You're living, but are you Alive?

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"Didn't God Sabotage us anyway?"

"Excuse me?"

"You know he planned our demise from the start right? You really need to wake up"

Jihyo didn't know what to expect when Sana was assigned to do community service at her church alongside her two friends.

She didn't expect to fall in love.


It's me. Ya boi, back at it again.

I'm picking all the stereotypical tropes aren't I lol.


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Buddygooo #1
Chapter 16: Wtf Jeongyeon! Ofc Jihyo would love high school, it's the best time of her life. The only reason why Sana doesn't like it is because she doesn't fit in. College is more depressing. So Chaeng is not gonna go college, got it.
Chapter 16: been waiting for this, author. hope you doing well too. i just keep on getting more questions every chapter ugh, love it. take care ;)
Girlslover #3
Chapter 15: Damn,nice story you got here. I really like all of the character and how you writing it with full detail. Making me feel like watching a whole seriesπŸ˜†cant wait for the next chapter
Chapter 15: Pastor Park sees Jihyo as the ideal daughter to the point where he doesn't seem to realise she's an actual person. Sana seems to be a really nice person, I love her character so far. Even though she teases Jihyo all the time she isn't mean to her. I like the contrast with Jihyo's parents who act as nice people but are controlling and always ignore what she wants.
Softwolf02 #5
Chapter 15: Ooo...Nayeon and Mina eh?
Buddygooo #6
Chapter 15: Pastor Park wants Jihyo to keep an eye on her friends. Little did he know, Jihyo is also not as innocent as them. Jihyo can't influence Sana, it's the other way round cuz Jihyo can't help but be curious. Here's a thing about ideology, u can't hide people from the real world and create a bubble to live in. If he's gonna manipulate, at least do it in passive aggressive way.
boogeyman19 #7
Chapter 14: Yaass let’s stray further from god everybody lmaoo
Daln43 #8
Chapter 8: Honestly this chapter is so good
Good job author 😊
Chapter 12: Sana is so interesting, I'm curious to learn more about her