The Amusement Park Tales

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Third person POV

The whole gang were now fully prepared for their amusement park trip. All they packed were a few small snacks and their handbags which somehow took an hour for all of them.

Chaeyoung and dahyun were waiting outside their apartment waiting for sana and tzuyu to arrive.

Sana and tzuyu both live quite close to where dahyun and chaeyoung does so they were waiting for them to arrive so they could go together and meet the rest at the park.

Chaeng could barely contain her excitement. She was trapping the hood of her car and pacing back and forth. Dahyun was just standing leaning on the door of her car (chaeng's car but dahyun uses it most of the time so it's basically hers.)

When chaeyoung was walking back towards her she pushed herself off the car and pulled chaeyoung into a hug.

"Stop pacing chaeng, you're giving me a headache." She said as she released the little cub from her embrace.

Chaeng gave her roommate a judgmental look as she asked. "Couldn't you have just asked me to stop? What was the hug for?"

To which dahyun gave her a blinding smile. "I just wanted to hug you. You just looked really huggable." She said motioning towards what chaeyoung was wearing.

"I am painfully aware of the fact. You and sana unnie make it hard to forget sometimes." She said which made dahyun let out a little chuckle at the whiny cub.

She loves baggy clothes and she was currently wearing a red sweater that extended almost to her shorts. The sleeves were long enough to hide her whole arm but she had it rolled up to her forearm.

"Hey my babies!" Sana shouted from their back as she tackled the two into a bear hug. Tzuyu was walking behind her in her normal calm and cool manner shaking her head at them.

"Speak of the devil." Chaeyoung squeaked as sana tightened her hug. Tzuyu was looking at both her bestfriends with an amused look on her face. They both were turning purple and their faces screamed 'help! Can't breathe!'.

As much as tzuyu was enjoying the looks on her bestfriends' faces she decides to help them by pulling sana off them.

"Noo~ they're so smol they deserve to be showered with love~" sana whined as tzuyu pulled her off the other two letting them heave in a huge breath of relief.

"Let's go unnie the others must be waiting already. You can shower them with your love later." Tzuyu cringed after she heard herself say that. The double meaning it held was made obvious to her by the obvious lust filled stare that sana gave to dahyun.

Dahyun and sana got into dahyun's car while chaeyoung and tzuyu left in chaeyoung's car so that the whole group can come back in them when they're finished.

They drove the two black and blue cars along each other. They arrived at the front of the park where the others are waiting.

"Hey guys. Took you long enough." Jeongyeon said as the four of them got out of the cars and came up to them.

"Sorry we're late dubu unnie took forever to get ready." Chaeyoung said nonchalantly as she received a exaggerated hurt expression from her unnie.

The others just laughed at the dynamic between the roommates.

Momo was already munching on the snacks they brought sitting on a little bench behind them.

The whole groups looks at her hearing the muching sounds. She looks up at all her friends staring at her in disbelief.

"What? I eat when I'm bored okay." She says defending herself.

"Anyways, we're thinking about splitting into groups of two. We can meet here when the sun goes down." Jihyo told them to which everyone agreed. The two couples seemed to like the idea more than the others.

"Soo let's decide who goes with who. I'm going with my Jeongyeonie obviously." Nayeon said hugging her girlfriend's arm who was playing with her phone with her free hand.

"I'll go with chaeyoungie." Tzuyu said as she skipped towards the tiny looking cub who looked a little flustered at tzuyu's excitement.

"I'll go with sana." Dahyun said as sana was already hugging her from the back and putting her hands in dahyun's jacket pockets.

"So it's me and captain oblivious over there." Jihyo said as the whole group looked at the girl on the bench again who's now looking at the sky and zoning out.

"Eh?" She asked looking at her friends to which jihyo just chuckles.

"You're with me momoring let's go." Jihyo said grabbing the confused looking girl by her wrist and dragging her through the entrance.

All the pairs got in and separated towards different directions some towards the big rides. Others toward the small slightly rigged games.



《《 2Yeon 》》

Nayeon and Jeongyeon walked slowly through the park hand in hand.

Nayeon was letting out small giggles every now and then because of her excitement.

"People are going to think you're crazy nabongs, stop giggling." Jeongyeon said pulling her closer by the hand.

"I can't help it babe. We've never been to an amusement park date. Wanna find a dark corner and have a quickie?" Nayeon asked as straightforward as a person can be.

"Ew nayeon. Can't you think about something else like ever?" Jeongyeon asked giving her girlfriend a DiSgUstEd face.

"Don't 'Ew' me miss. It wasn't 'Ew' for you last night when your head was in between my legs was it?" Nayeon asked smirking at the now flustered looking Jeong.

"TMI nayeon TMI" she said looking around if anyone heard that.

"Its not TMI if its something pertaining to you jeongyeon" Nayeon said rolling her eyes.

"Whatever let's just go ride somthing." She said to which nayeon gave her a smug look.

"Ride something that's not me." She continued. Nayeon just pouts at her.

"You're no fun jeongie." She said taking her by the hand and walking towards the game stalls. "Come on let's play those games." She said to which Jeong frowned.

"You know those are always rigged right?" She asked. Nayeon shrugged as she went towards a stall attended by a tall guy who smiled at them as they got close.

"Welcome. Wanna try? You have to throw the hoops on to the bottles. If you get one in you get a small prize, if you get three you get a medium one and if you get them all you get one of the big ones." He said motioning to the giant stuffed pokemon on the top of the desk.

Nayeon's eyes sparkled at the sight of the stuffed squirtle toy at the back.

"That one is so cute jeongie~ I want iit~" nayeon cooed looking at the stuffed toy.

Jeongyeon just shook her head and gave the money to the guy. He gave the hoops to nayeon and gave her a little wink and a smile which was completely ignored by nayeon. However it didn't go unnoticed by Jeongyeon who was just standing behind her.

'This dude probably thinks we're straight and now he's trying to flirt with her' Jeongyeon thinks to herself.

Jeongyeon stepped closer to nayeon as she whispered to her. "That guy is trying to flirt with you." She said thinking the girl was oblivious to the guy's attention on her but that wasn't the case.

"I know. Can you really blame him though? I'm gorgeous." She said throwing her hair off her shoulder.

Jeong just gave her another DiSgUstEd look to which nayeon just chuckled. She stepped back to let nayeon do her thing.

Jeongyeon smiled as she noticed her lover's tongue peeking through , clipped between her bunny teeth. She was is a weird stance with the hoop clutched in her hand. She recognized the look as nayeon's concentrated face. A look she was accustomed to.

Nayeon threw the first hoop with full power and it went full speed past the bottle and hit the wall behind it. Jeong tried to hold back her laughter but she couldn't.

"Don't laugh at me you meanie." Nayeon said with an adorable pout. Jeongyeon just stares at her with an unaffected expression.

Jeongyeon always acts disgusted whenever nayeon does aegyo. She hates that she likes it when nayeon does it. So she always fake gag or do things like that. She's in denial that she finds her the older adorable.

Nayeon looks back at the bottle with determination as she picked up the second hoop. 'I will NOT be made fun of, even if the person making fun of me is the prettiest most gorgeous girl in the world.' Nayeon thinks to herself as she threw the second hoop.

She looked at the hoop flying towards the bottle. It's as if everything was in slow motion for her. She had her fists clenched as she watched the inside of the hoop hit the bottle and spin around it.

She did it. Nayeon jumped up in happiness as she saw the hoop settle down around the bottle.

"I did it! Look jeongie I did it!" She said looking at her girlfriend with a wide bunny smile while pointing at the bottle.

"Yeah you did." Jeongyeon said with a little smile.

But nayeon's wide smile quickly changed to a huge pout again as the remaining three hoops didn't go anywhere near the bottle.

She looked at Jeongyeon with the saddest eyes. Jeong just sighs because she knows she can't resist that pout.

She gave the dude enough money for another round but this time she took the hoops herself.

"Step aside bunny, let me have a go." She said as nayeon stepped back letting her girlfriend step up to the stall.

Jeong threw the first hoop immediately after getting in position. Not taking any time to get ready or anything.

Nayeon squeaked as she saw her girlfriend carelessly throw the hoop. She was about to scold her when the hoop went perfectly around the bottle.

Nayeon raised her fists up suddenly gaining hope that she can take her squirtle friend home.

Jeongyeon threw the remaining four hoops around the bottle like a pro. She thought there was gonna be a catch to this game but there wasn't. It wasn't rigged as she thought it would be. It was quite easy for her actually.

"Congrats. Which one would you like." The guy asked nayeon as if she was the one who just played. It's as if Jeongyeon wasn't there with them.

"The squirtle please." Nayeon said pointing at the stuffed toy. The guy smiles at her and picks out the toy and gave it to nayeon who had her bunny smile on full display in happiness.

"Great choice, a cute pokemon for an even cuter girl." The guy said smiling at nayeon.

"Look jeongie we're the same." The girl was too busy twinning with the squirtle, showing Jeongyeon their matching bunny teeth.

'Cutie' Jeongyeon thought to herself. She cleared afterwards as she realised she was staring at the girl for too long.

"I umm.. I'll go to the bathroom real quick. Don't go anywhere okay?" Nayeon just nods confused as to why the girl didn't just ask her to come along. She always does.

'Eyy. She did that so I wouldn't try to pounce on her in the bathroom. Wise choice Jeongyeonie. If you took me with you. You wouldn't have been able to come out before I'm satisfied' nayeon thinks to herself as she nods. She now understands maybe why Jeongyeon asked her to stay back.

Her train of thought was however ruined by the tall guy standing at the stall. "Hey, what's your name?" He asked as nayeon turned around to him. She was hugging the stuffed toy to her chest.

"I'm nayeon. Wae?" She asked. The guy just walked back into the stall and came back quickly with a same size pikachu toy.

"Here since you're the cutest customer I've ever had I'll give this one to you for free." He said to her with a wink.

Nayeon may act childish for her age but she's far from naive. She knows the guy is flirting with her but she decides to take the toy anyways. 'Free stuff is free stuff right?' She thought.

She saw Jeongyeon walking back to them as she got the perfect idea to get out of this situation with both her stuffed toys.

"Hey babe. Look this kind man gave me another one for free because I'm cute." She beamed at her girlfriend who caught the little wink she gave her and immediately got what she was trying to do.

"That's great babe." Jeong says as she leans down and captures the girl's lips who's holding two giant pokemon toys in both hands.

They didn't go for a quick peck though. They shared a passionate kiss not longer than a few seconds but deeper than a normal one.

Jeongyeon almost laughed as they looked back at the guy. He looked like someone hit him on the face with a brick.

"Thank you for saying my girlfriend is cute sir, I definitely agree with you. She's one in a million." Jeongyeon said as she looked back at nayeon closing in for another kiss.

The guy just scoffs at them and walks back to his stall. He looked angry but none of these two girls cared even a little about that.

Jeongyeon tried to sneak a compliment in with the excuse of chasing away the guy but nayeon knew it wasn't just acting. She knew the girl meant every word.

They both walked out of the game area hand in hand both holding huge stuffed toys with the other.

"Hey nabongs? Wanna get some cotton candy?" Jeongyeon asked pointing towards the stall that's selling cotton candy.

Nayeon nods her head rapidly as they made their way towards the stall.

They both bought one as they were now sitting at one of the benches with nayeon leaning her head on Jeongyeon's shoulder as they are the candy. The squirtle and pikachu doing something similar as they were placed next to each other near their feet.

"Jeongyeonie?" Nayeon called her not taking her head off her shoulder. "Hmm?" She replied with a hum.

"You know I love you right? And i think you're one in a million too." Nayeon said timidly as she played with the pink cotton.

"I know babe. I love you too." She said pushing aside her sudden urge to slap her girlfriend's arm and tell her not to be so cheesy. No she wasn't going to do that and ruin this moment. Not this time atleast.



《《 Saida 》》

On the other side of the park were the new couple enjoying their date. Sana had a cotton candy in her hand as she and dahyun walked through the park.

They had just gotten off a rollercoaster and sana was still as bubbly as ever but dahyun was a bit pale. Well... paler than usual.

"I'm never doing that again." Dahyun said as she pulled a part of the cotton candy from sana and ate it.

"I thought it was fun. Hehe. What do you wanna do now dahyunnie?" She asked as she linked her arm with the pale girl.

"I don't know. Wanna go to the arcade here?" Dahyun asked. Sana gives her a smile.

"Sure dahyunie, I'd go to the ends of the world if it's with you." Sana says softly and giggled after. Which elicits a head shake and a little chuckle from her girlfriend.

They're supposed to be something casual, Taking it slow. But for both of them it felt like they've been dating for years. It felt like they belonged.

Sana was sure that this quirky eagle girl is the one for her. It was dahyun who was still a little unsure. Unsure because she just came out as biual and all this was new to her, also because of how much hate her 2yeon unnies get from their schoolmates for being a couple.

Sana understands the fear the younger girl has. She herself has faced so much being a gay women in this country which doesn't really accept her 'kind'.

She told herself that she'd hide their relationship with dahyun as long as she wanted but she'd never let her go because something like people's judgement. People were warming up to them anyways. It isn't as bad as it used to be like 10 or 20 years ago so that's something.

As they were walking hand in hand sana had a blissful smile on her face. She was happy and from what she could see, her other half was happy as well as she's dragging sana towards an arcade building with a wide smile on her face.

As they were about to enter sana spotted a huge ferris wheel that made her stop and in turn stop the girl infront of her as well.

"Dahyunie look." She said pointing to the ferris wheel. Dahyun stopped and looked at sana for a few seconds before turning her gaze towards the ferris wheel.

"The ferris wheel? What about it?" Dahyun asked confused as to why sana was pointing at the ride.

"My bucket list." Was all she said and dahyun was already horrified. You can tell from her expression.

"N-no sana w-we can't this place is filled with people." Dahyun said half scared and half flustered by what the girl was implying.

"Come onn dahyunie. It'll be fun. We might not get a chance to do this again. I need to check this off my bucket list. Please~ for me?" Sana said hitting the younger with her aegyo.

"Fine but it's your fault if we get thrown in jail for this." Dahyun said giving up and letting sana drag her towards the ferris wheel.

"Hehehe don't worry baby we won't." Sana said while she giggled.

The ride took about 30 minutes as the two girls came out looking like a wreck. Dahyun's hair was all messy and sana's shirt wasn't buttoned up all the way. They were out of breath as they walked towards a bench to recollect themselves.

" on a ferris wheel. Check!" Sana said cheerfully as she had her phone in hand and ticked out ferris wheel from her 'bucket list'.

"I used to go to church sana. What did you do to me?" Dahyun asked as she still couldn't believe what they just did.

Sure they had done other stuff from the bucket list but none of those were as extreme or as dangerous as this one.

"Heheh you like it though." Sana giggled as she stood up taking dahyun's hand again.

Dahyun's sighs and smiles as she lets herself be dragged again.

As they were walking they saw two girls sitting at a bench with one girl's head on the other's shoulder.

Dahyun's was quite surprised at the scene infront of her. The couple infront of them weren't trying to hide anything. It was quite obvious that they were lovers. From how comfortable the sleeping girl looked to how the taller girl was slowly caressing the sleeping girl's hand.

Dahyun was envious. She wanted to do those things with sana too. She wanted to kiss her in public. She wanted to pull her by the waist and be all territorial everytime a guy flirts with sana. She just couldn't do it. She couldn't because she was scared.

"Maybe someday." She mumbled under her breath. "What?" Sana asked looking at her.

"Nothing babe." She said with a smile as she looked towards the couple at the bench again. They walked a couple paces closer and dahyun realised the couple wasn't just any couple.

"Look sana, it's nayeon unnie an

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Thank you all who have subscribed and voted for this. It really means a lot. I'm a slow writer so be patient with me. :3
Much love.


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SogayforMyouiMina #1
Chapter 32: Definitely deserving of a sequel. Thank you for this amazing story authornim.
BlueLikesBread #2
Chapter 32: Hi! I've finally found this story after a long time! It's amazing. You should totally do a sequel!
Chapter 32: Literally one of the best stories I've read
Chapter 32: Please do a sequel. This story is really great!! I love how the storyline is precise and detailed. Good job Max! You did great!
Chapter 19: All I can think is Minecraft...
sven97 #6
Chapter 32: The BEST WORK I read so far!! And I would love to see its book two
chiyan1997 #7
You did such a good job! I freaking love the story so much, one of the best michaeng fanfic I have ever read. The storyline is really unique with a touch of humour. I can't wait for the sequel! Thanks for putting so much effort into this!
laychualol #8
dude this is like one of the best work of michaeng ive ever read
looking forward for the sequel ✨✨✨
Fanficsjprfan #9
Chapter 32: WoW amazing work, beautiful story of course this is worthy to make a sequel hope you can make it
Oncemidzy #10
Chapter 32: Oh yeah man this is worthy to make a book two. The way the story goes is beautiful. You have touch my heart with this book. Good luck on your second book.