Deadbeat Father

Much Ado About Everything
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Deadbeat Father



Daehyun could hear the shrill scream his Daddy emitted in the kitchen, and he shook his head in sympathy, stacking another piece on his tower block. It’s best to get out of his way when he starts exclaiming like that—usually nothing good comes out of it. Daddy’s a “big guy lawyer” (or that’s what Daehyun called him anyway), and when you start testing his patience until he goes “what?!” then it’s suffice to say that he’ll defeat you in the argument down the line.

But he’s on the phone with the babysitter, so maybe that “what?!” was more of an expression of surprise than being outraged.

“Hana… are you really really sure you can’t come? I mean, I had this planned for weeks, and there’s nobody I know who can take care of the boys as well as you do…”

“I’m really sorry Mr. Byun… I really can’t, I’ve come down with the flu. And I’ve asked my friends if they could, but it’s exam season, and everyone’s busy, so…” Hana’s feverish voice on the other line floated from the loudspeaker throughout the house. Daehyun paused and thought about Hana—she’s a pretty girl of 18, from Myungsoo’s class. Daehyun flushed furiously at the thought of her, hiding his face behind his teddy bear. Everytime she came over, they’d play tea, and they promised that one day they’d get married. Myungsoo laughed at his face and told him that Hana was 18 and Daehyun was 9, and that Hana was just making this all up to entertain him, but Daehyun profusely refused to believe his big brother. They will get married when he’s old enough! Myungsoo’s just jealous!

“I guess it can’t be helped…” his father’s defeated voice answers, and Daehyun’s shoulders droop in disappointment. He liked Hana. It would’ve been fun to spend time with her while Daddy’s away on his business trip, but by the sound of it, it looks like Hana won’t make it. Daehyun could see his Daddy pace around the kitchen for a bit and, after a while, he shut off his phone and emerged into the living room, Eun-eun perched on his lap, drooling onto his suit.

“Hana can’t come,” he announced exasperatedly, hoisting Eun-eun back to his waist, “I’ve ran out of options. I think I might call Chanyeol.”

The next “what?!” was from Myungsoo upstairs, who overheard their father make the announcement, and Daehyun figured that this was the beginning of a long, long story about to unravel and unfold.


There’s four of them in the family. There’s Daddy, big brother Myungsoo, Daehyun, and little Eun-eun. Together they make a great happy family (and even Myungsoo agreed, and Myungsoo usually never agrees with what Daehyun says), and it has always been that way.

Daddy’s other name is Byun Baekhyun, and his titles include being a “big guy lawyer” and “best dad ever”. And he really is the best dad in the world, in Daehyun’s humble opinion. There was never too little to eat at the table, Myungsoo’s guitar lessons were always paid for, and Baekhyun had enough to buy them whatever they wanted—so long as it was reasonable. That was a thing about Baekhyun: he was always reasonable. Never spoiled the kids too much, but gave the kids everything he had. But this also meant that Daehyun had to argue extra hard to buy a new toy—and his Daddy being a “big guy lawyer” meant that Baekhyun was ever rarely convinced against his own will. This also went with eating vegetables. Baekhyun would always manage to argue Daehyun into eating his greens, and Daehyun hasn’t come up with a foolproof argument against it quite yet.

That was alright though—point is, Daehyun loves his Daddy very much. And Myungsoo does, too, and Myungsoo never loves anyone. His father's always busy with work here and there, but he always spared some time for his kids, even if it’s just an hour. Not to mention that Baekhyun does almost everything in the house, from cooking to cleaning and taking care of Eun-eun. Consequently that always made him exhausted by the end of each day, and sometimes Daehyun would have to cover him with a blanket while his Daddy’s passed out on the couch with his work clothes still on, but Daddy always told him that he wouldn’t give up this life for anything else in the world.

And then there’s Myungsoo. Daehyun’s mortal enemy and big brother.

Myungsoo’s this tall, fearsome, terribly handsome young man. Taller than Daddy, even! He had a skinny neck, with a prominent Adam’s apple, and fingers like a piano player. He had all these piercings and said he wanted to get a tattoo as soon as he’s old enough—and Baekhyun said that was alright, as long as it was not on his hands or face, and that he kept working hard at school. Baekhyun let him dye his hair black (actually it was Baekhyun who even dyed it for him), and Myungsoo called Daddy “dad”—which was really weird in Daehyun’s opinion. He plays the guitar and Daddy said he’s a model student in school; but really, Myungsoo’s a mean, mean cookie. He’s forever bullying Daehyun, pinching his food and calling him stupid. Baekhyun usually sorts it out, but there’s no justice if Baekhyun doesn’t see it with his own eyes. Daehyun announced that he’ll become a lawyer—just like Daddy—so that people like Myungsoo would rightfully go to jail in the Eyes of Justice. Myungsoo simply laughed in his face and went up to his room with a bag of popcorn that was supposed to be Daehyun’s. What a prick!

Well, then there was him, Daehyun. The middle child, with all the struggles of a middle child. Myungsoo joked that Daehyun had to fight tooth and nail just for his Daddy's attention—but that really couldn't be further from the truth. Baekhyun loves Daehyun to bits. When he's all tuckered up from work, checked up on Myungsoo and tucked Eun-eun in to sleep, Baekhyun would crawl into his bed and have a cuddle—sometimes sleep with him, if he's too tired. Now Baekhyun wouldn't admit it of course, but if Daehyun really really had to pry it out of him, Daehyun's his favourite. Baekhyun loves his curly, messy-haired little chubby-cheeked son, and Baekhyun made sure he told him that every day. Sure, Myungsoo might be his first child, and Eun-eun requires most of his attention—but Baekhyun would make sure Daehyun was not left out, and that meant all the world to Daehyun.

Then there was Eun-eun.

His name’s Eunsang, actually, but little Eunsang could only say Eun, and that was about the only word he could say or have ever spoken. He’s always been a quiet little boy—too quiet actually, and one day Baekhyun came home with Eun-eun on his lap and announced that he had something called “autism”, and that they would all have to be patient with Eun-eun. Then Baekhyun started learning funny hand movements, which Myungsoo told Daehyun was called "sign language", and that they would eventually have to learn it some day to talk with Eun-eun.

Still, Daehyun thought it was fun to play with Eun-eun, even if he was quiet (too quiet). He would never quite look at Daehyun in the eye, wouldn't speak, wouldn't laugh, wouldn't even smile, but Daehyun knew that every time Eun-eun clapped, he was feeling happy. And if he was sad, he'd knock over the line of cars he'd been arranging. And if he was screaming, then he'd have to go get Daddy or Hana, depending on who's there, because you could absolutely not touch Eun-eun when he is angry.

That was why Baekhyun liked Hana as their babysitter; she is excellent with Eun-eun. She mentioned she wanted to be a teacher for special-needs kids, and Baekhyun immediately jumped to her to say that if she needed funding for her school, he was more than happy to help her out. No other babysitter sufficed for Eun-eun. The times Baekhyun did call in someone other than Hana, they either called Baekhyun in tears or put up with Eun-eun and refused to come back. It wasn't their fault, Baekhyun sympathetically understood—but it wasn't really Eun-eun's fault either.

Technically, there's a fifth member in the family—and that was whichever boyfriend Daddy had at a given time. They never last long enough to be father figures, but stuck around long enough for Daehyun to remember. The reasons varied for why Baekhyun never stuck down to one: their schedules didn't align, or the man didn't like kids, or some other extraneous reason Baekhyun comes up with that might sound totally ridiculous. Sometimes it might seem like Baekhyun's pushing away all possible candidates for silly reasons, but he was very adamant on finding a good one.

The one that lasted the longest—and is still Baekhyun's current boyfriend—is Kim Jongin, Baekhyun's co-worker and fellow lawyer at the same firm. Jongin is a broad-shouldered gentleman, tanned and terribly handsome, and great with kids—Eun-eun especially. They've been dating for a year, and there were talks of what if Jongin was their new dad, so and so… Myungsoo was totally set on not having new dads, and he made it very clear by staying upstairs whenever Jongin was around. Daehyun… well, Daehyun just welcomed just about everyone who walked into their life, so he was impartial to it.

If there was anything Baekhyun hasn't sorted out, it was his love life. Apparently it's been a mess ever since Myungsoo was born, and Myungsoo's eighteen! The only thing Daehyun was allowed to know about it was that Baekhyun was divorced—he proudly hung the papers in the bedroom, framed and all—and that if there was one rule he implemented, it was not to ever talk about the man he divorced, whom Daehyun has never met (and if they did, he did not remember it). He tried asking Myungsoo about it, who apparently has met this mysterious ex-husband of Baekhyun's—but Myungsoo just pinched his nose and told him it was "none of your stupid little business".

But four is fine. Four is a perfect little number. Daehyun couldn't imagine anyone else coming into their cozy little family—not even Jongin.


At this point, Myungsoo had come downstairs in a fit of rage, having totally lost his cool. It was always entertaining to see Myungsoo lose his cool, in Daehyun's opinion. Myungsoo was this pale, black-haired handsome boy who kept up a ~cool mysterious aura~, but it was telling that he was Baekhyun's son when he lost his cool. He starts going "what?!" just like Baekhyun does and starts pacing up and down the room, which is really hilarious because now Daehyun had two men going "what?!" in the living room who were pacing up and down—but now wasn't the time to laugh about it.

"I don't want to go see that motherer," Myungsoo yells in outrage, and usually Baekhyun would tell him off for swearing in front of Daehyun, but he simply purses his lips and paced, "I can just stay here and take care of them, you know?"

"But you're having your exams soon, and you need to study," Baekhyun reasons, and there's no use to argue against Baekhyun when he starts reasoning like a lawyer, "I can let you stay here, but I need someone to take care of Daehyun and Eun-eun. And I don't want you busy taking care of your brothers and cooking and cleaning and all that while you're studying."

"But he's a deadbeat son of a—"

"He knows how to take care of Eun-eun, that's enough for me," Baekhyun interrupts him, and his tone said a certain finality. Myungsoo seems to be familiar with that tone and, defeated, he swore and ran upstairs in a fit of rage, slamming the door behind him.

Baekhyun sighs, calling after him, but decided to let his eldest son be. He sets Eun-eun down on the floor before sitting down on the sofa, rubbing the bridge of his nose in exasperation. Daehyun, feeling deeply sorry for his Daddy but not quite knowing why, clambered up to his lap and embraced him tightly, kissing his cheek.

"What would I do without your hugs and kisses, Dae?" Baekhyun smiles tiredly, hugging his son and placing a kiss upon his forehead. Daehyun plants a kiss on Baekhyun's forehead and cheers when his Daddy's smile grew wider when Daehyun gave him an extra kiss from his teddy bear.

"At this rate," Baekhyun groans, "There will be nothing to kiss but wrinkles."

"Noo. Daddy only has a few," Daehyun said sincerely, "Daddy's lovely and handsome and beautiful still."

It's true. The only reason why Baekhyun still went out to date men despite being superiorly picky was partly due to his good looks. Baekhyun was insecure about his full, rounded face, but that made him more youthful if anything, his cheeks belying his age. Despite his business he still had time to hit the gym twice a week, and his feminine hobbies included getting a deep cleanse once a week and keeping his skin smooth. His job took care of his outfits, and Myungsoo said he was fit enough to go on to be a Bachelor—whatever that means.

"Can't we stay with Jongin?" Daehyun thought of the tanned lawyer, and his nearly-stepdad. Baekhyun shook his head.

"We're going on the same trip, he won't be able to take care of you," Baekhyun closed his eyes, "I'd wager you'll be fine with Myungsoo, but he's busy with his studies. We need someone that can take care of Eun-eun and our options are quite limited. There's only about one other person that I know who can take care of you both."



They're in Jongin's car—Baekhyun at the front, three kids perched at the back. Myungsoo disapproved of Jongin and whatever notion they're travelling to right now, so he's nose-deep in his phone, darting poisonous glances at Jongin every once in a while, his piercings rocking back and forth every time the car braked. Eun-eun sat strapped to his carseat, blinking, still as a statue. Daehyun was squeezed between them, embracing his teddy bear, rocking his feet.

Jongin is this animated, lively man that Baekhyun met in their firm. Baekhyun seemed absolutely smitten by his charm and his smile. Jongin came over every weekend to spend time with Baekhyun and his children, and he seemed like a brilliant man to step in as a parent. Daehyun wouldn't have any complaints if Baekhyun told them one day that Jongin was their new father—Jongin was very fun to play with, and most importantly, Baekhyun was happy with him. Jongin was even patient with Myungsoo, who pushed away every attempt of making himself familiar to the family.

Currently they're in a hushed conversation about Baekhyun's mysterious ex-husband, whom Daehyun was partially excited to meet. When adults talk in whispers, usually it's very important business that only Myungsoo could understand. Usually Myungsoo lets Daehyun in on the gossip, but even this time Myungsoo refused, simply turning his nose up in disgust and telling Daehyun again that it was none of his business.

So, Daehyun perked up his ears carefully and tried to filter through the adult words.

The word Chanyeol and deadbeat came up numerous times. Daehyun put two and two together and figured Chanyeol must be this mysterious person they're driving to, but he couldn't figure out what deadbeat meant. He heard Myungsoo say it yesterday and Daehyun asked Siri what it meant on his iPad, but that turned up more foreign words Daehyun couldn't understand. But whoever this Chanyeol was, he seemed to be bad news. Baekhyun had his Persecutor Voice on, and it's better to not interrupt him once Baekhyun was on his Persecutor Mode. Jongin could be seen having the same disgusted expression marking his usually cheery face, nodding occasionally and adding his own opinion on "deadbeat men and fathers". They talked in whispers, so Daehyun couldn't get a lot besides Chanyeol = bad.

Daehyun lurches forwards, so that he came level to the front seat. By this time the conversation stopped being in hushes and Baekhyun and Jongin exchanged vacation ideas for after their business trip. Daehyun interrupted them in the midst of discussing Barcelona.



"How long will you be gone for?" Daehyun murmurs. It's not the first time Baekhyun went off for a business trip—but it's the first time Daehyun had to travel cities just to be taken care of by someone.

"A few weeks, no more than that," Baekhyun taps his nose, "I asked Hana if she could take over once she's recovered from her flu, but… she also has exams, so you might be there for a while."

"You sure you don't want to drop them off at my mother's?" Jongin piped up, "Maybe you'd feel more at ease."

"Are you joking? Your mother doesn't know you're gay," Baekhyun's voice lowered, as if she was right there with them, "How are you going to explain that your partner's kids are going to stay with her for a few weeks?"

"I could just say it's a female co-worker's kids… she's gullible enough."

"Remember how you had to explain that I was 'just a co-worker' when I came to visit? Jongin, there's no way…"

Then he sighed and resumed his Chanyeol = bad conversation with Jongin.

Unlike Baekhyun, Jongin spoke very much openly of his past relationships. Daehyun learnt that he had divorced his wife after finding out that he was gay, and that the reason why he was so good with kids was because he had daughters of his own. Daehyun met them once or twice—a pair of twins with pigtails—but apparently Jongin doesn't see them often due to his ex-wife's sentiments. Apparently seeing Baekhyun's kids helps him a lot in that regard.

The drive was so long that Daehyun fell asleep, and the next time he awoke, it was about two hours later and the sun was setting. They'd stopped at the side of the road for a spot of leg stretching, though they'd left Daehyun with Myungsoo because he was asleep. Myungsoo's still on his phone, but he had his headphones on, skittering Daehyun a gaze before he went back to staring to space. Eun-eun was outside hoisted upon Jongin's lap, and Baekhyun could be seen signing as he spoke, excitedly pointing towards faraway cars and trees.

They arrived at the city by sundown, at which point Myungsoo's phone had run out of battery, and he was forced to fill his boredom by talking to Daehyun. At some point Jongin commented on how nicely the kids had sat, and joked about how his twin daughters w

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Working on an update for this story! Stay tuned~


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Geraltihista18 #1
I miss you so much, please comeback
It's been a long time since the last update, I hope you come back soon🥺🥺🥺🙏🙏🙏
Yeoltinybaek #3
Chapter 2: Post something dude imma waiting 😭😭
Beau1996 1379 streak #4
Chapter 2: I would like to know more about the cheating...
wow i miss this story so much

I hope you are well and soon you can update :c
Geraltihista18 #6
Chapter 1: I still waiting
ysxzxz #7
We miss u 🥺
Chapter 2: This story is so well written and I love how realistic the dynamics of each relationship are TT please update soon!
I'm seriously in love with cover.......

and I am getting too eager for an update.....dont care me...plz take ur time.....even if u update after a year ,im happy as long as they are good like ur other pieces
myung-yeollipop #10
Chapter 2: awwhh.. to personally witness his parent cheating on his husband, that's so sad and traumatic.. i can feel his pain and resentment.. :( Chanyeol is an asswipe, indeed!! now i hate Chanyeol! >_< no wonder both Baekhyun and Myungsoo hate him so much.