unfolding truths

"here, take this." seulgi hands over a can of beer to junmyeon who accepts it.
"thanks." he opens the can and sips from it, wincing after. "damn. you really gave me a good lip cut with your punches."
seulgi chuckles. "i am a veteran, in case you have forgotten."
junmyeon chuckles. "right."
"do you need me to get the medkit again?"
"no. i'm fine now. how about you, is your nose still bleeding?"
"nope. all good now."
junmyeon nods a few times and then turns his attention back to the city view in front of them. "joohyun's right. you have a pleasant view from here."
seulgi opens her can, bends over to the railing, and drinks. "she never told me that."
"she told me that night she came here. says you have a cool balcony."
seulgi smiles.
"she was... extra sweet that night to me, you know..." says junmyeon in a way seulgi knows he's ready to spill something. "exerting extra effort to provide real-time updates.i don't have issues with her going here. you were injured after you saved our kid. going here to take care of you is the right thing to do.
"but her actions that night got me thinking," he continues. "she was over-communicating to the point i find it odd. is she masking something underneath that sweetness? is she trying to give me the impression she's no longer in love with you when in fact, she still does?"
seulgi eyes her beer can and wipes the dew with her thumb. this conversation is making her feel guilty at some point.
"i never mentioned that to her." junmyeon sips from his can. "besides, she's exerting too much effort to make it up with me, leaving no room for any doubts."
seulgi drinks her beer too, silently listening.
"joohyun's an admirable woman. really. a woman of her word." junmyeon huffs. "despite our fights and the challenges we are facing, she never gave up on me. she was never willing to throw in the towel even if i wanted to."
seulgi looks at the doctor. "what do you mean?"
"i've been talking to her about getting a divorce since two years ago."
"what?" seulgi's eyebrows furrows. "please tell me you're not cheating on her."
"i'm not! i wouldn't do something like that to her. not to her." junmyeon went silent. "she doesn't deserve that."
"then why divorce her?"
he looks at his can and exhales. "she's in pain, and it's because of you and me." he looks at seulgi. "i am the only reason she hasn't begged on her knees for you to come back to her yet."
"that's not true. she loves you. she told me she doesn't have plans of leaving you for me nor anyone else."
"yeah. that's the reason we made it this far. eight years. only because she wants to keep her vow when she married me."
a crease forms on seulgi's forehead. "i don't understand. she loves you."
"yeah. but she loves you more."
seulgi shakes her head. "look. it doesn't matter if she still feels something for me. what's important is she's willing to fight for your marriage."
"she would have done the same to you if you hadn't given up on her before. she would have beaten all the odds for you. that's just how she is," says junmyeon. "she's already proven to me how much she wants us to work out, and i admired her for that. but the way she looked that night she broke down still haunts me up to this very moment. and i keep asking myself, why am i still holding onto her?
"it started two years ago, after you saved yerim," he continues, bringing the can to his chest. "she was down and lifeless, crying secretly for months like she's mourning or something. i noticed, so i confronted her. she wouldn't admit it at first until i finally get her to admit it's all because of you."
there was a pause. seulgi had to look down as guilt builds up again inside of her.
"so, i asked her; what if yerim and our marriage aren't in the equation, will she still choose me? which was a ing wrong move because she couldn't answer me." junmyeon chuckles. "i told her we should divorce. she said no. she said she loves me, and we'll make it work out for yerim. i felt her eagerness so i agreed."
for some reason, that story made seulgi recall that night in the hotel room when they broke up. junmyeon's story is like a déjà vu of what happened to her and joohyun before, of how the latter couldn't react when seulgi asked if she likes the doctor who was calling her.
the memory of joohyun admitting to it still brings pain in her chest. but she feels sorry for junmyeon too, having to experience the same thing.
but yeah, junmyeon's right. joohyun would have beaten all the odds for her only if seulgi hadn't given up on them.
"i wanted to hate you, but i couldn't," junmyeon admits. " i want to blame it all on you because all of these wouldn't have happened if you hadn't given up on her. but whenever i think about it, it's all my fault.
"she told me all about you when i asked her to marry me," he continues. "i didn't care because all i care about that time was to put a ring on her finger. so, i told her all the flowery words i could come up with to make her feel i understand her, and that i'll be there for her no matter what. and she agreed to marry me. i got the girl. i was happy. but i realised she said yes only because she thought you were never coming back; because she needs to move on with her life too."
seulgi pushes herself back from the railing and looks at junmyeon. "but joohyun wouldn't give up on you. isn't that enough reason for you to make this work out with her?"
junmyeon purses his lips and shakes his head. "i don't want to hurt her anymore. i know she's in pain whenever she sees you with other women. i always thought you're over her, seeing how you interact with them. i thought it's one-sided for joohyun. but for whatever reason, fate maybe, gyuri and i met this morning. she just had to tell me how you two hooked up weeks ago and how you ruined it by saying you're still not over your ex yet, and that you want her back."
"i'm sorry." seulgi looks down, embarrassed. "i didn't know she'd tell something as embarrassing as that."
"well, that's gyuri." junmyeon smiles a bit. "what's more embarrassing is i got mad after hearing that story. i thought you and joohyun were cheating on me all this time. i confronted her and told her things. she cried and admitted everything, even that night she spent with you instead of going to work. enraged, i drove straight here to give you a piece of me. but while i was driving, i thought to myself: if you both still love each other, then what am i still doing, standing in your way?"
seulgi doesn't know what to say. this is why she feels guilty because she knows she did something she shouldn't.
"i'm sorry for coming here unannounced and for attacking you. i just had to let it out. been bottling that for two years," says junmyeon. "i knew i was the reason you two broke up before. and it irks me to know that despite the entire country admiring how brave you are, you're still a coward when it comes to joohyun. you fought the evens before but you never fought for her. and until now, you still won't fight for her."
seulgi clenches her fist, feeling guiltier now. "i won't deny it's my fault. i gave up on us without a fight. but if i'll be given a chance to correct it, i would have done differently. but i can't anymore. and still can't do it now because our situation isn't as simple as before."
junmyeon said nothing after that. they stay silent, listening to the buzz of the city.
"please tell me you still love her," he finally says. "like you did before--if not, even more. i want to hear it from you, coming from your mouth."
seulgi looks awkwardly at the doctor and then looks down at her beer. "she's... she's the only person i've loved in this way. to be honest, i don't think i'll be able to love anyone else the way i love her. and it . because i shouldn't. because she has you and yerim."
"will you take her back if i set her free?"
seulgi isn't sure if she should answer it. but junmyeon's face is serious, and he demands an answer.
"i'd jump at the chance," she admits, and junmyeon's face softens. "but you can still work this out. i will stay away from you--"
"i've made up my mind. we've already prolonged this for too long. she's already given me nine years of her life, eight years in marriage. and as i've said, i don't like to hurt her anymore by keeping her beside me. she wouldn't give up if i wouldn't, so i'd do it for her."
seulgi stared at the doctor, gape-jawed.
junmyeon gives an assuring nod. he looks away, narrows his eyes hard as if preventing tears from falling.
"just please take care of her, will you?" he says, but his voice breaks. he covers his mouth with a hand. "please... please take care of her. make her happy..."
seulgi takes the can of beer from junmyeon's shaking hand and pats his back.
"! this hurts so much! dammit!" junmyeon smacks the railing with his palm and breaks down in tears. "but this is the right thing to do, isn't it?" he looks at seulgi. "you will make her happy, right?"
"no! you have to promise me you'll make her happy, or else i'll kill you!"
"i... i promise..." she assures him. "but what about yerim?"
"she will understand eventually," he says. "it's not like she never had an idea. and the more we prolong this, the more she's hurting. she's the one who told me how her mom always seems happy whenever the three of you go out." he stands up straight and wipes his tears. "i will still be there for them, for yerim. but i'd have to set joohyun free. i know she won't agree with this, but i need to do this for her otherwise, our marriage will consume her."
there was a sudden buzz on the door.
"there's a high probability that could be joohyun," says junmyeon, fixing himself. "i left her in the middle of an argument and turned off my phone whilst driving here."
"should i let her in or do you want me to tell her you're not here?"
"please let her in so we can talk."
not sure what's the right thing to do, seulgi went to the door and opened it. junmyeon was right. it was joohyun.
"seulgi, what happened to you!" joohyun enters immediately and sees the mess inside. "what--"
her eyes widen, seeing both seulgi and junmyeon standing before her, both with bruised faces and blood-stained shirts.
there was a split-second hesitation of whom she should approach first, but joohyun went for her husband and cups his cheeks. "babe, what happened?"
seulgi puts her hands in her pockets, smiling in disappointment.
"we had a bit of an argument, but we're okay now," says junmyeon calmly. he holds his wife's hands. "we need to talk."
"look. whatever happened earlier, whatever i told you, let's forget about that, please?" joohyun, pleads. "can we just give it another start, for yerim?"
"joohyun, please..." says junmyeon. "i already talked to seulgi. i've made up my mind."
joohyun steps back, looking alternately between seulgi and junmyeon. "no..."
"babe, i'm only doing this for you--"
"no!" joohyun keeps retreating. "you two are just the same! while here i am doing everything i can to keep you, you're just deciding to give up everything and leave me behind! do my decision even matters to you? do i even matter to you?"
seulgi felt all the pain in joohyun's words. her eyes warm up. she knew how her actions before hurt the other woman so much. she wants to approach and hug joohyun, but she can't, afraid it'll push the woman away.
"so, you went here to hand me over to seulgi, is that it?" joohyun scoffs. "what am i, a toy? did you even consider asking me how i feel about this? and yerim, can you really hurt your daughter like that?"
"babe, please--"
"i hate you!" joohyun shouts at junmyeon. she looks at seulgi, tears streaming down her cheeks. "i hate you both!"
and with that, she storms out of the door, leaving seulgi and junmyeon alone. seulgi was about to follow her out, but junmyeon stops her.
"let me talk to her," he says. "seulgi, thank you for everything."
junmyeon closes the door behind him. seulgi's left alone, thinking how her life resembles her apartment's current state.
it's messy.
seulgi didn't hear from anyone after that. she assumed that maybe the couple talked it over and decided to work things out.
sooyoung was beyond shocked when seulgi told her. seungwan, who's always been joohyun's confidant, admits she hasn't heard from the woman yet. both advised seulgi to take it low for now and let junmyeon and joohyun settle the issue themselves.
two weeks passed, and seulgi goes back to her usual life. she never attempted to visit joohyun or yerim even if she goes there to check the shelter. her visits were mostly spent with sunmi, who advised her the same thing--to stay away for now.
she was close to thinking her chances of getting back with joohyun is close to zero, until one day her phone rings.
it was later afternoon. seulgi just finished parking her car in her apartment building after visiting the shelter when joohyun's name flashes on her phone. she stares at it for seconds, internally debating whether to answer or not.
and what would she say? hi? hello? what's up?
shaking her head, seulgi clears and answers it.
"seulgi..." joohyun's voice is distressed. seulgi knows something bad happened. "a-are you here in town...?"
"yeah. i just came from the shelter. what's wrong?"
"yerim..." joohyun sobs. "she... she ran away after overhearing junmyeon and mom talking about the divorce... and i don't know where she went... i... i am still at work. junmyeon is looking for her now, but he can't find her."
that surprised seulgi. so, they are still pushing the divorce. although she wants to ask more, she sets the idea aside.
"hey... calm down. i'll go help find her, okay?" seulgi is already walking up the stairs to her floor. "are there any places you think she would go to?"
"i don't know, seulgi... i..." her voice cracks.
"hyun, calm down. i can ask for help from my staff here. i can message my former sau comrades too for help. i'm sure she's--" she pauses when she sees yerim sitting outside her door, head on her knees like she's crying.
"she's here."
"she's there? i'll tell mom and junmyeon to go there now."
"no. let me talk to her first. i'm her playmate, remember? she'll tell me all her thoughts. i'll bring her back to you later once she's calmed down."
it took time for joohyun to answer. "okay. thank you..."
"stop worrying now, okay?"
joohyun sniffs. "thank you, seulgi."
"no prob. i'll call you later." seulgi hangs up the phone.
she walks towards the kid, wondering how she can face yerim, knowing she's the cause of the kid's pain.
"hey. your mom and dad love each other, and them separating doesn't mean they don't care about you." seulgi tries to console the kid who hasn't stopped crying since they entered the apartment. she even had to carry the kid to the couch for them to settle and talk.
"but why do they have to divorce?" yerim looks up at seulgi, her eyes swollen. "can't they just stay together?"
"i..." seulgi looks away. "i don't know, sweetie. but i'm sure they'll still be there for you. i'll be here for you too."
"seulgi..." yerim wraps her arms around seulgi's waist and buries her face in the latter's stomach. "i don't want them to divorce. please talk to them..."
seulgi's heart breaks. she looks up, preventing tears from falling. "i've talked to your dad about it before... but i'll try again..."
"please... please..."
"do you know why they are divorcing?"
"i heard daddy tell granny he's doing it because he wants mommy to be happy..."
seulgi didn't know what to say. she rubs the kid's back with a hand. "baby..."
yerim pulls back. "granny says mommy's never forgotten 'her' even if they were married and daddy looked so sad. i knew she was talking about mom's first love."
seulgi looks at the kid, not sure what to say anymore.
"why does that woman have to ruin my family?" yerim covers her face with her palms. "i wouldn't want to meet her, ever!"
seulgi pats the kid again, not sure if she's making the right approach to the situation. "yerim, baby, i have to tell you something..."
yerim pulls her hands away and looks at seulgi.
"remember when you asked your mom before about her first love?" asks seulgi. yerim nods. "like your mom, i had it too when i was in the university."
the kid looks at her expectantly, waiting for her to continue her story. seulgi felt her heart tightening as she's sure there is no good outcome after this.
but the kid needs to know. she deserves to know.
"that girl and i were together for years," seulgi continues. "but just like your mom said on what usually happens with first loves, things happened between us. we broke up."
"well, first of all, i thought she wasn't happy with me anymore since i was always away because of my work in aef. and then i found out she met a guy who's always there for her when i'm not around."
"she cheated on you?"
"no, baby. no." she the kid's hair. "but they had a strong connection so i thought it's better to let her be happy in someone else's arms instead."
this time yerim didn't speak, but she's listening eagerly.
seulgi fills her lungs with air, hoping it'll build up her courage too. "i wasn't able to forget about her, you know. i've tried getting into other relationships but no one can really replace her. and then, one day, due to some circumstances, we met again after so many years. i was happy because i found out she still feels the same way for me."
yerim thinks for a moment. "are you two back together now?"
seulgi shakes her head. "i don't know. things are complicated between us."
"remember the guy who was there for my ex when i wasn't around? she married that man and they had a kid together." she pauses and looks at yerim. "a very beautiful daughter."
yerim's mouth opens, and she looks like it's starting to make sense to her now.
"she's a bright, bubbly, and charming little princess." seulgi looks away, smiling. "she says she wants me to be a part of her family. i'm not sure if that's still the case now."
yerim narrows her eyes as a new set of tears forms.
"do you want to know what's the kid's name?" seulgi asks yerim.
yerim shakes her head. "no... no..."
"baby, i..." seulgi wants to touch yerim, but she couldn't, afraid it'll break the kid. "i'm sorry..."
"i hate you!" yerim cries out. "i hate you! i hate you!"
seulgi presses her lips together as her tears finally rolled down her cheeks. she hugs yerim to her chest, hoping to calm the kid down. yerim pounds her closed fists to resist, but seulgi keeps hugging her closer.
"i'm sorry, baby. i'm really sorry." she hugs the kid tighter. "i never planned for this to happen. i'm sorry..."
"i hate you... i hate you..." yerim continues, her voice muffled. she lets out a long wail of agony and defeat.
seulgi keeps hugging the kid in her arms, wondering when this rain would stop.
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in case you missed reading the foreword, this is a sequel story. if you haven't read untouchable yet, i suggest you go over that before proceeding with this.



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Chapter 1: Decided to reread this beautiful story again for the nth timeeee
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #2
Chapter 24: The best in the world 🤍
Chapter 19: Chapter 19: Rereading this story for like the 10th time cause not only is it so well written but also sorry for the rant but Seulrene's love story is pretty similar to my step dad and my mom's story they were each other's first love since childhood and they both were in a relationship for more than 5 years but my mom broke my step dad's heart cause of my grandpa who hated my step dad all because he was not rich like them literally after a few months of their break up my grandpa forced my mom into a loveless marriage with my dad who apparently was into my mom even when she was in a relationship with my step dad and he took the golden opportunity when the marriage proposal came..

My mom was a dutiful wife for over 17 + years but my step dad never moved on instead he became a pretty successful person career wise as if to mock my grandpa. and they met each other again when I was 11 years old during a mutual school friend's wedding and since the friend was very close to both of them meet ups became a regular thing after that my dad got super insecure and started neglecting and fighting with my mom every chance he got and I guess my step dad became her support system during those times.. when the the news of their divorce came out I reacted the same way as Yerim did it was way worse when i knew the reason behind it my mom loved someone else and never loved my dad💀💀..

When my step dad first came to me and my sister take our permission to marry our mom I remember hating him and being resentful towards him but living with them and seeing how he treats my mother compared to how my father treated her and how hard he tries to bond with me and my sister and most importantly how my mom looks truly happy for the first time in her life makes their divorce seems like the best decision ever..my dad's also a much better person after the divorce I guess dude was just bitter because he genuinely thought that my mom will learn to love him at one point..
Luvylynn #4
Chapter 23: Why I just found this beautifully written story of yours now, authornim. Really love your work here authornim!
I’m here again 😁
Chapter 23: You're untouchable author nim🧎‍♀️
Purple1313 #7
Chapter 23: Your stories are too good. I just finished this in one sitting. I'm glad their back together, and everything worked out fine in the end.
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #8
Chapter 25: I'm back again but just want to appreciate your beautiful work, I hope u doing good, take care and I hope u stay healthy author nim 🤍🤍🤍
926 streak #9
Chapter 23: Coming back here because I missed reading this au!!
This was my favorite SR au and I always end up crying reading this au!! I was just a silent reader that time!! Thank you authornim for writing this heart-wrenching story (in a good way) and for giving SR a happy ending!!
I'm forever grateful to you schindlee-nim
Kangseul98 #10
Chapter 12: Back again here and still crying reading this story
Never bored. The story is beautifully crafted, it's riveting and feels like it's being drawn into the story itself