Part 1

Last Love
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CEOs are not all almighty, Irene knows that.

“Cancel the meeting, cancel all of it.”

Unable to contain her frustration, Irene said exasperatedly to her assistant.

Her assistant had whipped out her scheduler hastily and scanned through them. She gulped as she paused at a name, “okay… Miss Bae, including the one with Yamamoto-san?” 

Yamamoto-san was one of the Bae’s conglomerate biggest and long-time business partner and Irene knew it would incur the wrath of her grandfather but she could not care less. She would just make up for her mistake, later.

Irene glared at her assistant and the poor girl immediately knew she should have just followed the orders given to her.

“O-Okay… I will reschedule it.”

“Book the earliest flight ticket to Seoul.”

“Yes, Miss Bae.”

After relaying the set of instructions, Irene then in a deep breath and tried dialling the number which she had not dared to contact for the past five months. Her undecidedness and nervousness showed in the way her finger trembled as she pressed the call button.

On the first ring Irene nearly regretted her decision. On the third, Irene’s heart began to palpitate, on the fifth, Irene thought that the call was picked up. Then on the final ring, Irene felt an indescribable moment of forlornness as the tone went dead. As if unable to comprehend why her call was not picked up, Irene stared at her phone in muted silence for several moments.

“Ms Bae… are you all right?”

Recomposing herself and rejecting all sympathies shown towards her, Irene shook her head subtly and held up a hand.

“I am fine. What time is the flight?” Irene asked in a bid to divert attention away from the show of her weakness.

“In three hours’ time, Ms Bae.”

That would be 4am. Irene noted.

Irene nodded, “good. Thank you.”


Wendy had the Pathetique Ops, one of Beethoven’s most emotional and celebrated piece on repeat. In her dimly lit apartment, the artist swayed lightly to the music as she swirled the contents in her wine glass. Her phone had been vibrating non-stop throughout the day and a mirthless smile came into her face. These were the paparazzies who had somehow gotten hold of her contact and certain celebrity friends who are trying to shower her with concern.

People really do like to come for those who are at their lowest point of their life, like bloodhounds. Wendy thought to herself.

She ignored all of them and after a few more glasses of wine, a certain person began to invade her mind. No matter how hard she tried to shake the person out of her mind, the image of her still lingered. Wendy was irked to the point whereby she had swept all of the contents from her desk and the first of her tears sprang from her eyes as she buried her face in her hands.

It was three years ago when Wendy had first met her. The person whom she had desired the most, the person whom she knew would be her last love.


Three years ago 


A cocktail party as meaningless and as mundane as this should be banned forever. Wendy thought to herself.

She was dressed in an ombre sequin-embellished Dior night gown that revealed her collar, a generous amount of her chest and ending below her ankles with its hem sweeping across the carpeted floor of the ballroom as she went by. One of the numerous uncomfortable dresses that she has worn. Along with Joy, her fellow label artiste, Wendy was politely invited by the CEO of her entertainment to attend this annual event whose attendance boasts of some of the most prominent figures who has interests in the entertainment industry. CEOs of broadcasting industry, investors with net worth of billions of USD, heirs and heiresses of conglomerates. Wendy scowled at the thought of the last category as she was never fond of such individuals who were born with a silver spoon in their mouth. Little did she expect her path to cross with one shortly.

Her CEO had brought her around the expansive room to exchange handshakes with a number of these powerful individuals and Wendy smiled as best as she could. Everyone in the room knew her, or at least that was the impression she had gotten from them. All except for one.

Heads turned as the doors to the ballroom were opened to admit a guest who was late. The individual who had just arrived had stolen the attention of many for a good long minute and the noise of murmurings rose to a droning level. After which, the guests resumed with the conversations they had earlier.

“Let’s be the first to greet this lady.”

Wendy wondered what her CEO’s rationale for doing so was and got her answer immediately after.

“She is Irene, the heiress of the Bae conglomerate and that includes B.M entertainment. Her grandfather was supposed to be present for this event but guess Mr Bae’s health has been deteriorating so it is expected that his granddaughter and appointed successor came in his stead.”

Another one born with a silver spoon. Wendy rolled her eyes inwardly but managed to put on a smile on her face.

B.M entertainment was their company’s biggest rival. A company known for its strict training regimens and high success rates for the idols they debut.

“Would be good for us to make friends in the industry.” Wendy said trying to make herself sound neutral.

Decked in an all-black suit which Wendy recognised as the minimalist yet power-commanding design by the Italian fashion house, Prada, was one of the youngest and most charming heiress she has ever seen in her life.

“Good evening Ms Bae. Believe we have met during last year’s event, with your grandfather.”

“Good evening Mr Jung, and…”

There was no recognition registered in the young heiress eyes when her eyes met with Wendy’s. Wendy had to admit that she was slightly surprised but she tried to hide it and continued putting on a smile.

“Wendy, our top artiste from M.S”

Wendy detected a brief look of embarrassment on the heiress’s face but she recovered herself quickly.

“Good evening, Wendy.”

Wendy greeted back amiably. Later, the conversation progressed awkwardly and Wendy felt second-hand embarrassment for her CEO for not realising that Ms Bae was not keen on keeping up with the conversation. Ms Bae, although was curt in her replies, did not have an air of arrogance surrounding her. It showed in the way she admitted her lack of knowledge in the entertainment business and also how she had addressed both of them instead of just her CEO.  

Whenever their eyes met, Wendy felt a sense of comfort. Perhaps it was because Irene did not know that she was a celebrity and hence did not have any preconceived notions about her. She also thought that Irene’s short replies were rather amusing and flashed apologetic smiles. Once, or twice, Wendy caught Irene direct a small smile at her, as if empathising her situation as well. It lifted Wendy’s mood slightly; to know that someone felt the same way as she did.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, their discussion was broken off when

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Chapter 5: It's a good story. I love it when Irene is in possessive and jealous mode
Cyrell #2
Chapter 5: I don’t get it. Irene left and why did I feel like she’s the victim here? Wendy should feel slightly angry and disappointed with her.
Chapter 5: first time reading this, as expected from you *chefs kiss*
WenRene_77 15 streak #4
Chapter 5: thank you author-nim , i love it!😊💙💗
Chapter 4: Rereading coz I miss wenrene...
Thank you for this very beautiful story authornim...
Chapter 5: author-nim you said at the beginning that this story was gonna be cliched as if it was a bad thing but i think you’ve made a really beautiful cliche. sometimes cliches are great too, and this story is one of them. thank you author-nim!!!!
WluvsBaetokki #7
Chapter 5: Rereading because I like this story
ShinHye24 1340 streak #8
Chapter 5: Reading this again
Chapter 5: loved it! what a beautiful story author ^^
Chapter 1: 1600th sub! woot! XD