train ride

takin’ shots
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"yah kim chaewon, make sure to visit me here again next month okay? and this time, please bring yena with you, i miss her too!" a certain blonde haired girl was hugging the frame of a fairy tight, as if she never wanted to let her friend go. meanwhile, contrary to her reaction, the other rolls an eye on her as she patted the back of her fellow.


"you two are so frustrating you know that right? god i can't believe both of you still refused to confess to each other, i mean why?!" the older said seemingly the one who's clearly more affected by the situation rather than the ones involved and because of that, she received a painful smack from her friend.


"i don't like her kim chaewon!" the girl resembling a hamster denies as she shoots the short haired girl piercing glares only to be laughed at as it was not threatening at all.


"sure you don't jo yuri. anyway i have to go before i miss my train, come back to seoul soon, the whole gang miss you. bye!" with that, chaewon hurried inside the station as she waved back to her friend. once inside, she sighed in relief knowing that there's still plenty of time left before she boards her train meaning she could still eat.


on the other hand, one girl with short and grey hair was casually roaming around the station in awe of its structure. this is her first time here, as she was originally from japan still, she know enough korean to survive.


the japanese had her hands shoved down her pocket while exploring the station, it's no better than the stations back in japan but she was still amused by the new environment. just then, something- or more like someone in particular caught her attention.


to her left, was a fairy in disguise of a human being. the short haired lass was doing nothing of the ordinary, she was merely eating her food while scrolling through her phone and yet sakura was drawn to her.


the latter scanned her eyes in every crook of her profile. immediately, she noticed a mole on the stranger's forehead which is something normal for a human being yet the cherry blossom gushed over it. her cute, button nose, everything about the girl just seems so perfect.


slowly, sakura's legs started walking towards the same restaurant and was now face to face with the crew, "can i have what that girl over there is having?" she pointed at the fairy to which the cook understood in an instant.


she was told to have a seat as the food will be served to her table, but feeling embarrassed, the grey haired girl bashfully scratched the back of her nape and took out a chocolate bar from her pocket.


meiji, something her very own country is well known for and her usual go-to chocolate bar.


"could you also... please g-give this to her?" the japanese said with shyness in her tone, the cashier chuckled at her before nodding her head yes and taking the chocolate from her.


"thank you so much! here's a tip for you, thank you thank you thank you! also, do you have a pen?" sakura was beyond grateful for the friendly staff eventually, she willed herself to keep it down so as not to be caught suspicious and claimed a seat for herself. while waiting, she couldn't help but steal a few glances from here and there, yet the girl was too oblivious to notice.


after a couple minutes of waiting, her food had arrived and from the server she learned that she was served kimchi jiggae. the very first spoonful she ate, her eyes sparkled with joy and next thing she knew, her food was long gone.


"ahh that was a good one." the cherry blossom then eyed the fairy and noticed that the latter is preparing to leave yet her chocolate bar is still nowhere in sight.


did the server forget?


sakura thought to herself and was about to stand up to go after the short haired beauty when they all heard a voice calling out to her.


"miss wait!" the crew ran and handed her the chocolate bar, chaewon looked a bit confused and puzzled so the staff explained why.


"someone from the customers wanted to give this to you." just like that, the crew left the girl stunned. chaewon felt a piece of paper behind the chocolate bar and flipped it upside down.


written on that paper were the words, 'hi i hope you don't think this is weird but i just happen to find you cute :] i hope you have a good day, travel safe!' right by the end of it was a doodle of a...




the fairy's brows knitted upon seeing the unidentified drawing, added to that is the messy scribble which from the looks of it, was either written hastily or the writer is foreign to hangul maybe even both. a couple of moments later, she lifted her head to scan each customer eating in the restaurant.


none of them seemed suspicious to her eyes, it's not packed, but none of them looked like the sender. that was until her eyes landed on a particular girl with grey hair who was oddly, gazing back at her.


the lass's hair was messy with a number of strands sticking out and was wearing a casual oversized hoodie, yet strange enough she managed to rock that look. she was both beautiful and handsome all at the same time.


being drawn into each other's orbs, they didn't realize that they've been staring into each other until chaewon felt suffocated. with that, she coughed a few times before flashing a tiny smile towards the stranger whose eyes widened in surprise.


thinking that probably was a weird gesture to greet a stranger, the brown haired girl mentally face palmed herself and quickly exited the restaurant in embarrassment.


why would you smile at a stranger? great, she must've thought that i'm a creep, but she's staring at me though and she's beautiful too. ahh whatever, at least there's absolutely no way for me to meet her again.


and she thought wrong, because once she was accompanied to her seat by an attendant, what are the odds that the stranger she locked eyes with is seated right next to her. meaning, they'll be together for the three hour train ride back to seoul.




chaewon thought to herself as she took the seat. currently, the stranger still didn't bother sparing her a glance as she was somewhat focused on her switch. the younger could only hope that it stays that way until the end of the ride.


but of course, that's not how it went down. (otherwise this shot would've been boring lmao)


huffing in disappointment, sakura threw her hands down in glum as she had once again, been thrown out of the tracks in mario kart. by that time, she already decided to give up playing.


noticing that her train buddy (courtesy to her friend, choi yena for coming up with that stupid term) is already in place, she quickly glanced at the frame, and what she saw up all the oxygen inside her body and she's not even exaggerating that.


feeling someone staring at her, chaewon couldn't help but look at her side and that's when their eyes locked the second time around only this time, they were an arm length apart and could view the other's profile up close.


just like that, the girl with auburn hair knew that this woman is not human but rather instead, a goddess. no one could match up to her beauty that is so striking that she thought she was possessed or something.


"uhh, hi?" again being the first one to recover from that bewitching staring contest, chaewon awkwardly waved her hand to greet her train buddy which pulled the japanese back from her own reverie.


the latter blushed furiously realizing that she might've looked weird and creepy for the other's liking and like the younger, mustered an awkward hi.


next they were engulfed in an uncomfortable silence that no one dares to break. guess they were both lacking courage after their earlier encounter.


sakura had her airpods plunged in her ears, it was playing some random kpop music but with the la

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because ssamkkura is that awkward ship y’all have been sleeping on.


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mushroom79 #1
Chapter 52: Waw. Damn. And hi.
1752 streak #2
Chapter 52: hello again authornim!!! and man... i thought it'll be happy but boy that's rough...
Chapter 49: Part 3🤩
Chapter 52: WAHHH AN UPDATE!🤩 Thank you very much author for coming back.

Chaewon doesn't deserve a cheater huhuh
Yujin please be the second lead🙏🙏
mdaichan #5
Chapter 52: Welcome back author . I think everyone deserve a second chance but i want chaewon teach saku a lesson that he will never do it again
Chapter 52: OMG welcome back authornim 🥰
Chapter 52: Saku deserves to be dumped
Sorosdaas #8
Chapter 52: Welcome back author!! And thank you for the new story.. chaewon deserve better.. once a cheater, always be a cheater.
Chapter 52: We missed you, author! I hope chaewon be together with a person that truly loves her and faithful with her. She didn't deserve all of it.
Chapter 52: missed you so much, hope you’re doing well! 🥹
honestly don’t think they should make up, chaewon deserves better! 😩