Mess 14

What A Life
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As if the day isn't bad enough. The pounding in my head wouldn't stop, the effect of the medicine is starting to kick in and I can feel myself getting drowsy, honestly, the last thing I need right now is a confrontation with Oh Sehun and his mother. If only I knew Mrs Oh is right in our vicinity, if only I knew how to control my bad temper, I wouldn't have gotten myself into this state. Mrs Oh, Sehun, and I sat at the dining table in silence for the past 10 minutes and that was probably the longest 10 minutes in my life. It felt like a century. 

"Areum, you are seeing someone?"

As I recall the broken-hearted look on Mrs Oh's face earlier on, I feel like the worst person on Earth ever. How can I hurt the woman that almost loves me more than her own son and takes care of me like my own mother? She asked me to help to open up Sehun's heart, but instead, I did the opposite, I outright insulted him and I blamed him for the engagement and for ruining my happiness with Baekhyun. Sehun has his flaws, but I am not any better. I am always letting my anger gets the best out of me and to only regret my actions after I calm down. 

"Kinda no, and kinda yes, aunty. Baekhyun and I like each other but we are not officially together."

Mrs Oh nods and I notice her downcast eyes again. I didn't mean to hurt her but I don't want to lie to her either. Mrs Oh isn't deaf, she has heard every single thing clearly and lying does nothing good for me.

"Do you not like Sehun? Didn't your mother say you like him first..."

I almost choke on my saliva. Goodness gracious, did my mother get confused with idolising someone and liking someone in a romantic way? Sure, I may have crossed the line a little when I was obsessed with him, as a fan, but after seeing his true colours, every ounce of infatuation disappears. 

"He is a jerk, why would I like him?"

I mutter under my breath but I may have said it a little too loud to be called a muttering. 

"At least I am not a violent hooligan who slaps people out of nowhere."

"Shh! Oh Sehun, you deserve it. How can you say those harsh words to her?"

I hid my growing smile. One point for Park Areum, zero point for Oh Sehun.

"It's the truth," Sehun says, deadpanned, "They had in the toilet."

My eyes shoot open in alarm and I turn to look at Mrs Oh instinctively, who seems flustered by Sehun's blunt words. Wow, this guy, he really just threw me under the bus and he didn't even bother to sugar coat his words. 

"No matter what," Mrs Oh takes my hands in hers, "Areum, I hope you can forgive Sehun and his unfiltered mouth. I am sorry on his behalf. Can you please give Sehun another chance? I really like you a lot. I know you have feelings for someone else and it may seem selfish for me to do this but I hope you can try to get along with Sehun and see the good in him one day."

"Mum, why do you have to apologise to her? She can leave for all she wants. This arranged marriage is a mistake anyway."

"Shut up, Oh Sehun."

It hurts my heart to hear that apology from Mrs Oh. She didn't need to apologise on behalf of her son. Sehun is a grown- man, he should apologise for his own mistakes. But knowing her son's stubborn personality, getting an apology from him is harder than getting the moon, so she would rather apologise to me, all for the sake of making me stay and salvaging our relationship. What exactly is so good about me? What did I do to deserve this? Mrs Oh knows that I had with another guy behind her son's back but instead of calling off the engagement, she wants me to give Sehun another chance. Really, huh? Honestly, now that my mind is clearer and I am able to think about the whole situation thoroughly, shouldn't I be the one asking for forgiveness and another chance? Sehun may be blunt and straightforward with his words, at least, he is better than me. I let another man touched my body. Sure, Sehun gave me the permission to, but we are still engaged afterall, whether Sehun and I have feelings for each other, it's not morally right. My parents are going to be so disappointed with me if they hear about my doings. I don't deserve such kindness from Mrs Oh. 

Mrs Oh sighs in despair as her hands retreat away from me slowly, "If you want to call off the engagement, I will understand, Areum. It's not easy living with Sehun, plus, you have someone you like already..." she smiles, but I can tell that her smile is a forced one. My gaze switches from Mrs Oh to Sehun and I try to see if he has any reaction but to my dismay, he has the same usual indifferent look on his face. Wait, why am I disappointed? I should be happy! I finally have my say in this engagement! Haven't I been waiting for this moment? As long as the engagement is called off, I can be with Baekhyun openly. I hate this arranged marriage, don't I? Then why am I hesitant about calling off the engagement?


"Maybe because you like Sehun?"

I spit out my water and a tiny bit of the water landed on Jongin's face, causing the guy yelps in disgust.

" you, Areum! You are so gross!" Jongin rubs his face and stomps his feet like a kid throwing tantrum, "I just applied my skincare products! They are expensive, okay!"

I look at Jongin apologetically as I try to clean his face for him but the annoyed guy smacks my hand off his precious face, "S-Sorry, I guess, more water to help hydrate your skin then..."

Jongin narrows his eyes at me. Guess that was a futile attempt to make him feel better. 

"And, I don't like Sehun! Have you forgotten? I like Baekhyun! I like him since a long time ago."

I reach for the glass of water to quench my thirst, since I have wasted a mouthful earlier on, thanks to Jongin's ridiculous words. Baekhyun and I just affirmed our feelings for each other and I feel like the happiest woman ever. So, I like Sehun? There is no way I will have feelings for him. We

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1114 streak #2
Congrats on the feature!
Chapter 42: Congrats on the feature! One of my favorite stories to reread!
Congrats on the feature 🎉
wowiethree #5
nouseridkarina #6
congrats on your feature!! ♡
courexe #7
2078 streak #8
Congrats on the feature!
serenityserein #9
1114 streak #10
Congrats on the feature!