Chapter 4

High Tides
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Jongdae hums quietly beside you, his lovely black horse a stark contrast to the one you ride.

The forest trail you ride through is a few degrees cooler, the shades of the trees shielding the world in a quiet embrace. You feel your stomach flutter with absolute joy, being able to ride a horse and see the world like this. You can hardly believe it.

You suppose there is a silver lining to everything.

“We’re almost there, Your Majesty.” Jongdae says, and you can already hear it. The rushing of water—quick, indeed. It is a secret, but you’ve actually swam through the river countless times, which is why you know of it. The water is fast, but your tail has always been stronger. It was exhilarating to be carried away by the water, seeing the trees just above the surface flash by.


To think you would be on the other side of the water right now.


Arriving at the side of the river, you halt your horse and the others follow.

“Now what?” A soldier asks, rather gruffly and you throw him a glare. He clears his throat, but doesn’t apologize for his rudeness.

“We go this way,” You point upstream. “On horse, it should take us about half an hour.”

“It won’t work.” You hear one of them whisper to their comrades. “This is stupid. We should save time and go around.”

You ignore him, urging your horse forward. They reluctantly follow as you head the opposite direction of the water flow.


“How are you, Your Majesty?” Jongdae catches you off-guard with the question, his smile betraying nothing.

“I am well.” You answer. “Why do you ask?”

“It must be strange for you.” He says. “You know, coming to a foreign place with a foreign way of doing things.”

Your hands tighten around the reigns. “Yes, but fascinating all the same.”

“King Jongin is a good man.” He continues. “Maybe a little too good. He is gentle and can easily be taken advantage of.”

You don’t like where this is going. “Are you implying that I would take advantage of him?”

“Never, Your Majesty.” The way he says your title now seems to be filled with venom. So even he does not trust you. You should have known.

“I do not wish for another war.” You spit out. “And in all honesty, I do not wish to rule either. The people belong to him, and him alone. I am merely here as decoration, is that not so?”

You take a breath to reel yourself back in, to regain control over yourself. You are slipping, and that won’t do. You must be strong, for it’s the only thing you can do.

Jongdae watches you all too carefully. “Forgive my rudeness, Your Majesty. I just wish my home well.”

His home. You let out a tight smile. “Of course. All is forgiven.”


Silence accompanies you for the remainder of the ride to the mouth of the river. As you said, the water is much slower here, and should be safe to walk across. With a long, thick rope, you order the soldiers to tie themselves together so it’s harder to be washed away. Horses go first, the solders following close behind to guide them to shore. The strength of the horses help pull the soldiers up, and the cargo goes last, with a few remaining soldiers to make sure nothing gets washed away.

You are among the last to cross, panic beginning to rise inside of you. You had forgotten what would happen if you were to enter water.

“Your Majesty?” A soldier beside you calls. “We should cross now.”

You’re snapped out of your worry, blinking at him. You refrain from shuddering in fear as you stare at the river. “Yes…let’s go.”

The soldiers enter the river, wobbling slightly to find their balance against the rushing water. One by one they enter, the rope tugging at you, signaling for you to join them.

Taking a deep breath, you enter the water, feeling your body react instantly, your legs already going numb as they begin to join.

“Hurry!” You bark at the soldiers in front of you, but you can see they are struggling to push the cargo onto shore.

“It’s too heavy!” A solider cries as the carts begin to fall back into the water. 

“Use the horses!” You order, feeling your scales begin to grow in. Your tail is separating into fins now, it’s almost fully complete. “Hurry, please!”

The soldiers in front of you throw you an odd—and irritated—glance. The ones on shore begin tying the ropes onto the carts and the horses. Using the horses as the main power source, they all begin to pull the cargo onto shore together.

At last, all the cargo are safely on shore; wet but still usable. The soldiers cheer at the success, having saved hours of traveling if they were to go around.

You sigh in relief, but you’re not safe yet. The ropes continue to pull at you as the soldiers you were connected to begin to move away.

“Your Majesty? Why aren’t you coming up?” Jongdae asks, and you are put under the spotlight.

“Must feel too much like home.” Someone snickers. “Bet she doesn’t wanna leave.”

“Just stay in the water, monster.”

Your eyes widen, feeling the words stab

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Chapter 15: This was magical in a way. I can’t believe her father treated her like. I’m glad she found her happiness and a home in Jongin.
Fireflies123 #2
Chapter 15: This story is so beautiful. Than you for a memorable and enjoyable fic.
mrvnrky #3
Chapter 13: I wonder what she is if not mermaid. I think she’s something stronger.
Fireflies123 #4
Chapter 11: I finally got enough to be able to support the crowdfund. I’m definitely not disappointed with chapter 10. Chapter 9 made me a bit anxious with the way it ended in worry for the oc but after reading this chapter it’s made me a bit hopeful for the future of the oc and the baby. I’m glad Jongin came to his senses but he still hurt her so I can understand her pain. I hope in the future the oc will continue to get stronger and that one day she’ll make her horrible feel regret. Thank you so much for writing. Also I saw that you once mentioned wanting to turning this into an actual book and I would enjoy reading it if you do and support it.
Chapter 8: What an annoying family. It's a good thing she has "escaped" them
Chapter 7: Stupid me just realized that this is a x Reader fic 🤦‍♀️
Chapter 6: Poor girl. She deserves so much more