chapter 7

summer's in the air and baby, heaven's in your eyes
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Hey y'all - was Applers if y'all don't recognise the new username! Anyway:

Chapter 7, or, Siwon learns of Hyukjae and Donghae meets Kyuhyun. What's a relationship if not befriending your partner's pals (or pal, in this case), right?

For the remaining of the break Hyukjae does continue working at the cafe, but Donghae has gone from risking bankruptcy to camp at the cafe and watch the handsomest barista tables away to dropping off said barista at work in the morning and then picking him up for dinner after his shift. 

It’s more economically feasible, and Donghae doesn’t get distracted from his assignments trying to watch his boyfriend do literally anything behind the counter, so responsibilities wise, this is also a good idea.

On the very last Friday before school begins, Siwon returns from wherever it is he was (Donghae now realises how terrible a friend he has been, but he will work on it) and asks him out for coffee, and Donghae decides okay, maybe he can pay his handsome barista boyfriend a visit.

Because it’s Siwon, he doesn’t question why Donghae has suddenly become a patron of Starbucks, and agrees to it amiably. But because it’s Siwon, he also shows up earlier than agreed upon and ends up getting the drinks ordered and served before Donghae even arrived. 

So Donghae has barely stepped foot into the cafe and made incredibly brief eye contact with an adorably surprised Hyukjae when Siwon calls out to him from the corner of the room. 

Now there goes his chances of getting to talk to Hyukjae while he waits for his drink! At least Siwon has left him the seat facing the counters. That’s better than nothing. And Siwon’s probably not going to ask him to pay him back for the drink, so really, beggars can’t be choosers.

Their conversation flows easily and naturally the way it always has, but even if Donghae is very drawn to Siwon’s animated retelling of his snorkelling experience, his eyes can’t help drifting away from his friend before him to… well, you guessed it, to Hyukjae.

He’s watching the gentle flicks of Hyukjae’s pretty wrists as he prepares an order, the way his brows are slightly creased in concentration, and the way his slender fingers are wrapped around a marker as he scribbles the customer’s name. Suddenly he regrets having been a cheapskate these days — he could have been watching Hyukjae in action all along!

“And it was so clear! Like, the fish literally swam by right before my eyes,” Siwon is saying, and though Donghae’s nodding, Siwon knows him well enough to know he is definitely not hearing a word he just said. 

“But then a shark came by and ripped my arm off and I died from hypovolemic shock,” he adds, voice dead serious. “They had to mail my body home in a cargo plane. The funeral will be on for five days, starting yesterday.”

And Donghae is still nodding, at which point Siwon doesn’t even know whether he should be laughing because even though it is kind of funny, he also feels kind of sad that his best friend is reacting this way about his supposed death. He doesn’t even have all his limbs!

Then the silence probably stretched on for too long and finally Donghae catches on, because he turns to look at Siwon and says, “Wait, what?”

Siwon sighs, loudly and deeply. “Why do you keep looking over my shoulder?” 

Donghae’s eyes dart back to Siwon’s guiltily and he smiles sheepishly. “Nothing.” 

Siwon narrows his eyes, and Donghae, who very obviously has nothing to hide, gestures for him to continue his story. 

But it is very unlike Donghae to act this secretive, especially when he’s always been easily read like an open book, and Siwon is very clear this chapter says I am hiding something juicy and incredibly interesting.

“Is it the barista? Are you looking at him? Have you been watching him?” Siwon asks pointedly.  

And since Siwon has so cleverly noticed where his attention has been thus far, Donghae figures he might as well come forth with the truth. He did promise Siwon he would tell him all about Hyukjae anyway. So Donghae nods, ready to explain, but then Siwon cuts in again.

“Oh my god, I knew you would! When I ordered the drinks I thought he seemed like your type, so I tried asking him for his number on your behalf. But then he said he’s attached and it became a very awkward conversation. God, please just look away already! I already said he’s attached!”

Donghae doesn’t even know how to react, if he were to be honest. Firstly—Hyukjae seemed like his type? Since when did he have a type? And Siwon asked for his number on his behalf?! Who does that? But Hyukjae also said he’s attached! That’s them—they’re attached! That is such a Hyukjae way of saying they’re dating and holding hands and doing all sorts of things couples do and did Donghae already mention that they’re probably in love with each other? Hyukjae’s so sweet for saying they’re attached. Donghae wishes they could be attached at the hips 24/7 too. 

But Siwon’s still staring at him and obviously watched the myriad of expressions flash across his face in what must be less than 3 seconds, and Donghae doesn’t want his best friend to think he’s lost his mind since the break started.

So he opens his mouth with the intention to break the news to Siwon, but realises he has another more pressing problem at hand. “Wait, what did you mean by my type? Since when did I have a type?” 

That earns him an eyeroll from Siwon and if he were to be very frank, it also hurt his feelings a little.

“Um, hello? You’ve been raving on and on about almond eyes and a round nose, full lips and broad shoulders this entire time—if I hadn’t known better, I would have thought you’ve just been describing him,” Siwon says, matter-of-factly. 

Then it dawns on him.

“Wait… I seem to recall you mentioning something about having a boyfriend,” he says slowly, his eyebrows creasing as his brain begins to connect the dots. Siwon is very smart. 

“Um yeah, about that…” 

“Is he the guy you’ve been seeing?” Siwon asks as he points in Hyukjae’s direction. And by ‘asks’ Donghae means he quite literally yelled the question, and the entire cafe turns to look at them at his raised voice.

Donghae hurries to pull down his outstretched arm, embarrassment intensifying when he sees Hyukjae also turning over to look at them. 

Donghae’s reaction seems to confirm Siwon’s suspicions, and before he even has his arm by his side again he’s flinging it across the table to slap Donghae on the shoulders very excitedly.

“You should have told me sooner! Why didn’t you say anything?” 

“Well I was going to! But it’s not like I really had a chance,” Donghae retorts, keeping his volume lowered and praying that the other patrons would look away from them already.

“Let’s not talk about my snorkelling trip anymore. Tell me everything!” Siwon demands, his hands clasped in anticipation.

And because it came from Siwon, Donghae’s pretty sure he actually w

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eunhiyuga #1
Chapter 8: Aww
158 streak #2
Chapter 8: I'm really like Hae when it comes to SB. LOL
But I'm glad I don't really like drinking coffee so I rarely go there (Usually, only when my sis or friends invite me).

Next time, I hope I get to meet a lovely barista like Hyuk too! HAHAHAHAHA
a lana del rey inspired fanfic? i’m in.
Chapter 8: AAA summer love. I love how this started as something like a coffee shop fic into summer love. Both classic tropes blended into one sweet fluffy story 🥺🥺🥺🥺
insomniac2020 #5
Chapter 8: Loved reading this. Thanks for writing 💙
Chapter 8: This is hands down one of the best eunhae fluffs I’ve read, I love it so so much 😩💘 I loved that in this last chapter we get a glimpse of the fact that Hyuk is also a goner for Donghae as much as we’ve witnessed Donghae gushing over him for the past 7 chapters. I love your humor so much, Donghae’s thoughts did not fail to make me laugh! They are both so adorable, I wanna keep them in my pocket. Thank you for sharing this with us, author-nim 🙇🏻‍♀️
Chapter 3: I’m only on Chapter 3 but my cheeks hurt from smiling so much. Their interactions are so so cute and awkward, but mostly just plain adorable because they’re both so pleasantly nice 🥹 I’m cackling every few seconds because of Donghae’s hilarious internal monologue about his infatuation with Hyuk and his anti-capitalistic beliefs lmaooo I can’t with him 🤣 off to the next chapter~
1455 streak #8
Chapter 8: Waaaah~ this is sooooo cute!!! Fluffy and full of whipped eunhae for each other!! Ghaaaad! Hahahahha i am super duper kilig over this!! 💙💙💙💙💙 Thank you!
1455 streak #9
Subscribed. Will start with this today! ^^
Supertita #10
Chapter 8: Such a sweet and fluffy love story 💙 And I love how their dates were so appropriate and realistic. 😊