Mess 13

What A Life
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"Oh lord, why do you look like you just got wrecked by a truck?"

Upon hearing Jongin's teasing as he enters his room, I take his blanket and cover over my head to hide my hideous look. I don't want my bestie to see me with swollen and teary eyes and red nose from all the crying. But nothing escapes Jongin, I whine when he snatches the blanket from me and forces me to look at him.

"Yah!" Jongin touches my face, his playful side disappears and a worried expression forms on his face immediately, "You are burning! And why are your hair and clothes all drenched?"


I hug Jongin and press my face against his abdomen, while my tears burst out like water rushing and spilling from a dam, making a damp patch on his shirt. The heartache I am experiencing right now is the same one I felt six months ago, on the night where Baekhyun rejected me, except that I had to recuperate from my broken heart on my own back then. Now, I have Jongin's shoulder for me to cry on. I am glad that Jongin didn't ask anything while he cradles me in his arms and lets me to bawl to my heart's content, until I am ready to tell him what happened. 


When I am finally done crying, I have exhausted all my energy and with a burning body temperature, I feel weak and my eyelids are feeling so heavy that I can close my eyes anytime. Thankfully, I have Jongin, he changes me out of my wet clothes and cleans my body with a dry towel, before putting on a hoodie for me. He slides under his duvet and lies next me, allowing me to rest my head on his chest as a pillow.

"So what happened? Your date with Baekhyun hyung didn't go well?"

At the mention of Baekhyun's name, I can feel the surge of hot tears welling in my eyes but I manage to control my emotions. Baekhyun won't come back to me no matter how much tears I shed for him. 

"We are over."


I sniff, "I told him that I am engaged to Sehun and he asked me to leave his apartment. He probably doesn't want someone who is engaged to another man." Lips trembling, a big fat tear rolls down and Jongin immediately wipes the tear away from me, like what he always does, "Now I hate this arranged marriage."

If I wasn't engaged, I wouldn't have to face so much problems. Baekhyun and I can date openly. Oh Sehun and I will never be related in any way personal, just mentor and trainee. It seems like everything in the universe is stopping me and Baekhyun from getting together. We missed the first chance because of Baek, and now we missed another one because of me and the goddamn arranged marriage.

"Baekhyun hyung is stupid for doing that. Don't cry anymore, hmm?" Jongin plants a kiss on my forehead and pats like my head. To Jongin, I am just like a baby; a baby that requires someone to take care of and protect from harm. 

My arms tighten around Jongin's torso, "Jongin, can't you just marry me? You are the only one who will never hurt me in this world. You will make me the happiest woman alive." 

Jongin's chuckles, causing his chest to vibrate against my face, "Silly girl, I won't be able to pleasure you well. I am not into . Unless, you become a guy for me?"

I slap his chest and turn away, ". I hate you. You at comforting people!"

Of course I am lying. Jongin is the first person I look for whenever I am sad or I face any problem because he is the best listener, and he gives the best hug ever. If I was given the chance, I would love to get married with Jongin because no one knows me better than him, no one takes care of me like he does. But it would be selfish for me to do that because then I will deprive Jongin from finding his true love. Jongin deserves all the happiness in the world for being such an amazing person, an indispensable bestie in my life. 

"I am going to sleep, goodnight Jongin."

As I close my eyes to force myself to get some sleep, I can feel Jongin's lips on my forehead and my nose.

"Goodnight, my precious big baby. Don't worry, I will always be here, protecting you."

This time, I choke back on tears, not because of Baek, but because of Jongin. What did I do to deserve Jongin in my life? How many times have I said this already by the way?


"Why did you have to hurt her like that, hyung?"

I am usually not a light sleeper but that night, I can't sleep well because my body feels sick and a voice from the balcony kinda woke me up. Jongin isn't next to me when I open my eyes. So I assume he is the one talking on the phone. Checking the clock on the nightstand, it has only been two hours since I slept. Guess I am going to have a sleepless night tonight. 

"But you didn't have to be that harsh..."

That's strange. Who is Jongin talking to at wee hours? I want to look for him at the balcony but I can barely bring my aching body out of the bed as fever consumes me, leaving me with zero strength in my body. Feeling my face, my skin still feels hotter than usual. All thanks to the heavy rain earlier on. I sink back onto the bed and resign to my fate, but I try to lean as close as I can to the edge of the bed to catch the conversation between Jongin and whoever he is talking to.

"Hyung, you know, Areum loves you. She has never stopped liking you since six months ago. I don't want to interfere but Areum is my best friend, she is like my younger sister, I can't sit back and do nothing, knowing that her heart hurts so much because of you. Dude, she came home all wet and she is now having a fever."

Oh. Jongin is confronting Baek, and they are talking about me.

"She is feeling better now I guess. But I don't think the fever will subside anytime soon. Do you still love Areum, despite knowing that she is engaged?"

My heart drums rapidly against my chest. I wish I can hear Baekhyun's response but I can't hear anything except for Jongin's voice!

"Whether you still love her or not, I think you are smart enough to know what to do, hyung. I am not rooting Areum with anyone in particular. I only support whoever that can bring Areum happiness and whoever she is happy with. Because her happiness is what matters the most."

I can feel my eyes glazing with a glassy layer of tears upon hearing Jongin's words. He is indeed the best. Suddenly, a knock from outside interrupts my train of thoughts and as I hear Jongin's feet shuffling back to the bedroom, I shut my eyes, pretending to be asleep.

"Talk to you again, hyung."

I try to peek to see who is outside the room when Jongin opens the door. I haven't managed to catch a glimpse and I have to pretend to be sleeping again, in case I get caught. But based on just the voice alone, I can identify that person.

"Hey, my mother told me she was a little off when she came home earlier on, so she asked me to check on her..."

It's the stone, Oh Sehun. I am surprised that he is

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1114 streak #2
Congrats on the feature!
Chapter 42: Congrats on the feature! One of my favorite stories to reread!
Congrats on the feature 🎉
wowiethree #5
nouseridkarina #6
congrats on your feature!! ♡
courexe #7
2078 streak #8
Congrats on the feature!
serenityserein #9
1114 streak #10
Congrats on the feature!