
That One Summer
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WE then went to the castle after Yujin changed to our ‘ticket’. Right after we went out of the rent store, I can already feel the weight of the stares people give at us. I know we are both pretty, that’s a given. But I know the cause of those whispers and judging eyes is the costume that Yujin picked.

The store owner agreed to give Yujin the costume since she said there are a lot of people who do it like that eve though usually couples try it or kids that lost in a bet. Despite looking really shy of asking the store owner about the clothes, Yujin looked really happy after seeing herself on the costume that she picked herself. I, myself, was surprised that she looked even more stunning with it. I thought to myself that it was a great pick even though it was a bit off but looking at the reaction of the people around, especially of those who are old in age, I felt a pinch of regret dragging her on that store.

Yujin chose a royal costume, that of a prince. The color blue suits her really well. She had her hair tied it a bun just like what it is really like in the older times. The store owner even gave her the hat and she really looks so handsome with it. Her no expression look made it even cooler.

There might be people around who appreciates the way she is dressed but there are people who obviously found it really weird.

“Is she a girl?”

“Omma, why is a girl wearing boy’s clothes?”

“Come on here! Don’t look at her!”

“But she looks cool!”

“What are you saying cool? Come here and don’t look at her!”

I just looked at the mother who left the spot where I and Yujin are standing.  The kid came towards us and stared at Yujin with awe. The mother pulled the kid away as if looking at Yujin would give her child some disease.

Yujin just laughed to get my attention back. We are waiting for the parade to start and we are in front of the huge drum. “This drum looks so cool! I wonder how loud the sound would be!”

Did she just ignore what that lady did? I am sure that she heard it.

But she just kept her eyes on the upcoming parade. She likes what she wears and there’s no hint of regret with it. I then stood by her side since no one was actually coming near her even if she got a good spot for the parade.

“There are sure a lot of people here.” Yujin commented right after I stood beside her.

“You’re right.” I said. “It’s the weekend and there are a lot of foreigners as well.”

A trumpet sound was heard and it is the sign of the official start of the parade. Palace guards started marching and one guard came towards the drum carrying a huge drum stick

People started gathering near us and I was pushed towards Yujin. She just pulled me towards her, putting her arm over my shoulders so I won’t lose my balance. She did that very nonchalantly and she didn’t remove her arm over me.

And my heart did the thing.

“Wonyoung…” she suddenly called me. “After this,

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kwangguri_ #1
Nimeriaaaa #2
Chapter 14: cant open the escapades, author :(
J1nj00 #3
Chapter 14: Author-nim i can't access escapades :'(
sitikay #4
Chapter 14: Why I can’t access escapades? :(
J1nj00 #5
Chapter 13: OMG this is soo good! The end is hanging tho, does this have a sequel?? I badly want a happy ending for jinjoo TT
reigngrey #6
Chapter 13: Oohh are we getting a sequel or another story?
Chapter 13: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1433856/13'>That One Summer</a></span>
Oh my god! i literally forgot the last scene with Wonyoung and Kkura!!

The last chapter that makes me crying and excited as well because of the last part.

But deep in my heart, i still wish a happy ending for jinjoo together.
MinYuNight #8
Chapter 13: Done reading this again. Thank you, Cut~
1752 streak #9
Excited to start binge reading~~
Chapter 3: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1433856/3'>One Question</a></span>
Summer series is back y'all ToT

Finally!! Praying for Escapades and After Ssummer to rise back *praying hard *