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“There!  That’s the last of them.”


Byul wipes off the sweat from her forehead after hanging the last string of fairy lights by the window.  She takes a deep sigh of relief and looks around the room to see the product of her hard work. Christmas tree standing by the wall, presents filling its foot, Christmas stockings hanging by the window on the other side of the room, filled with different kinds of sweets and the tiniest gifts, and strings of golden fairy lights illuminating every corner of the room— Byul never thought that even with the simplest decorations, all can be colored with love and happiness, because what’s important is that you get to spend wonderful time with the people you truly love.  “Perfect… What do you think, Wheein?”


Byul waits for a reply, but after waiting for a few seconds, she looks back to see how the other girl is doing, only for her to see Wheein sipping the evening away with the freshly made cocoa.  “You seem to enjoy that cocoa I made you, huh?” Wheein snaps back to reality when the older girl kisses her forehead, turning her attention to her. “What can I say? Everything you do is perfect.”  “I’d take that as a yes from my previous question.”  


Now both sitting on the couch, Byul snuggles to Wheein and looks up to her,  “Can I also taste that?” The two lock eyes, knowing what will happen next. Wheein grins at her lover, and carefully, she puts down the mug of cocoa on the table beside the couch.  She turns her attention to Byul, holding her with her warm hands. Like handling a fragile piece of art, she lifts Byul’s chin slightly, observing every inch of detail that makes up the masterpiece in front of her.  “You’re so beautiful.” And slowly, their lips meet, melting each other’s souls with the tenderness and sweetness of their own flavours.  


Their foreheads touch, looking into each other’s eyes after sharing that magical moment.  But the scent of the cocoa continues to fill the room, making their young hearts flutter with joy.  In that second, they throw their heads back like little kids as they laugh. “Wheein! The cocoa will get cold.”  Wheein continues to cling onto Byul, “I don’t care!” She pouts, “I can make you warm.” The younger woman smirks at her girlfriend, teasing Byul, but she only receives a soft kiss on her forehead from the latter, “You already did, Whee.  And you never fail to ignite my heart for you.”


Byul looks into Wheein’s eyes, “I am so happy that I get to spend every minute with you.”  She tucks Wheein’s hair behind her ear, getting a clearer view of the perfection in front of her, “I’m never letting you go, so keep holding onto me, Wheein, okay?  I love you.” “Byul… I love you too.” Wheein wraps her arms more tightly, and rests her head on Byul’s shoulder. “I just want to stay like this… forever.” “Me too, Wheein, me too.”  


Finding serenity and warmth in each other’s embrace, they let the time pass by admiring the twinkling lights that make the room shine.  “You decorated this place really well.” Hearing that remark from her artsy and creative girlfriend, Byul’s cheeks blush, “I learned from the best.”  To show her gratitude, she kisses Wheein on the cheek, which earns a chuckle from them both.


“It’s almost Christmas, Wheein.  I have something for you…”

Byul gets up from the couch.  She walks towards her bag and takes out an object that seems to be wrapped in red and gold special paper and ribbons.  She returns to the couch and hands Wheein the gift. Curious, Wheein examines the square-like and thin object. “What’s inside?”  “You have to open it first, you know?” She looks at Byul judgingly, while the latter attempts to hide her excitement. One by one, Wheein unties the ribbons that hold the paper which wraps the gift.  Neatly, she removes the adhesives from the paper, revealing a printed polaroid picture from their first anniversary. “This is not all of it, isn’t it?” Byul shakes her head, “Remove the sleeve and you’ll see.”  “Ah, so this picture of us… it’s a cover for the actual thing?” Byul reassures her, “Yep! Don’t worry, everything’s fine and well.” Wheein looks at her and sighs, “Okay…”


Carefully, Wheein removes the cover, now holding the actual gift.  “Byul… W-what is this?” She looks at her lover, uncertain with what she is seeing.  “You tell me what it is.” Byul grins as Wheein continues to stare at her.

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cyner9 #1
Chapter 1: ang sweeettttttt
Chapter 1: It hurts so good moar please
Chapter 1: TT TT
It’s so good though TT
Chapter 1: You have er punched me with this...but still a very good job. Thank you for sharing! ^^
Chapter 1: i did not expect that to happened....
Chapter 1: T.T
Kool_lee13 #7
Chapter 1: Omg my heartttttt urggh I'm ugly cryingggg
Chapter 1: This is so beautiful. Thanks for this, author nim
wheeinwonderland #9
Chapter 1: i love it so much and also i hope you keep writing, as such i love your writing. hope u had a great day author!