
Watch the moon dance



i know it's been a gajibillion years since I wrote anything  and clearly I will never finish my 5 million wips so here's a little soft wenrene for you! I know I say it's a Valentine's Day au but it really isn't,,, so much as it's just a soft fic that leads up to Valentine's Day and then stuff that happen after :') i hope you liked it either way though ;-; 









Joohyun loves the sky. Loves how serene the sky is. Loves how gentle and easy everything becomes, as the clouds drift by. Even at night. It makes her feel free, makes her feel all sorts of happiness and sadness in one giant evermoving, everchanging canvas. 


But even more than that, Joohyun loves the blue in the sky. Loves how the sunlight scatters across Seungwan’s skin, glittery and playful, hiding in the strands of Seungwan’s golden hair. 


She likes basking in the sun, eyes closed, face awashed with warmth, thinking about Seungwan’s sundress and bright smile. 


Maybe that’s why the gods gave her Seungwan, her own sky, her own sun, personified. 




“Irene, wake up.” One of her classmates prods her, rousing her from her nap on the library table. When she lifts her head up, she internally cheers when she doesn’t feel drool sticking to her cheek. She’s about to complain about being awoken, (even though it’s finals week and she really ought to be studying), when she catches sight of her favourite person, standing by the entrance of the library. 


Seungwan gives a little wave, her smile so big her cheeks bunch up, when she notices Joohyun looking over. 


“Bye guys, I’ll see you tomorrow!” She stuffs her textbooks and mountain of highlighters into her bag, and scurries off to Seungwan. 


“Tomorrow is a Saturday,” her friend points out, but Joohyun ignores her. 




The first thing Joohyun sees, when Seungwan opens her door, is red-rimmed eyes, and the way her cheeks are splotchy with tears. She slouches back over to her bed, toppling over and curling up with her blanket. Joohyun melts at the sight, watching Seungwan reach out to her with grabby hands, and follows her into bed as well. 


She lets Seungwan wind her arms around her, squeezing tight, lets her burrow her face into Joohyun’s sleep shirt. They breathe, slow and easy, and as the younger girl begins to breathe a little deeper, she also begins to feel the knot in her chest unravel. 


She doesn’t push. Instead, she cards her fingers through Seungwan’s hair, combing through it softly, and waits. 


Seungwan shifts, sniffles a little, presses a little harder against her chest, and Joohyun knows she’s ready to talk. She stops running her fingers through Seungwan’s hair, trails her fingers down, along the side of Seungwan’s face, to curl gently against her jaw. 


“I mucked up my exam.” Her voice is tiny, muffled, 


‘What do you mean?”


Seungwan sighs, a tiny fist pressing against Joohyun’s back in an attempt to push her even closer as she shakes her head. “I blanked out.” 


She carefully moves Seungwan, moves her back slightly so she can speak better. (And maybe Joohyun is a little concerned about how she is getting oxygen while burying her face in her shirt.) 


“For one of the questions, I forgot my points. I wrote- I wrote nonsense.” Her eyes well up again at the thought, and Joohyun cooes, cupping both cheeks with her hands, thumbs swiping away the tears that fall. 


Seungwan has always been anxious about her work, fretting and worrying about perfection and rejection. 


“Oh Wan-ah,” she murmurs, “It was just that one question, right?” When Seungwan hesitantly nods, she continues. “Then I’m sure you’re still going to do amazing. You’ve studied really hard for this test, and I know you, you’re going to ace this test.” 


“What if I fail my test?” 


“You’re not going to fail your test.”




“Okay,” she repeats. She brushes away the messy bangs that fall over Seungwan’s eyes, sees the way storm clouds drift away, and pulls her back into a hug, fingers automatically running through her hair. “Let’s take a post exam nap then.”


Two weeks later, Seungwan bounces into her room, waving her papers. She’s got an A for her test. 


They celebrate with expensive ramen off-campus. Seungwan pays for their food, and the whole walk home, she doesn’t let go of Joohyun’s hand. She rambles on and on about anything and everything, and she looks so cute, under the colours of the setting sun, and Joohyun realises that she’s in love with her best friend. 


Seungwan drops her off at her room, a kiss on her cheek, (at the very corner of ), flushed pink and giddy, and scurries off. 


And Joohyun thinks maybe Seungwan is in love with her best friend too. 




‘I wanna bring you somewhere tomorrow,’ Seungwan tells her, as they lie in Joohyun’s dorm room, squashed up in her tiny single bed. 


“Alright,” she says. Because it’s Seungwan. And Joohyun will never say no. 


They end up on a hill in the middle of nowhere, and Joohyun shivers slightly when the wind picks up. Seungwan looks torn and conflicted when she pulls out a blanket from her backpack, staring at the folded cloth in her hands. 


“Wan-ah, what’s wrong?”


“Nothing, I just,” she laughs a little to herself. And Joohyun gets a little distracted, starstruck, when she runs her hand through her hair. “I was worried the grass would get itchy so I brought a blanket for you but I forgot to bring an extra one in case you got cold. Now I don’t know how to wrap you up so both the grass and the cold won’t bother yo-” She gets cut off when Joohyun takes the blanket and lays it on the ground, before taking one hand and guiding the both of them to sit.


“I’m always warm when I’m with you, Seungwan-ah.”


The sky is wondrous at night. Magnificent. She thinks every time she looks at the sky is a new experience for her. New things to learn, to feel. There’s a power she feels, thrumming in her veins, as she takes in the life, the light, in the darkness. 


And with Seungwan pressed next to her, warm skin brushing by with every breath, Joohyun thinks she finally knows why the moon chases the sun in a never-ending cycle.


Sometime later, after Joohyun has watched clouds go by, and the sky tilt and fade away. Seungwan turns to her, jostling her and pulling her out of her musing. “I have something for you,” she says. 


“What is it?”


“It’s,” Seungwan stutters, “I know you love the sun and the moon and the sky.” She swallows, fingers trembling as she places a coin in the centre of Joohyun’s palm. 


As she brings the coin up, it glistens. Reflecting the millions of twinkling stars in the night sky. 


Seungwan’s words wash over her lovingly, like the way a small wave hugs the shore. “I know you think that I’m your sun.” They both chuckle at that. 


Joohyun continues staring at the coin, bashful. She tilts the coin slightly, sees the way the light catches at the engraving, and gasps softly. 


“Luna,” Seungwan reads out. 


“I know you think that I’m your sun, and when I look at the moon, I think of you. But that’s where astronomers are wrong.” She reaches over, gently takes the hand Joohyun has stretched out against the sky. “I would go to the ends of the universe for you, with you,” Seungwan says. “Yea, I’d follow you anywhere if you asked.” 


When Joohyun turns, all she sees are stars. Forming a halo around Seungwan’s sunshine hair.  Shimmering in Seungwan’s eyes. 


There’s a brush of pink tickling the tips of Seungwan’s ears and nose. 


The grass beneath her is prickly, itching at the back of her thighs, even through the blanket. But the itch grounds her, pulls her back down when Seungwan’s touch threatens to mess her orbit and fling her into space. She intertwines her fingers with Seungwan’s, the metal of the coin warming up between their palms. 


And it feels right. To bask in the warmth of Seungwan’s love, under the moonlight. Joohyun thinks it’s how it’s meant to be. 


That when night comes. Like the moon. Seungwan knows that her love will come straight back to her. 


She feels Seungwan lean her head against her shoulder, sighing in contentment. 


“Happy Valentine’s Day, Wan-ah,” she whispers, and presses a token of her love in a kiss on the top of Seungwan’s resting head. 




There are park benches placed all around campus. The school says they are to promote a healthier lifestyle, with fresher air and “the natural environment to stimulate our students’ minds.” Joohyun thinks the benches are there so fewer students will be at the library taking up space. 


But alas, her girlfriend adores the park benches, lack of back-support and all. She doesn’t understand why Seungwan prefers the benches to the library. She likes the shelter the library provides, warm in winter and protecting her from the mosquitoes in summer, but Seungwan tells her that she likes the bustle of the students when she studies. Likes the occasional breeze and chirp of some random bird. 


She finds Seungwan, scrunched up on another of those god-forsaken ‘study benches’, furiously typing away on her laptop, back against an alcove in the school. Her short hair, wispy and golden, flutters slightly when the wind picks up. And Joohyun watches with an amused smile, fond and in love, when she scrunches up her nose, attempting to dislodge a misbehaving lock of hair. Seungwan hooks one leg up onto the bench, one hand flying up to her face to brush away the messy hair that would not budge. 


Her pose reminds Joohyun of a grandma, sitting cross-legged in a sauna, one hand cracking an egg on the tiny tables they provide. 


But even while wearing the most tattered-looking sweatshirt, hair greasy and skin sticky, Seungwan still looks like she’s been kissed by the god of the sun. 


Radiant and beautiful and maybe Joohyun is just so in love. 




“What?” She’s awkward, flushed and shy. 


Seungwan continues staring, smile wide. The pink of her lips stretched out, white teeth gleaming. 


“It’s getting a little creepy,” Joohyun jokes. “You look like that cat.”


“Which cat?” Her eyes trail down, and Joohyun feels her skin prickle, warm. 


She knows she is definitely blushing now, with the way Seungwan eyes her, the both of them pressed together in bed. “The one from Alice in Wonderland. Cheshire the cat and his creepy grin.” 


feels dry. Especially when Seungwan’s grin widens even more. “Is that so?” Seungwan asks. 




There’s nothing to swallow, and yet she still tries, breath catching as she leans forward, into the bubble of Seungwan’s love. 


The smile dims slightly, but Seungwan’s eyes glisten, as if she’s in awe. Her eyes flutter close when Joohyun steals a kiss. And when they open again love overflows, dark and adoring. Her tongue darts out to wet her lips. Quick, and it disappears as soon as it appears. 


And Joohyun chases the action. 

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ShinHye24 1340 streak #1
Chapter 1: I needed some wenrene fluff today!
16 streak #2
Chapter 1: This is soo good so in love thank u
Ariotlikeyou #3
Chapter 1: This was so cute! Thank you <3
Chapter 1: This is what I need on Valentine's Day! Thank you! ^^
Chapter 1: Reading a Wenrene fic on Valentine's Day. Yeah, no regrets hahaha thank you for this fluffy story, I definitely had fun that I almost felt like a third wheel lol kidding XD
ShinHye24 1340 streak #6
Chapter 1: Ahh so cute n fluffy!
minimuminput #7
Chapter 1: Beautifully written, well done!
Valentines day fics can have my heart and so can you :)
Keep up the great work! Happy valentines day!
1701 streak #8
Chapter 1: Happy valentine's day! Sun and Moon, chocolate and flower, Son and Bae. perfect story ?
It's just Wendy still on hospital tho and spending her birthday there
Chapter 1: Happy valentine’s day! This is sweet, thank you <3
ireneverse #10
ur writing feel like receiving a box of sweet choc and bunch of flowers for valentine. thanks for sharing this :')