Wait For Me


Jongin cheats on Baekhyun and imagines that Baekhyun loves him too much to suspect anything ... he is wrong.
Baekhyun has known this for months ... long months of pretending everything is fine, when ...
---Excuse my English maybe not very good, but it is a translation of my fic which is originally in French ^^'




Wait For Me


11:26 pm. Sitting in front of the television, Baekhyun waited for the front door to open, announcing the return of Jongin and he closed his eyes, relieved.

Every night he was late coming home, and tonight, he wondered if it was the day where he would decide not to come back...

Because Jongin had another guy in his life, a paramour... for at least five months. At least, Baekhyun had known for five months, but maybe it was and probably older than that.

And he had learned it in a stupid way, he had just seen them accidentally, and he would have liked that it never happens.


It was last September. He went out early from the studios where he worked, and that day he went to the city center to shop and find a birthday present for one of their friends.


On the way, he had then approached the theater or repeated Jongin, without doing it on purpose and had recognized him in front of a building. Delighted by the chance that had taken him to the right place at the right time, he took a few steps in his direction, smiling, before suddenly freezing, his smile off in the second, when a guy arrived near Jongin and they kissed there, in the street... in front of him



The shock was then violent and Baekhyun had to restrain himself so as not to scream the despair that had just pierced him from one side to the other.


He then watched them go away and Baekhyun suddenly turned around, with the desire to come back an hour back and never see that... but the reality was there...


He had then returned home, mechanically, stunned by his incomprehension.

Jongin was cheating on him ... Why?


Unanswered, and not really wanting to know it, in the evening, he watched Jongin come in and come up to kiss him like every day and decided not to say anything.

His house was here, his companion was him and all that was what the other did not have. Jongin was his and that was what mattered! No?


He take upon oneself and their couple was saved.


He did not want to lose Jongin ... Losing him would have been worse.


Opening his eyes when he felt the presence of his companion near him, Baekhyun looked up at him.


"-You have finished late again tonight Love ...


"-Yes, we had to change the entire program because of a wounded dancer they decided not to replace ..." he said leaning over to kiss him. We're going to have to work with one guy less, I'll certainly go back late every night in the next few days.


Baekhyun smiled, assuring him that he had recorded the information, but in reality it was wrong. Baekhyun knew it because someone from the staff had called and left a message on the answering machine, addressed to Jongin a few hours ago. He didn't answer, when he had seen the number, by habit and was content to listen without touching the recorded message. Jongin would erase him when he realized it and he, well .. he would act as if he knew nothing, as usual.


" -You are hungry ? Do you want me to prepare something for you?


"No, after ..." he said urging him to lie down on the couch ... It's long all these hours away from you ...

Turning his head aside, when a painful drive that he usually managed to control made him cry, Baekhyun closed his eyes and let Jongin plunge his mouth into his neck, his arms wrapped around him. and let himself go again, when he kissed and he could not help but think that only a few minutes ago, maybe Jongin was still kissing the other.


"Do not think about that! He said to himself, tightening the embrace of his arms around his companion.

Then Jongin's stomach cried out and they smile at each other.

" -OKAY. I admit, I'm hungry. Said Jongin, amused by disengaging himself from him.

"-I'll prepare something for you. Said Baekhyun getting up.

"-No no, I ...

" -Yes ! Otherwise you will still be eating badly.

" -OKAY. But do not break your head anyway, it's late. Said Jongin following him in the other room.

"-Let me go and bring your back to the kitchen. Said Baekhyun standing in front of the counter.

" -But I'm here. He hissed, clinging to his back, his hands sneaking over his stomach, under his shirt.

"-Do you really think that's the place?


"The place? To put my hands you mean? It's a beautiful place, I like it there. He said his skin.


Baekhyun smiles. He was still his Jongin, everything was the same. Isn’t it ?

And for Jongin, who smiles too, the satisfaction that Baekhyun believes on his word every day, was a relief.

He did not want Baekhyun to learn what he was doing behind his back.

He did not want Baekhyun to be hurt by his bull.

Because he was perfectly aware of being stupid. And it was exciting to play Russian roulette, like that, had even become stronger than him ... he had loved to play that ... a time ... but just a time ... because this sweet little adventure had become somewhat bland with time, he had to recognize it and had become more of a habit than anything else ... And she had never surpassed her daily life with Baekhyun, that was a certainty.

So why continue? Do you say ... For fear of the worst? For fear of a crisis? For fear of what his paramour could do if he broke with him? By cowardice? Surely...

Yes he was a damn coward and had just no excuses.

Once his snacks had been prepared, Baekhyun left him alone in the kitchen and went to bed telling him to hurry to join him and Jongin did not make himself said twice.

His meal swallowed and the dishes cleaned, he then went to shower quickly and it is , he came out of the bathroom and went back to their room, before sneaking under their sheets ... where they made sweet love ...

The life of a normal couple in a nutshell ... that's what Baekhyun preferred to say ...

Every day he was silent, every day he smiled at his lies and every day he offered him his body as if it was the last time praying that she would not be.

Every day, Baekhyun forgot himself so as not to lose him and maybe he died slowly, but to live without him ... it would not be alive anymore and he would die just as much.


However, days passing, then weeks, Baekhyun changed little by little without realizing it and Jongin did not see anything either.

It was light. His smiles that were no more than a facade and his activities outside of work that were rare. He never went to the theater again unexpectedly, for fear of seeing this other than him ... he was not inviting anyone to their house, lest they should realize something, if Jongin arrived late. .. and that shame falls on him if they discover the truth ... He was isolating himself ...

Baekhyun of yesteryear had not existed for a long time ... and Jongin was getting tired of his paramour, who brought him nothing ... apart from remorse.


Voilà. J'espère que vous avez aimé cette petite histoire. J'espère en fait surtout que mon français ait été assez correcte pour que vos traducteurs aient pu faire du bon travail ^^'


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968 streak #1
Chapter 2: Angsty but with a good ending.
The ego blinds a person and ruins even those that he holds dear.
But Jongin learned his lesson and he now knows what is truly essential in his life.
Thank you for sharing.
Chapter 2: Yes! Jongin was an idiot! A huge idiot! But I'm glad it has a happy end!
Chapter 2: Not fair!! I wanna wad it!!! T.T