Time Waits For No-One.

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Time Waits For No-One.



Eunha spent the next day lingering around the ER and Junmyeon’s office. This earned her a scolding look from Chanyeol — of all people — who accused her of ditching her duties as a core member of the ob-gyn team. However, it did not take long for the male nurse to casually shrug his shoulders and use Eunha’s head as an arm rest to join in on the fun.


“Who or what are you spying on?”


“What makes you so sure I’m spying on someone?”


“Ah-ha!” Chanyeol exclaimed with pride. “So it’s a person, now let’s see…”


Expending his arm out, Chanyeol moved his finger around like a compass in search of the correct target. 


“I spy with my eyes a Junmyeon who is more focused on his phone than his work,” Chanyeol chirped excitedly. “What’s he staring so intently at?”


Not expecting Chanyeol to catch on so fast, Eunha lifted her head to stare at Chanyeol but failed due to his weight resting on top of her head. Taking out her phone, Eunha’s lips curled into a cheeky grin as she started typing a message.


“Want to see something funny?”


Feeling Chanyeol nod his head, Eunha dramatically tapped on the ‘send’ button on her phone. After doing so, she immediately looked up and focused her gaze on Junmyeon, the recipient of her message.


Just as she had anticipated, Junmyeon jolted when he received the message. Much to Junmyeon’s dismay, he ended up clicking open the message and after reading its content, he let out an exacerbated yelp that sounded just like the one Eunha had heard yesterday outside her office.


“What did you send him?” Chanyeol guffawed, biting his fist to contain himself from cackling out loud.


“Secret,” Eunha quipped, quickly typing another message.


Junmyeon stared at his home speechlessly. He wondered whether it was a hallucination, but regardless of how long he stared at the message, it remained unchanged.


From Troublesome Eunha:

You’ve got until midnight.


He was about to exit the message app when yet another message popped up.


From Troublesome Eunha:

Time is ticking.


Feeling his knees go weak, Junmyeon leaned against the wall and slid down towards the ground, earning a concerned look from Irene who was passing by.


Eunha giggled to herself and pushed Chanyeol off of her since she had an outpatient appointment soon and she could not neglect her work because of Junmyeon. When she turned around though, she came face to face with Minseok who was staring at her judgmentally.


“Stop doing that,” Minseok warned the girl.


“Stop doing what?” Eunha asked innocently as she tilted her head.


“You’re making that face that you make every time you are brewing up some evil plan.” Minseok frowned. “I know that look too well. I’ve seen you and Sunny plotting together way too many times in the past.”


“Just let me have fun.” Eunha rolled her eyes.


“Yes, just let us have fun.” Chanyeol nodded, hooking his arms with Eunha and pulling the girl along.


Giving Minseok a cheerful wave, Eunha threw one final glance towards the disgruntled Junmyeon. That was enough for alarm bells to start ringing in Minseok’s head. Lifting his hands, Minseok pointed at his eyes and then pointed towards Eunha while mouthing ‘I’m watching you’.




Shuffling out of her bedroom in her pyjamas that consisted of an oversized t-shirt, Eunha crouched down in front of the freezer and stared inside in search of something cold to munch on. Her eyes landed on the frozen grapes and she excitedly reached for them. She contemplated on joining Minseok on the sofa to watch a film, however, the night sky looked too beautiful and thus Eunha decided to relax on the balcony instead.


Sitting down on the chair placed on the balcony, Eunha hugged her knees close to her chest and bit into a frozen grape while her eyes remained locked on her phone, watching the minutes change as it got closer and closer to midnight. Her phone buzzed in that moment and she almost dropped her phone from how fast she tried to open the message.


From The Dimples:

Are you still up for tomorrow?

I was thinking about French food for date number 2.


Biting her lower lip, Eunha’s eyebrows lowered in disappointment at who the sender of the message was before realising that she still needed to give Yixing a proper response. Inhaling deeply, Eunha finally gathered her courage to give Yixing a call.


“A phone call?” Yixing mused the moment he answered. “To what do I owe this honour?”


“Well…” Eunha mumbled, suddenly at a loss of words.


“Is this about the French restaurant?” Yixing asked, noticing how uncharacteristically quiet Eunha was being. “We can go somewhere else if you prefer.”


“No, French food is good, as long as I don’t ha

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Editing ended! Also I added an extra ending paragraph in the final chapter because honestly, that was too abrupt of an end man XD


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Chapter 25: God sooo cute. I love the relationship between Junmyeon and Eunha.
AiiSoo #2
Chapter 24: Junmyeon and Eunha were so cute. I could’ve never imagined that Junmyeon was more childish than Bongcha and Kyungsoo. Hahahah. He gave relationship advice to his sister but can’t act the same towards his own love life. Took him so long just to get over his confusion and realized that he actually fell for Eunha. Aecha could be a cupid at this rate. I lowkey expected that maybe she had some kind of connection to Kyungsoo. Like distant relative or something. Hahaha.
Thank you for this lovely story..!
yoyo_ma #3
Chapter 25: I need more fluff moment between junmyeon and eunha pleaseee, can you make a bonus chapter maybeeee
soulstealersoulgiver #4
Wait wait wait you’re telling me this masterpiece only has so little attention????tf??? I read this back in like may when i was a silent reader and it’s mf unfair to see a story that I loved so much be so unappreciated. I just want to say that I loved this. Start to end. The fluff. JUNMYEON. Ong this became my comfort story and I just geniuenly fell in love with the characters and the setting. Thank you for writing and completing this. As an author here myself, I tend to get unmotivated really easily but your story inspired me a lot. I hope you know that from time to time this story lives in my mind RENT FREE and that I love it. Thank u for existing <33
Chapter 25: OMG THIS WAS SO ADORABLE ≧◡≦ I would love to see the continuation but you ended it on a very good note. The anticipation for the future. LOVED IT. I’m already in love with your writing style! Would look forward for more fics from you. Thank you for writing this (◠‿◠✿)
NoraMyFics #6
Chapter 25: wait, what?? it's over already?? i wasn't prepared for that!! i thought i was just going for next chapter!! awww, that's sad for me, but anyway, this is such a simple and cute story!!
KimHyeJoo #7
Chapter 25: Aw i want aecha and eunha moment more tho lol
Thank you for the story!
Chapter 25: side note - you deserve a lot more attention/reads for your stories. i hope you can promote these at some point because they have so much potential. if you're ever stuck on how to gain more readers, etc. im always here to help!
this is a hidden gem i know many people would love to read and its a shame that its very underrated.