

"Today's the day... again."


Minju was lying still in her bed, staring blankly at the ceiling for few minutes already as she glanced at the time in her digital alarm clock on her bedside table. She heaved a sigh as she veered her sight back to the ceiling when she realized she woke up not so bit early before her usual early rising time. It's 6:59 am and she only had a minute left before her digital alarm clock began to ring at 7 am so she decided to use that last minute to keep staring at the ceiling in a withdrawn state. It’s neither she’s excited to start her day nor she’s having a hard time to sleep last night – she’s just feeling okay... at least.


Finally, her alarm rang and she tap the button of the digital alarm clock as she quickly sat up so she wouldn't feel tempted to doze off because at this rate, time is of the essence and now she only had an hour left before the 48 hours would end.


Minju observed her surroundings for a bit without noticing that she was smiling to the fact that Eunbi's bed was neatly made with the piglet stuffed toy that Minju gave her as a birthday gift on Eunbi’s bed and her corner in the room was organized, compared to hers which was somewhat chaotic that led to handful events where Eunbi always scolded Minju every time she made a mess and forgot to – or rather, intentionally never cleaned up. Minju wasted no time as she made her bed as nicely as possible just like Eunbi’s then navigated her way towards the bathroom outside of their room wherein she noticed Hyewon and Yena's bedroom just beside theirs as she took a peek from the ajar bedroom door that it was much more chaotic than hers that produced a giggle from , expecting to witness them enduring the stern scolding from Eunbi later.


Eunbi, Hyewon, Yena and Minju were cousins and they were all living in a big apartment of Minju's family. Minju and Eunbi were sharing a room together and were using the former bedroom of Minju’s parents while Hyewon and Yena were using Minju’s old room. Minju's parents moved out a year ago to live in the countryside due to their health condition for them to have some fresh air because of advance age. Minju was a menopausal baby for her parents was a bit old when she was conceived. Her parents tried many times throughout those years and they never gave up until Minju came along. That’s why Minju was considered to be a miracle baby by her parents – in which being a miracle to live in this world was proved once again regarding that unfortunate event that happened to her few months prior.


Growing up, Minju was described as a kind and energetic chatterbox full of rays of sunshine by anyone she met since she was a kid. She became a friendly outgoing person as years gone by to the point where she knew how to deal with people so naturally and also how to engage anyone in a small talk or deep conversations without making the other party uncomfortable for Minju was surrounded with large group of people with different types of personalities throughout her life – her family clan was humongous but Eunbi, Hyewon, Yena, and Minju kept a strong bond with each other despite how extensive it was wherein her three older cousins treated her like their real younger sister because Minju was an only child for her mother couldn’t bear another child anymore due to infertility.


That's why Minju’s three older cousins decided to join Minju and lived with her for Minju also liked to be around with people most of the time and didn't like the idea of being alone. Especially now that Minju had become an extra special kind of person and that her three older cousins also always took extra special care of her – not to mention the coffee shop that was owned by Minju's parents had now been entrusted its management to Eunbi due to the circumstances since Minju’s parents moved out.


She took a quick cold shower and got dressed up with her everyday go-to fashion style which was just the same old oversized tees and skinny jeans. She was drying her hair with a towel while facing the leaning floor mirror at the corner of her bedroom when her phone on her bed produced a beep sound in which she stopped on her tracks and went on to check it – it’s a notification from her reminder app about her last reminder for the day which was she needed to leave at a certain time to go to the coffee shop. But before Minju closed the app, she read out loud the pinned reminder at the top of her list and repeated it in her head for few times.


“Do not trust easily. Always keep your guard up all the time.”


Minju knew she would definitely forget about that reminder sooner or later but at least she tried to always keep it to her heart. Minju had a heart of gold and was an open type of person but she needed to be more cautious for many people wanted took advantage of her due to her condition. That’s why she pinned that reminder so she would always see it even after the 48 hours would end. 


She tossed her phone on her bed and went to the huge cardboard hanged on the wall in the living room. Stuffs that were pinned on it were mostly photos of her family, cousins, and close friends on its edges, a to-do list and other home notes and reminder on the top, and a newspaper and article clips about her condition on the centre to remind herself and to understand when everything starts to come back to square one. She ran her fingers through the postings as she scanned it, questioning things inside her head, knowing she would never get the answer as to why it was happened to her.


Minju had an anterograde amnesia. It’s a type of amnesia where she lost the ability to create new memories anymore in which she could only remember the data and events before the accident. Her life was on a constant loop wherein all the events and new people she met would be completely erased in her memories after 48 hours and her memories would just reboot to the day before the accident – in also which she couldn’t recall that she had an accident that day.


A sad smile crept out on her face as Minju tried to shrug that thought away for she knew she would definitely forgot the feeling of disappointment and indifference later after 8 am where her memories would start to reboot but eventually feeling it again after as Minju was actually curious about her reaction today when the time came where Eunbi would tell her what’s going on, because every time Eunbi would tell her the truth about the accident and her condition for countless times every after 48 hours, Minju had various reactions depending on what she’s feeling that day – there were times she would runaway back to the apartment where she would saw the postings and photos pinned on the huge cardboard in the living room as she realized Eunbi wasn’t making up stories, but her most common reaction was to cry alone.


Minju was indeed aware of her condition in the first few days after she woke up from comatose for three weeks at the hospital after the accident but she tend to forget it that’s why she should always stay informed every after 48 hours. Since then, Eunbi was always the one who would always broke the news to her so that she could still live her life in the present somehow even if the memories in her mind were still trapped in the past because Minju trusted Eunbi so much that Minju would always believe her without a hunch.


Minju went back to their bedroom as she prepared to leave. She picked up her phone from her bed and placed it carefully at the bottom of her sling bag, making sure it was there. After final preparations, Minju made her way to the coffee shop which was just ten minutes away by foot from their apartment. She scanned her surroundings, looking out for a potential danger that could harm her as she walked by, making sure she would arrive at the coffee shop safe and sound on or a bit early before 8 am.


The feeling of getting used to it was blotting up through her mind. She knew she would forget about everything during those 48 hours but what else she could do. No matter how badly she tried to remember those new memories she created, she wasn’t able to recall it after a certain time. This was always their routine after every 48 hours – Minju must be at the coffee shop on or a bit early before 8 am for the last thing she remembered before the accident was she accidentally left her phone on the coffee shop the night prior after attending a birthday party of one of her friends, and she woke up a with a slight hangover the next day as she went to the coffee shop to get it. She saw Yena and Hyewon are fighting over a cheese bread and Eunbi was trying to broke them apart as she giggled from the sight of it from a distance when she’s about to cross the street and then... that’s it.


Then it would all repeat over and over again...


...every 48 hours.




“Eunbi unnie, do you think it’s a great idea to make that woman stay here and witness all that is bound to happen in any second? She might be freaked out or something, you know?” Yena, in a loud whisper, asked Eunbi who was approaching back at the barista counter and stood beside her as the duck-faced girl was stealing glances at Chaewon who was now currently talking to Hyewon.


Eunbi sighed softly as she was kept checking the time on her wristwatch. “To be honest, I feel sorry for her but I guess we have no choice. She’s still our customer.”


Yena quickly asked back. “Why do you feel sorry for her?” 


“You know, I kind a feel that she’s new here. Well, not just a new customer in this coffee shop but she’s sending me the first time in the city vibes,” Eunbi shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know. She looks a little lost.”


“Oh. That’s why you didn’t suspect her to be like one of the people who pretended to be customers who always came here a little early than Minju to take advantage of her condition to pretend that Minju was in a relationship with them for they know that Minju couldn’t remember anything because her memories reboots at 8 am after every 48 hours would pass?”


“Well, yeah. She looks harmless and I think she came here without any intention to Minju. That’s why I didn’t make her leave when she first came in. Plus, she looks like she’s not used to be outside all the time.”


“I think that’s the way she is. Maybe you’re just not used to people like her because you’re always stuck up with the most obedient and gentle cousins with you every day,” Yena pouted at Eunbi while giving her pretty eyes.


Eunbi raised an eyebrow at her as she shook her head lightly in disagreement. “Just please do me a favour. Don’t do anything unnecessary and just stick to the usual plan when Minju comes later so that woman over there won’t be so shock about everything. She really looked like she had enough culture shock in her today,” Eunbi reminded as she pointed using her lips towards Chaewon in which Yena hissed as she mouthed the word “boring” to herself.


Eunbi saw Hyewon and knew what she was up to so she gained her attention from the barista counter. “Hey Kwangbae! You should stop bothering the customer and come back here to your position now.” Eunbi demanded as her eyes were glued at her digital wristwatch as Hyewon rushed back and squeezed herself between Eunbi and Yena. 


“Ouch,” Yena rubbed her arm while pouting as she was claiming the inexistent nudge by Hyewon when she shoved her way in the narrow space between her and Eunbi.


“Stop overreacting, princess. I didn’t even touch your arms,” Hyewon rolled her eyes at Yena who was quiet bad at holding her laughter.


“She’s coming now in fifteen seconds before exactly eight in the morning,” Eunbi informed them as the two nodded and got prepared.


Yena grinned as she whispered. “Hey Kwangbae, do you want to see a god-tier acting later? It’s been a while since we have an audience.”


“Suit yourself,” Hyewon snickered as she whispered back. “I’ll just pray for your poor soul now and lay candles in your grave if ever you will get a face-to-face scolding from Eunbi unnie later,” Hyewon sighed as she stared at the cheesecake left inside the pastries counter. “All I want is a free cheesecake too.” 


Eunbi started counting down.






















They all stared where Chaewon sat.




Chaewon got completely confused as she felt like why they were looking at her like what happened a while ago when she first came in but this time it was more intense – but she wasn’t really the one they’re staring at – they’re actually looking outside at the pavement as they anticipated for Minju to come because she would walked by on that side across the street.


“She’s here,” Yena announced. “Okay Kwangbae, place your---“ Yena wasn’t even finish speaking when Hyewon already shoved the cheese bread inside .


“Shut up and just do your thing,” Hyewon then calmly wrapped her hands on Yena’s neck. “Okay here, we go,” Hyewon whispered in a disappointed face, still evident that she badly wanted a free cheesecake too, as she was slowly pushing and pulling Yena with her hands still around her neck. “How dare you to eat my cheese bread?” She confronted Yena in her “angry” tone.


“Can’t you be more like convincing than that? I want to showcase my acting skills to the new customer.” Yena demanded as she was munching the whole cheese bread in in which some crumbs were flying out from it as she spoke and few landed on Hyewon’s face.


Hyewon was still disappointed about the free cheesecake and disgusted at the same time as she was kept dodging her face every time Yena tried to open . “Shut up. I’m not in the mood. I want a free cheesecake too.”


“Oh. Come on! Can you be more a little participative here?” Yena whined as she instructed her. “Squeeze your hands around my neck a little tight, will you?”


Hyewon clicked her tongue as she did what she told.


“Okay, good,” Yena continued. “Now, say your line again with feelings of rage. Imagine, your lover cheated on you and you just find out right now. You know, just like that,” she prompted. “Now, act it with that kind of emotions.”


“What’s a lover? Is it an animal?”


“That’s why I said imagine it, right?”


“Fine,” Hyewon rolled her eyes. “How dare you to eat my cheese bread?” she shouted in a somehow convincing manner.


Chaewon was extremely confused as she furrowed her eyebrows at them. She didn’t know if she should stand in their way to stop them or she should call a police but she decided to stay out of there for a while and if ever things got out of hand, she might probably do something... or maybe not because she got too distracted when she saw the girl known with a best contagious sweet smile magically appeared out of nowhere in her view outside.


Yena was still not satisfied about Hyewon’s acting so she tried to push her buttons to make Hyewon to be in the zone as she placed her hands on Hyewon’s wrists and squeezed it with pleading and submissive eyes in a seducing tone. “Can you choke me a little harder... Hyewon unnie?”


Hyewon widen her eyes for she was completely horrified from what she heard as she totally gone for it and choke Yena to her death – wherein Yena despite of groaning in pain but was so actually pleased about the outcome of their today’s acting.


Eunbi was supposed to break them apart later but she couldn’t help herself as she chimed in. “Oh my god! Why does every word come out from your mouth sounded so differently in a very weird way?”


Minju  was smiling from ear to ear as she saw the them from the coffee shop’s glass window panel as she carefully crossed the street by turning her head from left to right, making sure there’s no incoming vehicle with great speed approaching like she always did. Everyone inside the coffee shop and even few people outside the streets were all eyes on her from the moment they saw her – including Chaewon who had an immediate internal dilemma about how she’s feeling, and the three people at the barista counter, anxiously hoping that Minju would crossed the street safely for they didn’t want to happen again that unfortunate event six months ago. When Minju successfully crossed the street, a sigh relief came out from their mouths as they proceeded with their acting... again for nth time.


“Okay guys, just stop it,” Eunbi broke the two apart where Hyewon was still cringing and Yena was satisfied even though the skin on her neck was covered in red and still had a traces of Hyewon’s hand.


Minju opened the front door with soft giggles echoing throughout the coffee shop where she unintentionally gained attention – especially the fresh from the countryside girl first customer who’s sitting at the corner beside the glass window. Now, Chaewon was so helpless that she couldn’t remove her gaze from this person despite of the weird atmosphere inside the coffee shop especially the actions of the three people at the counter before Minju came in the coffee shop. 


“Hey everyone! Good morning,” Minju greeted them enthusiastically as she went straight to the counter as they greeted her back with smiles painted on their faces. “So Hyewon unnie, it looks like Yena unnie stole your cheese bread today, huh?”


Hyewon was still in a state of processing the level of cringe she received today so she just nodded in response.

Minju felt concerned as she pried. “Why? What’s the matter?” 


Yena butted in, still proud of the result of the acting that she blurted out. “I told her to choke m---“


Fortunately, Eunbi covered Yena’s mouth in a speed of light before she spilled everything and for making Minju confused for now was not the right time yet to reveal it to her. “Okay, I think you two should go inside the office now, right?” Eunbi suggested as she gently pushed them away towards the office door and calmly closed the door before the two even protested – for Hyewon didn’t want to be in the same room with Yena as of the moment.


“Choke who?” Minju chuckled.


“It’s nothing,” Eunbi dismissed it as she laughed awkwardly. “They’re just being too playful today. You know, like they always do.”


Minju beamed. “You’re right, and I applaud you for always doing a great job. You’re so amazing and wonderful, Eunbi unnie. You’re the best.” Minju stuck out a two thumbs up at Eunbi with the same bright energy she always radiated.


Eunbi smiled and cringed from the remarks. “Ugh, stop it. I know you’re just saying that because you wanted me to give you a free slice of cake.”


Minju acted surprised. “Oh. How did you know?”

“I knew it,” Eunbi laughed. “What do you want?”


“Yes!” Minju exclaimed while clapping happily as she bended down a little to take a closer look at the cakes in the pastries counter. She took her time to choose carefully as she took sideward baby steps as she examined every cake, humming in high spirits.  Meanwhile, at the other corner of the room, Chaewon couldn’t help watching her, still mesmerized by what she’s doing even though Minju wasn’t doing that much – where Chaewon took notice that Minju scrunched her nose with a tight lipped smile if she’s too focused about something in which Chaewon find it super cute – but Chaewon still couldn’t understand why she was feeling this way.


After a minute or two, Minju finally decided where she pointed it out with her forefinger. “It’s so hard. But I want to try something new since I already planned it in my mind last night. I want this one!” 


Eunbi, and of course Chaewon, looked out where Minju was pointing at. “Oh. Cheesecake?” Eunbi asked.


Minju smiled as she nodded aggressively. “Would you believe me that today is my first time that I will try to eat cheesecake? I always loved strawberry shortcake but I wanted to try this one for today.”


Chaewon somehow felt excited that Minju would taste her favourite cake of all time for the first time today and she couldn’t wait for her to try it now so that there’s a possibility that Minju and her would somehow had a common interest – wherein Chaewon felt like she’s starting to get delusional or something but still couldn’t understand what’s going on in her – but as Eunbi kept on talking with Minju, Chaewon felt Eunbi’s reactions and replies were getting less and less authentic like Eunbi already knew the details for the long time and Eunbi was just kept going with the flow of the conversation.


“Oh. Really? That’s great. I will serve it to you at your favourite usual spot at the corner.”


“Can I get a free cheesecake too?” Hyewon chimed in with her head peeking out from the office door.


Minju pleaded. “Eunbi unnie, can you give her one too?”


Eunbi glared at Hyewon with a -Let’s-Pretend-I-Will-Give-This-Free-Today-But-You-Better-Pay-Me-Later look then quickly returned her sight with a gentle approval smile to Minju. “Sure.”


Minju gave Eunbi a quick bear hug. “Eunbi unnie, you’re the best.”


Eunbi was still glaring at Hyewon who was now celebrating quietly as she slowly shrunk back inside the office for she knew Eunbi would definitely forgot about it sooner or later. 


Minju broke the hug as she asked Eunbi something. “Anyway Eunbi unnie, before I forgot to ask. Have you ever seen my phone? I believe I left it somewhere here last night after I came from a friend’s birthday party.” 


“Uhm. No, I didn’t. Have you checked your bag?” 


“I already did a few times before I left the house but it’s not here.”


Eunbi nodded as she suggested. “Check again. I believe it’s in there. Check the bottom part.”


“Are you sure?” Minju frowned as she opened her sling bag again and searched for her phone. “Because I swear I already--- Oh,“ she stopped as she found her phone.




“It’s here,” Minju picked up her phone and showed it to Eunbi. “That’s weird. I swear I didn’t have it here,” Minju pressed the power button of her phone to check if it’s really her phone. “I think my phone is broken.”


Eunbi wasn’t surprise at all but still asked her. “Why?”


“The date is in the future. It’s like six months in advance. Well, I guess the operating system of my phone got a little shook when my phone accidentally slipped off from the pocket of my jacket while I’m at the party last night. I didn’t check it that much because my friends keep talking to me so I just slid it back inside my bag then after the party which it ended like past midnight, I went straight here to get some coffee beans so I can make my own coffee in the apartment after I wake up from a slight hangover.”


Eunbi, and of course Chaewon in secret, kept on nodding as a respond as they listened to her story.


Minju continued with the unwavering smile still intact on her face. “Don’t worry Eunbi unnie, I didn’t drink too much alcohol because you know I’m not really into drinking in parties. Anyway, that’s why after I wake up, I’m looking for my phone and the last thing I remembered I left it here so that’s why I’m asking you if you saw it by any chance but weird things do happens sometimes and I’m really surprised that my phone is in my bag all this time.”


Eunbi cleared as she contemplated before speaking up again. “I think everything that’s happening to you right now must have a reason and I know you can overcome it someday.” 


Minju was surprised by the sudden encouragement as she smiled. “Thank Eunbi unnie, I’ll keep that in mind. I’ll go now to my usual spot.”


Eunbi returned a smile as Minju walked away from the barista counter. Chaewon saw it clearly with her own eyes that there’s sadness hidden in that smile from Eunbi and there must be something going on with Minju and Chaewon was so into deep of her curiosity about the black-haired girl and what it could be to the point she was staring longer than usual at Minju where she didn’t notice that Minju was already on her way to her usual spot just the next table right beside Chaewon.


Minju caught Chaewon was staring at her, or rather gawking at her, but she didn’t mind at all for she got used to people staring at her everywhere she went to for she’s also known as the life of the party and the most charismatic and friendly one among her peers. Minju interpreted this as an opportunity to strike up a conversation with the short-haired girl so she went for it naturally as she got closer like she used to with any person she would meet.


“Hi. Good morning!” Minju met Chaewon’s gaze as she greeted her with her ever award-winning smile.


Chaewon realized she got caught red-handed as she quickly looked away and fixated her sight outside by the glass window beside her, dwelling in embarrassment and guilt of her actions but at the same time feeling the regret of not returning a simple polite recognition by not greeting her back – not to mention, Chaewon was starting to feel bad because she felt like Minju might misunderstood her actions for Chaewon always got misunderstood by people all the time throughout her life due to her social anxiety because people always thought of her and gave a first impression of her as a snob and unapproachable person when every time someone was trying to strike up a conversation with her but in fact she wanted to respond too but her social anxiety always got the best of her. Chaewon couldn’t believe she wasted an opportunity to talk to Minju but if ever she would got the chance to talk her, she would probably messed the whole conversation or it would just end up in a closed-ended replies because Chaewon didn’t like talking in general – of course, Chaewon did wanted to talk to Minju but she was entirely clueless about how and what to respond to a stranger who just wanted to have a small talk with her.


Chaewon barely even lifted her cup with her hand slightly trembling as she nervously took a few sip from her dark roasted coffee to calm herself somehow while keeping her line of sight outside as she watched the busy people walking by the pavement in fast pacing in which her heart was also in sync with the speed of the movement of the people she was looking to.


Minju didn't feel offended of any sort at all for she knew there were really types of people that didn't like small talks just like how she already sensed it in Chaewon from the get-go. For Minju, they were also misunderstood for being always too loud, talkative, and insensitive but in fact they just wanted to have a friendly conversation but sometimes, or rather most of the times, they tend to become too overwhelming especially if they were talking to introverts in which they failed to notice sometimes.


Minju was still smiling at Chaewon even if she didn't get any respond from her but she never taught of the idea that she ignored her. Minju squeezed herself between the two round tables and sat on the middle of the built-in seating banquette where Chaewon was also seating on the other end. Minju noticed Chaewon's pants not knowing that it was a pyjamas for Minju taught Chaewon had a diverse fashion sense and was defying the common smart casual attire she usually saw on streets where bright colours could also be paired to - and Minju was impressed and recognized it as she scooted herself to the opposite end where her usual spot was (where also Chaewon sat before she was requested to find another seat by Eunbi) in which Minju blurted out without removing her sight at Chaewon. "By the way, your pants are nice. I like your fashion style. Where did you get those?"


Chaewon spilled out her coffee out of in which some droplets fell on the screen and keyboard of her laptop and stained also her tops. Chaewon was coughing as she covered with the back of her hand. She tried to get some tissues at the tissue dispenser on her table but she left with nothing because she already consumed it all to wipe off her sweat a while ago. 


Meanwhile, Minju quickly took action and grabbed few tissues on her table as she handed over some of it to Chaewon. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" Minju got concerned.


"Let me help you." Minju scooted closer to Chaewon before the short-haired girl could ever response to anything to help her out since Minju felt a bit guilt and responsibility about the situation. With a little to no space between them, Chaewon felt her personal space was invaded but failed to take actions about it because words suddenly couldn't come out from for the series of events happened in the speed of light and all she could hear her heart was pounding hard where it could be easily seen by Minju if ever the black-haired girl would pay attention to the movement of Chaewon’s heart on her chest – but fortunately for Chaewon, Minju was too occupied helping out – and unfortunately for Chaewon, her hands were slightly trembling and her knees were getting weak as she froze for she couldn’t stop staring at Minju’s side profile up-close.


There were some stains left and the tissue box on her table was now also empty so Minju stood up as she pointed to the barista counter. “I’ll get some wet wipes over there. Just wait here.”


“Wait,” Chaewon successfully uttered a word which made Minju stopped and looked at her eyes.


Chaewon was turned into a stone once again for a few seconds from it but managed to break the eye contact by looking at her laptop screen and pretending she’s doing something. “I- It’s- It’s okay. It’s not your fault. Tha- Thank you,” Chaewon said under her breath for her voice was also starting to get shaky.


Minju nodded. “Uhm. Okay,” she smiled. “I don’t know but I feel sorry so I’m sorry again,” Minju chuckled as Chaewon just nodded back with a tight lipped smile without looking at her again. Minju sat down and scooted herself back to the other end. She was setting the date on her phone back to the date she thought it was today while Chaewon was randomly making circles on the pointing device in her laptop while staring at nothing on the screen to calm herself about what just happened.


Chaewon was taking deep breaths in interval for a minute or two but as long as the black-haired girl was just sitting a few inches away from her, she wasn’t able to halt the race of her heart. Her head was full of questionable things to the point she didn’t notice that ten minutes had past and the preliminary interview slipped off in her mind as she realized she’s late. “Oh ,” she cursed under her breath.

Chaewon started to panic as she searched for her earphones in her laptop bag, rummaging through it and turning it upside down but to no avail. She went on to find it in her pockets but only to realize as she felt like cold water was pouring on her that she left it in the pocket of her denim jeans. If only she changed her pyjama pants to her denim jeans before leaving her apartment, she would never forget about it. It was the one of the introvert’s worst nightmare was forgetting their earphones for it was one of every introvert’s reliable best friends when going out to avoid socializing with people outside. Chaewon was so upset the she let out a loud deep sigh where Minju noticed it.


Minju observed Chaewon was struggling whether to continue the interview or not because of course, who wanted to conduct an interview in a public place where everyone in the room could hear what they’re talking about – not to mention, also one of Chaewon’s worst nightmares. Minju knew Chaewon was about to have a video conference when she saw it out of the corner of her eyes on the laptop screen while she’s helping Chaewon wiping off the stains a while back. As for Minju who had a kind-hearted soul and helpful in nature, called Chaewon’s attention. “Excuse me?”


Chaewon looked at her where she was greeted by Minju’s warm smile as Chaewon dropped her sight to Minju’s extended hand with her earphones in it. Minju extended her hand further to lend it to Chaewon when the short-haired girl was deemed stock-still. “I’m sorry if this creep you out but I swear I don’t intend it that way. I just wanted to offer some help and I assume you need this. You can use it.”


Chaewon was hesitant to accept it – after all Chaewon had done to her by not being able to reply or to look at her properly as if it looked like she’s ignoring her but never intended to be that way at all.


“Go on,” Minju insisted by beaming a bright smile which was not very helpful in Chaewon’s case for she’s slowly drowning in those sweet smiles.


“Tha- Thank you,” Chaewon reached for it as she quickly veered her sight back to her laptop screen and plugged the earphones in.


Minju quietly giggled as she proceeded doing some stuffs on her phone but Chaewon heard it in which she caught herself smiling from the sound of it where she bit her lower lips to prevent her lips from stretching even further.


Chaewon was taking a minute or two to go over all the questions in her head that she prepared last night for the interview because she didn’t want to mess everything up and she’s not really good at impromptu when Eunbi went to Minju for it was time to reveal the truth again to her about the accident and her condition that her mind was caged in the past and was unable to create new memories. “Hey Min, we need to talk in the office about something really important.”


“Sure,” Minju stood up and went with Eunbi without having any idea about what is it but it was always the common occurrence every 48 hours.


Chaewon noticed her leaving as she was taking deep breaths and was about to press the enter button on her keyboard when Minju turned around and suddenly called her attention from a small distance. “Hey, excuse me?”


Chaewon looked up at her where their eyes met once more and yet here she’s again where her body began to freeze but managed to utter a respond back. “Ye- Yes?”


Minju shot a confusion look in her face as she asked Chaewon a question. "I don't know if this may sound stupid or what, but have we ever met before?"


Eunbi was completely surprised as two heads popped out from the barista counter, shock was visible on their faces as they listened to their conversation for they believed Minju never remembered or familiarized with new faces she met at all ever since the accident and Minju’s memories already reset back to her last memory on the day before the accident as all eyes were on Chaewon, anticipating for her to answer.


Chaewon cleared as she answered honestly. "No."


"Are you sure we never met before?"




"Are you really sure?"


"Yes, I'm sure."


Minju seemed unconvinced by it as she took steps back to Chaewon. She let out a hand as she asked for something. "Look, I'm sorry if this is way too much to do but can I touch your hand just for a second?" 


Eunbi wanted to protest for it was absurd for Minju to ask to touch hands with a complete stranger and she was about to interfere when Minju spoke up again with her eyes still glued on Chaewon. “I know it’s totally inappropriate but I just wanted to prove something and I think I need to do it. It’s just for a few seconds and that’s it but if you don’t want to, it’s fine.”


Chaewon was really hesitant to do it but her mind went completely blank at this point without her even realizing that her hand moved on its own and placed itself on Minju’s palm. They touched their hands just for a few seconds but for Chaewon it felt like it was an eternity. 


Chaewon taught she would be embarrassed in front of Minju for like every part of her body was trembling and she was acting out in such a weird way that she might get misunderstood for even Chaewon couldn’t comprehend what’s going on with her too but as soon as they held hands, she felt she’s back in the countryside... she felt home.


"Are you sure we never touched hands before?" Minju queried, still confused as she was staring at their held hands.


Chaewon shook her head violently as her heart was about to burst for she could also sense the death stare from the other three people in the room.  “No."



Chaewon wasn’t really sure what’s going on but she was one hundred and one percent sure that they didn’t held hands nor they met before as she answered back. “Yes.”


Minju was still not satisfied as she felt Chaewon was hiding something but she decided to let go of her hand and smiled at her. "I see. I’m sorry about this and about earlier. Thank you so much. You are?” 


“Chae- Chaewon”


“Chaewon-ssi” Minju repeated it and smiled. “Your name suits your face. It’s pretty. I’m Minju, by the way.” Minju extended her hand for a hand shake.


Chaewon blushed hard but managed to reciprocate it with a shy smile as she hastily return her sight back to her laptop screen. Minju walked away as she tapped Eunbi’s shoulder when Minju passed by her. “Let’s now go to the office Eunbi unnie. I’m sorry for the delay.”


Eunbi nodded as she smiled. “Sure, you can go ahead first. I remember I just need to do something quick. I’ll join you later.”


“Okay,” Minju smiled as she made her way to the small office inside the coffee shop.


As soon as Minju closed the office door, Yena and Hyewon joined Eunbi as the oldest girl stood in front of Chaewon wherein Chaewon looked up at them as she cleared .


“Chaewon-ssi, can we talk later?”


a/n: Sorry for the delay. I hope you would still enjoy it. Thank you for reading ♡


- aurora ♡


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Chapter 3: eunbi unnie projective mode HAHAHAHA
Kamishil #2
Chapter 3: Awww~~ Anyeongz appeared and Yuri was briefly mentioned. I wonder what Chaewon wants to borrow. Thanks for the update author-nim and I can’t wait to see what happens next!
1761 streak #3
Chapter 3: this was cute and funny lol XD
wizorbit #4
Chapter 3: chaewon w annyeongz cute asf do u mind if i cry T______T also eunbi all protective w minju is so endearing nd cute <3 nd funny bc of that stunt LOL i love eunbis character here sm <3
Chapter 3: Wahh, longer chapter. I really like this chapter. It was so funny to read especially when chaewon and annyeongz together, i keep smiling when i read that.

And when when chaewon flex her mint pajama was so funny too. But why eunbi need to play it dirty like that, but at least because of that chaewon will try more harder, and now I'm curious what chaewon want to do and what chaewon want to borrow from yena??

This is really great chapter, can't wait for the next one, and you write another 2kim au? I will definitely read that one too
Kailoverexol #6
Chapter 2: Plz continue ???
Kailoverexol #7
Chapter 2: Plz continue ???
Kailoverexol #8
Chapter 1: Plzzzzz let it be a loooonngg fanfic plzzz?????
1761 streak #9
Chapter 2: hmmm...
Kamishil #10
Chapter 2: I wonder what Eunbi wants to talk about with Chaewon. I have a feeling Chaewon can help Minju or that they actually knew each other from before. Thank you for the update and I can’t wait to see what happens next!