the reboot // deadline may 22nd

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Rebooting• • •

Countless rejections, numerous attempts, dozens of trials and errors all for nothing, or so it seems. After the unsuccessful debuts of Anthurium Entertainment's first boy and girl groups the company decides to give it their last shot and put their all into their upcoming project, The Reboot.

The Reboot is a 3 part project which consists of three units: the overall co-ed group which encompasses all of the previous members from past groups along with the addition of new member(s), and then the two sub units (sage and magnolia). These idols and trainees have gone through it all, with some being at a state of despair, hopelessness, and even exhaustion.

Can this project truly give them the recognition and support they deserve and have worked so hard for? Or will this be the finale for these fatigued idols? In hopes of earning the former, these men and women throw down their hands and give it their all one last time. Afterall, failure leads to success just as rejection stirs motivation.

author's note: oh my goodness, hello everyone! it has been a hot minute since i've logged into this site and boy am i cringing at my past works. in an attempt to recover from those past fics that i've made i decided to reboot myself (aha get it) and create a new applyfic in hopes that it will come out better than my previous works. that being said i hope you all gain some interest and apply or simply stay and read, i look forward to hearing from all of you! more info to come in the upcoming chapters!

title: reboot
author: saranghaebap
deadline: tba


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14 streak #1
I'm very sorry but I don't think I'm going to apply for this after all. Good luck for the story tho!
reveal_ #2
love the concept. i'll be sending mine in soon!
Chapter 2: i know what plotline i'm going for ^^
14 streak #4
Chapter 2: I’m going to go for the cosmo plotline! Though it will be a bit weird to see her as a rapper, since the oc I have in mind is usually a main vocalist
Chapter 2: this look so interesting!!! can't wait omg <3333
14 streak #6
I love this idea and I have several characters that would be suitable for this fic!