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"Somi," He was supposed to be working with her here; Hyunwoo knew that. He definitely knew that.

"Mhm?" Though his brows could only narrow, sternly gazing at his curious maiden, who wondered what he wanted.

"I want to see Changkyun's card."

"Pardon me?" The airiness of Somi's voice held how baffled she was in her words. Her eyes, like Hyunwoo's, narrowed as they looked back at him. Her grip on her pencil became more firm, knuckles paling in colour until they were white. Somi didn't have to think. Her jaw tightened, teeth clenching down and shoulders pulling tighter.

"Show me Changkyun's card. I would like to see the addition of the two stars you earned" Firmly, Hyunwoo elaborated exactly what Somi knew he was wanting.

"I will not be doing that, Hyunwoo" Her head shook, eyes turning back to the equations on the table in front of her, brows further furrowing with her goal to concentrate. Hyunwoo remained still over Somi's shoulder, not moving and not looking away. He loomed in silent persistence, not willing to retreat with the denial of his request unchanged.

"Never should the cards that a holder possesses fall into the hands or upon the eyes of another that are not that holder, other residents and card residers of the same deck included" Somi quoted the words that Changkyun had recited from her little handbook effortlessly, proving that she not only wasn't going to cave into Hyunwoo's needs but that she was also learning and paying attention to her responsibilities. Changkyun's breath and time had not been wasted.

Nothing about Hyunwoo changed. He was initially one that possessed a back as stiff as a board and a stern expression that he was always wearing in the first place. However, his dissatisfaction was apparent, though, much to Somi's frustration as he continued to linger over her shoulder like a dark cloud that was solely dedicated to her.

"Changkyun's card has nothing to do with you; likewise, your card has nothing to do with Changkyun. Both cards are being held safely and are being protected by me. So there is nothing more for you to worry about besides making sure we can all work as a team together" Her words were dismissive. She didn't turn back to look at Hyunwoo over her shoulder, showing him in every way that she was done with the conversation that he wasn't letting go of.

From his seat, where he had remained quiet, Hyungwon put down the math book he was looking over to push his chair out and stand up.

"I will be in charge of cooking lunch today. So you continue with your homework Somi" He addressed the concentrated young woman and changed the topic in the room.

"Excuse me, we agreed to cook together", Protested Somi. She too backed her chair out, eyes darting over to Hyunwoo, who moved back in time to not have his toes stubbed by the leg of the harshly moving chair.

"You have school work to focus on, Somi" Hyungwon blocked the way to the kitchen with little effort, causing Somi to frown.

"We agreed that you wouldn't do all this work on your own, and you need to be getting your rest too," She reminded Hyungwon.

"Finish your math work, and then we can sit at the table for lunch" Putting his hands on her shoulders, Hyungwon turned Somi around, and the young woman knew that was the end of their discussion.


"Changkyun?" Somi knocked on the door to her room. She peeped inside before the rest of her body followed.

"Somi" Changkyun began moving to sit up right away, and Somi scampered into the room, shutting the door behind her.

"No, stay laying down-" She insisted with a wave of her hands. "-I just wanted to check on you" With a big breath out, Changkyun lowered until his head was on the pillow again.

"I am alright now", Changkyun reassured, and Somi nodded.

"I know you are, but like anyone else does, you need time to recover and rest from what happened", Reasoned Somi, coming to sit on the floor next to the bed.

"Are you still in pain?" She worried, and Changkyun shook his head in response.

"All of my wounds are healing physically. I am just tired now."

"Understandably so," Somi agreed with her hands moving to pull the blankets to cover Changkyun's upper body once more.

"You do not have to take such good care of me, Somi."

"No, I don't, but yes, I also do", Somi agreed and disagreed with Changkyun's reminding words all at once.

"This is not the life I was made to live," Not sure where Changkyun was going with his words, Somi's lashes fluttered, eyes concentrated solely on the face that struggled to show the emotions of the soul behind it.

"I was created to serve the life of the human blessed by their possession of my life. I was brought to the world to be the one who assured the human under my care was utterly catered to and had all needs met-"


"-Forgive me for speaking out of hand, Somi. I did not enter this world to do anything other than serve and work to meet the needs of any human with my card in hand. That is my purpose, that is my history, the sole reason that I was able to be graced with time on this earth."

"Stop that", Chastised Somi, her hand thumping on the mattress. Changkyun face nor body bore any response to her tone or her sudden movements.

"You and I cannot help the past. It's a past full of unanswered questions and confusion for who's to be faulted. But no past defines your purpose; no past is the fault of yours or mine. We can only accept it, learn from it and do better because of it. Never will there be an ill-intended fate for you just because of how you came to be. I have every right to care enough to put you in this bed and watch you rest back to health after what you did for me as you have every right and more to be any person you want to be with every ounce of right to be loved and cared for, to lay in this bed and mend yourself."

"You were not made to live any life; you were made to live" Her passion and emotion ended in a soft sigh, her eyes looking down at the ground she sat on as she breathed, in and out, feeling how it felt to have adrenaline leave her body in an echoing room of silence.

"No one in all my hundreds of years has said any such thing to me."

"Are you sure you've lived for hundreds of years? You almost seem like a toddler to me, or an alien who doesn't understand much of the earth," Somi teased the one on the bed, who faced the world with a confusion of its ways like one from another planet would.

"Maybe that's what I am," Changkyun breathed out, turning his head to look away from Somi and back to the ceiling.

"Just some creature from another planet, lost on another one, far away from the home I knew." 

"Well, when you find your home planet," Changkyun's eyes trailed back to Somi, "would you take me to your leader?" The voice that Somi used was stupid, idiotic enough to put amusement in Changkyun's eyes. He had to turn his head to the wall so Somi wouldn't be able to his smile, as he at least had the knowledge to understand her reference. But, unfortunately, that was all the reaction that Somi needed. She laughed, proud of her work, and Changkyun closed his eyes, forcing a controlled breath out so he wouldn't give anything away.

"I hope to never see you do that again."

"I like to think that's one of my best impressions."

"I would like to make a suggestion for you, no more impressions Somi."


"You have somewhere to be Somi?" Nodding her head, Somi slipped one foot into her shoe.

"I'm going to the library to look for more books" She looked at Hyunwoo.

"I will accompany you there" He stood up. Somi nodded with no complaints. She simply put her other shoe on and tied her laces.

"Then if you'll allow it, I will come too" Hyungwon followed too.

"You can come with us", Nodded Somi, fingers busy tying her laces.

"I would like to go as well."

"It is unneeded for all of us to go" Hyunwoo shook his head, disagreeing with Changkyun's company. Changkyun stepped back, swallowing back any words he had.

"Changkyun's coming too, Hyunwoo." 

"Come," Somi looked at Changkyun, "you may find a book you'll like too" She smiled, and Changkyun bowed his head with a step forward to put on his shoes also.

"Somi, a jacket", Reminded Hyungwon. Somi spun around with a flustered breath at the forgotten article of clothing that would be essential against the severe chill in the winds whistling outside the dorms. Hyungwon already had a jacket prepared for Somi. Her eyes landed on the coat, with a breath of relief escaping her, she allowed Hyungwon to help her into the coat.

"Thank you, Hyungwon."

"You mustn't get ill in this weather, Somi."

"After you", Changkyun opened the front door and stepped to the side. Somi bowed gratefully and

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Feeling good about chapter 18, not all of the scenes are long but there are some twists and turns in there!


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Chapter 23: Missing this story so much but hoping all is well with you. Stay safe. :)
2034 streak #2
Chapter 23: This chapter was really intense. Definitely wasn't expecting that! Not now, not ever... I feel sorry for Somi, Hyunwoo and even Kihyun as well. Wonder what kinda things he has to go through having Yuri as his master now. And I can't wait to see how Kihyun gets along with the others. Will be eagerly waiting for the next update ^^
Chapter 23: Omg! This was so intense and emotional! 😭😭😭😭😭😭 I was on edge with every move Hyunwoo and Kihyun made! Fantastic. But also...the goodbye scene! You had me tearing up. I felt so back for them. Poor Somi! Poor Hyunwoo! And now Kihyun mixed in all of this? This is going to be crazy! I can't wait for everything that's to come. I read your Blood Haven story and really enjoyed it. Happy New Year and thanks for the update! :)
Chapter 22: I for one am super happy about this update! Thank you so much. I really needed to read about them this week. Som <3 Changkyun! okay? okay! Anyway, I'm so proud of Hyungwon, Somi and Changkyun for a super job well done with the training challenges. Their teamwork sounds like it's getting better and better, and I'm so happy Somi seems to have peers who really respect her and see how hardworking she is. I'm so happy for the gang. And even though I missed Joo, I'm so happy Minhyuk was able to tag along and go to their home and see Hoseok and the gang's dynamic at home. Also, how dare they scare Somi like that? It was cute but also annoying. I forgive them. As always, looking forward to the next chapter and ALL THE DRAMA!!! (take care authornim!)
748 streak #5
Chapter 22: This was such a great chapter and I am so proud of Somi and Changkyun for winning the star. It also looks like some of Somi’s classmates are having a change of heart, but I know that won’t extend to her cousin any time soon. I enjoyed seeing Minhyuk interacting with them as well. I can’t help but think their little joke served a dual purpose. They did want to tease Somi, but also wanted to let Minhyuk see their dynamic in the dorm. I’m looking forward to the next chapter and also Jooheon’s return.

P.s. Sorry this story is not coming as easily to you as others, but you are doing a great job.❤️
2034 streak #6
Chapter 22: This chapter was so much fun! It's so nice to see how they were all getting along with each other and being supportive of each other. Also, nice to see Somi get along with a few other classmates of hers. And Yujin was nice too. And the scenes after Minhyuk appeared were really funny. I hope this will have a positive effect on him. Afterall that's their goal, isn't it? And from your afternoon, I'm pretty excited to read the next chapter. Hope to see an update soon ^^
748 streak #7
Chapter 21: Thank you for the update, I hope you’ve been well. I absolutely loved this chapter. Somi’s time with Jooheon was priceless. He needs to admit that his interest in her stems from exactly what he was thinking - that she’s a good person and not like the others at the school. His laugh after she punched him was everything. I think it somewhat broke the ice between them as well. Hyunwoo was perceptive enough to realize that Jooheon (and Minhyuk) will be a good fit. I can’t wait to see how they pull it off without running them away.

Lastly, I feel so bad for Kihyun. That witch has him brainwashed, and all she can think about is how to steal away Hyunwoo.
2034 streak #8
Chapter 21: Was a nice chapter. The way Jooheon and Somi went at each other, I'm not sure how I feel about it. But I'm definitely curious of how they are gonna bring him and Minhyuk into their group. And speaking of this, I also wonder why Hyunwoo suddenly suggested it. Also poor Kihyun. So she's also a cruel master? Although it didn't really come as a shock, I still was hoping maybe she wasn't that bad. Anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next update ^^
Chapter 21: Omg! It's so crazy that I was thinking about this story and hoping for an update when suddenly I logged back in and saw the update! Thank you so much!

Okay so I'm loving the long chapters, thank you thank you! Joo and Somi are really going at it and you know what, even if she felt bad, I understand why she punched Joo. There's only so much one can take and he's been pushing it. But I'm glad she apologized because it speaks well on who she is as a person. Joo honestly needs to come to terms with his interest in Somi and I hope soon someone else gets him to spill it all out. Minhyuk would do well at it honestly hahahahhah. Oh gosh, Hoseok is just so lovely! I love the way he treats Somi and honestly, I would love to have him by my side right now. Adorable, loving....omg I love it! But Hyungwon is also very sweet for cheering for Somi and encouraging her during training. And Hyungwoo.... I'm so curious as to what prompted his idea of bringing Joo into the group. Especially because he warned Somi not to interact with him so strictly in the beginning... curious so very curious... Also, Changkyun sometimes just...it feels like...I may be reading into it wrong but the way he changes when Somi is in danger or outsiders approach her is quite telling and interesting...I don't know but I like how they can bicker and push each other's buttons but are there for each other 100%.
2034 streak #10
Chapter 20: Ooh... Not gonna lie, somehow my brain failed to connect the dots in the previous chapter when she found the new Card. Of course it would be him since he's the only one who hasn't made his appearance yet. Anyway, this chapter was nice as always. Hyunwoo and her bickering was nice. And can't wait to see how things would go with the new Card dweller (just trying to keep it a mystery I suppose. LoL). Hope to see an update soon ^^