Chapter 2


I force my eyes open despite their firm objection. Fu*k. Bad idea. "Ugh! What the hell is that, are you shining a fu*king flashlight in my face Johnny?" Doyoung exclaimed as he desperately tried to shield his eyes from the blinding source of light that was attempting to burn his corneas. 

"If by flashlight you mean the sun, then sure buddy I'll close the blinds, sorry 'bout that" Johnny chuckled as he left Taeil and his' spot on the singular arm chair where they spent the past fives hours seemingly just staring at eachother, but in actuality for 90% of that time Johnny was cursing at himself for letting Taeil get so hurt and 10% of that time was spent improving their telepathy (its a disgustingly adorable Taeil and Johnny thing). Johnny and Taeil had gotten to that point in their relationship where simply being in eachothers presence was more than enough for both of them, however it wasn't always like that as their first date was a whole other story.

Johnny had been staring (loving) daggers at Taeil for the past half hour. It looked as though Taeil was mapping out all the exits at the cafe in case he was gonna have to make a run for it away from psycho. Taeil cleared his throat, he had to put an end to this.

"Um, Johnny?" 

"Um- ah- uh- y-yes, Taeil?" Johnny sputtered with a small sigh. He was blowing this. For months he had liked Taeil so much to the point where he couldn't make eye contact without his face turning beetroot red. Finally, he was on his first date with the love of his life and here he is making Taeil think he wants to cut off his ears and make them into a necklace, then he started thinking about how that would even be possible. Wait is this even a date? Does Taeil know I like him? And do people really cut other people's ears off for jewellery? Is it a cannibal thing?  How would that even work? Wouldn't it smell bad? Wouldn't that be messy? And how would-

"Johnny! Did you hear me?" Taeil enquired with an impatient expression.

" sorry Taeil I must've dozed off for a second. Do you ever get when that happens? Ha...ha...ha" Johnny proceeded to trail off with that awkward laughter for another 30 seconds until Taeil interrupted him.

"Johnny I can tell you're nervous and I'll be honest I would be really creeped out right now if Haechan hadn't told me that you have a big crush on me..."

"Uh-haha- whaaaat?" Johnny interrupted with a pitch that was much higher than his regular voice but he decided to roll with it. Damn that little Haechan, Johnny made a promise to himself that he would suffer a prolonged, painful death when they got home. "Haechan said whaaat? Well you know 'big' is really an exaggeration I mean what determines how big something is I mean- I feel like-" Johnny simply let his words trail off with a sigh. He had utterly blown this. He might as well leave.

"Look, Taeil I'm sorry about all this I really am. Let's just go back to how it was before" Johnny grudgingly left his seat and moved swiftly towards the door when he felt a tug at his hand.

"If you hadn't dozed off earlier you would've heard me say that I like you back and honestly it's super adorable seeing you this worked up" Taeil said with a grin.

Johnny's eyes widened to the size of earth. Was he actually dreaming? Did Taeil actually like him? Surely not. Not after this show of a first date. Taeil is insane. Thats literally the only logical solution. I wonder if he knows he's insane? And what about-

Before Johnny could continue his mad inner ramblings, Taeil had reached up on his tip-toes to softly kiss Johnny. "Sorry, I felt like you were dozing off again" Taeil whispered into Johnny's lips as he intertwined their hands. 

​​​​Best. First. Date. Ever

Doyoung rose from his bed confidently which made it even more tragic when his legs gave out on him. ", going down" Doyoung yelled as his legs gave out from under him. 

Johnny dashed to catch him just in time, "Dude, what the hell are you doing? You literally fainted a few hours ago get some sleep" Johnny lectured. Doyoung felt that Johnny radiated the strongest dad energy out of anyone he had ever known. 

"Sleep is for the weak, my friend. My priority right now is kicking the out of that Yuta. Who the hell does he think he is? You okay by the way, Taeil?" Doyoung enquired. Although Taeil was in a gang, he didn't like resorting to violence unless it was absolutely necessary. It stemmed from his childhood, watching his mother get treated like dirt on Taeil's dad's shoe made him have a deteste for that kind of needless behaviour but a strong sense of justice. Taeil by all means could've defended himself against himself but thought it best to let Yuta and Jungwoo underestimate him. 

Taeil nodded. "Yeah, it was just wrong time wrong place kind of thing. Don't worry, I'll get them back when the time is right." 

"No, you won't be going anywhere near them at any time.Either of you. You saw how Jaehyun pulled that knife on you. The fact he did that when he clearly has a crush on you just proves how much of an as*hole he is" Johnny noted as he helped Doyoung drink some water which he proceeded to furiously choke on.

"Wh- I'm sorry, what? You think Jeong Jaehyun has a crush on me? Me? Johnny I think you're seriously letting yournimagination get away from you." Doyoung exclaimed through chokes. As if that has feelings for Doyoung.

"What, you mean you didn't know? Aw, come on man. Its so obvious" chuckled Taeil, as he clutched his stomach where Jungwoo had repeatedly kicked him, causing Johnny to bolt towards him and caress his hair. "You mean you don't remember him you?" Taeil laughed as Johnny gave him looks of concern. 

"Taeil- no, just no. There's no way that  likes me and anyway, he shouldn't even dare considering what that piece of did to me. And as if anyone could even like him with his stupid dimples and weirdly fluffy hair. I mean how much time do you think he spends on it... and what kind of shampoo do you think he uses 'cause it smelled kind of good-" Doyoung caught himself mid sentence and proceeded to stare down at his hands as Johnny and Taeil immediately shot him knowing looks.

Doyoung aggressively cleared his throat. "So, um... anyway! What's 'code black' mean?" Doyoung enquired. 

Taeil and Johnny exchanged guilty glances and Johnny proceeded to help Taeil get up and walk him to the door. This aroused a lot of suspicion in Doyoung. "What's going on, J?"

"Doyoung, theirs something you need to know. But first we need to go somewhere."

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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 6: interesting, looking forward :)