Let us Celebrate

Happy Birthday

Today is a good day except for one person who has been frantic since morning. Afterall it's July 4th, a day before her speacial someone's birthday.

She had been calling most of her friemds for later to accompany her until 12 am, but the thing is none is sure if they can make it, because they all have work and their schedules doesn't match, and to top it all up it's a weekday. The woman could only sigh as she dialed the last friend she can count on, but as same as the others. This friend of hers is also unsure. With another heavy sigh. She hang the call up and look at her wrist watch. 12:40pm. Her break time is about to end, and she should be happy and full like everyone but sadly because of the upcoming event she can't stay still and can't even touch her packed lunch.

She shook her head as she intently look at the little bento box with sandwiches that are half eaten. It's not in her vocabulary to waste food, but today seems to be the day she breaks that.

She slowly took the lid from her side and placed it in top of her bento box. After she secured it. She continued to stand up and slowly leave her eating spot. 

She should be happy right now because they are celebrating later. But she can't seem to smile because of what her friends answered to her invitation.

"Man...I really hope those girls can make it. Afterall. She wants it when everyone is together."

The woman continued to sigh, before straightening her skirt and continue walking back to her office cubicle.



7 pm

It's time to head out of the office, but before that the woman earlier made another call.
"Yuri! Are you heading out? Can you buy a cake later and maybe some takoyaki ingredients." 

The woman muses from the phone, then a hum can be heard on the other end of the line. She smiled and was about to hang up but the other spoke.

"Chaeyeon unnie. Lets make this one of her greatest birthdays ever!"

Chaeyeon chuckles and nods her head in agreement while answering the latter with a hum and a smile on her lips. 

After she had the little chat with Yuri. Chaeyeon headed to the nearest market place and bought some party materials, and a bit of ingeredients that she did not mention to Yuri.

She made sure that she got everything before heading back to the house where they have to prepare. She opened the door and muses "Im home."

It has always been a routine of hers even tho she mostly gets home earlier and the other person she shared the house with would usually get home at 10 pm. 

She walk towards the kitchen counter and places the plastic bags on top of it. She started to ruffle the things inside it. She continues to dig in inside the bag, until she got a hold of a plastic warped meat. She smiled and took it out with the chicken and other vegetables.

"Hmm, I should start cubing this meat and grill it with my mom's secret sauce! She likes it like that."

After cubing the lump of meat earlier, she marinade them and left them inside the fridge. She wanted the flavor to slid inside the meat so she left it there and continue to dicing some garlic to sauté in olive oil for her Aglio e Olio.

She continue to cook while humming a very cheery song when suddenly the front door opens and revealed Yuri— carrying lots of bags on her hand. Chaeyeon left her cooking for a bit to help Yuri out and get back again to her Aglio e Olio.

Yuri starts to unpack her bag and one by one taking out the ingredients Chaeyeon asks her to buy.

"Unnie! By the way. I did not bought cake coz Eunbi unnie and the gang said they'll be buying it."

Yuri muses, which made Chaeyeon happier than she is.

Her friends who did not really have all the time in the world actually free some for today, and it made her gratefully happy.

She gave Yuri a light pat on the shoulder and gave the latter a thumbs up. Yuri only shook her head at the dorkiness of her senior, and she continues to unpack.



11 pm

Eunbi and the others started to arrive. While Chaeyeon and Yuri started to fire up the grill. 

Once Eunbi entered the house, she went straight to the kitchen to help Chaeyeon and Yuri with the remaining dishes.

Chaeyeon gladly gave the older a hug and started to go back to grilling. Eunbi then called out to Sakura and instructed Yuri and Chaeyeon to take a shower first and let her and Sakura take over the kitchen. The two happily complied as they took off their aprons and headed to their respectful room. Chaeyeon using the second floor bath while Yuri took the bath at the end of the hall.

The gang continued to put designs everywhere. They also started to bicker like little children which earned a laugh from Yena. Eunbi only glares at them and the rest continued to properly execute their parts. 

"Unnie! Lets start cooking takoyaki."

Chaeyeon muses from the stairs as she slowly climbs down with a black metal molded pan. 

Eunbi just smiled and nod, after all— all the dishes are already prepared and the last thing they need to complete it is takoyakis. 

Chaeyeon placed the special pan on the stove and started oiling it. Once it was hot she started to the batter in and the ingredients essential to takoyakis. The octopus, the veggies, some corn and to bring it up a bit she put mozzarella too. 

The girls cheered as they watch Chaeyeon skillfully rounding the little balls of goodness. Eunbi smiled from the corner. She can still remember the good old days. And she never thought it will be back again like this.

Chaeyeon then gave the picks to Sakuraand let the Japanese display her skills which the cat like woman smirk upon.

After putting Sakura incharge of takoyakis, she slowly slid herself beside Eunbi and lightly elbows the older.

"Looks like you are having fun here unnie."

Chaeyeon muses as she leaned her back to the wall. Her foot crossed each other and her hands making a rectagular shape, as if she's about to capture a very memorable picture.

Eunbi could only giggle at the younger's dorky antics and continue to eye the others. She smiled again as she got reminded of the chaotic college days.

"How long has it been?"

Eunbi muses— melancholy lacing her voice. Chaeyeom just shrugs and smiled at her.

"3 years."

Chaeyeon answered while she slowly crosses her arms.

It has really been awhile since all of them had gathered like this to celebrate, and Chaeyeon would be lying of she says she didn't miss this familiar and warm feeling. 

"3 years. It's been that long huh."

Eunbi mumbles while Chaeyeon gave her an understanding smile.

"Everything changes after that. We know it. But the good thing about it is that we stayed in touch even so."

Eunbi shook her head and gave Chaeyeon a light punch on the shoulder before standing straight and approach the others, whom are like wild animals cheering.

Chaeyeon could only chuckle and tail Eunbi.

"Okay guys! It's 11:50 now! Time to release the CAKE!"

Yena muses as if she's from wrath of the titans. 

The others cringe at her declaration tgat Sakura almost wanted to kick her out for good, but luckily Eunbi was there to stop the two from being in another useless bicker.

After everyone had calmed down, Chaeyeon did the honors of lighting the candle and everyone waited for the clock to reach 12 before they startes singing their very joyous version of Happy Birthday.

Everyone started to laugh. Now it's time for the celebrant to blow the candle.

And the joyous cheers earlier became a serene and silent moment. Eunbi looks at Chaeyeon who was looking at Yuri.

Eunbi gave out a light sigh accompanied by a smile after. She then puts her hand on Chaeyeon's shoulder and gave it a light squeeze.

Feeling the assurance the older gave. Chaeyeon scans her friend's gazes and all of them speak of the same. They all agreed to it, as if they are telephatically speaking to each other.

Chaeyeon gave out a sigh of relief and started to approach the candle with her lips. She then blew a low amount of air on it and the candle's flame is now gone.

The gang clapped their hands, while Chaeyeon looks straight into the picture frame standing upright on the side table of their living room.

"Happy Birthday, Hye. I hope you are happy today."

Chaeyeon mumbles as a drop of tear escapes from her eye.

Eunbi patted her and gave her a warm motherly smile.

"Don't worry. Wherever she is. I know she's happy for you. She's proud."

Chaeyeon could only smile and face the whole gang.


Chaeyeon enthusiastically muses as she gave the photograph one more smile.




Thank you for reading this! It's angst again but it's not that much!


Also Im so sorry kangchaen nation for always giving out angst! Im really sorry. Don't worry soon fluff will arise.


Anyhow. Thank you again and have a great day everyond!



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1761 streak #1
Chapter 1: oh my gosh! i thought it was something happy but angst
Leechaeyeon11_ #2
Chapter 1: Angst!! Aishh
soonov #3
Chapter 1: Wha
Chapter 1: I was clowned... Can't believe it XD
I was looking for fluff and I didn't read tags and okay I'm ranting. Thank you for the Kangchaen content author-nim uwu
Chapter 1: Definitely angst turtle
sclocksmith #6
Chapter 1: Yeah... Of course it is angst. What should I expect? //clown emoji
As I was reading this and about to reach the end, I suddenly asked myself "who's the author again?" And it hit me. Man, it's angst! What did I expect? My goodness. XD
Mongmin #8
Chapter 1: This is not slight angst! This is TOTALLY ANGST ! T___T
I mean.. as usual you don't disappoint.