
Leading Us to This New Chance
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Months later...

The trip to Jeju has arrived and Arrow couldn't be more excited.

After Jeongho and Namazzi's daughter, Afiya, was born, they were able to better plan what to do and with that they went on a trip before the summer vacation came to an end. Donghae and Ryeowook were also very excited, especially the latter who could barely have a week of fun.

- I can't believe we're going to Jeju. – Ryeowook said while driving to the airport – Will it be weird if I thank them again for the invitation?

- I don’t think so. It was nice of them to take us on this trip and pay for everything. – and so he looked at Arrow – Alright there?

- Yeah!

- Excellent. Keep in mind then that we are going to have a lot of fun this week, but next week your classes start.

Arrow rolled his eyes, much to Donghae's dismay and much to Ryeowook's delight, and continued playing with a polar bear that was his Christmas gift. Donghae shook his head and thought it best not to start a series of arguments for which he would lose his temper with Arrow who would only respond in a rude manner.

Donghae sometimes wondered if he would have to deal with this new rebellious behavior of a baby who woke up one day saying dada and papa.

Back then it was a lot easier – that's what Donghae thought as he looked at Arrow who was happily playing with his polar bear named Clock. But in time the boy ended up falling asleep and the brown-haired man said:

- Arrow has been so hard to deal with lately. He started challenging me and I don't like it. Last time he spilled juice on the floor and shrugged it off when I told him to clean it up.

- And what did you do?

- I grounded him. Aisha called him to spend the day at her house and I had even let him, but after what happened I said he wouldn't go. Arrow cried, but I wanted him to understand that actions have consequences.

- Is this the terrible age of babies?

- I think so. Jangmi said that Hyukjae and I should teach him that his actions will have consequences. At Hyukjae's house, Arrow says he won't eat vegetables. In my house, he soils the floor. I don't know why this has happened.

- Is Arrow trying to make you understand that he doesn't want to go to school?

Donghae sighed.

- Maybe, but I can't do anything for him. He goes to school whether he likes it or not. Arrow is such a sociable kid and he has so many friends. In kindergarten he'll meet more people and he'll see that it's not that bad.

- And don't you worry that Arrow is a defender of his best friend?

- No. Arrow knows he can't hit anyone at all. And I heard Gaeul once say he doesn't want Arrow to be upset because people are laughing at him.

Ryeowook shook his head and said:

- You have a son with a savior complex, Donghae. But Arrow is loyal to his friends. After talking to the little Wookie, I understood that they are real friends.

- And how has it all been?

- What?

- The discovery of a nephew and a twin brother.

Ryeowook sighed.

- After Arrow's birthday, Yesung really ignored all my questions and said he didn't want to talk about it. Only recently did he explain to me why he didn't tell me about his twin.

- And why did he explain it to you just now?

- Because we went to see his mother and found his brother there. And Yesung just said that they had a fight because Yesung doubted raising the little Wookie because his father works so hard. They had an argument and they haven't talked since.

- What a situation... But at least now you know.

- Yes, but I don't like it when people lie to me or omit things. Yesung understood this and said he wouldn't do it anymore.

Donghae nodded and patted Ryeowook twice on the shoulder as the blond drove towards the airport. He thought it best to change the subject, so the two started talking about the trip. And when they arrived at the airport, the blond left his car there and so Donghae carried Arrow who hugged his neck and kept sleeping. Jeongho saw them and quickly helped them with their bags, as it was difficult to carry the bags and the sleeping little one.

- Thank you, Jeongho-ssi. – Ryeowook said – What is the terminal?

- No, no. We're going on a private jet.

Donghae and Ryeowook were surprised, but followed Jeongho who smiled and guided them to where they would board. There was Namazzi with her daughters and Aisha was disappointed when she saw that Arrow was sleeping. However, as soon as Ryeowook saw her and smiled, she showed the deck of memory playing cards and asked:

- Let’s play, Wook?

- Sure! – he smiled and sat next to her after greeting everyone and seeing the cute baby who was on her mother's arms – What is this game?

- It's a memory game that halmeoni bought for me.

- So let's play.

And while Ryeowook and Aisha played, Donghae put Arrow to bed. He took off his son's flip-flops and looked at Namazzi who smiled and watched her husband talking to the pilot. Then the brown-haired man wiped his hands and whispered:

- Can I carry her?

- Of course you can.

With that, Donghae carried Afiya and smiled as she looked at him and yawned. She was very cute and similar to her older sister. Donghae always wondered what it felt like to carry a baby again, so he got emotional because he missed when Arrow was a little baby.

- She's very cute. I know I saw her after she was born, but it's really nice to see Afiya again especially after you asked me to be her godfather.

- Well, you're a good friend and I like you a lot. My daughters like you a lot too.

Donghae smiled and looked at Aisha, who was concentrating on playing with Ryeowook, and then at Afiya who was looking at him curiously. He couldn't be happier at that moment.

- I like all of you too.

They smiled at each other and started talking as soon as Jeongho joined them after hehe finished his conversation with the pilot. Donghae really couldn't be happier to finally have friends with whom he could travel and share experiences. Perhaps this was the missing piece of his social life.


Arriving at the island, Donghae let Arrow accompany Aisha as they chattered nonstop and wanted to play when they got to the place where they would spend the week. Ryeowook, in turn, already took all the pictures possible to rub in Yesung's face where he was while his boyfriend needed to stay elsewhere for work.

Donghae was talking to Namazzi about Jeju, as she still didn't know that much, and with that everyone went to the house where they would be staying. Arrow and Aisha found a room with two beds and asked if they could sleep there and although the parents weren't quite sure about it (they were four years old and that would mean they would stay up late at night playing), they ended up allowing it and so the children were happy.

Donghae and Ryeowook shared another room and Jeongho and Namazzi took the master bedroom where their baby would sleep comfortably in the portable crib they brought.

- What a wonderful place. – Ryeowook said and looked at the couple – Thank you so much for inviting me too. I am truly happy.

- You are always welcome, Ryeowook-ssi. And we hope you and Donghae enjoy this week. You can already see that Arrow is having fun.

And the truth was that the boy was giggling a lot with his friend and they were already enjoying the trip very well. Then, as they wanted to rest before going out to dinner, Donghae and Ryeowook went to their room. Arrow and Aisha got together to watch a movie on Jeongho's iPad and so everyone had a quiet moment – especially as the baby was sleeping so well.

- Oh... – Ryeowook said and sat on the bed – Yesung said he's here.

Donghae laughed.

- He came to spy on you?

And so the blond laughed too.

- Actually, he's here with Hyukjae, Leeteuk and Heechul.

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chapter 55 fixed ^^ thanks shineenight for telling me <3


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1455 streak #1
Randomly reading chapters here :))
1455 streak #2
Chapter 25: Back here again cos this part is just so satisfying to read 🥹
1647 streak #3
Chapter 60: I said it before and I will repeat over and over again... I don't want this to be over T^T

This journey started as drama and end in a fluffy and cute bubble within the pandemic. I will miss the baby gang. Especially my favorite dino boy. But I'm so happy for my little Wookie getting a little stage here, too. Never imagined that our plots would fit in together that smoothly. Thank you, my dear ❤️

I think it's very brave to include the pandemic topic in here. I mean when that story was planned no one was thinking about it or in what kind if dangerous scenario thus would lead into. But there are still so many adventures waiting for the gang even during the pandemic and I would be curious to read about it.

Compared with the dramatic start of this story, the ending was very quiet but soft. But somehow it suits to all the events in the final. Everyone got the ending they deserve. Eunhae, Teukchul, Yewook, the kids and all the others. It's perfect. I love it.

I just missed Kangin in the end. I was hoping to meet him one more time. And happy with his life. Oh and maybe Yesung has to solve something with someone ^^ Maybe we will meet them in the sequel again.

Thank you for this wonderful adventure with all the ups and downs and everything that develops from here. This story is something very special for me, too. And like I told you the other day... I'm imagine the gang will go on a long school trip before we read them again next year. So saying goodbye isn't that sad. They will have fun ^^ Read you soon ❤️❤️❤️
insomniac2020 #4
Chapter 1: Just started reading this and today's 1st of Nov. Arrow's birthday!! Wow 😁 excited to read the entire story hehe
Chapter 60: Can't believe that after almost 4 years we are reading their happy ending 😭😭😭

I'm so emotional right now, cuz Arrow is like my son and now he is seven!! And we know his crush!! 😍😍😍

Now I can't really wait for the sequel cuz ai can't help but to know what our little sunshine will do with his life!!

Thanks for this amazing ending
1455 streak #6
Chapter 59: Omggg Arrow is really growing up 🤧 he's even liking someone already... The twins are cute! Really liked their nicknames ;))
1647 streak #7
Chapter 59: A short update but plain cute. Cursing Arrow and Gaeul are so adorable ^^ I bet they have learned from uncle Yesung XD XD

So you skipped a big part of pandemic. But I'm happy Arrow can meet his friends again. The time staying at home must have been so horrible for baby tiger and his gang. Even though this period could have included so many things and event, worth to put into a chapter.

Now we're at the point where Arrow has his first crush ^^ Wait, no. Is it before or after his crush on uncle Wook? We talked about it before and I always thought his first childhood crush was uncle Wook when his same age crush was Ai. Now I'm curious who it is? And will he tell Gaeul about it? Because they're always buddies in crime ^^ Maybe Gaeul has something to tell, too (I'm waiting for it) ^^

Thank you for this little sweet update. We need more moments like this, because I will miss the baby gang so much. Virtual hugs to Arrow, his crew and you ❤️❤️
Chapter 59: Chapter 59: My baby is getting older 😭😭😭😭 I really feel like if Arrow is another son for me, he is so like my own son so I can't help it but love him a lot

I didn't see it coming that he may be biual, all the time I was thinking that he would be with Aisha when they get older but this is so special for all of them cuz it means that Arrow is so confident about himself and that he knows now that he can like whenever he wants.

Now I want to know who is this boy that is stealing my baby!

And the twins are adorable 😍💙💙💙, and they are so smart!!! I really like to read the beautiful relationship between the brothers, they really love their big brother and I'm so happy that Donghae and Hyukjae are so proud of all of them
969 streak #9
Chapter 59: Arrow has a crush on a boy. Is it Gaeul?
Thanks for the update.
1455 streak #10
Chapter 58: 💙 such a comfort to read ✨ thank you :)