But I Will Still Love You

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Cho Kyuhyun was born wiith a silverspoon in his mouth, being the next heir of Cho Industries. He's popular and attractive, and every girl's (or boy's ;D) dream man. He likes to think his personality isn't bad, maybe some bad habits here and there, but he's charming, well-kempt, and well-spoken. So how is it that the one man he truly wants to pursue, doesn't even seem to notice the fondness he has for him?

A journey from unrequited love, to the ups and downs of a relationship. 



A/N: Huehuehue Hi all, I know it's been awhile since you've heard from me. I always have these ideas swimming around in my head, and I have several written down in my phone as well. But I hardly have time to write anymore due to work and school. So due to this quarantine, I'm going to take this time to start up again and brush up on my rusty-writing. Let's pray I don't disappoint T-T 

I know I missed KyuSung day, I'm really sorry about that. I was planning on writing a one-shot, but the idea got scrapped. Maybe I'll pick it up again later. But for now, I decided to do a chaptered story instead. I haven't decided completely yet if I want this story to have rated M chapters or not later on.....

Please subscribe and leave comments so I know if my writing is alright or not, and I hope y'all will enjoy the story <3
Hope all my luckies are safe and healthy?


P.S. Sorry for the cliché sounding description lmao. The title is a working title. I'm bad at coming up with cute or attractive story titles, so if it changes later on, sorry!


**Warning**: Chapters not marked as Rated M, may still contain mature language and mentions of mature content.


Chapter 3 coming up soon~ Stay tuned!


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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 3: I'm enjoying this...it's an interesting story so far. What caused the angst between Kyuhyun and Siwon I wonder? and why doesn't Jongwoon remember Kyu in Middle School? Please return and update authornim, I'm really looking forward to reading more.
vpurple #2
Chapter 3: ahh i suddenly remembered this story and decided to re-read and it was even better than the first time!! so sad you haven't updated, really hope you revisit this fic again!!! thank you so much for writing!! <3 <3
Chapter 3: New reader here!
I hope you will come back and continue this story. No matter how long you will take. For me this story is so interesting and honestly i'm curious about Kyuhyun past.
OneLastDae #4
Chapter 3: Aw, I’m sad to hear that you’re losing interest. If you don’t enjoy it anymore, then I’d say write what you want to write and maybe come back in the future. I really like this story so I’ll be waiting, and fantasy used to be my favorite genre so I might check out that if it’s kyusung. Have a nice day and stay safe! ???
TaiShanNiangNiang #5
Chapter 2: Hope finals go/went well!
<3<3<3 The scene with Kyu giving Jongwoon his scarf and Kyu brushing his bangs <3 <3 <3
Chapter 3: ÕMG~ i love this!!! more~~~~
Alyblankspace_281507 #7
Chapter 3: I am squealing rn OMG HAHAHAHAHAHA
Will they go out then? I am also curious what happened back then ㅠㅠ
Jongwoon is so soft here U W U
Goodluck on your finals! Fighting!
PathxX #8
Chapter 3: I'm starting to fall for this story <3. I really like wook in chapter 2, that was so fun xD. The last scene from chapter 3 tho, it feels like it was from a shoujo manga, and I like it!!

I want to read more, but take care of yourself. Goodluck with your finals! o(≧▽≦)o
Chapter 3: I'm reading! ^^ Even though I'm not into top!Kyu (which is the vibe I am getting from your story) and really dislike YeWon (Sorry haha), I will take my time to read sometimes <3 There is not enough KyuSung/YeKyu going on on AFF, and I hate it and miss reading about them so much T-T. It's really good to see people like you who are keeping it going! So feel very proud and don't be demotivated - we need writers like you to keep them alive :)

And I really miss writing too, so honestly I am using your fanfics to give me some inspiration and maybe to help me cross the obstacle that's keeping me from writing anything atm. I'm really bad at committing and finishing stuff too haha. And I haven't written in so many years, I am not good at it any more :( So I'm a bit scared too. But who knows, reading your and other KyuSung stories might help me get back into it :)

So what I am trying to say is, don't give up. Enjoy the writing process, and be proud of what you are doing!
400 streak #10
Chapter 3: Siwon in Kyusung stories and Kyuhyun in Yewon stories XDDD~ I love both of these pairing, so, not complaining~ <3

fantasy story??? A new or are you gonna make another chapter of tainted (because I love that story so so so much!) or another stories that you have here?