chapter 11

Our Fluffy Destiny
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With a pale face and shaky legs I successfully made it to the hotel room that I was going to share with Sooyoung. I slumped down on the bed and breathed in the newly washed bed sheets. I spread my arms and legs to feel the fluffy blanket using every inch of my body enjoying the moment more. 


This was heaven. 


“Ya, make some space for me bunny.” Sooyoung dropped the luggage on the floor and jumped in crushing my arm. I groaned and pulled my arm back, rolling to the other side. Sooyoung stretched her arms above her head and breathed out in bliss. “Ahhh this is what I call perfect vacation bed.” 


“But we’re not on vacation. You guys have schedules here.” 


“Whatever, you sleep on the floor tonight I want to have this bed all to myself.” 


“Are you serious?” I closed my eyes enjoying the little space. “Of course not bunny I need to take the chance to share a bed with you. This is my opportunity I can’t just waste it.” She yawned and rested on the pillow. “We still have 1 hour before our schedules let’s take a nap bunny.”


“Don’t call me bunny.” 


“Just sleep.” 


Meanwhile, 8 other girls were gathered in another hotel room not too far from yours. Tiffany let out a huff and sat on the chair, “she tricked us.” the idol glared at the wall, “she ing tricked us. Just you wait, Choi Sooyoung I’m gonna-”


“Don’t curse.” Taeyeon hit Tiffany’s head earning a pout from the latter.


“But Taeyeon she deserves it.” 


“No she doesn’t you’re just overreacting.” 


“Taeyeon~” Tiffany whines. Taeyeon sighs, taking a seat next to Jessica on the bed. “So what do you wanna do now? I don’t think we should confront her.” The leader paused, “well… I think she already knows that we know so let’s just drop this and let her enjoy. Anyone opposing?” 


Tiffany raised her hand.


“Anyone opposing?” The leader repeated. 


Looking around Yuri and Tiffany were frantically waving their hands in the air, Jessica was pouting along with Yoona. “Good, then that’s decided. Everyone leaves Sooyoung alone.” 


“Wha- Noo!” Tiffany stood up taking ahold of Taeyeon’s shoulder, looking intensely. “I don’t accept this. It’s not fair ‘cause she cheated and I’m not friends with cheaters.” the girl started shaking the poor leader bringing her body back and forth. “You take that back Taeyeon because I’m clearly opposing here and you’re just ignoring me you meanie.”  


Sunny and Hyoyeon who was chuckling silently grabbed Tiffany back to the chair, trying to calm her down. “Okay, guys let me just summarize this up.” Sunny started, “when ____ got off the plane, only then were we aware of her motion sickness. We were all worried and so on and at the same time Sooyoung came up with an idea of drawing lots.” 


“The lucky winner would be sharing a room with ____ but because we were all distracted by her condition no one noticed when Sooyoung fixed the lots so when we all chose one, no matter what Sooyoung would pick the right one, am I correct?” Sunny paused and everyone else nodded.


“And because of that, it isn’t fair so she basically cheated” Sunny crossed her arms leaning against the wall, “it does sound wrong when we put it in that way. What do you think Seohyun?” she looked at the maknae that was standing beside her. 


“Well…” she fidgeted, surprised by the question, “why can’t we just let ____ decide where she wants to sleep? Isn’t it much better than drawing lots?” The maknae hesitantly asked. 




“That’s brilliant!” Tiffany jumped up hugging her, clearly happy by the suggestion. “Now that’s what I call a plan. Aigoo I love you maknae-ya.” she patted her head making the latter blush.  


“Yeah, that’s actually not a bad idea Seohyun.” Yuri said, “and because she has to decide on her own we will finally know who she likes the most.” the tanned girl winked, “and that cinnamon roll has to choose me.” 


Taeyeon facepalmed and stood up pushing them one after one, “since you have already decided, now go.” She shooed, “I want to rest so get out of my room. Get out, leave.” 


“Wha- hey! why are you pushing me out as well? We are sharing a room stupid.” Hyoyeon stomped back in closing the door leaving 6 girls in the hallway. 




We were driving for 30 minutes to reach the beach. The girls were going to have their photoshoot that a company requested. And because it was located in a secured area the security wasn’t top-notch but still enough for it to be safe. Or that’s what I heard.


I looked out of the window seeing how trees passed by, the clear blue sky shined on the water surface making it seem like cry

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JadaDora123 #1
Chapter 23: You're Welcome, I'm So Glad I Could Help You Finish This Beautiful Story
ichigosk #2
Chapter 22: Look at Eli gooooooooo:)))), thanks for the update author.
Thea050713 #3
Chapter 21: Thanks for the update...i can't wait for more
Eunjober #4
Chapter 21: Awww so happy they're all reunited! Please keep on updating authornim~
JadaDora123 #5
Chapter 20: I Wonder How Will Princess Rachel Help OC Get Back To Girls' Generation?
Aloha99 #6
Chapter 18: I love ur story authornim, please continue this piece of yours.. I'm very excited to what will happen next ( ╹▽╹ )
ichigosk #7
Chapter 18: Ohhhh, the plot thickens. Will more info be revealed about this organization??
Eunjober #8
Chapter 18: Oh wow it's been a while.. thank you for the update!
franch_fries #9
Chapter 17: Just finished reading and I'm with Jessica on this one. I' m also very curious about 19 and 17.

Also, cool story so far. I ike the dynamic mc has with both Tiffany and Jessica. Please write more author-nim! (╥﹏╥)
jiho_luthor #10
Chapter 17: Update pls