Meant to Be

Meant to Be

Meant to Be


Commissioned by: tigersparade - I’m so sorry it’s so late!


Sana and Tzuyu had known each other for as long as they could remember.


Their parents had lived on the same street, the only two wizarding families in the area. So it was inevitable that they would become close. With the muggle world still unaware that wizards and witches existed, the duo had only each other. They couldn’t interact with muggle children just in case they misspoke and gave the game away. Neither were particularly good at keeping secrets; Sana was clumsy and likely to accidentally let it slip and Tzuyu was a terrible liar.


Every day from the first time they were allowed to play outside alone Sana would run out of her front door after breakfast and head to the Chou house to take Tzuyu on an adventure. Sure, as they got older it became less about an adventure and more about just hanging out but the routine never changed. Every morning, Sana ran to the Chou house - without fail. Then they would go off and find something to do before getting back to the Minatozaki’s for dinner.


As they grew older and their personalities flourished many would question whether they would have been friends if they had not grown up together. They were polar opposites after all but that’s what made their friendship appear so genuine. However, when this question came up both would smile and give the same answer.


“Some things are just meant to be.”


Eventually, Sana got her owl and with it her invitation to Hogwarts. A school in the UK which taught witches and wizards how to wizard and witch. Asia had a very small amount of wizards and so most students would travel overseas for schooling. It was then their friendship paused and the routine changed. Sana was a year older, which meant one year at Hogwarts all by herself without Tzuyu. They wrote to each other daily, but it wasn’t the same.


Sana had been so excited for Tzuyu’s first year, even if she was put in a different house. At least they were together again. Sana herself had been put in Hufflepuff and she was quite happy there, content to surround herself with loyal and patient people. Tzuyu had been placed in Ravenclaw, she had always been the more book smart of the pair even if it did get clouded by innocence at times. The sorting hat had spent quite a while trying to sort Tzuyu it had been quite funny to watch.


As their friendship circle grew, everyone was aware that Sana and Tzuyu were the closest. It was a strange pairing. Flighty, flirty, confident Sana and shy, quiet, stoic Tzuyu - it was quite the dynamic. But they didn’t care, Tzuyu brought out a serious and protective side of Sana and Sana was the only one that could melt through the icy façade and make Tzuyu her baby self. Them against the world.


Which is why Sana became very put out when she noticed another Ravenclaw, Myoui Mina, had begun hanging around with Tzuyu more and more. Now, Sana had always been very in tune with her emotions. She had realised long ago that she had fallen in love with Tzuyu, she couldn’t tell you when though. It had grown slowly over time and the duo were so close that Sana just assumed that one day they’d be together. Like it was inevitable.


But as Tzuyu blew the group off YET AGAIN, Sana found herself worrying she had missed her opportunity. Mina was the Queen of Ravenclaw. She was soft spoken and beautiful, everyone practically fell at her feet. It had been a surprise to them all when she took a shine to timid, naive Tzuyu of all people. Sana had gone of many rants to her dorm mates, Momo and Dahyun, about how Mina could have anyone else but she HAD to go for Tzuyu.


It was unfair really.


Truth be told Sana had never entertained the idea of Tzuyu finding a girlfriend or boyfriend. She knew a few boys from Gryffindor had pursued her at one point, but once Sana found out she sent Jihyo and Jeongyeon to tell them off. Those two were terrifying when they wanted to be - especially when it was their pseudo-daughter being threatened. Sana didn’t really think she had anything to worry about.


Tzuyu had never voiced an interest in anyone and even while part of a group she only really stayed with Sana. For her to ditch them for someone else…well none of them knew what to do. Momo had met Mina once and said she was sweet, if a little quiet. How could the two biggest introverts in the world talk to one another? What could they possibly have to talk about?


Sana knew Tzuyu the best, nobody else knew one third of the things she did. Did Mina know Tzuyu only ever cried at dog movies? Did she know Tzuyu used to like the muggle sport basketball? That she had been scared of the dark since she was nine and they had watched a horror movie together? Sana doubted she did. Only Sana knew how to read the tall Ravenclaw so Mina should realise she didn’t stand a chance.


But if that were the case why was Sana so jealous? Call it a gut feeling or call it denial but Sana was so sure that Tzuyu wouldn’t even look at Mina in that way. Yet that didn’t explain why she was so scared at the thought of them hanging out. Or why her gut twisted whenever she saw them together. A couple times when it was only Tzuyu and Sana together, the younger girl would mention her new friend and Sana’s smile became fake.


Shouldn’t she be glad Tzuyu was making new friends?


Sana and Tzuyu had there own special spot where they would meet when nobody else was around. Just outside the forbidden forest was a large oak tree, they would sit underneath it and spend time together. Sometimes Tzuyu would read, sometimes Sana would make daisy chains - it was their time so they would do what they liked. It was their special place. Just for them.


So when Tzuyu asked if she could bring Mina to join them one afternoon Sana was furious. Tzuyu had recognised it quick and took back what she said but the damage was done. Sana’s jealousy hit an all time high and there was nothing anyone could do about it. How dare Tzuyu even consider taking Mina to THEIR spot?


Something had to be done




Their group usually sat in the courtyard during free periods.


They would commandeer a bench and stay there for the full hour. They had been lucky enough to have one free period in which they all were off. Usually this time would consist of Sana and Momo getting into a dumb argument which Jeongyeon and Nayeon would jump in on. Jihyo would desperately try to keep the peace and ultimately fail, giving up and reading instead. Meanwhile Tzuyu would be sat helping Chaeyoung and Dahyun finish the homework they had neglected to do that was inevitably due next period. It was during one of these periods that Tzuyu had ditched them to go hang out with Mina in the Ravenclaw common room and that had put Sana in a bad mood.


Rather than bicker with her fellow Hufflepuff she stretched out on the grass, enjoying the rare sunny day. She watched the clouds and thought over what to do about her problem. Was she even allowed to be jealous? Sure as a friend she could claim that Tzuyu was spending less time with her. But that would make Tzuyu feel bad and Sana didn’t want that. She sighed, she really didn’t know what to do.


“Okay,” Nayeon finally snapped, the Slytherin getting frustrated, “That’s the third time you’ve sighed since we sat down - what’s wrong with you?”


Jeongyeon winced, “Could have used a little more tact there Nayeon.”


Nayeon stuck her tongue out at her girlfriend and they began bickering as per usual. If Sana and Tzuyu were an odd could nobody had any idea what to make of Nayeon and Jeongyeon. From what Sana understood it had begun as a Quidditch rivalry and then slowly built over time until they ended up just banging it out one day in the girls showers. Unconventional, sure. But they seemed happy, a few people assumed their fighting was basically .


“Guys!” Jihyo snapped, “Enough. Sana - what’s wrong? You seem down.”


Jihyo was the mother of the group. She may have not been the eldest but she settled into that role well. She was easily the most level headed and happy to play devils advocate to get both sides of an argument. The girls went to her for advice and guidance, even if she didn’t have the answer she still gave them a chance to talk through their issue. Tzuyu had taken a shine to her and Jihyo almost doted on her in kind. If anyone was as concerned by her sudden distance as Sana was, it would be their Gryffindor leader.


Sana sat up, “Just worried about Tzuyu.”

“Why?” Chaeyoung asked,


“Because she keeps ditching her for Mina.” Dahyun explained


Sana glared at them, “I just feel left out.”


“Are you sure that’s all it is?” Momo asked pointedly,


Now, if Jihyo was Tzuyu’s big sister, Momo was Sana’s. They had met on their very first day and, as both spoke Japanese and Korean, they bonded almost immediately. Momo had been on the end of nearly all of Sana’s Tzuyu-Mina-related rants. She never complained or tried to solve Sana’s problem, instead she just offered an ear and listened. Honestly, when the rants started repeating themselves she learned to hum in the right places so that she could just do her homework simultaneously but Sana still appreciated it. Basically, whether Sana had told her or not Momo knew about her crush.


Sana blushed, “Well…”


Dahyun sat up, “I knew it!”


“Knew what?” Jihyo asked,




“Knew what!?” Jeongyeon also asked, only quite a bit louder,


Now or never she supposed.


“I may or may not have a teeny-tiny-totally-huge-friendship-destroying crush on Tzuyu.”




“Called it.” Was Nayeon’s added comment,

Sana raised her hands in defence, “Don’t hurt me! I kind of always assumed we’d end up together eventually.”


Jihyo sighed, urge to kill Sana lessening, “I suppose it was inevitable with you both being so close.”


“But Jihyo!!” Jeongyeon spluttered,


“Would you rather Tzuyu date someone we didn’t know?”


“I…” Jeongyeon thought a moment, “Congratulations, Sana!”


Nayeon huffed, “That was anti-climatic.”


Jihyo shrugged, she supposed if anyone was going to date Tzuyu, Sana was probably the best option. Besides if they didn’t try to dissuade it, then Sana wouldn’t feel forced sneak around behind their backs. Now they would know EVERYTHING and could kill Sana accordingly. Jihyo was already head girl, she didn’t want to have to spy on her friends on top of the rest of the student body. Even if Sana’s idea of sneaky was tiptoeing whilst giggling in a manner she thought was quietly. Yeah, Sana didn’t really do subtle.


“So what’re you going to do?” Chaeyoung asked,


Sana whined, “I don’t know.”


The youngest two exchanged a look, “Well…” Dahyun began, “I hate to be the one to tell you this but rumour has it Mina’s going to ask Tzuyu to the Yule Ball.”


“THE YULE BALL!” Sana shrieked, not caring that she had drawn the attention of the surrounding students, “THAT’S THE MOST ROMANTIC NIGHT OF THE YEAR!”


“Stop screaming!” Jeongyeon snapped,


Sana collapsed her back down on the grass again, “I don’t stand a chance.”


A look was exchanged among the group, they had to help her. Not because they believed in fate or true love but because none of them wanted to deal with a heartbroken Sana. They did not sign up for that when they agreed to the Terms and Conditions of this friendship.


“What if we helped you?” Jihyo sighed,


Sana sat up so fast her head span, “YOU WOULD!?”


Jihyo winced, “Only if you stop shouting!”


“Thank you Jihyo!” Suddenly Sana was pulling the leader into a hug that left her gasping for air, “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”


Jeongyeon chuckled, “Oh the instant regret.”




Momo was Sana’s partner in crime.


They weren’t as mischievous as Dahyun and Chaeyoung, nor were they as sly or cunning as Nayeon. They had their own special brand of chaos. Most of which they caused completely by accident. Seriously, it was like they just attracted it to themselves. Still, Momo was the closest person to Sana (not including Tzuyu) and they shared a dorm room. Dahyun was also in that room but she always passed out early so she was never privy to the more private conversations. She would have been welcomed but she was never awake long enough.


It was one night like this that Momo came up with the idea. They had been sat on Sana’s bed with all the curtains drawn as to not bother their dorm mates (including a snoring Dahyun). It hadn’t been an interesting conversation, mostly just inside jokes and gossip about their peers. Then the subject of Tzuyu came up, except this time Sana wasn’t the one who broached the topic.


“So I’ve been thinking about your crush.”


Sana perked up almost immediately, “Yeah?!”


“Shh!” Momo hushed, “Well, my mother always said the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.”


Sana blinked a little confused.


“Oh!” Momo realised what she had said, “I’m still closeted to them, but men and women are equal so I thought that was probably the best route to take.”


Sana nodded, “So I bake her a cake or something?”


“Yeah, we could go tomorrow morning before breakfast and ask the House Elves if we could use the kitchen.”


“But what if by the time we’ve made that stupid cake Mina’s already made a move?”


Momo thought a moment, “Then we’ll do it tonight!”


Now that was something Sana could agree to. It was against a Hufflepuff’s nature to break the rules but for Sana, Tzuyu was worth the risk of detention. That didn’t stop either of them proverbially ting themselves when a prefect almost caught them on their way down to the kitchens. Luckily they made in unscathed, the kitchen was empty meaning they had free range.


“So,” Momo asked, “Ever made a cake before?”


“Nope.” Sana answered, “But it can’t be that hard.”


The older girl hummed and looked in the cupboards, “What would we need anyway?”


“Uhh, eggs and flour I think.” Sana tied up her hair, “Water too I guess.”


Momo sighed, “There are so many cupboards in here, we’ll never find anything.”


“Dammit.” Sana whined, “There has to be a way.”


Momo thought a moment before a proverbial light bulb lit above her head, “I got it!”


She pulled out her wand and Sana felt her stomach drop.


“Momo, maybe that’s not such a good idea---”


“Accio flour!”


Suddenly the cupboard behind them opened and four, very heavy, flour bags flew towards them. Each one hit them quite harshly and they ripped causing the entire kitchen to become covered in white powder. Momo slowly lowered her white wand and Sana scrapped the mess from her eyes. Both looked like ghosts rather than students. They exchanged a look, Momo smiling sheepishly and Sana glaring at her.




“Momo you idiot!”


“How was I supposed to know--”


“Hello!?” A male voice called from up the steps, “Is there someone down there?”


Sana and Momo went quiet.




“It’s Professor Flitwick,” Sana whispered, “Whatever you do, don’t make a sound.”


Momo sniffled a little.




Her face scrunched up.


“Momo no!”




Sana face palmed, flour puffing up into the air at the contact.




It took all night to get the flour out of her hair.


Flitwick gave them detention before school, forcing them to clean the mess they made and help the elves prepare the breakfast. To be honest they were lucky that was the worst of it. Flitwick was the head of Hufflepuff and so was more lenient with them than he should have been. Still, Sana was sure she’d be sneezing flour for a week. The worst part was it was all for nothing, they hadn’t even got to make the cake. Plus the trip to Hogsmeade wasn’t for another week so she couldn’t even buy her one.


Safe to say, Sana felt a little defeated.


She sulked nearly all day, feeling even worse when she spotted Mina and Tzuyu together during their breaks. At one point she was walking past the Transfiguration class and happened to look in, spotting Mina telling Tzuyu something that made her giggle. Sana seethed, only she was allowed to make Tzuyu giggle like that. She was so angry she didn’t notice Nayeon coming in the other direction until it was too late. The Slytherin was not happy to be nearly sent flying but lucky she stopped both herself and Sana from scattering across the hallway.


“Watch it!” Nayeon hissed, standing them upright,


“Sorry!” Sana squeaked, “I was…”


“Distracted whilst spying on the love of your life?”




Nayeon was a strange girl. She was rude and conniving at times, a little bit too wrapped up in her own drama to really care about anyone elses. But when you broke the Ice Queen exterior she was also incredibly smart and extremely loyal to those she cared about. The more you got to know her the more she broke every Slytherin stereotype out there. She was ultimately a good friend and while she may be short, teasing and snappy it usually came from a good place. Sana hadn't trusted her at first when Jeongyeon introduced them all, she had worried that Nayeon would take advantage of Tzuyu's good nature. But Tzuyu had told her to not judge a book and so Sana stayed quiet and observed, until she realised the type of person Nayeon was. Sure, it wasn't the way she normally presented herself but deep down Sana knew her to be an invaluable friend. A friend she could really use right now.


Nayeon rolled her eyes, but smiled amused, “I heard about the cake meltdown.”


Sana blushed, “Not our best plan. Literally looking for any ideas right now.”


Nayeon thought a moment, “Could make her jealous?”


There was a scoff, “How would I do that!?”


“I’ll help you.”


“Wait…I don’t want Jeongyeon to--”


Suddenly the bell for the end of the period went off and the hall was soon flooded by students. They were all pushing and shoving to get through, getting out of the hallway just as fast as they entered it. Once the hordes of teenage hormones and BO had fled, Sana noticed Tzuyu and her leaving the classroom. Tzuyu hated crowds, so she usually waited until the hallways died down before leaving for her next class.


Before she could think Sana was suddenly being held against the wall, Nayeon curling some of her hair round her finger.


“Oh Sana, you’re so pretty!” The Slytherin said loudly as the duo passed them,


Nayeon was way too close. Like their noses were touching.


Sana was bright red, “I…err….thanks Nayeon! You too are…um…conventionally attractive!”


Now, on anyone else this would have worked very well. The intent was for the person for whom this display was intended to see the act and feel an overwhelming sense of envy. They would run forward and rip the actors apart before declaring their undying love for the main protagonist, or the secondary protagonist in most angst fics. Only Tzuyu was not anyone else. Tzuyu, despite being rather intelligent, was one of the most oblivious people Sana had ever met.


She and Mina didn’t even acknowledge them as they passed.


Sana whined and Nayeon snorted, “Okay, so that didn’t work.”


“Stupid oblivious giant.” Sana muttered,


“It’s fine we can try again late---OWW!”


Nayeon was suddenly ripped away and locked eyes with a very angry Jeongyeon, holding her ear in a painful grip.


“Hey babe!” Nayeon chirped,


Jeongyeon just glared and pulled her down the hall.


Sana watched them leave, wondering vaguely if Jeongyeon would kill her before she could confess to Tzuyu.




Sana avoided Jeongyeon for the next few days.


She didn’t really know what to expect from a genuinely jealous lover and so chose to hide instead. Hufflepuff pride and all. But she was constantly bothered by a fear that Mina would make her move soon. The Yule Ball was getting closer and closer so Sana knew she was running out of time. There had to be a way she could tell Tzuyu how she felt and ensure the younger girl returned her feelings. Otherwise even if Sana did confess, that didn’t guarantee Tzuyu would accept her.


She sat at in the great hall playing with her food whilst Momo and Dahyun chatted away about something she couldn’t even pretend to care about. Suddenly a firm hand clapped on her shoulder and she nearly wet herself at the sight of the Gryffindor she had been avoiding sitting in the seat next to her.




“Hey!” She said cheerily, “I was thinking about your problem.”


“M-My problem?”


Jeongyeon nodded, taking some food off her plate and stuffing it in , “With your not-so-subtle-Tzuyu-crushing.”


“Wait, you’re not mad about the Nayeon thing?”


“Nah,” Jeongyeon shrugged, “She always makes me jealous, it’s like .”




“Anyways,” Jeongyeon carried on, “When I asked Nayeon out I spray painted my confession across the Slytherin dungeon entrance. So maybe a grand gesture would work?”


Sana turned over the thought, “Huh…that’s actually a really good idea.”


“Don’t act so surprised.”


Sana awkwardly smiled and they spent the rest of breakfast plotting. Once they had thought out their plan they realised they would need some extra man-power. Namely, Son Chaeyoung. It was all set for after school and Sana was nervous. What if it went wrong? What is Tzuyu rejected her? What if someone got maimed or seriously injured!? But it had to be now or never, she was running out of time.


By the time the moment came Sana’s heart was imploding in her chest. The final bell rung and she stood in the hallway between Charms and the stairs up to the Ravenclaw common room. When Tzuyu stepped out of her classroom Chaeyoung gave the signal. Thus began the worst idea Sana had ever had and in the future she would wholeheartedly blame the infamous NoJam bros.


Jeongyeon zoomed through the crowds on her broom first, followed by Chaeyoung. Both were sending spells into the air causing small fireworks to explode around them. Everyone in the hall looked up in awe as they passed, the flying duo whooping and hollering. Even Tzuyu who hated crowds stepped into the hall to watch. Sana spotted her head peaking out above some first years, this was the moment.


She whistled and Jeongyeon looked back at Chaeyoung, they both zoomed ahead and as they passed Sana they sent out one final spell. Though instead of fireworks it spelled out a glittery message above the Hufflepuff’s head.




The hallway went silent and Sana felt her smile become fake at the gentle murmur that began as everyone turned to Tzuyu. The tall girl read the message and then noticed everyone staring at her. She began going red, she hated crowds especially if she was the focus of one. Sana’s smile dropped as she remembered this fact, watching helplessly as everyone began whispering and staring at Tzuyu. The poor girl looked so uncomfortable.


They locked eyes and Sana tried to convey some sort of apology, but either Tzuyu didn’t recognise it or was too betrayed to care. The Ravenclaw took off towards the courtyard, nearly knocking Mina over in the process.


The words above her head faded and everyone was soon ushered on by teachers. Sana whined, sliding down the wall with her head in her hands. How was she so bad at this!? When someone stopped in front of her, Sana felt her frustration bubble up. She looked up to tell this person to beat it, only to find Dahyun looking down at her.


“Oh it’s you…”


“That was,” Dahyun paused, “Something.”


Dahyun was one of Sana’s closest friends. She was usually the voice of reason to Momo and Sana’s accidental chaos. Despite being the older of them, Sana had a lot of respect for Dahyun and knew to take her advice. It was ironic, since her girlfriend had been aiding Sana in this stupid quest from her broom about five minutes prior.


Sana whined, “I at this.”


“Why don’t you go talk to her?”




Dahyun smiled, “At the end of the day this is Tzuyu. She doesn’t react to jealousy, or want gifts. She doesn’t need a big show, all she needs is for you to be honest with her.”


She was right, in all the panic about confessing before Mina she had forgotten why she was confessing. Because it was Tzuyu. Kind, sweet, beautiful, gentle giant Tzuyu. In the end, Sana had made it all about the confession - not about her love for her Tzuyu.


“God I’m dumb.” Sana sighed,


“You are.” Dahyun agreed, earning a glare which made her laugh, “But you can fix all of this if you go to her, with your tail between your legs, and apologise.”


Sana smiled and stood, “That’s the best plan I’ve had all week.”


“Do you need help finding her? I can get the girls and-”


“No,” Sana stopped her gently, “I know where she is.”




On the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest stands a large oak tree. Nobody usually goes near it, due to its close proximity to the evils of the forest. But today, as Sana approached it, she was relieved to see a figure sat under it - staring into the woods. She sprinted to where the figure sat, glad that she still knew Tzuyu enough to find her anywhere. Plus if Tzuyu had wanted to avoid her she would not have gone to their special spot.


Sana slowed her run as she got closer hoping to gauge Tzuyu’s mood before getting too close. When nothing was thrown at her she deemed the situation safe enough to sit down next to her. Maybe that meant she wasn’t angry?




“How could you do that?” Tzuyu asked, harshly,


Ah, so she was angry.  


“Let me explain--”


“You know I hate crowds Sana,” Tzuyu turned to her, her angry expression fading to that of a hurt puppy, “Why would you do that to me?”


“I’m sorry.” Sana’s heart broke, “I’m so sorry, I didn’t think. I was just…”


She trailed off.




Sana cleared , no more schemes, she was going to tell Tzuyu the truth, “I like you Tzuyu, a lot. I was waiting for the right time to tell you.”


Tzuyu nodded, a quite incentive for Sana to continue.


“Then you started hanging out with Mina all the time. I felt like I was losing you. Then the wonder twins mentioned they’d heard that Mina was going to ask you to the Yule Ball and I…I panicked. I wanted to make my move first.”


“Why not just talk to me?” Tzuyu asked, “You’re my best friend, you could have told me everything.”


“I thought…” Sana looked down, playing with the grass, “I thought I’d lose you.”


A hand was placed on her knee prompting her to look up, “You’d never lose me, we’re soulmates.”


Sana smiled. They kept eye contact for a moment before both blushed and looked away, Tzuyu taking her hand back and Sana missing the warmth of it.


“Mina did.” Tzuyu said suddenly, “Ask me, I mean. To the ball.”


Sana felt her heart stop, “Oh…”


She was too late.


“But I said no,” Tzuyu added quickly, cursing herself for leaving that part out, “There was someone else I was hoping would ask me.”


Sana blinked, “Who!?”


Why was there now another person she had to compete with!? Maybe she should have taken Jeongyeon’s initial idea of setting her competition’s bed on fire.


“You, you idiot.” Tzuyu sighed, “And you call me oblivious…”


“W-Wait? You wanted me to ask you.”


“Well…yeah.” Tzuyu smiled softly, “I’ve always liked you, I just assumed that one day it would happen. I mean, we are soulmates.”


Something still wasn’t clicking in Sana’s head, “So you,” she pointed at Tzuyu, “Like me.” her hand pointed to herself.


Tzuyu laughed, not a mocking laugh but rather a ‘that’s so cute!’ giggle someone does when a baby blows a snot bubble out their nose.


“Maybe there’s an easier way.” Tzuyu suggested,


Then before she could over think or Sana could say something to ruin the moment, as both were prone to do, Tzuyu closed the gap between them. It wasn’t graceful, their teeth clashed together and Sana had been caught off guard so their noses bumped.


But it was perfect.


It was short and sweet, but it was enough for everything else to click into place. Like it was what they should have been doing all this time. Sana hummed at the sudden sensation, finding herself clutching the younger girl’s tie even after the kiss when they were just resting their foreheads together.


“Okay, now I understand.” Sana whispered,


Tzuyu giggled and Sana pulled her tie again to bring her into another, less clumsy kiss. Minds far from the school, far from the Forbidden Forest, far from the oak tree they sat under. Just them, like it always was and always would be. There they sat in their private little bubble, in their very own special spot and everything was right in the world.


Some things are just meant to be.

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mantsguw #2
Chapter 1: Cute
Chapter 1: Tito Kimbap’s Spraypaint, then Tonidoodles’ HP houses...

Are there any references I missed? Was fun seeing them.
Chapter 1: Aish. My heart fluttered for a second there and I couldn't stop giggling at the last part. Great work again, author-nim :D.
Chapter 1: this is best thank you
OnePotatoTwoPotato #6
Chapter 1: This is soooo cute!!!! Is this based off of tonidoodles twice hogwarts au? Ahhh this is exactly how i imagined satzu would be (^o^)丿
Ammsone009 #7
Chapter 1: I just finished watching Harry Potter, then there are SatzuxHogwarts fanarts, and now this >< ahh ive been spoiled. Thank you <3
Chapter 1: <3
Chapter 1: Kyahhhhhh SaTzu so cute ^o^