Red Mercedes
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Warning(s): cursing, frat boy tiness/toxicity
Length: 2.8k words


This bonus happens before the main events of Red Mercedes and acts as an inside look into Baekhyun’s “side” of the story. This is written in Baekhyun’s point of view!!


“What the hell did you do to your hair?”


“You like it?” Baekhyun asked the baffled Seulgi. She reserved a special scowl for him, and that look was back on her face. Baekhyun was used to it, however, and he merely brushed his newly dyed hair out of his forehead and popped yet another button on his shirt. “I wanted it red,” he said, “but red and black looks good too, right?”


“Is that a ing mullet?”


“And what about it?”


Seulgi shook her head and rolled her eyes. “You look like the biggest I’ve ever seen, Jesus .” She approached him and scoffed loudly when she peered closer at his exposed chest. “And you’re wearing a ing cross, Baekhyun. You know how ironically stupid you look?”


“The girls I sleep with don’t care,” Baekhyun retorted as he finished buckling his belt. His jeans already fit perfectly, but if there was anything that he knew about girls, it was that they liked it a lot when guys accessorized. More to look at, one told him. “You sure you don’t wanna come to ZAP’s party? We’re joint-hosting with this sorority—KKG, I think.”


“I’m good,” Seulgi said as she backed off. “I don’t want to see you get hammered like a tool.”


Before Seulgi could scold Baekhyun more, he walked out of their shared apartment and headed towards his red Mercedes. Without opening its door, he hopped into the driver’s seat in a flamboyant fashion.


Baekhyun looked at himself in the rearview mirror and smiled upon what he saw. A small part of him thought that he looked ridiculous. However, the bigger part of him—the part that didn’t give a but ed girls—knew that his new look would attract people by the masses. After all, everyone loved bad boys, and he knew that he was as bad as they could get.



- - - - -



“What’s your count?” Nam asked Baekhyun.


“15?” Baekhyun frowned as he tried to do the mental math. “Actually, no. It’s 16 now. I slept with Misoo last party.”


At the sound of that, Nam and his brother Tobey perked up with thrilled grins. The twins were of Vietnamese descent, first generation immigrants, and were just as awful as Baekhyun knew that he was. Their body counts were some of the highest of the year, and like Baekhyun, they were always looking forward to upping the ante each time.


“Misoo? Really?” Tobey giggled drunkenly and slapped a hand on Baekhyun’s back. “Dude. Isn’t she friends with that other girl? Tara? Tati?”


“Tara,” Baekhyun replied. He couldn’t help himself from smiling now. “She’s Misoo’s best friend. I think Tati’s their mutual friend, but I haven’t ed her yet.”


“That’s such a ing streak, bro,” Nam said as he nodded in approval. “Girls get so ed up when you their friends.” He opened a fresh bottle of beer for Baekhyun and then himself. “Does Tara know? Holy , how’d you even get Misoo to do it?”


“Dude, she’s so wet for me.” Baekhyun shook his head as he recalled the events from last Friday’s celebration. It was Kev’s birthday, and Baekhyun distinctly remembered Misoo’s eyes on him from the moment he walked inside the frat house. “I’m pretty sure she and Tara both like me, and…” Baekhyun trailed for a moment to stop himself from laughing. “It’s so pathetic. They made it so easy, bro. I didn’t even have to do anything but ask.”


“Lucky,” Tobey mumbled. “Some of these ing hoes think they’re all that.”


“Which ones?” Baekhyun inquired. He eyed the occupants of the house and saw his frat brothers mingling with the girls of the KKG sorority. “I bet I can get them to kneel.”


“No, there’s a few who deadass won’t do with you.” Nam pointed to a girl sitting and laughing with other girls. “You see the one that Kev’s sitting with?” Kev, another leader of the year’s body counts, had his hand on one of the girl’s thighs. Baekhyun nodded, and Nam proceeded to fill him in. “That’s Tiffany, and she ing hates like half of us.”


“Why?” Baekhyun asked, trying not to laugh. Some of the best head he had ever gotten was from girls that loathed the very air that he breathed. “Did someone from ZAP dump her?”


“Maybe. I don’t know,” Nam grumbled. “Tobey says it’s because she’s Christian.”


Baekhyun raised his brows. “Christian? Seriously? So she’s a .”


“We don’t know,” Tobey piped in. He shook his head disapprovingly and hiccupped as he scowled at Tiffany. “I think she is, though. Probably a church girl. I mean look at her.” Tobey pointed towards Tiffany’s chest. Her brown hair covered it just slightly, but the outline of her s couldn’t be concealed. “She’s ing stacked, but she’s not even wearing a cute shirt. Who does that ? ing s, I swear.”


“They ,” Nam agreed. “The only thing they’re good for is a bet.”


“That’s not true,” Baekhyun said, shaking his head. He took a swig of his beer, and once the twins were both looking at him, he smirked. “If you get them attached enough, they’ll do anything you want them to do.” The twins, being a year younger than Baekhyun, now looked more intrigued. “They want to learn more, so they’re easier to teach. The only problem,” Baekhyun continued, “is that sometimes they start wanting more. They want you to be their boyfriend or .” The twins grimaced at that. “Yeah, exactly. It’s too much work when they get too attached.”


“Is it worth it though?” Tobey asked. “I’m not into your type of thing,” he said, referring to Baekhyun’s habit of arranging friends-with-benefits relationships with his hookups. “I don’t like sticking around too long.”


“Yeah, I think it’s worth it,” Baekhyun answered. “It can only get better the more you sleep with them.” The twins both nodded, silently agreeing, and Baekhyun placed his now empty bottle of beer on the table in front of him. “So what’re your counts?”


“23,” Tobey said first. “Nam, you have like 25, right?” His twin nodded. “Yeah,” Tobey went on, “it’s not that much compared to Kev’s, though.”


“ Kev,” Baekhyun muttered while he rolled his eyes. “He only sleeps with the easy s. He couldn’t score a even if he married one.”


The three of them would continue their crude conversation about girls for only a few more minutes before they filed outside to the backyard where the party was in full blast. Baekhyun mingled with his frat brothers for a while before separating himself from them to grab a joint. His search for something to smoke didn’t last long, however, b

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Sorry for the late update!! I just posted the final part of the epilogue.
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0 points #1
Chapter 1: OMG THIS WHOLE CHAPTER???????
eternal_exol_ot12 #2
Chapter 12: NOOOOOOOO I’m crying rn
40 streak #3
Chapter 13: Baekhyun had truly changed. He used to be very toxic. The senior was right, at least in Baekhyun's case. Because he got his heart broken by a girl one way or another when Chun ghosted him.

But he fell in love and forgot his old ways anyways.
40 streak #4
Chapter 12: While they didn't get together, maybe it is for the best. Their shared past was a lesson to be learned, until they met the right people. Rain is happy with Lay and Baekhyun is together with Rain's student.Scandalous as it sounds, Baekhyun doesn't seem to have any ill intentions.

Love this story and the character development. Also like how they didn't get back together but instead moved on but still were happy with how their lives had turned out. Not all couples are meant to be together.
40 streak #5
Chapter 11: Baekhyun might have changed but some things remain the same. Not sure if being friends with benefits is a good idea since Chun still hasn't completely gotten over him.

At least she has found a class that she enjoys and even made some new friends. future is looking bright for both of them.
40 streak #6
Chapter 10: Firstly, the character development is great, Baekhyun has changed from bad boy with no strings attached and girls wrapped around his fingers to a boy who just wants to live and start a new chapter in his life. It won't be easy but he won't be alone.

Meanwhile, Chun still feels longing towards Baekhyun but she is ready to move on. She doesn't need him anymore. Rain is a beautiful name but Chun is the new her.

Secondly, this was a great chapter. Loved the flow of feelings. Sincere ones.
40 streak #7
Chapter 9: Finally, Baekhyun has admitted that he has an issue. Road to recovery will be a hard one but he won't have to go through that alone. Chun is willing to stay. Her pink colored glasses have fallen off and she wants the best for Baekhyun.

Seeing Baekhyun cry is such a chance to his cool guy image. It shows how much he is hurt. Seulgi leaving has a deed another layer of pain. But, if he is willing to change, that is a good thing.
40 streak #8
Chapter 8: I hope Baekhyun is okay. Even if he hurt people no one deserves to go like this.

Liked the interactions between Seulgi and Chun. It is refreshing to see Chun not caring that much about Baekhyun and not letting him influence her any longer.

Though she must feel bad for what she said about Baekhyun now that something bad has happened to him.

Things can either turn good or bad at this point.
40 streak #9
Chapter 7: Well, this was a ride. Baekhyun might be lying about Hani but Hani might be lying to Chun or maybe she got under his spell just like Chun did. But Chun is regretting it now, hating Baekhyun but that might be the influence of drugs and alcohol in her system.
40 streak #10
Baekhyun doesn't seem to understand that he has a problem and not with just drinking. He has hurt Chun's feelings. But she doesn't mind because it is Baekhyun we are speaking about.