Getting To Know Each Other

Different Worlds

the next day, since mina had a free schedule. no class, no practice or any hanging out with friends schedule. so she took the time to teach nayeon humanly things like how to open a bottle of water which was very simple (also the reason why nayeon declines jennie’s offer), how to use the tv and also explained to nayeon that people inside the box weren’t stuck or trapped inside. she also taught nayeon how to use chopsticks because the last time they ate dinner nayeon used her hands and it was very unsanitary. 



she taught nayeon a lot of stuff and she was fast in learning them. 



she also taught nayeon how to use cellphone. 



and she wished she didn’t.



“can i borrow your phone?” nayeon asked taking a seat beside mina. mina shook her head no and continued playing her game.

nayeon groaned, “uuuuuuuuuuuuughhhh,” while dragging the vowel. 



“buy me my own cellphone, then.” nayeon said poking mina’s side which was very close to her chest.



“stop that! and no. i can barely buy groceries,” mina pushed nayeon away, standing up to charge her phone.



nayeon sighed then looked up to mina as if she just realized something. she did realized something.



“you know, you never told me your name.” nayeon followed mina. “it’s mina. myoui mina.”



“ah,” nayeon nodded. “beautiful name for a beautiful girl,” she smiled at her.



“where did you learn to say that?”



“from that box,” nayeon pointed at the tv.



“you mean a tv?” 



nayeon mumbled a yeah.



they try to get to know each other every chance they got. especially when mina already agreed that nayeon will be staying with her. at least mina’s not alone anymore. 



mina also learned that nayeon’s mom lives in her world but nayeon told her that she might be far away from her. if the chance will be given, nayeon would like to try to find her mom. her mom’s family is in south korea but she doesn’t know where. 



it had already been two weeks since the both of them meet. and they’ve gotten pretty close. but nayeon still sleeps on the couch.



the clothes nayeon wears everyday was from mina’s brother. the clothes was given to her but never wore it because of how big it is. but nayeon didn’t mind and said it was comfortable.



nayeon also tried to ask mina every time she has chance if she still wanted to have a girlfriend since it was also the reason why nayeon was there. 



but was it really the reason? 



or maybe it was also time for nayeon to meet mina?






a short one. im sorry hehe. 



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AnDEUSAgrega #1
Chapter 18: This was so cute, Nayeon being the most adorable demon ever
Thank you so much for writing this
You are appreciated
Chapter 18: This was so cute! Thank you for writing this :)
aglaonema #3
Chapter 18: Nice
Chapter 14: Awww Nayeon really loves Mina now
Chapter 18: Awwwww thank you so much. I hope nayeon find her mom tho and get her blessing for being with mina forever kekekeke
AnDEUSAgrega #6
Chapter 17: The way Nayeon is so whipped, she passing out all and panicking was so cute
aglaonema #7
Chapter 17: Uwu
AnDEUSAgrega #8
Chapter 16: Nayeon, she is so cute
Sana is hilarious
AnDEUSAgrega #9
Chapter 15: The cork, the bruise hummm
aglaonema #10
Chapter 16: Cute