

    Stardust strode through the ruins of the Galactic Lounge, blade in hand. Her thick heels clicked on tile, announcing her presence to those that waited in the shadows. Destitute, cachectic, snarling, hungry for her blood, they crawled from behind overturned chairs and tables, sliding across the shattered floorboards with their putrid slime. None were intact enough to reach her with any sort of speed. Without a Sirdar nearby to lead them, they were listless and slow, craving only the grim satisfaction of murder. In a way, they were to be pitied. Innocent mortals who, through no fault of their own, had been taken by a force far beyond their understanding. They were hideous and empty-headed. Not even intelligent enough to feel fear - or even reverence - in the presence of a goddess. To allow them to continue on in such a state would be needlessly cruel. An affront to life.

    So she would kill them all.

    The first to confront her was the remains of an older woman. Her face had been smashed flat, shards of bone poking through her skin, eye sockets empty and sightless. Her yawning maw bubbled with the thick, semisolid substitute for blood that all of Geulim Ja’s minions contained within. Like an enraged carrion bird, the woman cawed at Stardust, groping sightlessly with decaying hands. The other wretches followed suit, letting out gurgling moans of want, dragging themselves toward their inevitable doom. Perhaps, on some abstract level of awareness, they understood that she was their salvation. Those that had fought here before hadn’t even the courtesy to properly finish the beasts. Frankly, Stardust found that to be a bit rude.

    The disfigured woman stumbled over a piece of debris, landing face-first on the tile with a wet smack. Her hands continued to rake the floor, inches from the toes of Stardust’s boots. She continued to do so for several seconds after Stardust beheaded her.

    At the sight of their kin’s death, the other creatures seemed to pause for a moment before continuing their slog toward damnation. The implications of their hesitance were quite intriguing, and Stardust considered it as she executed another pair of them. Did these monsters feel fear, after all? Were they not just extensions of Eodum’s power, driven solely by his will?

    Stardust drove her blade through the chest of a one-armed creature, kicked it away, then bisected one of its companions.

    There was so much to contemplate. If her prior assumption were true, these wretches wouldn’t react at all to her slaughter. They wouldn’t have the capacity to react. And yet, they did. They seemed to shy away from her holy blade, flinching from the ethereal light with fear on their ruined faces. Did that mean they retained some of their personalities? Or were they new beings entirely, borne from Eodum’s power, Astral energy so potent that it was able to form its own sentience?

    Stardust smiled, summoning a second blade in her left hand as they began to close in. She would sincerely try not to enjoy the slaughter and purge of these undeserving creatures, but she found the thrill of the hunt to be irresistible.

    Besides, she was only doing what was right.


    When the last of Eodum’s wretches lurking in the Galactic Lounge had been slain, Stardust stepped out the front door and into the sunlight. She squinted against it, frowning. The velveteen shroud of night suited her far more. The glare of day reduced her radiant aura to a subtle white mist, practically invisible to all but the most observant of admirers. At baseline, her beauty would amaze both Representations and mortals, but without a halo of Astral energy surrounding her, she felt , like a queen without a crown.

    Disregarding the discomfort, she needed to find Solar, Moonbyul, and Seungwan. At the thought of that final name, Stardust felt her teeth gritting and her nails digging into her palms. Swift impressions of their duel danced before Stardust’s vision as she began her journey into the city of Brunswick. Helplessness accompanied these memories, the most shameful of emotions that her mortal vessel subjected her to. Seulgi’s whispered influence - a constant tickle at the back of Stardust’s thoughts, an incessant itch that refused to abate - attempted to sway her, soothe her passionate opinions of Seungwan.

The Representation ignored her meek host; Seulgi’s worries were unfounded. The girl had only felt the surface of Stardust’s… feelings for Seungwan.

Stardust continued down one of the main streets, noting that the place was relatively deserted despite the early hour. Seulgi’s experiences claimed that the university would be bustling with people on a weekday morning. And yet, the people here were few. Those that did moved in clusters, shooting mistrusting, darting glances at those who passed them. Most ogled at Stardust, as she expected. Even without her cloak of Vis, she was quite the sight to behold.

Oh, get over yourself, Seulgi said.

Stardust didn’t deign that with a response.

Is walking truly necessary right now? It would be much simpler if we flew. Stardust asked, adjusting the strap of her guitar case on her shoulder.

She had tried to take flight as she’d left the Lounge, but Seulgi had stopped her. It seemed that Seulgi’s influence, like her own, waxed and waned at random intervals. As if their personalities were in a constant, unconscious struggle for dominance. Each gained advantages at different times, but the net result was always a stalemate. Though it seemed that whichever personality that was currently operating her vessel held the most power over their decisions.

We can’t just fly around in broad daylight. How would people react to that?

Likely better than if they were assaulted by murderous demons bathed darkness.

Seulgi paused. Yeah, you’re right.

I know I am, Stardust said, gathering Vis at her hands and feet. She crouched, then sprung, taking flight. The mortals around her looked on in awe, releasing exclamations of wonder and disbelief.

She took a moment to hover above them, drawing upon Seulgi’s lessons with Joohyun. She spread her arms out, beamed at them, allowed the force generated by her Vis to blow her metallic mane out behind her.

What are you doing? Seulgi demanded.

Stardust somersaulted in the air, flipping end over end above the streets, leaving a trail of flickering gemstones in her wake. They fell like raindrops upon the upturned faces of her admirers, whose expressions shifted from shock to wonderment. She then turned and took off toward the west.

Letting the people know that their savior has arrived, of course, Stardust answered, lighting atop the roof of a hospital, then kicking off again with renewed momentum.

The winds were harsher, harder to tame at the heights she aimed for. She allowed herself to drop down periodically, running along the edges of buildings in between each flight. Her aim was a skyscraper that Seulgi dubbed as “Bridge Tower”; a column of steel and glass that towered above the rest of the city. It was by far the tallest building in Brunswick, built in a utilitarian fashion that Stardust found boring.

With an extra flare of Vis, Stardust was able to take hold of the thick antenna that capped Bridge Tower’s peak. She swung there by one hand, ignoring Seulgi’s cries of protest. Gusts made her clothing whip and flutter around her. Stardust set a thin screen of Vis to cover her body, resisting the gale and allowing her to keep her eyes open. Below, the city was a spanning cluster of reflective rectangles and the thick lines of roads.

Can’t we just, uh… sense where they are or something? Seulgi asked.

Not from far away, no, Stardust said dismissively, as though she were speaking to a child. I plan to wait up here until I see one of them using their Vis, or until they enter the Astral Plane. Then, it would be possible to detect them.

Seulgi fell quiet, though unspoken words and vague uncertainties whirled about her.

You worry about my intentions with Seungwan. Stardust said flatly.

Seulgi jumped slightly, as if surprised that Stardust had been able to detect her intentions. Yeah.

There’s nothing to be concerned about. It’s necessary for me to cooperate with her in order to take down Eodum. She knows more about him than I do. And, contrary to what you seem to believe, I don’t wish death upon her.

I don’t really believe you, Seulgi said coldly.

I can sense that, Stardust replied with a sigh. Think of it this way: if I had truly been intent on killing Seungwan, do you think you would have been able to stop me?

Seulgi didn’t have an answer for that, giving Stardust the opportunity to focus on her search. There didn’t seem to be any obvious anomalies at any place in the city. That in itself meant nothing. The trio could be in hiding. If Eodum’s minions had fully invaded the area, it would be smart of them to keep their actions and presence clandestine.

    Then I will make them come to me.

    Before her vessel could voice any sort of protest, Stardust gathered a fistful of Vis, shot her hand up to the sky, and released a brilliant beam. It shot upwards, widening into a cone of light brilliant enough to momentarily eclipse the sun. It was a simple lightshow; there was no intent, no weight behind it. Anyone caught in it would experience little more harm than if they’d been caught in a light breeze. So long as they covered their eyes in time, there would be no permanent damage.

    And still, Seulgi let out an exclamation of indignance.

    There might be planes up there! she said, horrified.

    Stardust paused, shading her eyes with her hand and inspecting the sky. Aside from the hole she’d torn in the clouds, the light had left no lasting impression on the world.

    There weren’t any. They would have either corrected their flight paths, or dropped from the sky by now.

    That’s not the point! It’s- Seulgi ceased her pointless prattle midway through. Stardust breathed a sigh of relief. Someone’s coming.

    Stardust turned in the direction that Seulgi indicated, spinning herself around the antenna, allowing her hand to slide against the metal as the wind carried her.

    There, floating before her, balanced by a constant exudation of Vis from each side, was Seugwan. The reflexive skill it must have taken her to remain so balanced could only have been born from years of practice. Chestnut hair fell to her exposed shoulders, needle-sharp ends poking at the thin black cloth of her shirt. Her face - so deceptively innocent, youthfully framed yet holding a mature danger about it that made Stardust’s scalp tingle - was fixed in an expression that implied caution. She wore a leather skirt with a golden chain belt, a fitting outfit for a demonic princess.

Stardust… Seulgi said carefully, What are you thinking?

Even if Stardust had wanted to answer, she couldn’t. Seungwan had stolen all of her attention.

“Follow me,” Seungwan said, jerking her head chin to the north. Without waiting for a response, she departed.

Stardust paused, fixated on the sight of Seungwan’s retreating form. The woman’s legs were more developed than even her own, the bellies of her calves and quadriceps marked with striations. That was likely why she had been so agile in battle. A well-toned, slim musculature was perfectly suited for swordsmanship. Stardust found herself wondering if Seungwan had trained the muscles of her inner thighs as well. If she squinted hard enough, used Vis to enhance her vision, she may be able to see...

What the hell? Seulgi muttered, snapping Stardust from her trance, prompting her to finally begin trailing Seungwan.

Seungwan flew in the manner that Joohyun had, but from what Stardust could see, the younger of the sisters was clearly more gifted. Her gestures were akin to slight adjustments rather than waves and troughs, indicating a masterful skill over the exact output of her Vis. Unlike Joohyun’s elegant swooping, Seungwan moved with the minimalistic prowess of a master.

As maddening as it was, Stardust knew she could never hope to perform nearly as well. Instead she hopped from building to building, a feat that became increasingly difficult as they left the city and began to follow a highway. They travelled parallel to the rippling cyan length of the Bordin River.

Seungwan cast several glances back, as if to ensure that her follower was still keeping up. Stardust returned the glances with glares. Though they may have seemed innocent, Seungwan was implying that she didn’t expect Stardust to be able to match her pace. It was insulting.

But you can’t actually keep up with her, an exasperated Seulgi said from within, She’s probably just concerned for us.

Stardust huffed, pouncing from the railing of an overpass. Though she’d never admit it, the display she’d given to the students of Bristol had drained her further than she’d expected. She’d been born with a natural talent for harnessing the cosmic vibrations that rang throughout the Astral Plane, more so than an average Representation. Compared to smaller, inconsequential beings - such as Solar, Moonbyul, and the other nameless faces that had previously inhabited the Galactic Lounge - she was a monolith, a prodigy. But when matched against the likes of Seungwan...

The result of that matchup was clear.

Stardust set her jaw, concentrating with all her might, managing a passable facsimile of Seungwan’s style of flight. Stardust’s was choppy, stuttered, and awkward. She risked crashing into the river several times, but she quickly began to see the subtleties that made for proper flight. A balance of push and pull, opposing forces utilized to maintain a fragile equilibrium.

After following the highway for several miles, they headed westward for less than a minute before Seungwan motioned for descent. Stardust landed beside Seungwan in a low-lying copse of trees, in a depression in the ground that was made to drain rainwater. Masking her panting by breathing through her nose and stifling the pronounced rise of her chest, Stardust attempted to regather her Vis.

“The place we’ve been staying at is in this development,” Seungwan said, marching up the hill. Fleetingly, she gave Stardust an appraising, inspecting look. “Stardust, right? You’re the one who’s in control right now?”

Against her will, Stardust felt herself giving a genuine smile. The expression wasn’t Seulgi’s doing, either. How had Seungwan’s recognition elicited such a reaction in her?

“I am,” Stardust said, “Was it not obvious?”

Seungwan rolled her eyes. “Just making sure.”

“Why? To make sure no one stabs you in the back when you aren’t looking?” Stardust asked, frowning as she stepped over a pool of mud.

Seungwan’s face darkened. “I don’t want to fight you, Stardust.”

“It was a joke, Seungwan,” Stardust said, walking up beside the shorter Representation. Such a small woman, with such a disarming countenance, spirit of a true warrior hidden behind an unassuming exterior. “We’re on the same side now… on one condition, of course.”

Seungwan’s eyes narrowed, mouth tightening into a scowl.

“If you teach me how to fight like you.”

Promptly, Seungwan’s expression morphed from skepticism to shock. It was enough to make Stardust chuckle.

“Are you serious?”

“Yes,” Stardust said, “Your skills in our duel were admirable. At first I was furious, insulted that someone would do such a thing to me, but after some consideration, I understand your reasoning. Of course, what you did was still inexcusable, and will require a rematch in the future, but as of now, the point is yours. You are better than me. For now.”

“Uh… alright.” Seungwan said apprehensively. For a sliver of a second - less than that, really, perhaps a sliver of a nanosecond - Stardust was disheartened by the woman’s mistrust.

She was over it immediately. Such beliefs were unfitting for a deity.

They continued their walk in silence, following a path out of the small forest and into a residential area. The houses here were all identical, as if their constructor had created an original model and cloned it a hundred times. Three floors, white plaster, brown roofs, and wide lawns. Short driveways crammed with average-looking cars. Gardens with margins made of curved cement blocks. Stardust found it unappealing, uninspired. The architecture in California featured smaller structures, yet each had character and flair, especially those in Hollyridge.

According to Seulgi, however, these houses were as expensive as her own in Diamond Bar. Stardust found that amusing.

 They came to a house that lined a peculiar, circular end to the road that Seulgi informed her was called a “cul-de-sac”. Seungwan strode up to the front door, found it unlocked, and led the way in.

The interior of the house reminded Stardust of that of Seulgi’s family home. It had a decidedly “lived in” feeling. Scuff marks on the walls, clothing thrown over furniture, a cluttered kitchen with several dishes in the sink. Not dirty or neglected by any means, but certainly not the spotless, opulent pseudo-palace that Jerry Miles resided in. Seulgi questioned why Solar and Moonbyul would have a home on Earth, but Stardust understood. They resided within this solar system; taking up residence near its sole population of mortals made sense. Though, Stardust herself would have chosen a domicile that fit a Representation of her status and power.

Standing in the kitchen was the narrow-faced, violet-haired woman, the Representation of this planet’s moon.

“Little late to the party, huh?” Moonbyul asked, looking Stardust up and down, apparently taken aback by her appearance.

“Seulgi wanted to stay back and make excuses for her family,” Stardust said, taking a seat on a wooden stool. “Where is Solar?”

At the mention of her significant other, Moonbyul bristled, relaxed posture shifting to one of tenseness as she glanced at the clock. “She’s still at Bristol, searching through some abandoned buildings for the Sirdar. She said she would be back by noon.”

    “It’s only eleven fifteen,” Seungwan said reassuringly, leaning against the counter across from Stardust. “I’m sure she’ll be back on time.”

    “If she’s not here by five of, then I’m going to find her.” Moonbyul said solemnly.

    Stardust wanted to point out that Moonbyul stood no chance at succeeding where Solar had failed, and that it was better if herself or Seungwan went to investigate, but Seulgi prevented her.

    “Wouldn’t it be better to seek out the Sirdar at night?” Stardust asked instead, glancing at Seungwan.

    The auburn-haired girl nodded. “That’s the plan for tonight. Last night, we briefly spotted the redheaded Sirdar that Sooyoung was talking about. Looked like she was scouting out the Galactic Lounge, waiting for someone to come through the Touchpoint there.”

    “There were many of Eodum’s minions in the Lounge,” Stardust said. “A trap set by Eodum, perhaps?”

    “Maybe...” Seungwan said thoughtfully, reaching a hand into her shirt pocket and pulling out a hand-rolled cigarette, twirling it between her fingers in a show of casual dexterity. Stardust assumed it was a joint; according to Seulgi, Seungwan very much enjoyed .

    “Don’t smoke that inside,” Moonbyul warned, “Solar will have my head if I let you do that.”

    “I wasn’t going to,” Seungwan said, “I was just playing with it.”

    Stardust resisted the urge to release a heavy sigh. They hadn’t come here to tour the wonderful neighborhoods of New Jersey. She stood, causing the other two Representations in the room to eye her suspiciously.

    “Relax. You have nothing to fear from me,” Stardust said, letting her gaze linger on Seungwan. “I will, however, be going back to Bristol once Solar arrives.”

    “Didn’t you just suggest hunting the Sirdar at night?” Moonbyul said, rolling her eyes.

    At Seulgi’s urging, Stardust overlooked Moonbyul’s disrespectful tone.

    “Yes, but there are other activities we can be doing while we wait,” Stardust said without looking away from Seungwan. “A sparring match, perhaps? With dulled blades, of course.”

    The auburn-haired woman’s eyes brightened with intrigue. She turned to Moonbyul.

    “Is that alright with you?”

    “As long as you don’t do it in the house, it’s fine,” Moonbyul said, giving Stardust a mild glare. “I heard that the last time you guys fought, the property damage was pretty bad.”

    Stardust crossed her arms and lifted an eyebrow. “If I recall, I was merely defending myself.”

    Seungwan frowned but offered no argument. As usual, Stardust was right.

    “Whatever. Just keep it contained to the backyard.” Moonbyul said.

    “And if your neighbors see us?” Seungwan asked.

    At that, Moonbyul gave a peculiar look. 

“You don’t need to worry about that. Most of our neighbors are dead, anyway.” she whispered, turning away and busying herself with something in the cupboards.

Stardust tilted her head inquisitively, but Seungwan paled, seeming to understand.

“The Representations in the Galactic Lounge…” Seungwan said, “I’m sorry, Moonbyul.”

Ah, I see.

Moonbyul gave a half-hearted shrug. “Guess that’s what happens in war.”

A short, rigid silence followed before Moonbyul resumed her lunch preparations. Seungwan then rounded the corner into a hallway, and Stardust followed her through the sliding door. They emerged into the too-bright sunlight. Solar and Moonbyul had a rather large backyard, much larger than Seulgi’s. A short set of stone steps descended onto a section of cobblestone red and brown cobbles, surrounded by a ring of dark green grass. The center of the stone stretch was wide and free of obstacles, making it the perfect spot for sparring. A high white fence separated the plot from adjacent yards, and up against it was a shallow, crystalline pool. In contrast to the outside of the home, the yard was quite nice.

    “Just to warn you, I’m not that great of a teacher,” Seungwan said, summoning a blade of Vis in her right hand and giving it a few practice swings.

    “Fortunately, I pick up on things easily,” Stardust replied coyly, observing the auburn-haired woman’s movements and stance.

Because Stardust had been formed from Joohyun’s Vis, she had adopted many of the Representation’s habits. Her preference for the blade was an obvious indication of such. However, Joohyun’s fighting style wasn’t nearly as elegant as Seungwan’s. There was a certain pomp to it - Stardust was willing to admit that she loved the ceremony and grace - but it lacked lethality and precision. It was effective for fighting lowly opponents like Eodum’s foot soldiers, but his Sirdar would be difficult to overcome using the tactics given to her by Joohyun. In the secluded pocket of the Astral Plane that Stardust was confined to when not piloting her vessel, she had trained hard, memorizing Seungwan’s techniques as best as she could from their hurried, shameful clash at Miles’ house. Stardust was pleased to find that she had accurately recalled the numerous nuances of Seungwan’s style. She sought to combine Joohyun’s spectacled gestures with Seungwan’s brutal straightforwardness.

With that, Stardust began to warm up beside Seungwan. At first, she mirrored each of the auburn-haired woman’s moves exactly as they were performed. Most of the strikes were brisk and short, returning to a heavily guarded stance directly after, or shifting the body in a manner that would offer the opponent a small, difficult to track target. Once she’d gotten the general gist of Seungwan’s style - the “flavor” of it, the way it felt when used - Stardust began slipping in some of her own twists. A sidestep augmented with a flourish, a guard modified to include a potential counterattack.

Stardust caught Seungwan eyeing her. It was subtle, but the auburn-haired woman was obviously intrigued, and likely impressed, by Stardust’s prowess. Their gazes met as they ed forward in tandem, finishing their warm-up. A fine sheen of sweat had formed at Seungwan’s hairline like droplets of dew on a warm night.

“Shall we begin?” Stardust asked.

Seungwan her lips and nodded. Without breaking the magnetically electric eye contact they were engaged in, the pair took spots several feet from each other. Stardust dropped into her newly developed stance, back foot extended far behind her, blade held above her head, parallel to her body. Seungwan’s was wider, less rigid, but without the same level of sturdiness that Stardust’s had.

Seungwan struck first. Stardust parried, danced backward, swept low with her foot. Seungwan redirected her blade, aimed at Stardust’s exposed limb, falling for the feint. Stardust spun, backpedalled further, and delivered a glancing blow to Seungwan’s side. The dull blade did little more than jostle her clothing, but it would have been a key strike in a normal duel. The auburn-haired woman growled low and sprung. Stardust found herself grinning with glee as their blades met.

What followed was nothing short of a dance. The tidal wave of Seungwan’s ferocity met the sparking thunderheads of Stardust’s performance, creating a tempest of light and limbs. Unlike their first battle, which had been graceless in its one-sided desperation, this was true combat. Seungwan’s skill and dominance were still undeniable, but Stardust had improved greatly since their clash. There was an equality about them, a give and take to each stab and slash that Stardust found an aesthetic ecstasy within. Truly, Seungwan was an opponent worth pitting herself against. She wished that they had an audience, a crowd of cheering onlookers to watch their intimate, intricate conduction.

Sweat poured, breaths became gasps and grunts. The flames of their combat rose, rapturous, engulfing them in delicious heat. The bonds of battle sealed them together. They became one, mutual desperation rising, producing a pair of frenzied harpies, blurring, translucent figures in the sunlight.

    Their blades smashed together, crossing between them as they both threw the last of their strength and Vis into a final bout. Rays of purity blossomed out from the point of contact, and they leaned across their weapons in defiance.

    Their eyes met, and the world seemed to grow still. Seungwan’s hair was thrown back from the force of their collision, revealing the frame of her face, the alignment of her ears, the effort-borne flush that painted her skin. These were all secondary to what transfixed Stardust the most, perhaps the most beautiful thing she’d seen in her short time on this planet: the scolding, tearing fury that seemed to spring from her pupils. It set Stardust’s heart ablaze with an intoxicating combination of fear and desire. She gasped, breaking their connection and leaping back to the other side of the cement circle.

    Seungwan did the same, looking dazed, allowing the blade to vanish from her palm as she knelt.

    “Stars,” the auburn-haired woman gasped, looking down.

    She was caught completely by surprise as Stardust lifted her, pulled her close, and kissed her. For a brief, beatific moment, Seungwan returned the kiss, and their lips clasped together, as intertwined as their owners in the midst of battle.

    Seungwan yanked herself away at the same moment that Seulgi intervened. A spike of pain shot across Stardust’s brain as she was overwhelmed.

    What are you doing?! Seulgi screeched, tearing control from the Representation.

    Exhausted, confused, and unable to resist, Stardust allowed herself to be thrown into the back of Seulgi’s consciousness. She sprawled out in the tranquil aether of the Astral Plane and ran a trembling hand over her lips.

    I’m not sure, she thought to herself, But I love it.


I'm definitely anticipating this development to Stardust's character to be at least somewhat controversial... Hope you liked seeing her perspective though; she's POV for the next chapter as well (with a little of Seulgi's mixed in).

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Fire_trek 340 streak #1
Chapter 24: Stardust is still tripping I see lol she is really “violent flirting” with Seungwan as Moonbyul put it. But besides that her saving those people was comical like Seulgi said why was she talking like that? This chapter was full of information but also a few chuckles. The bickering back and forth between Stardust and Seulgi was comical. I still want to know what see how Joohyun is going to react when she finds out the girl she is destroying the world for kissed her sister…
Fire_trek 340 streak #2
Chapter 23: Aye, what is with Stardust? 😂 is she infatuated with Seungwan because she bested her? I can see it being lust at first sight.. and not to mention she kissed her! That was a surprise, seems like Stardust is full of them, even Seulgi was surprised. I wonder how Joohyun will take it? I also liked the inner dialogue of Seulgi/Stardust, very entertaining
Fire_trek 340 streak #3
Chapter 22: I love Bogum, I wish he was my brother. He totally freaked out when Stardust brought up the whole magic thing but he was cool with it after a while.. he said maybe he dropped too much acid lol that’s the only way this would make sense.. but no, it’s true and Stardust/Seulgi’s going to help the girls and save the world!
Fire_trek 340 streak #4
Chapter 21: Damn, Joy is a savage.. just reading Joohyun her rights for life lol but she’s not wrong though, all for Seulgi she would risk killing seven billion people and an earth that’s been around for millions of years? She’s kinda like a love sick puppy, not to mention she has daughters with this man… she’s in way deeper than she thinks she is..
Fire_trek 340 streak #5
Chapter 20: Yass, Joy is giving annoying younger sister vibes haha I’m surprised we got POV from Joohyun but it was nice to see where her head was. And what did she mean when she said if Joy was fully human she wouldn’t have made it through the astral plane? What are Seulgi and Joy? Are they halfers?
Fire_trek 340 streak #6
Chapter 19: Wtf? They are her daughters?!? What does that mean? Does that mean her and Eodum actually had a real relationship? I’m so stupefied right now… and the Cade situation is bothering me, they need to rescue Yeri ASAP! This is so full and action packed like a marvel movie!
Fire_trek 340 streak #7
Chapter 18: Did Cade take Yeri to Plastic Beach? lol I hope she’s okay and not dead. I love it when my ship fight for each other and the people they love. MoonByul and Solar were cool helping them, too bad about Thomas tho :( and Joohyun and Seungwan were seriously badass coming in like that, if only Seulgi/Stardust was there, I know for a fact that Yeri wouldn’t have been taken..
Fire_trek 340 streak #8
Chapter 17: It took a near death experience for her mom to lighten up ☠️ but idk I’m kinda confused on why Joohyun wasn’t more upset with the way Seungwan decided to handle things.. doesn’t she know she’s the chosen one? And Stardust with the save again today lol I’m starting to like her more and more.. hopefully they get in contact with Joy and Yeri next chapter because some stuff is definitely going down..
Fire_trek 340 streak #9
Chapter 16: This was awesome! Some serious kicking in this one.. and my ship is like a old married couple like seriously.. I love how they just flow together and accept each other’s boundaries and flaws and almost near death experiences lol
Fire_trek 340 streak #10
Chapter 15: Joy just punched Joohyun in the face!! What! Didn’t expect that but I also didn’t put into account how Joy would feel. She felt like Joohyun was playing with Seulgi and using her and not only that she was having them all killed by proxy. So I get it. My ship is so cute and pure!! I love them and Summer is talking about the big final boss fight right? Like they all know what’s going on at this point..