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A yell emerged from the stairs, heavy steps following right after. 




Another one, louder this time. Minjoo’s school shoes slammed through every step, frustration evident on her face. She has been calling her “slave” for quiet a while now, but the girl wasn’t even answering. She often wonder how a servant be that arrogant, if she knew Yujin would be this stubborn, she should’ve asked her parents to let her rot alone in this house instead. 


“AN YUJIN! WHERE’S MY BAG?” she exclaimed, barging into the kitchen with a scowl on her face. Indeed, there goes An Yujin, whisking what Minjoo think are eggs, frying them right after as the appetizing smell warmed the place. 


At least Yujin’s being useful at something.


That’s still wasn’t an excuse though, she should be giving Minjoo what she wants, and right now, she NEEDS her bag. 


“Wasn’t it in your room?” Yujin answered nonchalantly, focusing into cutting the onions, making sure they weren’t that thin, nor too thick for Minjoo’s taste. The latter was really choosy with what she eats.


Minjoo gasped at her in disbelief, staring at Yujin with wide eyes, thinking about how disrespectful her supposed-to-be servant was.


“Would I be asking you if it’s in my room?!” Minjoo deadpanned, slamming her hands into the counter-top. 




Yujin jumped back in surprise, a cut settling on her index finger. She looked at the blood oozing out of it and sighed, placing the knife down as she washed her index finger at the skin, a frown painting her face.


“Are you seriously ignoring me?!” Minjoo exclaimed, approaching the girl and swinging her by the shoulder, forcing Yujin to face her.


“Why are you so disres- what’s that?” she stopped, eyes landing into the tiny drop of blood into the cut on Yujin’s finger. The younger merely stared at her, grabbing a towel before cleaning her wound. Yujin walked away from Minjoo and into the older girl’s room, leaving the older girl in the kitchen.


Yujin trudged inside, inviting herself inside Minjoo’s messy room. She heaved a sigh, knowing she’ll be the one who’d be cleaning all of these later. Minjoo have a hobby of bossing her around, making it her profession to ask Yujin do even the simplest things that she could do herself.


She was basically Minjoo’s parent now, doing her chores, cooking her food, preparing her things for school- everything. After Mr. and Mrs. Kim died, she was left to take care of the girl. Yujin was too young, and Minjoo had always been a headache, yet she can’t leave her alone, cause as rare as Minjoo says it, she needs Yujin. 


Turns out the bag was sitting perfectly beside Minjoo’s bed, perfectly tucked in between the space of her bed and the study desk. Yujin shut her eyes tightly, both hands turning into fists as she groaned silently, punching Minjoo’s bag with little to no force; Minjoo would never forgive her if she ruin her expensive looking bag.


She took a deep breath, grabbing the bag carefully, careful to not hit it with her blood-stained finger.


“Here’s your bag, bratty princess. Yes, I found it in your room cause I was actually looking.” Yujin mocked, running down the flight of stairs. She expected Minjoo to insult her back- cause she loathes being called a brat- but instead, she was welcomed with a frowning face, Minjoo holding the medical kit with arms crossed. 


Yujin blinked, unable to process what’s happening. 


“Stop staring, it’s creeping me out.” Minjoo grunted, to which Yujin responded with a tilt of the head, eyes still peeled unto the kit on the older girl’s hand. Minjoo saw where Yujin was looking, concluding that the girl’s confusion was totally valid- even Minjoo was surprised herself.


But she wasn’t that heartless; that cut looked awful. And also she felt partially guilty for scaring Yujin like that.


“Can you please stop staring and just sit?!” Minjoo demanded, suddenly feeling uneasy with the weight of Yujin’s stares. She looked at the ground instead, eyeing the floor instead.


The latter regained her composure right after, nodding slowly before taking a seat into the kitchen chair, placing Minjoo's bag into the counter.


Minjoo finally looked at the seated girl, approaching her slowly. Yujin was staring at her wound with a frown, lips jutting out to form a slight pout.


“Stop overreacting, that’s just a cut.” Minjoo muttered, opening the aid box. She could see Yujin looking at her through her peripheral vision, and she let it be this time, focusing on the task at hand more. She grabbed a plaster, planning to cover Yujin’s cut neatly.


Unfortunately, she wasn’t an expertise on this field, and even before she could open it up, the band-aid snapped, both ends taped with each other and was beyond repair. 


The two girls blinked, Minjoo glaring at the poor band-aid whilst Yujin facepalm on her seat. The older girl glared at her as well, Yujin remaining unfazed. She grabbed a plaster for herself, scooting closer into Minjoo before showing her how to open it perfectly, totally usable. 


“That’s how you do it. Though I appreciate the gesture, still.” Yujin grinned mischievously, sending Minjoo growling at her. 


“You should be thanking me, you jerk.” Minjoo replied, closing the kit forcefully before standing up. However, even before she could leave, a hand held her wrist, stopping her from taking one more step. Minjoo turned round, eyes trailing into the hand holding her before landing into Yujin’s orbs. 


“Thank you.”


Minjoo asked for it, demanded even. So why when Yujin actually did, why was it making her feel weird things?                                                                                                  


Their little moment ended on the car. Minjoo has yet again reminded Yujin to NEVER sit or go into places where she was. Yujin nodded immediately.


That’s just how it goes; Minjoo would act like she wasn’t slaving Yujin at home and the latter would act like she wasn’t being tortured by the devil herself. It was a win-win situation. With that being said, Yujin shall never approach Minjoo on the library, on the gym, on the cafeteria, on the hallways- literally everywhere. 


It’s currently past noon, lunch came in late and Minjoo’s on her usual table inside the cafeteria. Yujin was nowhere to be found, probably off to somewhere.


Knowing how friendless the girl looked, Minjoo wouldn’t be surprised if she was eating alone on the rooftop with sappy songs playing on her earphones.


“Do you both know the latest rumor on the second floor?” Chaewon asked, capturing Minjoo’s attention. The second floor was where the sophomores’ rooms were- where Yujin was. She lend her ear, surprisingly trying to listen.


“Oh, you mean about the art student?” Sakura replied blatantly, Minjoo’s ears perking up even more. Yujin was an art student as well.


“Yes. Apparently, she joined the archery team last week and man she could aim. Even shot people’s hearts.” Chaewon cooed, placing her chin to her palm, looking up in a daydream.


Minjoo looked down, furrowing her brows in deep thought. Yujin never mentioned anything about joining the archery team, but Minjoo also remembered that she specifically told Yujin to never mention anything about her day (she told her she doesn’t care).


She wasn’t supposed to care. 


Yet here she was, almost stumbling unto the table with how close she was leaning into her friends.


“So she’s the campus crush now?” Sakura asked, chuckling at Chaewon’s overly exaggerated nod. Minjoo furrowed her brows deeper, eyebrows almost meeting in between.


“Who are you guys talking about?” Minjoo finally asked, earning a sigh from Chaewon.


“I can’t believe you don’t know her.”


Minjoo doesn’t like where this was going at all. It can’t be.


“Who else? Of course it’s Jang Wonyoung.” Chaewon responded. Minjoo blinked furiously before exhaling the breath she unconsciously held this whole time, relief washing over her.


“Just kidding, I was talking about Yujin.”


Minjoo choked instead.


It was a silent ride, even more silent than Yujin initially thought it’ll be. Minjoo was crossing her arms, glaring into nothingness. Yujin doesn’t know if she should be concerned or to let the order girl be.


Minjoo have high bipolar tendencies, she could be helping Yujin one second and be mad at her right after.  She was just that confusing.


Yujin stared at Minjoo silently, face stern and serious. It was still her job to make sure Minjoo's fine. No matter how they hate each other that much, she shouldn’t throw off her responsibilities out of the window. She would protect Minjoo at all cost.


That’s the sole purpose of why she’s here.


“Is there something wrong-”


“Shut up.” 


Yujin blinked furiously, surprised at the cold tone. She was used to Minjoo growling at her, yelling at her to get lost, but she never heard Minjoo respond this cold before- she never thought Minjoo was capable of being this emotional.


She thought the older girl lost the ability to feel so much, but now she was reminded that Minjoo was still a normal girl, feeling things that were normal for people to feel.


She nodded and turned away, looking through the window instead. 


Minjoo glanced at Yujin, a tiny voice screaming inside her to apologize. But the louder voice wanted her to remain seated and let Yujin know her mistake. However, Minjoo wasn’t even sure if that counts as a mistake, cause practically, she asked for it.


She looked down, biting her lower lip, racking her brain for an answer. She shouldn’t blame people for something they didn’t intend to happen, but she was too prideful. It’s what’s running on her veins; ego. 


She glanced at the younger girl, looking down quickly.  Her head space was swarmed with questions to whether apologize or not. It was completely unnecessary to care so much about a minor stuff like this, but she was frustrated.


“You hadn’t mentioned you already joined the archery team.” Minjoo finally asked, keeping a straight face, eyes looking at anywhere but Yujin. The latter immediately turned at her with wide eyes, gasping in realization.


“I forgot, I’m really sorry.” Yujin apologized, lower lip sunken between her teeth. She was planning to, but she was too occupied yesterday that she forgot. 


To say Minjoo was surprised would be an understatement; she was appalled. She looked at Yujin with furrowed brows, avoiding a ‘certain’ part of the girl’s face. 


“You were planning to tell me?” she asked, to which Yujin nodded into.


“I was supposed to tell you yesterday, but I forgot. How did you even know?” Yujin asked, voice hint of nothing but mere curiosity.


Minjoo appreciated the lack of teasing and was still surprised that Yujin was even thinking about telling her that even when she told her she doesn’t care about the younger’s whereabouts.


The older girl shook her head, dismissing the question. She looked through the window, and placed her head unto her open palm, biting her inner cheek to stop the wide smile that was threatening to reveal itself. 


“Stupid.” she whispered.


When they arrived at the mansion, Yujin opened the car door for Minjoo, as usual. What’s not usual though was the unease Minjoo felt the moment Yujin’s small smile welcomed her.


The younger girl mocked a bow, opting Minjoo to roll her eyes as she got off the car, a smile etched on her face.


“We’re here, thy bratty majesty.” Yujin muttered, raising both of her hands as she kneeled on the ground, showing Minjoo the house the older girl literally owns.


“Stand up, you look stupid.” Minjoo replied, pulling Yujin up by the collar before walking inside first, the latter following suit right after telling the driver to get some rest.


“What do you want for dinner? I would be out for some groceries later.” Yujin inquired right after she was done changing into her home clothes. Minjoo was still on her uniform, lounging on the couch with closed eyes.


Yujin sighed at the sight, approached the girl and sat beside her. The bags below her eyes were getting more prominent, Yujin noticed. 


“You must’ve been working so hard for the exams.” Yujin muttered, eyes peeled unto Minjoo’s serene face. The girl has always looked prettier when asleep, her face was calmer and peaceful then, contrary to the frowns, the scowls, and for rare times, the pouts. 


Yujin smiled when Minjoo started jutting her lips adorably, a habit the girl despises so much but unable to stop. The younger girl decided it was for the best to leave now so she could return before Minjoo wakes up.


The girl would be grumpy if she learned Yujin was out for too long.


So the girl did what she have to do. She put on her black hoodie, her glasses tucked perfectly on her face, half-tying her hair and placed a blanket over Minjoo. With one last glance towards the older girl, she walked out the door. 


Not expecting a company as long as she set foot outside.


“You have six months left, you know that, right?” 


Yujin looked at the owner of the voice, sighing so. 


“Wasn’t it too early for you to be here, Hyewon?” she asked. The said girl was leaning on the wall, arms crossed with a blue hoodie hovering above her head. Hyewon pulled herself up, approaching Yujin with a small smile planted on her face.


“I’m quite amused with your progress, she trusts in you so much.” Hyewon replied, answer too far from what was asked. Yujin stared at the girl with a blank face, Hyewon smiling wider at the response.


“You know, your face says much than the words coming out of your mouth.” 


Yujin looked away, a scowl painting her face, mood obviously dampened. Hyewon remained calm, exhaling loudly as she patted Yujin’s head, smile sliding of her face as she suddenly turned serious.


“I wasn’t kidding, Yujin-ah. She’ll be awaking soon, and you have to finish what you were asked to do before it happens.”


Minjoo woke up with a blanket draped over her shoulders, keeping her warm despite the heavy rain outside. The lights were on but there’s no sign of Yujin anywhere.


The girl moves loudly, and she should be making dinner now, not hearing the usual clanking on the kitchen was enough for Minjoo to concluded that the girl wasn’t really there.


“Where is she?” Minjoo asked drowsily. She grabbed her phone and dialed Yujin’s number, the girl not answering at any of her calls. She looked at Yujin’s name on her screen, suddenly pouting. 


“Why isn’t she answering?” she whined to herself, standing up as she dialed it again. When she had rung the phone for four times and still got nothing but a voicemail, Minjoo jogged into her room and changed, grabbing an umbrella before leaving the household.


Which was a terrible idea, cause as soon as she was out of the large gates, she was yet again reminded that she doesn’t even know where Yujin went into. She was clueless of Yujin’s whereabouts and haven’t even messaged the girl. Besides, she could just wait for her.


But she knows she can’t. She always have this fear of someone watching her every move when she’s alone, a thing only Yujin’s presence could help her with.


That’s why Minjoo surged in the middle of the rain, looking for Yujin at the first place that comes to mind- the grocery store.


The reason for such decision was easy. Yujin always go there to buy things, Yujin’s obsessed with that grocery store and lastly, that’s the only grocery store Yujin knows. It was weird how the girl was naturally born on the country yet know so little about it, talk about patriotism. 


The street was soaked, as well as most of the people were. Most of them don’t have an umbrella, making Minjoo wonder if Yujin brought hers.


Speaking of the woman, Minjoo already saw her. Yujin wasn’t really that hard to find- she was so tall she sticks like a sore thumb on the crowd. Yujin was tucked in a hoodie but ironically, have no umbrella. 


“If she knew it’ll rain she should’ve brought an umbrella.” Minjoo muttered, clicking her tongue before approaching Yujin.


The girl immediately noticed Minjoo and looked at her in surprise, waving a hand above her head. Minjoo rolled her eyes before walking closer to Yujin.


The rain water dropped gently unto the younger girl’s hooded head, soaking the material slowly.


But not anymore; Minjoo raised the umbrella slightly, protecting Yujin from the rain, shielding her from the howling wind. She glanced up, eyes meeting Yujin’s own, Minjoo's hazel eyes getting by Yujin’s dark orbs.


The sound of the rain was muffled, scene blurring out around them. Yujin was the only thing Minjoo could clearly see, as the close distance between them enabled her to see Yujin’s facial features closely. Her eyes traced Yujin’s face, heart erratically beating on her chest.






Yujin smiled.


It was as if the world was moving in a slower pace that Minjoo could barely notice the drop of the rain on her shoulders.


“Thank you for being here.”


And the world started moving normally again.


They have to stay like that for a few minutes, Minjoo holding the umbrella for the both of them to share. It was raining, yet she felt oddly warm.


Yujin would glance at her every now and then but Minjoo never caught them, unable to stare at Yujin’s eyes any longer.  They could make her feel dumb, clueless and oblivious of what’s happening around her; they were trapping her in. 


They were waiting for the bus that was taking too long, and Minjoo was getting tired already.


Yujin noticed Minjoo shift on her feet and looked at the older girl once again, concern coloring her face. She scooted closer, surprising Minjoo, before grabbing the umbrella,. Her hand grazed into Minjoo’s own that the older girl let go of the thing immediately, as if she was burned. 


“I’ll take this. You were holding it for too long already.” Yujin muttered.


The older girl peered at her, only to look down when she saw Yujin’s eyes planted on her. She could feel warmth spreading over her face, making its way from her stomach to her head. Which shouldn’t be happening at all!


Minjoo cleared , taking a step sideways. Yujin noticed the sudden distance and took a step on the same direction as well, regaining her and Minjoo’s initial distance. Minjoo swiftly took a peek at the taller girl before stepping again, Yujin innocently doing the same.


Minjoo gasped at the girl in disbelief, looking up to level her eyes.


“Why are you following me? Can’t you stay still?!” she asked, Yujin scoffing in response.


“I was just being kind by offering this umbrella to you.” Yujin defensively replied, completely turning the table around. Minjoo rolled her eyes, wondering how Yujin could turn the situation that smooth and fast; she should really learn from her. 


Even before Minjoo could reiterate, the bus already came and they were forced to act civil for the rest of the ride, sitting in a safe distance Minjoo maintained.


Though it didn’t last long. The traffic was heavy as the rain continued to pour. Yujin fell asleep while waiting, head craned into one side and Minjoo immediately noticed, sighing as she stared at the girl.


“You must be exhausted.” she muttered to herself, scooting over and gently resting Yujin’s head into her shoulder.


Yujin immediately basked herself in the warmth, shifting closer into the crook of Minjoo’s neck. Minjoo could feel Yujin’s breath fanning her neck, sending shivers down her spine.


Amidst the unexplainable feelings inside her, Minjoo’s gaze remained at the younger girl’s peaceful face. From her close lids, the sharp nose, the pouty lips- Minjoo mentally scolded herself for being “disgusting” and “stupid”.


She had been feeling weird and uneasy around Yujin lately, she noticed. When Yujin was there, all she wanted to do is to be mean but when the girl’s not with her, she wanted Yujin to be there.


In simple words, she’s starting to like Yujin’s company. She grew closer to the girl.


She was slowly attaching herself to Yujin.


Minjoo shut her eyes and heaved a deep breath. 


“What is wrong with me?” 


Yujin opened her eyes at the smell of something burning, warm fogs emerging from the kitchen. She immediately dashed into the place, running swiftly, only to be welcomed by the sight of Minjoo submerging the pan into the sink.


The alarm was turned off, Minjoo’s doing probably. There were burnt eggs discarded into a plate overflowing with grease, flour residue dusting the counter top and a messy Minjoo aggressively plating her poorly fried meat.


Yujin gasped at the horrifying scene in front of her, capturing Minjoo’s attention. The older girl turned around slowly, smiling at Yujin awkwardly.


She grinned apologetically as Yujin started approaching the mess, grabbing a piece of the meat- which looked disgustingly raw- and place it back again.


Yujin’s eyes slowly gazed upon her, stern and strict that Minjoo felt more of a the slave rather than the master. Yujin looked infuriated.


‘Of course she’ll be grumpy, she just woke up.’ Minjoo thought, gulping when Yujin stepped closer. But yet again, why would she be scared? She literally owns the place, she can do whatever she want.


Minjoo took a deep breath and faced Yujin with a raised brow, challenging the woman. 


Which she soon learned was a bad idea.


“Are you trying to burn the place down?” Yujin asked, looking around for emphasis. Minjoo rolled her eyes.


“You’re exaggerating, I wasn’t even done yet.”


“When you’re done, the place would already be in ashes.” Yujin reprimanded, pushing Minjoo aside as she started cleaning the place.


Minjoo scoffed in response, placing both hands into her waist, eyes boring holes at the back of Yujin’s head.


“I was trying to be decent. It wasn’t my fault someone’s sleeping instead of working for me.” Minjoo responded, annoyance bubbling up . 


“It wasn’t my job to cook for the both of us, but I still tried. Which was a total disaster but that’s because I don’t even know how to cook!” she exclaimed.


Yujin dropped the pan she was cleaning and turned around, staring at Minjoo with unreadable eyes. She faced Minjoo blank faced, lips forming a straight line, yet she responded in the softest voice Minjoo ever heard.


“It’s my job to keep you safe, to give you what you need until you’re ready. If you disregard my purpose like that, then I might just have to leave.”


For the first time in a while, Minjoo listened.


Afraid that Yujin might actually leave her alone if she don’t.


The dinner was silent after that, Minjoo was too afraid to talk and was still calming her annoyance down. She was silently eating her steak, Yujin glancing at her every now and then. The younger girl felt bad that she reacted that way, but she meant what she said. Minjoo just have to understand.


Apparently, the older girl was still mad. Minjoo placed the utensils down and stood up, silently leaving the table and trudging upstairs, leaving Yujin behind- guilty.


Minjoo closed the door of her room and plopped into her bed, face first. She groaned, releasing her suppressed emotions into her pillows. Yujin was so aggravating,  so prideful and arrogant. Minjoo could still do things on her own, she doesn’t have to stick this whole master-slave relationship on her face. 


However, wasn’t it her who proposed the idea in the first place? Why is she defying her own laws now?


“Kim Minjoo, you !” she whined,  flapping her limbs into her bed. She shouldn’t have been that mean with the younger girl before. Her superiority complex was on peak back then, but can you blame her though? 


After her parents died, their properties was passed down to her. She has things wrapped around her hands- at least she felt that way. 


She turned around and sighed, facing her ceiling wistfully, pondering upon herself, suddenly missing her parents. Her birthday’s coming up, and she’ll be legal soon- a birthday without her parents doesn’t sound that exciting at all but Yujin kept her giddy waiting for that day.


Yujin was the only one making her feel those things again; excitement, giddiness, joy, after her parents left.


And she kept feeling weird as days went by. 


Yujin apologized for reacting  “that” way, Minjoo nodding at her once as a response. Minjoo soon learned Yujin was actually really paranoid and impulsive when she’s on her “apologetic mode”.


During lunch time of the same day, Yujin, for the first time since she started serving the princess, approached Minjoo on her usual table. The gasps and the boisterous noises of the people at seeing the two popular kids were overwhelming, Chaewon was almost dying.


“I just came by for your lunch, you forgot it.” Yujin stated, leaving right after. Minjoo grabbed the lunch box, a note plastered on its lid. 


Minjoo remembered how loud her chest thumped that day, how the erratic beating banged loudly on her ears, warmth spreading all over her because of what’s penned unto the note.


‘I’m sorry. Please forgive me, princess.’


Who in their right minds would write  "princess” in an apology letter? Apparently An Yujin was, and the girl did it so well that it evoke “certain” emotions from Minjoo.


When they went home that day, Yujin was pouting non-stop, whining for Minjoo to forgive her already, talk to her like how she used to, insult her, mock her- just not pure silence.


But the princess was too hard to please. Even when they took dinner, Minjoo kept silent, eating her food whilst ignoring Yujin altogether.


Yujin sighed when Minjoo went inside her room early again, leaving her alone on the dining. 


“Ares’ child indeed.” she mindlessly muttered.


They stayed like that for three days straight; Minjoo giving Yujin cold shoulders, the latter trying to melt it. But Minjoo was both Aresian and Aphrodisiac, both arrogant blood flowing into her veins. Yujin knew it wouldn’t be easy to let Minjoo forget about it.


So she have no choice but to ask Hyewon for help.


“I tried everything, she’s just too hard to break.” Yujin muttered, seated on a bench in a park with Hyewon. The older girl nodded slowly in response.


“That was expected. I’ll be more surprised if she forgive you that easily.” she replied. Yujin sighed, nodding in agreement.


“What should I do then? Mortals were more complicated than you think.” Yujin inquired, leaning into the bench while looking in a distance.


Hyewon glanced at the kid with a blank face, eyes unreadable. She was unable to decipher the reason behind Yujin’s worry at all; Yujin wasn’t supposed to care this much.


“What about using Artemis’ tea? It’ll make her forget.” Hyewon responded, Yujin immediately shaking her head, frowning.


“That will take her in a deep slumber. Those have too many repelling effects.” 


Hyewon remained staring at Yujin, head swarming with thoughts. 


“Or you can just stop trying. Her birthday’s coming soon, she wouldn’t even remember you when you both go back to Olympus.”


Upon the mention of the all too familiar place, Yujin halted, turning serious. She took a deep breath and exhaled heavily, unease spreading through her at the reminder of the “mission” she was supposed to do.


Yujin wasn’t placed there by the Gods to be a mere servant, she was supposed to do them a favor; Hermes, specifically as per Zeus’ command.


“I can sense your distress from a mile away, it was too strong. Perhaps you’re softening up with the traitor’s child?” Hyewon inquired, looking ahead. It sounded more of a statement than an inquiry. 


It was Yujin’s turn to look at her, brows furrowed at the label.


“She doesn’t even know she’s an Olympian. Also, why are the gods so adamant to get her back when she’s the ‘traitor’s child’ like what you’re saying?” Yujin questioned.


Hyewon merely shrugged, unable to provide the answers Yujin needs. The latter looked ahead, sighing for the nth time, silence sipping in between them.


“I don’t know why, me myself is curious. But I am sure of one thing, Yujin. Minjoo’s not a mortal, neither are you. They were your creator.  If you mess with what they want, the both of you will surely get in trouble.”


Yujin was yet again reminded of the same thing over and over again. But Hyewon wasn’t finished sprinkling a salt into her open wounds, and this time, she plunged deeper.


“You’re a serviet. You were born to serve them.”


Yujin stopped trying that very same night, head clogged with Hyewon’s declaration- more like a threat. She was starting to question the mission she was given as time passes by and Minjoo’s awakening was coming closer.


Why was she chosen? Why not Hyewon, Athena’s smartest apprentice? Why were they trying so hard in forcing Minjoo to live in Olympus, when according to their doctrines, she was the “traitors’ child”?


Yujin groaned, aggressively cutting her meat, knife clanking into the plate. Minjoo covered her ears and glared at Yujin, but the latter wasn’t fazed, she ignored her.


Minjoo leaned a bit forward, trying to see Yujin’s face clearly. The younger girl was glaring into her plate, brows meeting in between. She blinked, studying Yujin’s face and racking her brain for a plausible reason behind Yujin's sudden display of anger.


“Yah! My ears were already bleeding.” Minjoo stated, trying her best to sound mad upon the screeching. Yujin merely glanced at her and sighed, nodding before focusing back on her plate again. Minjoo furrowed her brows at the reaction, genuinely getting worried about the younger girl.


“I don’t care about you or your whereabouts, I am only asking this cause I feel responsible,” Minjoo started, Yujin staring at her blankly. The older girl took a deep breath and continued.


“Are you okay?” she asked in a monotone voice. Yujin merely smiled softly, opting Minjoo to focus down on slicing her own steak instead of looking back at Yujin.


“You obviously care about me now. You wouldn’t be asking that if you don’t.” Yujin suggested, smile never leaving her face, as well as her eyes unto Minjoo’s face. 


The older girl immediately glanced up, only to look down again at the sight of Yujin’s smiling face. She looked “stupid” (although her dimple actually looked a tiniest bit of adorable). She cleared , sitting up straight.


“No, I am not.”


“Yes, you are.” Yujin argued.


“I am not.”


“But you are.”


“But I am not!” 


Yujin chuckled, nodding her head while waving her hands, surrendering and letting Minjoo win this childish argument for once.


Minjoo would never stop until she win anyway. Speaking of which, Minjoo was pleased she won that, but felt even more delighted seeing Yujin’s hearty smile replacing the ugly frown on her face again.


‘I would do anything to keep that smile,’ she thought.


Minjoo halted, blinking on her seat as the realization washed over her, finally breaking the wall of doubt on her head.


She has been questioning everything for too long, searching for answers unto why Yujin makes her feel warm, why the younger girl’s subtle actions became something Minjoo has memorized on her mind. 


She stopped trying looking for the answers, and she got it when she did so- finding what she need when she wasn’t looking anymore.


She likes Yujin.


Instead of feeling giddy, she feels contented. Yujin's making her feel warm, safe, secured. She should’ve known sooner. 


Minjoo’s heart thumped loudly on her chest, the vivid memory of Yujin's eyes, Yujin’s smile etched into her face, drawing a line between what was happening and what she wanted to happen. She wanted to keep the same things on her head in reality. 


She wanted to make Yujin happy. 


“Minjoo-ah.” a soft voice called, opting Minjoo to blink and regain her composure, eyes gazing into Yujin’s smiling face.


“Do you want to accompany me at my archery match tomorrow?” Yujin scratched her nape awkwardly, not used to asking Minjoo such things. Her legs were bouncing up and down, a habit she acquired when she was a kid, a revelation of fear. 


Minjoo stared at her, trying her best to focus on the question instead of keeping her eyes into Yujin and creep the girl out. She smiled softly and nodded, heart lightly bouncing at the sight of Yujin’s eye smile.


To make sure her conclusion was right, Minjoo asked Yujin if she could help her with homework, Yujin agreeing immediately- it’s not like she have another choice.


When they arrived into Minjoo’s room, Yujin was surprised at the clean environment. It was organized and neat, Minjoo cleaned it herself. Speaking of character development.


“What’s the homework we’re gonna do? Was it the essay on literature?” Yujin asked, taking a seat at the edge of Minjoo’s bed. The latter hummed, preparing her things into her study desk, book specifically lined up neatly today (Yujin’s here so she should be decent).


Yujin nodded, standing up to help Minjoo with her things.


“Was it about the mythology?” Yujin asked, keeping a straight face when Minjoo excitedly nodded.


“You sure looked like you enjoy the topic so much.” Yujin suggested, eyeing Minjoo. The girl wasn’t looking, but she knows Minjoo was aware of her stares. It shows from the way she’s shifting on her feet. 


“Who doesn’t? It was cool believing they exist.” 


Yujin slowly looked down, mindlessly nodding into the sentiment. 


“You wouldn’t be saying that once you know they were planning to abduct you.” Yujin whispered to herself. Minjoo looked at her, Yujin responded with an innocent smile and Minjoo looked away again.


Yujin was confused with the sudden awkwardness but kept mum about it, scared that Minjoo might take it the wrong way and scold her for being nosy.


Silence became louder as time goes by. Minjoo finally started doing her draft with Yujin seated beside her, watching as Minjoo jot her thoughts down.


The girl have a tiny hand-writing, a contrast to Yujin’s humongous ones. Yujin might as well say Minjoo have a way with her words- she was smart, just like her mother. 


‘Smart Aphrodite’, Yujin thought.


Suddenly, Minjoo looked up, eyes directed into Yujin’s own, the latter obviously caught off guard. 


“I don’t think Aphrodite’s that smart. She was pretty, no doubt on that, but without it, she’s too weak. I personally prefer Athena over her.” Minjoo stated, confusing Yujin even more. Is she talking to her or was she merely suggesting random stuffs all of a sudden?


“W-What?” Yujin stammered. To her surprise, Minjoo smiled at her, scooting forward until their faces were inches away from each other. Yujin leaned back, suddenly choking up on her own breath.


“I just answered your question. I’m smart, aren’t I?” Minjoo excitedly exclaimed, working back on her work with a wide smile on her face.


Yujin blinked, both bewildered and confused.


Minjoo just heard her thought. 


She’s awakening soon. 


And Yujin’s time was ticking faster.


“FATHER, YOU NEED TO HEAR THIS!” Apollo came trudging inside the big golden room, surprising his sisters and the old man. 


“What is it, my child?” Zeus asked back.


Apollo took a deep breath and sighed.


“Ares and Aphrodite has ran away from the Underworld. Persephone was unable to keep them in.”


Yujin read the initial draft Minjoo wrote thoroughly, not missing anything. Minjoo should be corrected with real facts as soon as she could, to save her from confusion in the future.


It was stern, Minjoo had everything written perfectly accurate from the book; her essay’s preferably perfect for the mortals’ perspective. But from a certified Serviet (ser-vi-ye), it was vague, shallow. It was like the surface of an ice berg.


These information was merely gathered from the Iliad, a doctrine written based on a mortal’s perspective. Yujin knew Zeus told the author the contents of his book through a dream, to remind people they exist- to demand people’s glory.


“This is perfect,” Yujin started, opting Minjoo to smile in pride.


“However, it wasn’t factual.” she ended with a small smile, watching as Minjoo’s smile slid off her face. 


“But I read the book thoroughly. I’m sure that was right.” Minjoo argued, not really up for a disappointment right now. She would be totally embarrassed if Yujin started correcting her.


Yujin chuckled, nodding at the defensiveness.


“You did, as I said this was perfect already.” she responded. Minjoo looked down, biting her lower lip in deep thought. Yujin studied her face and continued.


“It was up to you. You can pass this certified A+ essay or you could listen to what I know.” Yujin challenged, testing Minjoo.


An Olympian would definitely choose the first one, they were never really the humble bunch. They never listen, thinking that everything they do were right. 


If Yujin’s correct, Minjoo would choose the same thing her ancestors would choose.

Instead, not really. Imagine her surprise when Minjoo looked at her with determined eyes and said,


“I choose the latter. Teach me.” 


Yujin could now see why Olympus wanted Minjoo. Minjoo would be able to do something the Gods were never prepared for; disobedience.


Minjoo could defy them to seek for the truth. 


With that being said, Yujin started by story-telling the history of the glorious Zeus. Minjoo intervened that Zeus was a product of two powerful titans- which amused Yujin. The girl surely knows a lot.


“Zeus killed his parents.” Yujin muttered, chuckling as Minjoo gasped in shock. Guess the girl was oblivious about the family murder- an event not really that rare anymo

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Chapter 2: this story never fails to amaze me. i rlly love the way you put your own touch to greek mythology. and apologies in advance since i might be coming back here for a few more times XD
avi927 #2
Chapter 2: wow
Chapter 2: i miss u and ur stories author-nim :( i also miss jj sm :[
Chandra_won #4
snsdsoshigg #5
Chapter 2: i love this so much 🥺🥺🥺
Chapter 2: I don't know how many times i re-read this🤣🤣
i miss u n ur stories
Chapter 2: I REALLY LOVED THISSSSS!!! I keep on repeating this kasi it is sooo good 😭
90 streak #9
Chapter 2: Only had the chance to finish this now, and phew im not regretting reading it. Here again to tell you that you write well and that this is a masterpiece too, so thank you for writing and giving this to us readers. Like what they said "jinjoo malakas" authornim!
p.s: a sequel or a special chap would be nice to see how jj's relationship progressed or smtn >o<
Chubonic #10
Chapter 2: This is sooo geeeeewd.
But maybe try to not using the same trick twice (uuh how do i expalin this..). It's a lil bit monotonous but other than that daaaaamn it's soo geeewd