SIREN - Bridʒ‘s New Girl Group

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author's notes: still currently under construction but feel free to look through plotlines. if you plan on applying please comment below the naem of the plotline that you're interested in

s i r e n

applyfic finally


Legendary Kpop diva Hyolyn began her one woman company Bridʒ. Finally with her own freedom she was able to set new records and push standards of Korean music. Her scandalous dancing and attractive shook the kpop industry. She knows how much Korean music can grow by breaking rules and not playing safe. She has been planning her own girl group to defy standards since 2017 when she first started her company. It was released earlier this year that Bridʒ's very first girl group will be debuting this year.

 title  siren

 author  lau_meili

 co-author  —

 genre  drama, romance

 rating  none

 deadline  tba

rules (tba)

001 // Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer tincidunt luctus mauris, a semper ligula scelerisque a.

002 // Morbi ullamcorper arcu eget tincidunt maximus. Nunc a arcu dapibus, euismod lectus dignissim, fringilla turpis. Etiam ultrices tempus fermentum.

003 // Fusce commodo at felis in luctus. Fusce sodales pulvinar bibendum. Aliquam vitae tortor orci.

004 // Sed sapien felis, eleifend at sapien vel, fermentum finibus elit. Nulla ullamcorper vel nulla ac vehicula.

005 // Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.


 20/3/2016  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer tincidunt luctus mauris, a semper ligula scelerisque a. Morbi ullamcorper arcu eget tincidunt maximus.

 21/3/2016  Nunc a arcu dapibus, euismod lectus dignissim, fringilla turpis. Etiam ultrices tempus fermentum. Fusce commodo at felis in luctus. Fusce sodales pulvinar bibendum. Aliquam vitae tortor orci.


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Chapter 2: i have an fc that is a 98 liner but want to make a one year difference so that she can be in the 97 line, is that allowed? it's okay if it's not though just wanna make sure! o u o
14 streak #2
Chapter 1: Is the video stated in the plotline their solo reveal (like Loona members)?
14 streak #3
Chapter 1: I would like to try for the ruby plotline.