lost and found (6)

takin’ shots
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“Baby you have to calm down. Come on, talk to me what’s going on? Who is that guy? Help me understand so that I’ll know what to do.” Saku squeezed Chaewon’s hand, wanting to understand the situation because it’s been an hour since then and she still hasn’t stopped crying.


He sighs, there’s nothing else he can do but to wait for her to calm down so he opened his arms and wrapped them around her frame. She hugged him by the waist and cried on his shoulder, she finds herself pathetic because this is all she’s been doing lately, crying with him waiting for her cries to subside.


After a few moments, she loosened her hold on him causing him to do the same and then she moves away a little bit. Saku cups her face and she leans in to his soothing touch. with her eyes close. Every time their skins touch, Chaewon feels like there are electric currents running from her veins that she finds rather calming.


“He’s... my ex.” Saying that feel heavy to her, she doesn’t ever want to remember what happened before, she wants nothing to do with him the minute he ran away from his responsibilities. He was supposed to be there, but he left not just her but their daughter. No, her daughter not his.


The doctor’s facial expression tensed, he knew about it somehow like a gut feeling but her confirming it brings out a whole new variety of emotions.


“So he’s the man, huh? The love of your life, your firsts in everything, Wonyoung’s dad.” Saku didn’t bother masking off the jealousy in his tone. Well he is jealous, he doesn’t want to hide it from Chaewon and he certainly wants her to see the bitterness in his tone.


“He was but not anymore. He’s my first but I want you to be my last, and he’s not Wonyoung’s father. You are.” The fairy was super embarrassed saying that, she was never vocal about her feelings but in this situation they’re in, she feels the need to say all those things because her man is anxious about what’s going on right now. He feels like he’ll lose them both now that someone from the past, a once very important person came back just as when things are starting to come around for them.


Chaewon was hoping this would wash away his worries, but to her dismay that doubtful look on his face wouldn’t go away. So she cupped his face with both hands and she tiptoed to kiss him softly. He pulled her closer to him and when they parted, Chaewon leans her head against his left shoulder as she hug his neck.


“I know I said I’ll wait, will I be an if I told you that I really don’t want to wait any longer.” Chaewon held her breath upon hearing this, she understands why he’s acting like this and why he thinks this way. She looks up and saw how bothered he was just by looking at him, his jaws were perplexed, face scrunched, eyebrows furrowed. He couldn’t even meet her eyes, instead he was looking straight down on the floor with a lot in his mind.


“Okay.” Saku finally turns to look at her and they held each other’s gaze for a few seconds before he spoke.


“Okay what?”


“I’m saying yes stupid.”




“Hi princess, I’ve got news for you.” Chaewon and Saku came in to Wonyoung’s room hand in hand, the lad grinning from ear to ear as he skipped towards their little kid. He carried her off the bed, careful not to pull the wires attached to her then kissed her forehead.


“Remember the mission I told you about? Well your mommy just said yes to me a while ago.” Hearing this, you wouldn’t believe the smile that appeared on the kid’s face. It was surreal, brighter than the sun and it certainly lightened up the faces of the new couple.


She was matching Saku’s smile, happier even and she was so excited that there was a sudden burst of her energy as she moved up and down the lad’s arms.


“Really really?! Did I do a good job?!” Wonyoung squealed in delight, hugging his neck tighter out if joy while the lad chuckled at the happy kid while rubbing her back to calm her down. Chaewon raises a brow about this, wondering what she meant by that because it seems like the two shares a mutual knowledge that she doesn’t know about.


“You did a wonderful job.” Wonyoung looks at her mother with a beam, she motioned her to come closer and then she whispered something in her mother’s ear that made her blush furiously. She glanced at Saku who was silently asking what that was all about but she brushed it off as she turn her gaze back to her daughter and smiled.


“Yeah I think I do. But that’s our little secret okay? Your Daddy can’t know.” The lad frowns knowing that a secret was kept from him but he figures that it’s nice because they make the kid a big factor in their relationship. It’s like before they do something, they make sure to know how Wonyoung feels about it. Fortunately for him, the girl’s very fond of him so when he told her that he likes her mother, she was even more enthusiastic than him because finally, she is one step closer to having a complete family.


“Okay!” Wonyoung answered obediently, bringing her hand up to motion her zipping her lips to keep the secret which made the couple chuckle at her antics. She was then placed back on the bed to which she whined at because she likes having Saku carry her around especially now that she’s stuck in this white painted walls. She doesn’t understand the reason why, all she knows is that her head hurts a lot and a lot of people are taking turns taking care of her.


“Excuse me Dr. Miyawaki, someone’s here for a visit.” A nurse then came in knocking on the doors, when a familiar old man came into view Chaewon was delighted to see him after weeks. She walked towards the old man and hugged him, seemingly wanting to cry again.


“Sorry I could only visit today.” He apologized and he went straight to Wonyoung’s bed as soon as Chaewon lets go of him. She watched the kid be delighted to have her grandfather figure now with them. He was a big part of their lives, he kept Chaewon in when he noticed how she was always somewhere at the park where his stall was located.


From the beginning of his day to the end, he didn’t mind it at first. But then one slow afternoon Chaewon came to his stall, looking at his menu rubbing her belly as she bit her lower lip. She scanned her eyes along the board on top of his trailer and then after a couple of minutes she just left.


This puzzled the old man, that was when he decided to chase after her and told her to sit as he prepare food for her. Chaewon politely declined, but he insisted and practically just dragged her to his stall. That was the first time that the fairy actually talked about her situation in life.


“Hey.” Chaewon snaps out of her thoughts when Saku placed a hand over her shoulder. She looked at him then closes in to have him envelop her in his arms.


“Baby listen I’ve got to go, okay? I have a very important surgery, it’s going to take roughly around eight hours. I’ll have an intern take you home tonight. I might come home late because we still have a meeting after my surgery so don’t wait up.” The lass frowns, just like how Wonyoung does whenever he leaves for surgery. Day by day he starts to notice more and more similarities between the mother and the daughter and it fascinates him.


From the day his son died, he was broken into shards and that incident broke his marriage apart as well. It was like hitting two birds in one stone, he didn’t just lose his son but his wife as well. His wife who’s practically been his lover since high school, cheated on him with his bestfriend. He couldn’t believe his eyes when he walked into his own room and on top of his bed was a form of his wife and his bestfriend.


Eunbi, Hyeseok, and Saku were all just staring at each other not knowing what to say. They couldn’t even read the latter’s face, it was just blank and then he closes the door and left. He just left, and didn’t ever look back, didn’t flinch, didn’t yell, didn’t do anything.


He somehow knew something was off with his wife, he just thought it’s because they lost their son and she was grieving but he never actually thought that Eunbi was cheating on him and with Hyeseok too.


He lost half of his life when his son died then two weeks later he lost the other half when his wife cheated on him. But he never held any grudge against them, which is why Eunbi never had the courage to apologize to him before. Because even if they hurt him, he was never mad he just walked away.


“What time will you be home then?” Chaewon hugged his waist tighter, she’s now wearing her puppy eyes similar to that of Wonyoung’s and it’s making him weak on the knees.


“I’ll try to go home as soon as I can but please don’t wait up.” He caressed her face softly, gently, and lovingly before leaning in to capture her lips for a quick kiss. After parting they stared at each other for a while and were having a moment before Saku’s pager beeps. He chuckled when she whines knowing that he has to go soon but he gave her one last peck to make up for that.


He then lets Wonyoung know he’s going before leaving, and once he was out of the room the old man was staring at Chaewon with an ‘i-told-you-so’ expression. Like he already called it from the minute he laid eyes on Saku. The fairy shook her head with a smile before joining in on the two’s conversation.


On the other hand in the radiology two long time friends were arguing so loud you can practically hear them from across the halls. Yehan was shouting in frustration, trying to explain to his friend over and over again only to be shut off.


“Dude whatever you say, I can’t do it, I can’t disclose anything about a patient to a non family member.” Yehan slammed his fist against the table which made the other scoff in disbelief. This is the very first time they’ve seen each other for over decades, yet they’re already fighting.


“That’s my kid in there! I’m supposed to be your best friend, come on it’s one harmful little favor!”


“Yeah well you left before she was even born, you think you could just leave someone and go back when you feel like it? Grow up. I’m sorry we we’re the best of friends before college but we were kids and now things have changed. Saku’s my friend.” Yehan clenched his jaws and fists, his eyes were raging with fire and as they fought in silence with just their gazes the door opened and then came Saku whose eyes immediately changed upon seeing Yehan in the room.


“We have to go, patient’s ready and prepped in OR 3.” He said coldly, although he was talking to his friend his eyes were darted on the guy he was accompanying earlier and his gaze was rather hostile. So was the other’s, they were sending a message to one another, a message that they know both just by the look that they are giving each other.


Hyeseok noticed the hostility in the air and before one of them could even do something scandalous, he grabbed his coat and left the radiology with Saku. He didn’t even bother bidding his old friend a goodbye, because ever since they were little Yehan has always been the type of guy who bursts every time he doesn’t get what he wants.


He thought after all these years he would’ve changed by now, turns out he was the same person he was before they grew apart. What’s worse is that he just found out that his buddy left a mother and a daughter, who happens to be a big part of his best friends life, the life that was once ruined because of hi

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because ssamkkura is that awkward ship y’all have been sleeping on.


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mushroom79 #1
Chapter 52: Waw. Damn. And hi.
1760 streak #2
Chapter 52: hello again authornim!!! and man... i thought it'll be happy but boy that's rough...
Chapter 49: Part 3🤩
Chapter 52: WAHHH AN UPDATE!🤩 Thank you very much author for coming back.

Chaewon doesn't deserve a cheater huhuh
Yujin please be the second lead🙏🙏
mdaichan #5
Chapter 52: Welcome back author . I think everyone deserve a second chance but i want chaewon teach saku a lesson that he will never do it again
Chapter 52: OMG welcome back authornim 🥰
Chapter 52: Saku deserves to be dumped
Sorosdaas #8
Chapter 52: Welcome back author!! And thank you for the new story.. chaewon deserve better.. once a cheater, always be a cheater.
Chapter 52: We missed you, author! I hope chaewon be together with a person that truly loves her and faithful with her. She didn't deserve all of it.
Chapter 52: missed you so much, hope you’re doing well! 🥹
honestly don’t think they should make up, chaewon deserves better! 😩