Chapter 9

Colorful Heart
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Letting Hyukjae in was one thing. Donghae did it easily, without thinking much. He just followed his heart’s wish and let the man in when he asked for it, yet this plan lacked a lot.

Because Donghae had absolutely no idea what to do when they were together in… such an intimate setting.

See, the photographer considered one’s room – even if it was in a hotel or, in their case, in the rent house – something quite private. Even if you’re staying there temporarily, it’s still your room – with your things all around it, with your soul being put in there… with your scent, after all.

The first time they happened to be in the same room was when Donghae tried to get a good shot of Hyukjae. It was natural and didn’t feel forced. It had an explanation. Donghae went there to work, nothing more, nothing less.

But now… Hyukjae being there had no solid reason nor explanation. The man said he came here just because he wanted to see the photographer, and that was sweet. But Donghae just didn’t know what to do with that information. They haven’t planned anything, he didn’t expect guests that day. He was happy, yes, but also felt… awkward. And speechless. He for sure didn’t expect to hear something like ‘I just want to spend time with you’. And didn’t know how to react. So they just were sitting on the sofa in the living room with an awkward silence surrounding them.

“Do you… uhh…” the photographer started, thinking he, as the owner of this house (well, not the owner, but you got him), had to be the first one to speak. “Do you want something to drink? Or to eat maybe?”

“Oh, you have food?” Hyukjae perked up. “Not to be impudent, but I’d love to. I’ve nothing in my fridge and, when the choice split between your house and café, I went here, so I’m terribly hungry.”

Donghae closed his eyes and shook his head a little, trying so hard to not focus on the words the man just spoke. However, his racing heart had another opinion about that, and the ginger head felt so funny. Once again, as if something was tickling inside his chest.

“I… I’m afraid I can only offer you sweets,” he spoke eventually. “I myself am not a great cook, so…”

“Oh, that’s okay. I’ll have to do some exercises tomorrow to burn the calories, I guess, but I’m fine with that.”

Donghae frowned, “Are you sure you actually have calories to burn?”

Being a model, Hyukjae was a little wary of what he eats, naturally. Not like the man never allowed himself not so healthy food, yet Donghae knew how the models were reluctant to eat sweets, too afraid it’ll ruin their overall image.

However, he was looking at Hyukjae and seeing nothing but perfection. Those broad shoulders that happened to be wider than Donghae’s – don’t even ask him how he happened to find that out, for how long he had to stare at the model and how many times he recalled how the clothes the raven head lent him felt – and beautiful muscles. Again, don’t ask. Donghae himself was a fan of going to the gym for health, and it was obvious that, to match some beauty standards, Hyukjae wasn’t doing even half as much as the photographer, yet it looked so… amazing.

That’s why Donghae couldn’t grasp – why to be worried about one evening with sweets? Hyukjae could go for that for over a week and would look as amazing as before, the photographer was sure of that.

He simply thought everyone was beautiful in their own way. And it just happened that Hyukjae… was the most beautiful out of all. For some reasons.

“Are you telling me I’m too skinny?” the model asked with a smirk. “What, you dislike it?”

“What? No!” Donghae’s eyes widened, and Hyukjae couldn’t help but chuckled silently. The way that man was falling for such childish tricks was genuinely endearing. “I just meant your body is perfect, it won’t do any harm if you’ll eat some sweets today…”

“Huh. Funny.”

“What is?”

“You avoided answering the question whether you dislike my body. That’s funny.”

Was Hyukjae a mischievous kind of person? Not really. Mostly because his ex – he still couldn’t believe they have ended their relationship (Heechul neither) – could get offended because of literally anything, even the most harmless joke. That’s how the raven head got used to not tease anyone, yet that was… good to do sometimes.

With Donghae, he got reminded of how fun it was – seeing someone’s serious reaction to his not so serious words. Not to mention the photographer’s reaction was purely adorable.

“Isn’t that obvious?” the ginger head found himself speaking. “It’s because I love your body, so I have nothing to say when you ask me such question.”

Seemed like he spoke first, and only then realized what exactly his mouth just uttered. Hyukjae couldn’t help but widened his eyes – that was not that type of answer he expected to get – and Donghae, seeing this, looked away immediately.

“I mean…”

“You love it?” Hyukjae asked just to confirm he wasn’t suffering from hallucinations.

“Hyukjae…” the other man tried, and the plea of not continuing that topic was oh so obvious in his voice.

Unfortunately, the raven head was bad at reading signs.

“But wait, when did you even check it out? During that photoshoot at my home?”

“Hey, I’m not like that!” the photographer spoke defensively, giving the man a betrayed look. “It’s just that, well… You… have an open Instagram account and…”

Hyukjae tried to remember when was the last time he even posted something with his bare body. He had the photoshoots that showed his arms off – he hasn’t been working on his biceps for nothing, after all, – yet it’s been around… eight months since the last time he posted something like this?

The man smiled, “Were you checking all my Instagram photos out?”

That’s when Donghae lost it. Like in the movies that portrayed the scenes with one of the characters getting all shy, he stood up quickly and mumbled, “I’ll go and bring you sweets.”

Like a robot, with his moves stiff and a little clumsy, the photographer moved to the kitchen. Hyukjae could only chuckle at that.

“I’ve been checking your Instagram out, too!” he confessed, and the laughter could be heard in his voice. “But you don’t have many pictures of you there.”

“Glad I don’t!” came out a reply that made Hyukjae chuckle once again.

Leaning on the sofa with his back, finally feeling all relaxed in this house that looked so much like his – seemed like the houses for rent were pretty much the same here – the man looked at the ceiling with no any particular purpose. He just felt so… peaceful and comfortable.

Even with his hair being slightly wet because Donghae could only offer a towel as he had no hairdryer. Even when he felt a little cold after that run under the rain, even with his stomach being completely empty. He felt absolutely comfortable. Finally.

It’d be a lie to say he was totally okay and calm. He just ended a long-lasting relationship, and that couldn’t not feel heartbreaking at all. Even though his ex became unbearable by the end, even though it seemed like there was no such feeling as ‘love’ between them. They weren’t strangers, weren’t those people who change partners often, so it was a hard decision to make. And it was appalling how they became nobody for each other after a few words.

“Let’s break up.”

Hyukjae didn’t expect he’ll say that. He didn’t think it through really well. He only remembered watching Donghae’s figure moving further and further, about the man telling him to make up his mind and realize whether those memories of someone making him happy in past were worthy of what was happening now, and the words came out without Hyukjae thinking much. He got scared at first. However, the moment he spoke what was on his heart, he also felt it was… right to do.

Heechul was right. He had to do it long, long ago.

Yet, the man couldn’t not feel at least a little regretful. What if it was a little too soon, too spontaneous? He acted so cool when agreeing to his boyfriend leaving the apartment forever – it was Hyukjae’s anyway – before the raven head comes back. Almost didn’t sound concerned when he asked whether his now ex had anywhere to go and whether he needed some help. Barely listened to all kinds of sad songs he could find once he got home.

He tried distract himself. With Donghae’s pictures, with, once again, music, with calling Heechul. The latter was so happy to know Hyukjae finally did something he’s been telling him to do since forever. And got even more excited when he realized Donghae kind of helped with that.

“Introduce me to him once you two come back here!” he spoke, not even trying to hide his happiness. “That Donghae must be awesome to make you do something I couldn’t achieve in so long!”

Hyukjae smiled, remembering that conversation. Awesome, indeed. Donghae for sure was awesome because not only he managed to help Hyukjae in making his decision, he also made the man feel it was right. Even if the raven head had doubts before, he was at peace now, once he came there. Just being with Donghae made things so much easier for him. Him breaking up with someone didn’t feel so upsetting anymore, any troubles didn’t matter. He just felt good the moment he saw that face.

It was a little dangerous. Where was that relationship going? The man couldn’t tell. Couldn’t tell because he knew what him acting like that meant, yet you don’t jump into another relationship once you ended your previous one. And you don’t fall for someone easily once you hit certain age. Not because of stereotypes, but because your heart gets wary with years. And it was so hard to let someone in.

Everything felt easier when Donghae was around, and Hyukjae didn’t want to make it something else, something a little more complicated just yet. Didn’t want to analyze his actions too much, didn’t want to think more than needed. He felt good with the man around. And looks like it was pretty much mutual. That’s where he’d prefer to stop for now.

“Can I look around a little?” he asked all of a sudden just to distract himself from the thoughts that were going the wrong way.

“Yeah, sure! I don’t really have many things here though.”

Hyukjae hummed and got up from the sofa only to look around the living room. The man didn’t doubt Donghae allowed him to watch the whole house, even the bedroom and bathroom, yet didn’t want to invade too much, so he observed that one room only.

Just like he said, it was pretty much alike with what the man had in the house he stayed in. All in light brown colors. The TV and magazines on the shelf above it. The wardrobes – for some reason, there were so many wardrobes everywhere – with artificial flowers on them. The old carpets with similar pattern. Those were things that could tell something about the real owner of that place. But he wanted to know about Donghae.

That’s why he needed to see the details. Although it wasn’t his house, Donghae was everywhere. He was in jeans hanging on the chair’s back neatly. He was in the camera and various lenses placed on the table, in the laptop beside it. He planned to work on the photos apparently, or he’s been working not so long ago. Or maybe he was simply watching something.

What movies did Donghae like? Or he was more into TV series? Or he didn’t really like anything like that and used to spend his time watching YouTube videos? That was the question.

“Donghae, what’s your favorite movie?” Hyukjae found himself asking without thinking much.

The raven head moved further and observed the windowsill with some stuff placed there. The nail scissors. One book, one notebook, one pen. Some papers. Plane tickets.

“Uhh, ‘Titanic’, I guess?” came from the kitchen. “I’m into romance movies! What about you?”

Hyukjae’s gaze stopped on the scissors for a reason. He couldn’t explain where he got that feeling from, yet something was off about that object. However, he smiled the moment he heard Donghae’s into romance movies. He just knew

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Chapter 12: I love your story it makes me smile especially the airport scenario. So glad that after the storm they found the light in each other existance. ❤
Supertita #2
Chapter 12: I love this story! The complexity of the characters and how they embraced their feelings is a much needed reminder that everyone is going through something, and kindness goes a long way 💙 Thank you as always for a heart-warming story!
cynthiacey #3
Chapter 3: Aaahhhhhh this story brings smile to my face, butterflies flyin' everywhere :") I wish I could find my Hyukjae because I feel like Donghae almost everytime, 'm awkward with people and such. Happy to know here Hae cancelled his flights in three days to be with Hyuk a little bit longer, what a destiny wgwgwg
attoush96 #4
Chapter 12: Thank you for coming back and finishing this really colorful story.
Rcedsa #5
Chapter 2: Thank you so much for writing this, I'm only in the second chapter and already love! because i can relate to Donghae's character and thoughts so much🥺 i had a bad day but reading this made me feel better!
Always grateful to you tya💗 All your stories are my comfort stories🥺💗
Chapter 12: Oh my gosh! You finished this and it’s such a beautiful ending! I’m so happy! I always loved this story so much. Thank you!! ❤️❤️
ldh2013 #7
Chapter 12: Thank you for finishing it!
Idaharith #8
Chapter 12: Tq for completed this wonderful story 🥰
Chapter 12: This story has it's own place in my heart. Thank you for writing it! 💙
969 streak #10
Chapter 12: I remember this story so well. Despite the darkness in Donghae's mind, their journey together was towards the light.
I love how the last two chapters added colors to the grey rainy days. Their hearts are flitting in contrast to the rains.
And you had to make them lose the letters!!!
But then, their meeting became even more meaningful!
Thank you so much for completing this!