Chapter one

I will show you
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Words. When you first think of it, words are just letters put together, words make sentences and from sentences comes a story. 

We ussualy don't think much when we speak. We don't realise that words carry a meaning to them. Things said out of anger can hurt other people deeply.

Junmyeon closed the book and put it under his pillow. He was thinking bout lot of things lately. Exo would have a comeback soon and exo-ls were hyped up and he was too, but something had happened between Junmyeon and s. They had become distant with each other. Junmyeon tried his best to fit in with the other members, to become closer to them. Chanyeol and Baekhyun had become quite close soon after they debuted, Jongin and Kyungsoo had an intresting relationship. They seemed to dislike each othet a lot in the past but grew unexpectedly close. Sehun's and Yixing's friendship was as unexpected. It looked like both boys had nothing in common, they didn't even acknowledge each other much. Who could have known that intrest in unicorns would make their friendship form. Jongdae and Minseok were friends from their trainee days. Only one without a pair was Junmyeon. 

Not like he minded. He was pretty close to all of s. In the 9 member group someone would end up alone and it just happened to be Junmyeon. But he had an idea how to fix that. 

A little party is a good way how to spend some good time with your friends. Only Junmyeon and s. 

Junmyeon kept it as a secret from the other members. They were all busy with their own schedules, was it filming for a drama, an OST producing or appearance on a TV show.

 Junmyeon had always wanted to have something on his own, something that made him stand out. Yes, that might be a little selfish from Junmyeon as a leader. Being a leader was a big responsibility and honor. Junmyeon appreciated that, but he still longed for something on his own or with s, he didn't mind, he just wanted to be included, since other exo members were having big projects and offers while he stayed in their dorm most of the time, that is if they weren't preparing for a comeback. 

But Junmyeon understood that the company just couldn't give him his own solo project so soon, not after Yixing had just dropped his new song Sheep. 

Junmyeon got up from his warm bed and stepped outside of his and Sehun's shared room. Now it was mostly his own room since sehun preferred to stay at the other members’ rooms. Junmyeon didn't know why, probably because Junmyeon was focusing on his skills. It's not like Junmyeon was a bad singer, he just wanted to be able to reach those Baekhyun's and Chen's high notes.

A soft smile spread on Junmyeon's lips as he looked at his own hand work. It wasn't easy but within a few hours Junmyeon had turned their dorm's living room into a beautiful place for an event. It was decorated with ballons and ornaments, other rooms had been decorated, too. Their ussually messy dorm was cleaned spotless and looked like they had just moved in it. On the table were numerous food. Junmyeon tried his best to cook what each member liked the best, he wasn't as good as Kyungsoo at cooking, but his skills were good enough. He had also prepared little gifts for s.
The clock showed that it was already 5 pm. They were supposed to arrive two hours earlier but none of them had showed up or left a message.

 Junmyeon had asked them to come to their dorm regarding exo's comeback. 

A wierd feeling started to make it's way in Junmyeon's stomach. He didn't know what it was. It was a mix of emptiness and the feeling of being rejected. Junmyeon couldn't explain it, and why he was feeling it in first place.
The time passed slowly and the feeling had moved to his heart and mind. Junmyeon had texted all of them, mostly Sehun. 

Junmyeon didn't want to admit it but he had stared to develop some feelings toward their maknae. He didn't know how it had started. Junmyeon noticed how bright, hardworking, beautifull and nice the other was. Just the mere thought of him made Junmyeon feel like making it through another day. Their 5 year difference didn't bother Junmyeon as much as in the beggining. He was thankfull for having someone as sweet and caring as Sehun in his life. He knew he could always turn to Sehun if he needed someone to listen to or lend a shoulder to cry on. Sehun would always listen to his worries and hold him when Junmyeon felt like the world was crushing him down.

If only Sehun was here right now to hold him as the first tears fell down Junmyeons cheeks. Soon he was a crying mess, holding himself, trying to get rid of the bad thoughts that were haunting him in this moment. That s didn't come because they simply didn't want to. That the reason why Junmyeon was always alone was because s disliked him. Junmyeon knew that he could be annoying, especially now that he was trying to bond with them, to be closer with them. 
What if s got tired of him? What if they thought he was a bad leader or a bad person? 
"But I still want you..." Junmyeon muttered, having a hard time to talk or breathe at this moment. It had gotten very late. Junmyeon felt like his heart had been ripped out from his chest. He couldn't move, not like he wanted to. He just wanted to disappear. Maybe then they would start caring for him. 
Right when he thought that he heard a sound of a car driving closer and closer. That made Junmyeon get up and dry his tears. He was wrong. Of course they would come, they were a team. They were probably busy, but they still loved him and cared about him. 

Junmyeon came running to the front door, tripping on his way many times. He was about to open the door when he heard s speaking. Junmyeon stopped and listened carefully pressing his ear against the door. 

"Do we really needed to wait so long to arrive, he has probably fallen asleep." Junmyeon recognised Baekhyun's voice. He smiled softly but kept listening. He would make them repay for worrying him and making him wait.  

"Says the one who didn't want to be in a group with t

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Finished I Will Show You.
This story was the first story I ever wrote so I'm sad that it's over.
Thanks to all readers for reading the story and commenting. I couldn't have done that without your support. ❤


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Wakermelon_bin #1
Chapter 8: Sing for you! Stop, was very sweet♡
ExoSophia #2
Chapter 8: This was just 🖤✨
EXO_1357 #3
The end was so sweet nd beautiful. Loved the story☺️☺️<3<3<3
744 streak #4
Chapter 8: Omo! The end was sweet and I am happy about it. :D <3 Beautiful story, good job. :)
EXO_1357 #5
Aww it is going to end too soon☹️☹️
744 streak #6
Chapter 7: The chapter was great, and at least he was able to feel a bit at ease at the end. Waiting for the next update! :D
Chapter 6: Ack!! You're good at keeping us on our toes with excitement T.T i can hardly wait for the next update!!
Sehun is being suspicious. Why does he have a girlfriend when he clearly likes jun? Was he required by the agency or something to date this girl? Like a publicity stunt, maybe? Gahhh he makes me madddd
Thank you for the update!
EXO_1357 #8
Chapter 6: Loved the chapter. I am happy you updated <3<3
744 streak #9
Chapter 6: I loved this chapter, and I must admit that the end of the chapter was mind bowing. :D
Ashes-Imran #10
Chapter 5: Update..Update..😭😭😭😭😭
Loved it❤❤
Poor Suho😭