Episode 9: Let's Break Up

Extra-ordinary You (Kkuchaen ver)
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Mint Choco Fairy is in the library again, searching for the book.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blows pieces of papers towards her.

She picks one of it up.

It's a sketch of Sakura.

She hurries and picks the other papers up too, and then...

...she finds a wall filled with sketches of Sakura.


What in the world...?




At the start of the semester, a nameless extra arrives at school. As she walks around, she notices the library and decides to check it out. She stands in front of the window in the library, feeling the sunshine on her face.


Who am I?


She blocks the sunlight with her left hand, showing a scar on it. She looks at the long and ugly scar.


I want to know...

Where I came from...

And where I'm headed to.


She walks along the bookshelves in, her hand brushing against the books. Suddenly, she hears sounds coming from one of the bookshelves. She walks towards it, and discovers a comic book hovering within the bookshelf.

She grabs it, and flips to read it.

Somehow, there was a character that caught her attention, even though it was just a mere extra.




She looks at where the book used to be on the shelf, and sees something that looks like a portal.

She then heads out of the library, the book in her hands.


She hears the sounds again, and her head shoots up.


There was the portal, hovering in the air.


She looked down to see people's reaction, but no one seemed to notice it, even though it was big.


Then, she sees a figure on the bridge. It was a girl with shoulder length hair, big eyes, and a watch on her hand.


At that moment, it was as if everyone had vanished. She only had eyes for the girl.


She goes to class, and was about to sit down, when she notices the same girl sitting in her seat, enjoying the breeze.





The girl says.


Sakura snaps out of her daydream and stands up, but doesn't seem as if she had taken notice of the girl.


She walks away, continuing to talk to her friends.


That was the first time I heard my voice.


"Ah ah ah," The girl tests out her voice. It was refereshing to hear her voice.


She looks at Sakura, who was happily smiling with her friends.


How do I know her name...

When I don't even know mine?


The time when she saved Sakura from falling down the stairs.

The time when she protected Sakura from getting hit in dodgeball.


Why do I always have my eyes on you...

When I don't even know who I am?


She looks at the pieces of sketch she drew throughout the semester. They were stuck on the wall, filled with sketches of sceneries and Sakura.


Tell me why it has to be you.




Back on stage, in the pouring rain, Sakura is facing Eunbi.


"It's not like you're dying." Eunbi says.


Those words stung so bad, but because Sakura was on stage, she couldn't do anything but listen.


Suddenly, someone punches Eunbi.


"Let's go,




Chaeyeon grabs Sakura's hand and leaves.


Sakura's eyes widen in shock, and allows herself to walk with Chaeyeon.


"WHO ARE YOU?!" Eunbi screams from behind.


"You won't remember anyway even if I tell you," Chaeyeon says.


"The scene will change soon."


Chaeyeon glares at Eunbi and leads Sakura away.


Eunbi touches the wound on her face and winces.


As she stands up, the rain miraculously stops.




Chaeyeon leads Sakura far away and they keep walking and walking, until Sakura lets go of Chaeyeon.


"I didn't hear you wrong right?" Sakura smiles.


"It doesn't make sense, but I hope it does..." Sakura looks at Chaeyeon hopefully, while Chaeyeon still looks back with no emotion.


"Do you...remember me?"


Chaeyeon nods.


"Since when?!" Sakura asks, still in disbelief.


"I...I don't know. But...all I know is that it started because of you, Sakura."


Chaeyeon looks at Sakura, and this time if feels different.




Chaewon is walking with two ice creams in her hand and she sees Eunbi soaking wet.


"Oh? Eunbi, why are you drenched? Did the writer make it rain?"


Eunbi looks at herself.


"Isn't it strange that it's dry everywhere else, but only you are wet?" Chaewon points out, grinning.


Eunbi looks around and indeed, there was not a trace of rain.


"No...Sakura was there too...."


"Ya, Sakura's aware of herself unlike you. You don't even realise that it's strange!" 


Eunbi is confused.


Aware of herself?


"Just hang in there for a bit, once the scene changes, you'll be dry again."


Scene change?


Chaewon sighs.


"I'm so upset. I don't think you, Minjoo or Yujin will ever become aware of yourself."


Chaewon places a hand on Eunbi's shoulder.


"Cheer up. Sometimes its better not to remember. Bye!"


Chaewon walks off and Eunbi looks at her, thinking about what she had just said.


What was that all about...




Sakura drags Chaeyeon into a secluded area in the library where no one could see them.


She pushes Chaeyeon against a pillar.


"Do you also not remember what happens in between scenes?"


Chaeyeon nods.


"Then...do you also hear a strange sound whenever you lose your memory? You don't know where and when you'll wake up, your dates and times are all messed up? " Sakura asks, wide-eyed.




"And those around you don't remember what you've said or done?"


"Yes, you're right. But...I remember all the moments you and I shared."


Sakura gasps and covers with her hands.


"Yabai...Have you really become aware of yourself?!"


Both of them look at each other.




In the kitchen, Mint Choco Fairy is looking at a sketch of Sakura.


"Oh? That's Sakura!" Chaewon says, and Mint Choco Fairy is startled.


"Oh! Um, hey! What brings you here?" She quickly scrolls up the sketch and hides it behind her back.


"I wanted to see something!" Chaewon says, offering a Mint Chocolate ice cream.




Mint Choco Fairy takes it and starts eating the ice cream, and Chaewon takes the comic book to read.


She flips through the pages and stops.




It was the scene where Sakura overheard the conversation at the hospital.


"What's this?!" 


Chaewon's eyes widen.


"She...Sakura...doesn't have much time?! What does that mean?!"


"It means we don't know when her heart will stop beating."


"I didn't know that...I feel so bad for her! How could the writer do this to a mere extra?!" Chaewon whines.


Mint Choco Fairy takes the book away.


"It's only possible...because she's an extra."




Sakura was standing on the link bridge, talking to herself.


"Chaeyeon....Chaeyeon....Chaeyeon remembers me!" Sakura cups her face.


Sakura flung her hands up and excitedly jumped around. She bows down to the sky.


"Thank you Writer! I take back all the gibberish I said to you before! WOOHOO! YES!"




In the middle of Sakura's celebration, the stage is on.




Sakura turns around and sees Eunbi walking towards her with a watch in her hand.


"Take this as my apology." Eunbi holds up the watch.


Sakura looks down.


"No thanks."


Eunbi looks away, trying to control herself.


"Take it---"


"---No. We're over."


What?! What is going on?!


"What?" Eunbi says in disbelief.


"I want to stop liking you."


Eunbi's eyesbrows creases.


"You said you were irritated and disgusted by my disease."


"Hey, that was just..."


"Don't worry, I won't let this affect your father's business."




"One-sided love wasn't only torturous for the one doing it. It's also painful for the one on the recieving end. I'm sorry...for everything."


Sakura looked down, and Eunbi wasn't able to say a thing.


"From today onwards, we are no longer engaged."




"Wow! I didn't know I could say things like that! Omo omo omo!" Sakura says with a big smile on her face, clapping excitedly. She looks at Eunbi who was still confused.


"By the way, is your face alright? I know everything is planned out and not real, but it still hurts."


Eunbi doesn't say anything.


"Gosh, you're still a jerk! But...I'll accept your apology!"


She walks past Eunbi and makes her drop the watch in her hands.


Eunbi rolls her eyes in anger, and runs over to Sakura, grabbing her wrist.


"Take back what you said."


"About what?"


Eunbi blinks in confusion.


"What's with you?" Sakura flings off Eunbi's grip and walks away.


Eunbi looks at Sakura walk away, feeling lost.




Back in class, Sakura was still thinking about what had happened.


She held her wrist where Eunbi did.


That was a little weird of Eunbi to do that...


Suddenly, there is a notification from her phone to take her medication.


Sakura sighs and takes out her bag of medication---there was alot of them.


"Ugh, what's with all these extra medication, what's the point in these details..."


Chaewon walks in with a bottle of strawberry milk in her hands, and places it on Sakura's table.


"Are you alright?" Chaewon asks, her eyes filled with pity.


"What's wrong with you? Isn't this for Kim Minjoo?"


"No! It's for you...I want you to eat a lot of good food."


Sakura rolls her eyes.


"You definitely read that part. Don't worry! It's nothing, it's just an extra set up the writer added."


"It's not nothing! You could..."


Chaewon almost burst into tears.


"You could dieeeee," Chaewon says, unable to hold back her tears.


Sakura looks at Chaewon.


"You and Taeyeon have the same reaction...you guys are sisters indeed."


"I didn't know and only cared about Minjoo all the time..." Chaewon said, still crying.


Sakura scooted her chair over closer to Chaewon.


"Do you know what's the butterfly effect?"


Chaewon looked up.


"It's a principle that a small flutter of a butterfly can bring about a huge typhoon." Sakura says, imitating a butterfly.


"What does that have to do with you?"


"A small action from an extra can change the whole world! Well...Mint Choco did say I'm messing things up though...So even if the scene has nothing to do with you, keep making changes, then I won't be needing these anymore!" 


Sakura says, packing up her medication, and nods.




Eunbi is walking along the corridors, thinking about Sakura and their conversation.


"From today onwards, we're no longer engaged."


Thinking about it made Eunbi furious, and suddenly a student bumped into her.


She grabs the student's collar and pins him against the wall.


"You better watch where you're going."


"I'm...I'm sorry Eunbi..."


She throws the student down and looks at the crowd that was forming.




The students collectively looked away and Eunbi runs towards a window to punch it when...

...a hand stops her.


"Don't do that. You'll get hurt."


Eunbi flings her hand down and grabs Chaeyeon's shoulder, scowling.


"Why do you care if I get hurt or not?"

"I thought it might hurt."


Chaeyeon pulls Eunbi's hands off.


"And I felt bad for you."


She walks off and bumps into Eunbi's shoulders.

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Hello! First of all, so sorry for not updating! I decided to focus on my studies last year. I'm currently on holiday so I will try to update more but I have no promises, i'm really sorry T.T
Thank you to everyone who supported this story and all the encouraging messages!


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twiceonce999 #1
Chapter 9: Update juseyoooo :'(
chaestival #2
Chapter 9: can u update author-min 😭👍 I really like the story 😭😭😭
Chapter 9: Wow I'm so hooked on this
1761 streak #4
Chapter 9: Thank you for updating!! I have to look back to remember what all went down lol but I like it!
Chapter 7: Update Authornim please
1761 streak #7
Chapter 8: Omg OMG OMG !!!!!
Mitangkyut #8
Chapter 7: Uwaaaaa
Chapter 7: Oh Gosh I LIKE IT>>>)
1761 streak #10
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh!!!!