, was one of the students he taught. She was also the only daughter of the village head so everyone always let her have her way. Kyuhyun suspected that the girl had a crush on him but he always maintained an appropriate distance from her. He didn't expect the girl to secretly follow him here and found out about his secret.


"Kyuhyun oppa!" Hyejin perked up happily, "I'm glad to finally know the reason why you've been acting weird. It's this evil tree, right? But don't worry! My father's men will cut it down in no time!"

"What nonsense are you talking about!? Yesung isn't evil in the slightest!"

"Yesung?" The girl's face twisted in disgust, "did you name this tree? Oh no, oppa, you were deceived by this evil tree! We must get rid of it immediately. You! Cut it down now!"


The girl ordered the three men. They looked at each other hesitantly but eventually followed the order. They stomped to the tree and raised their axes up before striking down at the tree.




Kyuhyun screamed and tried to take the axe from one of the three men. Physically he wasn't as strong as these adults but he was more determined than these men who were forced to do the task. He engaged in tug of war with the man trying to yank the axe out of the man's grip. The other two men didn't dare to approach them because of how dangerously the axe was swung left and right.


"Teacher Cho! Please, let me do my job!"

"No! I won't let you hurt Yesung!"

"S-Stop! Please! You're going to hurt yourself!"

"No! You stop-"


The man harshly yanked the axe out of Kyuhyun's hands, causing him to lose his grip and his balance. Kyuhyun staggered backward and fell first onto the frozen lake.




Everything fell into sacred silence. Kyuhyun looked down at the ice below him. The moon shining brightly in the sky allowed him to see a spider web pattern that very slowly but gradually spread out from under him. He instantly realized that this was the exact spot where he fell on during the day.






The ice plate broke and Kyuhyun fell into the cold lake. The weight of his bag quickly pulled him further down the pitch black underwater. He struggled to take the bag off and succeeded after a few attempts. He tried to bring himself to the surface but he didn't know how to swim. Moreover, his wet jacket began to drag him down to the bottom of the lake too. Plus, despite the moonlight and a beam from a flashlight, the water under the ice plate was too dark. He barely saw his own hands much less a hole where he fell from. Panic hit him and he accidentally gasped, causing the freezing water to get in his mouth and nose. His lungs screamed from the lack of oxygen and from coldness biting his throat. He tried to move his limps but the pressure of the water surrounding him crushed them to no use. Fatigue slowly ate him inside out. He could barely keep his eyelids open. Even his lungs screamed at him to just give up. So, Kyuhyun stopped his futile attempt. He closed his eyes and let himself fall into the darkness...








Kyuhyun's eyelids instantly shot open. Hope rushed back into his veins and he moved his hands around frantically. Finally, after what seemed like a century, his left hand caught something sturdy but soft. He used what was left of his willpower to hold the thing with both hands and pulled himself up to the surface. Moving his hands up along the thing, he finally escaped the water prison. Kyuhyun coughed painfully as his lungs tried to get the excessive water out. He pulled himself up onto the frozen surface using the thing as a rope. He crawled to the ground with difficulty. When both of his hands and feet were planted firmly on the solid ground, Kyuhyun finally had time to thank his savior, his teeth clattering from coldness biting his skin.


"Cough... Cough, Y-Yesung, t-thank you, you s-save me... again..."





The willow tree that used to stand tall and graceful was now lying across the frozen lake. Most, if not all, of its branches were drowned under the open hole where Kyuhyun just climbed up from. Its roots were completely uprooted from the ground, leaving only a large dent on the soil where it used to be.



"I will cease to exit as soon as my roots are uprooted from the ground."





Kyuhyun carefully called out the name of his beloved spirit. However, he only got silence as an answer. He immediately moved to kneel beside the fallen tree and lightly tapped the trunk. The soft and smooth bark that he loved to feel was now rough and hard.



Like a bark of a normal tree.




"Yesung... No.. No! Can you hear me!? YESUNG!?"



Kyuhyun tapped the trunk faster while repeatedly chanting the name of his lover. However, the only noise that answered him back was that of some insects from far away in the forest, a funeral music to mourn the lose of its guardian.



"Miss Hyejin... I think we should leave them alone..."

"What!? No! You must take Kyuhyun oppa back with me! Where're you dragging me to!? Stop!"


The girl protested while screaming at the top of her lungs, but no followers of her indulge it. They quickly retreated from the scene while taking their upset lady with them, leaving Kyuhyun alone with the fallen tree.





Kyuhyun kept calling his beloved spirit's name until his vocal cord broke and he was no longer able to make any voice. He kept tapping the trunk of the tree until his hand felt numb and blisters were forming. Yet he didn't stop. He continued to call out to his lover despite his voice was quieter than a whisper. He continued to tap the tree despite blood began to seep out from his wound palm.



Yet he got no response from the fallen willow tree.



"Yesung..." Kyuhyun spoke up with a hoarse and barely audible voice, "didn't we promise to be together forever? Why are you breaking our promise like this...?"


Kyuhyun chuckled pathetically at himself when only silence answered him. Then, an idea popped up in his mind. He quickly stood up and tried to pull the tree up from the lying position. Maybe, just maybe, if he could plant Yesung's roots in the soil again, his beloved Yesung might come back to him. So, Kyuhyun used all remaining strength in him trying to pull the tree up. However, the willow tree didn't even budge while his hands were now soaking in blood. Changing his plan, Kyuhyun began to dig the ground and took the soil to the tree, trying his best to cover its roots with the soil as much as possible, ignoring the searing pain in his palms.



But nothing happened.



"Yesung... How could you...? How can you leave me without saying goodbye...?"


Kyuhyun murmured hopelessly and stared at the tree before him. That was when he noticed that, while most of its branches were reaching into the water, one branch stayed safe above the water. It was the one with a sapphire blue-colored plastic ring at its stem.


"You idiot," Kyuhyun couldn't help but chuckle in anguished adoration, "it's just a toy ring. No need to treasure it..."


Kyuhyun rested his forehead on the tree.


"Why don't you treasure your life more...? Why...? Why did you have to save me...?"


For the first time after all the incidents, Kyuhyun finally broke down into a full sob. He howled and cried his soul out while touching the plastic ring on his left ring finger.





Kyuhyun wasn't sure how long he had been crying. Even though his heart was still in pain, his tears were completely dry out so he could only lean unmoving against the fallen tree.


"Yesung, don't worry, everything will be fine. I'm here with you. I did promise to be with you together forever, right?"


His body felt weirdly light. Great fatigue hit him and he suddenly felt sleepy. Keeping his eyelids open had somehow became a difficult task to perform. Despite the coldness of the winter night and snow slowly falling from the sky, Kyuhyun actually felt warm like he was sleeping in a cozy bed. By now, the only muscle he could move were his eyelids, though it got harder and harder to do so.


"Yesung... I... want to... see you... again... and... tell..... you........ that........ I................."



I love you.



Closing his eyes, Kyuhyun fell asleep while still leaning against the fallen willow tree. White snowflakes fell from the night sky one after another on the man and the tree, covering them with a white sheet that protected them from the world.




The morning came. As soon as the village head found out what happened at the lake last night from one of the three men, he led a few men and a doctor into the forest hoping to save the young man. However, they couldn't find any trace of him even after searching the entire forest. The fallen willow tree also mysteriously disappeared. Instead, on the ground by the lake where the two were supposed to be, two tiny green buds shot up from the soil and stood by each other's side.








Many years later. People would tell a tale of a bittersweet story of eternal love between a man and a spirit of a willow tree, and of two willow trees that grew tall side by side near a lake, leaning into one another as if sharing warmth and comfort.







The end.

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What is this? My fic with no fluff ending? *gasp*


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Chapter 1: wait... I never expected it to be this angst... the ending was so tragic why author-nim did you do this to my heart ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ。⁠:゚⁠(⁠;⁠´⁠∩⁠`⁠;⁠)゚⁠:⁠。
Chapter 1: This story is so sad yet so beautiful... I'm bawling my eyes out ಥ╭╮ಥ
Chapter 1: its like a fairytale :((( ohhhhiqhduwhdkabs its so sad :((
Liza_Blessedx2 #4
Chapter 1: Oh my Kyusung heart hurts !! But they are together forever...this is heartbreakingly beautifuI <3<3<3
Chapter 1: this was amazing! The bittersweet ending was so unfairly tragic but at least they're together now :')
400 streak #6
Chapter 1: I'm not crying, I'm not crying, I'm not crying, I'm not crying, I'm not crying, I'm not crying, I'm not crying.........

400 streak #7
shot, it's angst .___. my heart is not ready for this .___. but I love all of your stories, so I NEED TO READ THIS no matter what T^T
By the time I can read your fic properly, I got angst (*꒦ິㅂ꒦ີ) this is so beautiful, happy but sad (*꒦ິㅂ꒦ີ) I hate angst but this is not entirely angst (I think?) so I think I am kinda okay... my heart still aches though ( ´༎ຶㅂ༎ຶ`)
PathxX #9
Chapter 1: It really is bittersweet. Different from your usual, but still so good!
Their love story was so heartwarming though, it makes me wish for more. I'm just going to imagine that they got reborn, both of them are humans and their first meeting would be where the two willow trees stand xD.
Chapter 1: OMG I'm crying so hard right now TT ^ TT This was so beautiful and sad at the same time, my KyuSung feelings TT ^ TT You are amazing author- nim!