The Twelve Half-bloods and the Cursed Monster
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Yujin has absolutely no idea what happened at the cabin assembly, but she opened her eyes to be welcomed by an unfamiliar surroundings. She stood up from lying down, trying to familiarize the place she was sure isn't the camp half-blood.

She was at a park. The place was nothing like the playgrounds Yujin has ever been. It felt nothing modern. It was way smaller than those she had visited. Wooden toys littered around the green grass. Children played and ran through every side of the park. Soft giggles filtered the place, and Yujin never felt so satisfied watching them play. She had other things to worry about but here, she felt peace. She wanted to stay and watch them for a little longer. Minutes later when a woman then appeared and entered the gate. She wore a red, fancy dress designed with golds and corals. She had a shoulder-length and wavy black hair. Her smile looked beautiful as she greeted the kids. The children stopped with what they were doing and gathered around her.

“You have a very beautiful heart,” the kid said. His hand lifted to touch the woman’s face, caressing it gently. “Thank you.”

 “That is my duty as your queen,” the woman replied. She pinched the boy’s cheeks and crinkled her nose, laughter won the atmosphere. The kids surrounding the queen came to her and locked her with a group hug.

 “But there is not any queen like you,” stated a girl as their hug broke. She was holding a rose on her hand, she handed it to the woman and gave her a warm smile.

 “How do you say so?” she asked as she received the rose.

 “You gave us home,” she answered. “You did not leave us, like our parents.”

 The queen’s lips curved upward. Happiness rushed through her body. She had achieved her dream ever since she was a child. She had managed to open an orphanage for the lost ones.

 “You’re not leaving us too, right?” a boy wearing a hat asked.

 “I won’t, my dear child. All of you have become my own,” the woman said.

 The kids clapped and shouted “Yey!” happily.

 “I will always protect you,” she glanced around the bunch of kids. “All of you.”

 And then suddenly, Yujin’s surroundings changed. The children disappeared, and so did the queen too. The once lively and bright place turned into a horrible one.

"What happened?" she whispered to herself. She looked around and noticed the endless trees as tall as the skyscrapper. The grass sounded crispy as she walked through the woods. The stars were brightly shining white like a snowflake, glinting and shimmering through the broad nighttime. The moon served as her light and guide as she explored the unfamiliar surroundings. With now a heavy heart, Yujin plunged deeper into the woods. She couldn't help but be curious of what was in it. She wanted to explore the place, even without knowing what was going to appear on her way.

 The further she went, the darker and mystical it became. There was a deafening silence, the chirping of the crickets is the only sound she can hear. She could barely see anything as trees grew bigger with sprawling limbs and guarded the darkness the further she went, blocking out any light that the moon gives the land. She continued walking endlessly, until she felt something crack on her feet. She peeked down and tried to look at something she stepped on despite the blinding darkness caused by the forest. With the swish of the trees' leaves and branches caused by the wind, the moon was able to shine upon her place. It was only a split second, but Yujin was sure with what she saw. She bit her lower lip with fear and nervousness as the taste of blood filled .

 It was a person's skeleton.

 Yujin wanted to back down and ran away, but her body tells otherwise. She rested for a couple of minutes as she felt fatigue rush through her body. She felt like she has been walking eternally. She doesn't even have any idea where she was, all she only remembers was Chaewon telling her to close her mind.

 Why did Chaewon tell her that, though?

 Yujin pressed her lips together causing her dimples to be visible. As she rested on a tree, something glowed near her. She went to where the light was coming from and saw a woman, in her white silk dress. She looked elegant, and Yujin won't deny, the woman's face looked ethereal. Her hair was golden as the sun. Her eyes were colored red, and everytime the woman blinks, her eyes’ color changes onto something else. Red— Orange— Yellow— Green et cetera. She had a long, pointy nose that perfectly matched her velvet soft lips. She felt so powerful, someone you do not wish to anger as clouds played upon her arrival, circling around her and never fading. The woman then looked at her direction, at first Yujin thought the woman noticed her presence, but she turned her back from her and walked somewhere Yujin does not know.

 "Um, hey? Can you help me? I'm lost," she shouted at the woman as she followed her behind. The woman continued walking, so Yujin must’ve thought she didn’t hear her. And she called again, and again, but to no avail, there were no responses from her.

 The woman led her up a trail that had been obscured by bushes and small rocks. A cave was suddenly visible to Yujin’s eyes. Its interior looked dim, although the entrance to it was being lit by two torches on each side. The woman disappeared onto the caves’ darkness as she entered, and Yujin followed with no hesitation. She came in, and she was engulfed in the chilling blackness of the stone walls.

The sound of the disturbed rocks echoed off the dense tunnel. The dripping of waterdrops coming from somewhere unknown rang on her ear. She continued to come after the woman, her glowing presence made Yujin to follow her without difficulties. She saw her come to a halt, and so she did too. She noticed it was the end of the cave, with torches surrounding the place and bones scattered through the floor. She also saw a bed, and there came lying another woman. Yujin trembled with fear as she completed inspecting the woman’s physical traits. Her cheeks were covered with crimson blood. The bed she was lying were filled by rotten flesh, flies flew around the girl. She had no upper clothes, causing her chest to feel the cold breeze of the place. Below her waist she had a serpent’s tail. And there was one more terrible thing about her too.

 She has no eyes.

 “Lamia,” the woman called. Yujin was sure she was dead, until the body jolted from her bed. She sat up straight and searched for something beside her table with her hands. She could not see, but she was familiar with her home. She took the jar she was looking for and with the blazing light of the torches, Yujin witnessed the woman on the bed take two eyes from the container. She grasped both the eyeballs, and put it in her own eye sockets.

 “What are you doing here?” she scowled at the woman who was on the opposite side of her bed. The feeling of anger was evident on her tone.

 “I am here to relay a message,” the old woman answered. The other woman sneered, her tails moved wobbly.

 “I do not want to hear it!” she exclaimed. “Leave my house.”

 The woman glanced at the cave and shook her head, “Your place is filled with bloodshed, dear. Is this what you call a house?”

 “That’s because she took everything away from me!” she shouted. She closed her eyes and pointed towards the direction of Yujin, and her heart skipped a beat. “Leave, please.” 

 “You have until the Rose Moon to break the curse,” the woman sighed. Lamia looked at her direction for the first time, hope raised through her body.

 “What are you talking about?” she asked. She stood up—okay, she crawled up, maybe. Whatever—and went out of the bed to face the woman properly.

 “You are given the chance to be born again– as a normal human,” she added. Her hands motioned circularly, and the clouds that were formed from her hands showed the place Yujin was at earlier. Children were playing on the sand; others were lying down on the green grass as they laugh hysterically. “They are waiting for you.”

 Lamia’s eyes glowed with anticipation. For a moment, she had forgotten about the wrath inside her heart as she saw images of the kids. Her eyes dwelled with tears. Memories flashed through her mind.

 “W–Where are they?” she asked.

“Elysium,” she replied.

“Are they safe? Please tell me they are,” she begged. Her cheeks were now filled with tears she tried to stop.

“Dear,” she stated. “Elysium is a safe place for souls.”

 Lamia then let out a relieved sigh. “At least they are away from any danger.”

The woman then smiled. “You can be with them, Lamia.”

 The serpent tailed woman once again looked at her direction. “How?”

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The Twelve Half-bloods have been updated after almost a year!! Woohoo~ HAHAHAHAHAHHA I'm very sorry it took so long. I had to keep it in the dungeon because of school >.<

Let me know what you want to see on the next chapter by commenting your thoughts~ Thank you!! ^^


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Kimhyunjun #1
Chapter 6: Annyeongz 🔥🔥🔥
rahamlw2006 #2
Chapter 6: WOW
Chapter 6: Oh? You’re back? Welcome backkkkkk~
I need to reread the series now hhhhh
Chapter 6: omg this is amazing author nim
Chapter 6: 💙💙💙
Chapter 6: Thank you for the update and welcome back!^°^
Chapter 5: Woah, this is cool
Chapter 5: Thank goodness I read a lot of mythology books XD I know Lamia, so she’s the cursed monster? :)) She’s a daughter of Poseidon, accdg to some works at least, that was cursed by Hera due to having an affair with Zeus (May bago ba pareng Zeus? XD) The curse was pretty cruel too :( ᴴᵉʳᵃ ᵏᵘˡᵃⁿᵍ ᵏᵃ ˢᵃ ᵃʳᵘᵍᵃ

I’m curious as to who that cloud lady is though.... Hestia? Hecate? And who will lift the curse? ‘Her daughter’ she said but who among the half-bloods? I want to think that Hera got one half-blood but she’s way too loyal to sire godlings acccckkk

I hope the kids in the camp will get an interaction too :>
As always good luck in writing and finding the inspiration! :) Thank for the update too!
Chapter 5: very interesting!! >_< I wonder what the dream meant tho. good thing Yujin woke up but I wonder what’ll happen if she didn’t hmm. I dunno but Chaeyeon sounds badass here, so cool >_< and also, where are the others, authornim?