I Fall

When I Fall, I Fall - A Satzu Oneshot
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Central Plaza, Korea University | March 2021

“We must stop whatever this is, we all are human and we are equal in this campus, no matter your race, your religion, your economic status, your uality, we are all the same here! We are even! Together we could create Korea University to be a better university, we must end the discrimination start from our campus!” She did her oration at the Diversity Month Main Stage at Central Plaza.

All of the people shouting to her, agree with her statements.

“And as students, we have the right to have all the information about our campus. I promise you transparency on everything, especially on our expenses. We pay the tuition fees and we have the right to know where our money goes, we are done being lied to by the system, friends?”

All agree and nod at her.

“So, I promise you equality, transparency, and aspirations. And of course, I can do it alone, I need you guys to be with me. Together we can do it! STUDENT FIRST! UNITY IN HARMONY!”

All of the audience is clapping for her. People start shouting her name over and over again. I am so proud of her, looking at her being hailed. I put down my iPad and also clapped my hands for her, I would do that a thousand times if I could. I’ve been working with her in the past 3 months, translating all of her visions to be a better narration. But actually, I’ve always felt that she never gave me the hard work. Her visions to lead the Student Association are all clear. Tzuyu has always had her heart to serve others, so when she told me that she would run for President of the Student Association, I am so happy. I know that she could be a very good leader.

Being a mixed-race in the university political system sure wasn’t always easy for her. She needed double efforts to prove to everybody that she’s capable of being a leader despite her gender and her race, even though Tzuyu already gave up her Taiwan nationality, people are still seeing her as a foreigner, and Tzuyu never lied about that, she always said that she’s so proud to be that way. I do feel that she represented us all, she’s a woman and it’s rare for a woman to be a leader in this patriarchy system, and she’s mixed-race, she could be our voice because she understands us, foreigners, better than the other. Tzuyu always cared about that issue in the university, racial discrimination, gender equality, ual orientation. Tzuyu has lots of gay friends here and she knew they’re all being bullied. Tzuyu always stands up for them.

Tzuyu always wanted to talk about transparency. Tzuyu experienced lots of corruption practices during her tenure as President of KUSSO (KU Social Service Organization), some faculty and professors used her to get money from the social activities even though the money should be allocated to those who needed it but still they managed to get the advantage of it. As the center of the organization, she can't do much and she really hates that. She doesn't want the campus to continue practices like that anymore, it’s the student’s money, it should be used for a very good cause.

Tzuyu has always been clear about what she wants, she wanted me to deliver this good message to be a good narration, but for me, it would always be back to her. She’s a good orator. When she spoke, all eyes were on her, and she was very direct, and she always lent a hand to those screaming for help, people were glad to be beside her. And secondly, she’s so pretty, she’s so so beautiful. People could stop and stare for a while to her face. It got some stopping power.

I genuinely want her to be the next KU Student Association president, she would do a great job communicating, negotiating, and catering what students really need, hence I used my expertise to help her. As a communication major, we are taught to be a good communicator. I helped Tzuyu’s campaign as Communication Director. I helped found her self branding, her credo, her main message, I reviewed her speech as well, I led the design team too. I treated this university scale campaign to be a real professional work, who knows it could be my portfolio as well, right?

Besides, working for someone you love was all easy for me.

No matter how I ignore this feeling for her, I keep falling deeper and deeper for her. Well, it’s easy to fall in love with her. Despite her fierce face, she has a kind heart, a very kind heart. She’s also friendly, she gets along with anyone, she realized that people are afraid to approach her so she approached them first. She’s nice but she has that kind of aura that made people hesitate to get close to her, but once you know her, she’s just sweet and caring. I guess that’s what made her really popular among other candidates, though she’s a very good person, she’s also charismatic and she’s a good leader.

Well, for me maybe it was all love at first sight. I know this is utter bull, but it’s true. The first time I landed my eyes on this person at the Suktap Daedong Festival, I knew that I like her already.

Suktap Daedong Festival, Korea University | May 2018

It’s a cool day in the afternoon, the weather is just fine, 19 degrees Celsius, perfect weather, not too hot, not too cold, I am praying that the forecast doesn't call for the sun. It would be hella chaotic if it rains. But the sun shines just fine. It’s a beautiful day to enjoy this festival once in a while. I help the Korean University International Student Association to take care of their booth at this hour. I loved to greet all the international students that came here and take our flyers. A year ago, KUISA helped me settle down with my campus life, they took care of me and helped me adjust my new life. After struggling 2 years of learning the language, finally, I got accepted to the best university, and my fellow friends at KUISA helped me a lot. Turns out there are so many Japanese students who came and studied here. They were all warm and friendly to me.

So, I would like to return the favor. I greeted them warmly so they could enjoy their study here without any worries. Being an international student somehow , especially when the language becomes the barrier, and I know that feeling too well. I handed out flyers to them, to join our first meeting and orientation in June. Lots of international students came to the booth, it’s crazy that I met so many people from different countries.

Then I saw this girl, she looked a little bit lost. Looking at the booths and taking out flyers from them. Maybe she is still considering which club she wants to join, she listened to her seniors well. She doesn’t look like a Korean, she has perfect rounded eyes and to be honest, she’s breathtaking, she’s tall and beautiful. She might be a foreigner just like me. Or maybe not.

Oh come on, Sana stops checking out female freshmen for god sake.

The girl then stops and checks out the booth, I am standing in front of it and starts to talk to her.

“Hi, we’re from Korean University International Student Association, I welcome you to Korea University! Where are you from?” I talked to her, there might be a big chance that she came from outside Korea since she’s checking our booth.

“Oh hello, Sunbaenim. I am Chou Tzuyu, Class of 2022. Nice to meet you” This girl is bowing at me. Right, she’s not from here. The name sounds like a Chinese name to me.

“Oh yes, nice to meet you as well. I am Sana, a sophomore student at the School of Media and Communication, I am from Japan” I said to her.

“Oh, I am a Political Science and International Relations freshman, Sunbaenim” Tzuyu explained. Wow, it’s rare for an international student to pick such a major.

“Oh, nice. It’s rare for an international student taking that major”

“I am sorry, Sunbaenim. I am Korean. But my father is Taiwanese and I lived there up until middle school. I held dual citizenship before but just a couple years ago I chose Korean. Still feel like I am a foreigner actually, people have treated me that way. Can I join the club?”

“Oh, I am so sorry. But our club is actually only for international students. But, you could apply to a buddy program later if you’re interested” Too bad because I really want to accept her.

“What's a buddy program?”

“It’s the program of assisting international students individually by Korean students to adapt with life at the campus and Korean culture, International Office would do the recruitment when you’re in sophomore next year”

Tzuyu nods at me, she seems disappointed.

“But thank you for interest, we have so many events and it is open to the public, if you would like to come, please come. We have lots of Taiwanese students here if you want to catch up with them. Just follow our social media and you’ll be updated” I point her to our social media contact at the flyers.

She smiled and nodded, “Nice. Okay then Sana Sunbaenim, thank you for your kind information”

“Yes, of course, Tzuyu. See you around!” I wave her goodbye and give her my warm smiles.

Damn, she’s gorgeous, she’s so beautiful.

Too bad that I haven’t seen her ever since that day, I guess she’s busy. I never see her coming to KUISA’s event. Well, freshmen are always busy, or maybe she’s been occupied with other clubs. Too bad that we never cross path in the campus building as well, I guess she really is busy with her new university life

It was a short encounter for me, but I can’t stop thinking about her sometimes. Phew.

Community Service, Pohang | October 2018

I arrived in Pohang after a 4,5 hours journey by bus. It was raining hard for 4 hours straight, Pohang must be flooded even worse this time. 2 days ago I saw on the bulletin board that they needed more volunteers to help the city, they got hit by the Typhoon a week ago and the situation there is becoming worse, KUSSO or KU Social Service Organization is always trying to be the first immediate responder, especially to natural disasters. I applied to be the volunteer immediately, I saw on the TV that they already evacuated the citizens from the core disaster place, so many elderly lives there and my heart hurt seeing them crying on the national TV talking about how floods swept their dwelling. So, I signed up when they said that they need more volunteers.

I arrived at the evacuation place, they turned the big basketball arena to be the evacuation site. When I arrived there, I could see that people were crying, some of them losing their family members, some of them still hoping that search and rescue teams would find their missing family. It was chaotic and sad at the same time. Most of them are elderly. My heart can’t take it seeing those scenes. So many volunteers from other organizations come and help as well. Thank God they all wore different vests so I can easily detect my university group.

They split us into teams, I got to be in the public kitchen. I helped them cut the vegetables, cooked and checked some dishes, washed the equipment as well, I tried my best to help them. Even though we’re so tired and the public kitchen was so hot even though outside it’s 15 degrees celsius, I sweated a lot, but we all know that we are doing something for a good cause. The kitchen was so full of laughter and people were singing together in order to ease our tiredness. And after that, we distributed all the meals for everyone in the shelter, not only to the victim but to our fellow volunteers as well. Our team leader always said that we should also eat well because we need to be strong for them so that they can rely on us. I distributed the soup and rice to the victims in the main hall, my friends pushed the food cart while I delivered to each one of them, seeing their smile when I gave them a meal melts my heart. I never knew that my small action caused a big impact on them. I am beyond happy at his place.

We’re done distributing the meal, I look at their face, thank God that they still want to eat something even though I know that they are all worried about everything. I used the sidewall to lean on, well I can’t lie that my body is tired though my heart is content. I bow a bit, smacking some sore spot on my knees with my hand, punching my knees cause it’s weak. I look up to the people again, then suddenly I straighten up my posture again.

I see her.

I see Chou Tzuyu.

She’s a little bit far from me, but I know that it’s her, she’s visible to my eyes. She wears plain black clothes wrapped in our KUSSO’s volunteer vest. Her hair is tied up in a ponytail, she has bangs now. I could see that she’s a little bit drenched in sweat as well. All volunteers are working hard. She kneels in front of this one grandmother, she smiles at her. Of course, I can’t hear their conversation but Tzuyu seems to listen to her and give her a very big smile, she both laughs in the end. She laughs, it shows her dimples. The grandmother then a little bit choked upon laughing with her, and Tzuyu then helped her open the water bottle and give it to her, helping her drink as well she stands up while rubbing the grandmother’s back, soothing her so she can stop coughing. Tzuyu then kneels to her again, and smiles at her, Sana could read her lip saying, I am sorry and the grandmother gesturing that it’s alright and they keep talking again. It was a very heartwarming scene to me, the way she cared about this grandmother.

“That ponytail girl, she came from your school as well, right?” A male adult volunteer from another organization who stood beside Sana talked to her, all of sudden.

“Oh, yeah she is” Sana answered it politely to the man.

“I’ve never seen a university student volunteer as passionate as her, she was on the first group that arrived here and she’s been staying here for 4 days straight, helping us all night and day, taking care of everything, she always slept late and woke up early in the morning again. She said yes whenever we asked for a hand and look, she still has time to check on the victims here sometimes, talking to them and soothing them. She’s a great person” The man said it while looking at her.

I am also looking at her with a proud smile, I don’t know why but I am so proud of her right now.

Guess I do like and I adore a very right person.

Chou Tzuyu, to me, she's perfect.

Community Service, Hope Nursing Home | April 2019

I am so excited, ever since my first volunteering with KUSSO, I want to do it more and more. But the past semester I’ve been busy with my final projects, and recently I went back to Japan for my winter holiday and spent time with my family. Finally, I could join another KUSSO volunteer event again, this time they need volunteers to do community service at the nursing home in Gyeonggi-do. Ever since I saw genuine smiles from the elderlies at Pohang, I want to see it again, their smiles strengthen me and give me hope. I am so excited my heart is so happy and actually nervous doing these volunteer things again. I’ll be meeting all the elderly and I should prepare my best smile. It’s a small team going there, compared to the natural disasters team, right now I am going with only 14 members.

We arrived at 8 am in the morning and they already briefed us what to do on the bus. We are divided into 4 teams, washing team in charge of helping washing the bedsheet and cover, cooking team in charge of making lunch and dinner later, companion team is to take the elderly outside and letting them enjoy Vitamin E from the sun, the last team is in charge with helping in the arts and music class. I got into the class team and made dinner later, we would have a rotation system where each person would take 3 jobs.

We entered the nursing home and 2 people greeted us.

One is the nursing home director.

And the other is Chou Tzuyu.

Freaking Chou Tzuyu is here!

Wow, she's really here.

Upon seeing me, she’s a little bit shocked and bows lightly at me from the back of the nursing home director. She recognized me. Oh my God, Chou Tzuyu recognizes me.

“Welcome to the Hope Nursing Home and I thank you all for coming up here and help us”

“Ah no, Doctor Jeon, it’s our pleasure to be up here actually, thanks for always taking us in”

“Aigo, your team leader here always has a sweet mouth isn’t she?”

We all laughed at the statement, I really thought that Jiwon, my junior friend from School of Law is the team leader for today, but it’s Tzuyu.

“Okay, please proceed to your post, friends, and Sunbaenim, the classroom is on the right, washing room in the back, the kitchen area is on the left-wing, you can follow the nurses just fine. Let’s go to work” Tzuyu said to us.

She made a bow to me once again, I just realized that I am the only senior here at the moment. All of them are my juniors, but I don’t really care about that tho, my goal here is to help the nursing home. I follow the nurse to the right side and enter the classroom, the grandmas and grandpas are already there waiting for the teacher. Our job is to help them and guide through this art class. Today they are going to paint flowers. The teacher brought a vase of flowers and put it in the middle, she showed a demo first on how she draws flowers, then she asked the students to start drawing. Me and her team were roaming around and helped all the elderly at drawing, some of them weren't able to see things well, they helped them pick up the right color as they requested. I am so happy looking at them coloring and painting the object, they all looked so happy, it makes me happy too. I tried my best to be patient and help them a lot. Sometimes I chat with them, asking what they need and also I teased them, I make jokes to make them laugh, cause seeing them laugh re-charge me. The class is over, in 3 hours the teacher had 2 classes and we helped them.

It’s time for lunch! We all gathered at the dining room, Jiwon already said on the bus that we should eat with them, not sitting in a group with just us. So after I grabbed my lunch, I sat and mingled with the grandpas and grandmas, I heard laughter from the back of my table, I looked at it. It’s at Tzuyu’s table. She made jokes and made everyone in her circle laugh. It's similar to when I once saw her in Pohang. She’s so good at taking care of others, especially elders. I come back to my food again and smile to myself while making conversation with other elders, talking to them, and taking care of their meals as well.

I moved to the nurse station after, and asked for a wheelchair because I was assigned to be in the companion team. I went to room number 230, and met this grandfather, he was so sweet. I helped him move to the wheelchair and I took him outside to get him some fresh air. I parked the wheelchair beside the bench in the nursing home park. I sit there while messaging his left arm. He said that I remind him of his granddaughter who lives in the U.S. When she’s here she always messages him like this. I smiled at him and talked to him, seeing him also reminded me of my late grandfather, he always spoiled me and I really loved talking to him. But now he’s gone.

We stayed at the park talking to each other for hours, grandfather Kwon shared so many stories, she told me a lot about unification things, he was a soldier back then. It was an interesting and sad story as he hoped that he could see both countries live in peace again like the old-time before he died. He keeps the faith that South and North would reunite again someday. Hearing his stories didn’t bore me at all, I really love his story. But the time has to split us as I am needed to be in the kitchen at 5 pm for cooking dinner. I pushed the wheelchair back to his room again and helped him get up to his bed. He’s thanking me, for listening to him. Actually, I am the grateful one here, now I know a lot about Korean history from the war veteran himself. I bow to him and let him rest.

I went to the kitchen to do my last task.

I entered the kitchen and saw her chopping the onion now.

“Oh Sana Sunbaenim, you’re here” She bows at me then shouting my name.

“Oh, you remember me, Chou Tzuyu?”

“Of course I am. Here” Tzuyu stop chopping and give me the apron.

“I’m sorry I was talking with grandfather Kwon until I lost time,” I said.

“That’s okay, I saw that. Grandfather Kwon loves to chitchat, especially about unification, right?”

“Oh yes, you’re right!” So Tzuyu once also talked to him

“The last time I talked to him about politics, it took us 6 hours”

“Well, you're a Political student, I am not surprised then,” I said it while wearing my apron

"So, you do remember me as well?" Tzuyu asked.

I replied to her only with a smile, “So, what can I help you?”

“Can you help me slice the radish, Sunbae?”

“Oh okay okay” I look at the radish and wash them first.

“So we’re the only two for the dinner team?”

“Yeah, two would be enough I think. I sent the other one to the washing team. It requires extra efforts, they need help”

I nodded at her.

The kitchen staff then come back after washing the vegetables outside. We all start chopping things and start cooking. It wasn’t easy to cook dinner for hundreds of people with only 5 of them. But again I am so happy doing these good things. So happy that I could use my hands to help at this nursing home.

So happy to be in the same place as Chou Tzuyu.

Oh come on Minatozaki Sana, focus!

Today’s dinner menu is, galbitang, japchae, rolled eggs, stir vegetables, and radish kimchi. Tzuyu and I are in charge of making rolled eggs, it wasn’t perfect at all, we both kept laughing as we flipped the egg because at some point we ruined it, but the kitchen staff said that’s okay. But it looks okay in the end, we’re both proud of our own masterpiece. Then we made radish kimchi, the kitchen staff already measured the ingredients and we did only the stirring with our hands, sometimes we ate it secretly. I guess we’re both now full of radish kimchi.

After we’re done making the dinner, we also helped the kitchen staff to distribute the menu to their tray. Thank God that I ate some rolled eggs and japchae in the kitchen, I wasn’t really hungry at the moment. Tzuyu said the dinner team would be the last team to complete the task because after that we should help the kitchen staff clean up the kitchen and the dining hall as well. Tzuyu said that she always picks this job so they could send their team to rest, and she said sorry to me that she dragged me to this mess.

Well, actually I am fine doing all of this, as long as I could be with you the whole time.

After they all eat the dinner, we then collect the tray, put it on the washing machine, and clean up the kitchen, store the leftovers ingredients in the refrigerator. Wrap some leftover dishes and give them to the night shift nurses. It was a tiring day, but my body doesn’t feel it at all. I am so happy that I could help this nursing home. I rest my foot in the back kitchen, there’s this outdoor place where the kitchen staff took a break for a while, and there are chairs and a table and I sat there.

I know the tiredness kicking, I stretch my back and I could hear the crack sound. , I need to do some exercise.

Tzuyu send the kitchen staff home and said that we both should clean up the place, Tzuyu said to me that it was rare for them to at least go home an hour early, they all have their families waiting at home and since we’re here to help, we should really help her till the end.

Tzuyu and her mind. So, it was true they said that Tzuyu is serving people with her heart. She’s so sincere, at the same time she has this cold charisma from the outside, but once you know here, she’s just a sweet person.

Tzuyu then came to the back kitchen as well and found me.

“Oh, there you are Sunbaenim” Tzuyu smiles at me and sits and the chair beside me.

“Tired?” Tzuyu asked.

“Not gonna lie, I am tired. But, I am so so so so happy doing all of this”

Tzuyu smiles at me widely, “I could see that”

I am saying so while messaging my own hand.

“Oh, I forget, I save the food for us at the microwaves, we should eat a little”

Tzuyu goes back inside and takes something. Tzuyu brings Japchae and rolled eggs, plus aged kimchi from the fridge.

“Tzuyu, what time is it?” I asked.

“Tzuyu put down the food on the table and looking at her watch, it’s 9.30”

“Oh , the bus leave at 9, my phone is in my locker, they must be waiting for me”

I am ready to speed up but then she stops me, holding my wrist. My heartbeat uncontrollably

“They already left,” Tzuyu said.

I widen my eyes, “WHAT?”

“Sit down Sunbae, and let’s eat first” I hesitated to sit back, but she insisted, “Come on”

I become obedient and sit down.

“I’ll take you home, I took my car here because I needed to be early this morning. So you could ride with me then. I sent them home because we haven’t done cleaning up and the bus should leave at 9”

I am a little bit calm then after hearing her explanation, “Oh, thank God”

“I am also here, Sunbae, and I am your team leader, I have the responsibility to send my team members back home safe and sound” Tzuyu made a joke and she laughed to herself.

“Now, let’s eat first then we could drive back,” Tzuyu said, opening the kimchi box.

I take a deep breath and smile at her, I sit back and relax again, and eat the food.

“Sunbae, I am planning to participate in the upcoming KUSSO Chairman election, do you think I have the chance? I am only a sophomore student tho, but I have the guts that I can do this”

“Wow, that’s a bold action”

“I know, well maybe I shouldn’t do it”

“Hey, you’re giving up before even starting the war? No, you shouldn’t. You should challenge yourself, Tzuyu-ssi. The when people said that only juniors could lead university organizations or clubs, it isn’t about the seniority level, it’s about the capability. If a sophomore like you have all the traits to lead this organization and you are confident about it, then go ahead, of course”

Tzuyu looks at me and smiles.

“Right?” She said.

“Yeah, I’ve seen your good passion in this organization Tzuyu, and I could feel that you’re a sincere girl, a warm person inside, aren’t those basic things that a social service worker should do? You do not only have all the traits but you have the heart to serve. Don’t give up Chou Tzuyu, I want to see you lead this organization”

Tzuyu nods, “Thank you, Sunbae. Your words mean a lot to me”

“You’re welcome”

I am sincere as well. I loved to see how she’s so passionate about doing this, and she would be a great leader.

We tidy-ing up again after we’re done eating. We headed to the parking lot and I took the ride with her. Again for some odd reason my heart is beating so fast I told her my address, it’s near the campus, she sets her GPS and we go. It is embarrassing that I left her sleeping on the passenger seat instead of accompanying her on the drive back to Seoul. I apologized to her too many times but she said that it’s okay and understands that I am tired. I waved goodbye after I got out of her car. Still looking at her car until I can see hers anymore.

Sure it was a long long day.

But I am so happy.

International Student Festival 2020 | October 2020

Busy. Busy. Busy

That would be the best words to explain my situation in the past 3 days. Finally, after 5 months of preparation, the annual International Student Festival ended today. I am so thankful that everything has gone really well since day one. International and local students are enjoying the festival and because this event is open for the public as well, so many people come and check the event out. Well, it’s the place to know more about foreign culture from its culinary, arts, etc. It’s such an honor to serve as Festival Director to this event. I can’t believe at first that the Student Association President picked me and trusted me on this project.

I joined the Student Association in March 2020, they did open recruitment in January and I signed up for this. Many students wanted to join the Student Association, it's the prestigious student organization body in our university. I took a break last semester as I got into an internship program at the South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affair and now I am back to the campus again.

I just tried my luck applying to the SA, did the assignments and the killer interview, surprisingly I got in. I applied to be on the Cultural Planning Division, I said to them on the interview that as an international student here, it’s my job to promote KU to other foreigners, I said that I would be working with the international office to create more effective and creative messages to grab people’s attention to KU, it is also a good opportunity to introduce Korean culture to the new public. Also, I said that creating an event it’s always a School of Media and Communication thing, it’s our expertise to make a new concept for the benefit of our major stakeholder, students. Well indeed, my department has a big annual festival and it could grab thousands of people to come to the campus.

And because of that interview, on the first representative meeting, the President chose me to be the festival director. The President remembered how I was so confident saying those things about promoting international culture in the KU area, Well, it was nerve-wracking but I accepted the challenge. Oh, another shocking thing when I attended our first representative meeting. I saw her again. Chou Tzuyu. She was up in the front with all the Central Executive Officers, the highest positions in the association served at Secretary-General. There are only 5 members in the Central Executive Officers, the President, and vice, secretary-general, internal, and external affairs head. And Tzuyu is the only junior up there. We all know that the positions in the Central Executive place mostly is the prestigious place for the fourth-year student. I believe because of her expertise and competence, Tzuyu now can sit there. We rarely have interaction after she became the President of KUSSO, I once met her and she said, turns out being the President because she can do things she loves like volunteering at the nursing home, being the President she should do the planning and meeting people. I just smile at her. And there she served as Secretary-General for the precious Student Association.

I met Tzuyu after the firs

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Chapter 2: Wow. Definitely a good read.
There are some grammars errors, but honestly they're not too bad. Also, at one paragraph, you referred to Tzuyu as a 'he/him'. But what do I know?! My grammar is to begin with haha.

Anyway, onto the review. I like how the characters grew overtime. The topic is also interesting, political sience 👌🤌. Yes please, we need more honest women on top.

Honestly, volunteering is one of the most taxing activities out there, but the reward can be so fulfilling as well.

Sana's feeling grew from mere admiration to pure love overtime. Luckily, Tzuyu was single, or implied to be single at the time, if not, I'm pretty sure she'd be taken. You've portrayed her as this selfless, and gorgeous being! Lmao. Who wouldn't want to be with her?

This is pretty light, but it touches heavy subjects. I hope to see more of this approach in fanfiction. Especially wlw fanfics.

Thank you for writing!!
sanastael #2
Chapter 2: This was amazing ... why do I miss them both already
GreenAlien25 #3
Chapter 2: I really love this. I reread this story for 5times now. Thank you for a wonderful story author <3
Chapter 2: rereading this and still love it
Chapter 2: <3
BaechuJyuu #6
Chapter 2: I guess then the reason I'm still single is because I didn't commit my student life to engage with people and plus... I love my technologies more where I can find some Satzu moment.... Love this , author-nim!!
Chapter 2: This such a great story to read, i had so much fun read these. I cried at the perfect end. You did a very great job, author. Also, i like how you wrote this story with communication major experience, since i am one, i feel like i'm motivated to be a good communication student just like Sana. Thank you author-nim. Keep up the good work!
Chapter 2: i found a gem. Your words and ways of describing them is pretty epic. I love it, dud. You're awesome, the patience in the story, the issues and the dream. It's damn cool and probably one of the unique stories i've seen.
FillDir 306 streak #9
Chapter 2: I'll be honest, I didn't trust you when you said this would be light. I don't know, I've been having trust issues with authors when they say there will be no angst. So I read the ending first, and I'm happy I did not pass up the opportunity to read this story. Thank you for sharing your work with us readers, I'm sure I'm not the only one who would love to see more of your stories!
14 streak #10
Chapter 2: My satzu heart felt so full after I read this. Can’t wait to read more from you.