It's Okay to Love
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(Chungha (feat Ph-1) - Promise me/My friend) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=al4KrCcCse8


Exiting the club, ShinAe withdrew her hand from Jaehyun's hold. "Hey! I'm not hungry." ShinAe protested with a scrunched up nose. As if on cue, her stomach grumbled and her cheeks instantly pinked from embarrassment. 

"Okay, I lied. I am. " Admitting to it, she looked everywhere but at Jaehyun. With the alcohol absorbing into her, it was becoming more difficult for her to stand still. ShinAe's body was slowly leaning to her right. This was a lot more alcohol compared to last time. 

Noticing that she was unsteady, Jaehyun reached out and placed a supporting hand on her side. Jaehyun withdrew his hand when she straightened herself. 

"So, are you ready?" Questioning her, she replied with a nod. Walking backwards in the direction of the food stall, Jaehyun faced her and retorted with excitment. "There's this place the crew and I always go to. It's about a 10 minute walk. The lady always gives us extra kimari when we visit. Literally one of the best tteokbokki, I've had." 


 -    -    -   -


"ShinAe, be careful!"

Jaehyun looked up from his crounching position and found ShinAe balancing herself on the wooden rails that was surrounding a flower bed. She had her arms stretched out trying to stabilise herself. Jaehyun only crouched down less than a minute ago to tie his shoe laces and when he looked up, she was stepping onto the log rails.

Jogging to catch up to her, he treaded beside her.  "Drunk ShinAe is very different from sober ShinAe." Jaehyun stated in amusement.

Suddenly halting on the rail, ShinAe she turned to face him. Concerned that she was going to fall, Jaehyun subsciously reached out. "She's still ShinAe though." ShinAe said in a knowingly tone with narrowed eyes. She then proceeded to putting one feet in front of each other and continued to walk on the log. She was lucky that these log rails were thick and wide. She was wearing heels for goodness sake. While tipsy ShinAe didn't really go far from her sober self; drunk ShinAe was a bit more of a risk taker. 

"Yes she is." Jaehyun couldn't help but smile. Seeing her tipsy and a little less upright - it was charming. Sticking her arm as a way of balancing herself, Jaehyun became distracted by her hand. For some reason, he felt this incredible urge to hold her hand. As if in a daze, he extended his hand, and held onto her's.

The moment ShinAe felt warmth encase her hand, she twisted her head to look at him.

"Just in case you fall." He said softly, a little louder than a whisper.

Staring at him, ShinAe could feel heat creep onto her cheeks - not like they could get any redder than they were from the alcohol. Clearing , she ignored the sound of her heart beat pulsing in her ear and the feeling of goosebumps crawling on her skin. She hummed her response and proceeded to the end of the rail. 

With his hand holding onto her's, Jaehyun continued to walk by her side. Her hands felt so nice and comforting in his. They were so soft, so fragile. He was so careful while holding it, not wanting to crush her hands. Not wanting to cause her harm.

Almost reaching the end of the log, ShinAe took a step forward. Unexpectedly her legs buckled and she stumbled. With quick reflexes, Jaehyun closed the space between them and caught her.

"That was close." Jaehyun murmured while staring at her. Faces merely inches from each other. Breaths exchanged with each inhale and exhale. One small movement and it would be something more than just stares and ancitipating heartbeats.

Seeing him up close,  she could feel her heart pound at her chest at incredible speeds. "Yeah, real close." She whispered, still leaning on him in an awkward position with her knees bent and her feet resting on the rails. 

Gulping and  his lips, Jaehyun felt like his lips have been of its moisture. He opened his mouth to speak. "Let's get you down."

Placing a gentle hand on each side of her waist, he gently lifted her up and let her down in front of him. 

Tugging on the hem of her dress, she faked a cough. "Thank you."

Clearing his throat, he shoved his hand in his pockets, which wanted to linger on her body a little longer than he expected. Realising the thoughts he had, Jaehyun murmured while avoiding her eyes. "You're welcome. The food stall is just ahead." 

Jaehyun took the initiative to lead her. Feeling like he has left a sufficient space between them, he exhaled. *What the hell was that?! Why did it feel like I couldn't breathe?*  He then heard a faint sneeze behind him. Halting his steps, he spun around to check on ShinAe. Facing her, he saw her sneeze again.

Without a word, Jaehyun took off his jacket. While Jaehyun was approaching her, ShinAe was digging in her bag for a packet of tissue. Pushing around the contents in her bag, she saw a familiar sky blue packet at the bottom of the bag. Shoving her hand deeper into the bag, her hand stopped just before she grabbed the tissue. ShinAe felt something draped over her upper body. Lifting her head, she sees Jaehyun pulling his arms back and returning them to his side. "You looked cold."  

She could see his body tense up from the cooler weather. He was cold. ShinAe could see goosebumps trace down his arms. He needed the jacket but here he was giving it to her. Not just this, even when they were back at the club. He didn't need to hassle h

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Next chapter, mild spice. :)


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Fireflies123 #1
Chapter 31: The two of them together make my heart melt. Jaehyun is the sweetest boyfriend ever and the amount of control and perseverance he has to stop their heated interactions from getting further bc he doesn’t want to push Shin ae is admirable.
Chapter 31: What a control!
Chapter 31: Owww...spicyy it is🌚

Damn! Yoojung is an . I hate her as much as I hate Kai rn.😠 Those two can go rot in hell together.
Chapter 31: Wow!
What a great control you have there, Jaehyun!
Jaehyun is such a nice partner, not demanding, and always listening
Both of them are perfect to each other
Chapter 30: Possession, and Kai was being in denial of things he’ve done. As if he was the one wronged. Chanyeol really put hit self out there, he is such a brave soul
Chapter 30: Welcome back! Thank you for the update and yeah, I like how the thing goes well between Jaehyun and ShinAe.
Chapter 30: WHOA!
YOU’re BACK!!!!
Thank you for the update, and oh!
Now everything’s clear!
I can hate kai and yoojung and ofc a little bit hate for chanyeol.
But jaehyun is gonna be there for her now
Chapter 29: I'm so happy they are together!! 💕
JeonMinyoung #9
Chapter 29: I'm so glad seeing Shinae opening up little by little . She's so cute!!
I really hope Chanyeol is not there to stir stuff up
tang53 #10
Chapter 29: Glad that Shinae is opening up her feelings for Jaehyun. What does Chanyeol want to talk about with Jaehyun.