Chapter 23

The Village in the Forest

They were announcing the royal family.


Seungcheol watched as the King and his wife received applause and praises from the crowd below. The ballroom was grand and magnificent, yet if anyone should signs of being displeased, they didn’t dare show it. 


Seungcheol thinks of how he spent most of his childhood in the orphanage. Starving, sickly, frail. He had to dig himself from the ground below to be in the position that he was in today, a member of the royal guard. 


He always told himself he would be there one day, front and center, to witness the downfall of the Yoon family. For not only the hurt that Seungcheol went through, but from what he also saw from his peers, the people he grew close with. 


Yet he thought of how the community praised Jeonghan. The Precious Prince of Kaeleous. God, Seungcheol had so much hatred for the omega before they even made eye contact for the first time in their life. How someone in power who made Seungcheol’s life miserable could be so well loved by the same people that Seungcheol struggled with. His actions couldn’t be as genuine as everybody thought they were. 


He thought of what Soonyoung said over and over in his head. If Jeonghan had been a normal peasant like him… Seungcheol would have believed him. Would have believed every laughter, every smile he threw his way, every dessert or pastry that Jeonghan would make and offer to everyone. Seungcheol would have been an idiot in love, stealing glances and kisses and-


But whatever. There was no alternate universe, no future, no time traveling to a world where Seungcheol and Jeonghan could live together. 


Seungcheol didn’t delude himself. For someone in his position, delusions weren’t an option anyways.


He watched with a bored expression, glancing at the time again. Where the hell was Jeonghan? He had to be here. The plan was stupid, but less likely to involve anyone getting into actual trouble. Plus, it’s not like they were hurting Jeonghan. Not really. 


Couldn’t really call it a plan. More like a prank. But it still had a purpose. It was a part of the many plans that they apparently had in line for the prince, but Seungcheol didn’t really care. He wanted to get rid of Jeonghan’s perfect little facade. Get him to experience a mild unfortunate incident, which should showcase his true colors. Yelling, screaming, disregard for anyone else- 


“We present to you, the Prince of Kaeleous, Yoon Jeonghan!”


Everyone in the audience clapped, and Seungcheol looked to the top of the stairs, where now standing was Jeonghan-


God, did he look ethereal. 


Seungcheol felt a sudden pang in his chest.




Jeonghan was getting tired of the night. 


It was fun, nights like these. Just dance and talk to people and not have to worry about a thing. But he wasn’t too fond of crowds. Or the staring and pointing. Or the whispers. 


He hated hanging out with nobles. They were fake, every right smile and “harmless” comment wasn’t genuine. Which is why Jeonghan preferred out on the streets, helping the normal citizens and spending time with them, 


Some displayed a facade, of course - he was royalty, there wasn’t much he could do. But they were realer than any noble that Jeonghan interacted with. 


The only other person in higher power that Jeonghan appreciated was Minghao. And Minghao wasn’t here besides him. Minghao was off talking to who knows what.


He had a lot of importance in the kingdom, partly because his and Jeonghan’s friendship was one of the main reasons there was peace between their two respective countries. God will know what would happen should their friendship dissolved. 


Minghao looked stunning and relaxed, from where Jeonghan could see. Junhui was right behind him, not saying a word the entire time, but not leaving his side either. Their relationship was quite new, not out to the public yet, but Jeonghan was happy for him. He was thankful his friend managed to court his crush. 


Speaking of crushes, Jeonghan had no idea where Seungcheol was. He saw him earlier, when Jeonghan was being presented on the top of the staircase. The ballroom they were in was circular, with a balcony being a second floor, which is where Seungcheol had been standing. 


They made eye contact, Jeonghan remembered. He had to look away from the alpha, mentally counting to ten to calm down. Everyone had been looking at him so he had to keep his cool. He doesn’t even remember what the presenter had said during his introduction. 


Jeonghan had been escorted down the staircase, and that’s the last he had seen of Seungcheol. He was anxious to see him again. He planned on confessing tonight, after all. 


He had in his hands a small scroll, with a red ribbon tied on it. Many kept asking what is was for, and Jeonghan merely replied it was for a friend. He didn’t dare tell them it was a… love letter of sorts, expressing admiration for Seungcheol. 


Dear heavens, he had to get out of here. Seungcheol was probably still on the balcony. Jeonghan was going to have to excuse himself to everyone and go find him. 




Seungcheol had moved from his spot, now on the ground floor near the wall. 


It took him a while to get down from the balcony, but at long last, he was here now. Should be easy to get a hold of Jeonghan soon. All Seungcheol had to do was lead him to the refreshment table, where servants have been pouring out wine and whatnot. 


He found Jeonghan near the center, talking to some diplomats. Both of them were alphas, to which Seungcheol shouldn’t necessarily care about, but he found himself detesting the idea of them talking to the prince. 


The prince himself had on a gown, despite being a male. From what Seungcheol picked up, Jeonghan didn’t necessarily wear feminine clothing that often, even though he was an omega. 


Whispers around him had contemplated on whether he had worn the dress before, but all Seungcheol could think about was how stunning Jeonghan looked. His hair styled and put up nicely, his long dark eyelashes and his soft pink lips…




Jeonghan was now looking around, presumably looking a way to exit out of the conversation, when he made eye contact with Seungcheol. 


This is a lot harder than he thought it was. 


And at that moment, Jeonghan smiled. He grinned, his perfect white teeth slightly showing, though it wasn’t good etiquette, and Jeonghan appeared to have excused himself from the two diplomats, heading his way straight to Seungcheol. 


Was it genuine? At that moment, Seungcheol wasn’t sure. 


A couple of nobles attempted to stop Jeonghan, but he didn’t budge, stopping a few feet in front of Seungcheol before bowing down. “Hi, Seungcheol, I’m… glad you’re here.” 


Seungcheol bowed down as well, out of habit, but he took longer to stand up straight again, staring up at Jeonghan who, if Seungcheol didn’t know any better… actually looked excited to see him. 


“Your majesty,” Seungcheol said, fixing his posture. “I hope you are having a marvelous evening.” 


“I am- now, I am now,” Jeonghan said, albeit a bit too quickly. Was he experiencing nerves, at this hour? Seungcheol wondered what had gone behind the scene, what other nobles and such had been conversing with him about. 


Seungcheol noticed that Jeonghan still had the small scroll in his hand. He wondered what that was for, or if it even had any purpose. 


“Are you nervous?” Seungcheol asked. “What for?”


Jeonghan’s face got redder, and for a moment, Seungcheol wondered if he said something wrong. 


“I… have a lot on my mind,” Jeonghan said. Then, he added, “I wonder if I’m good enough.”


“Since when does a Prince wonder about that?” Seungcheol asked. Nobles had very high egos and he was sure Jeonghan was no different, even if he hid it.


“Prince or not, I can still be hated or rejected,” Jeonghan said quietly, hoping no one around them heard him. 


For a moment, Seungcheol felt bad for the prince. He had no idea what Jeonghan must have dealt with to be thinking negatively, but it didn’t sound good.


Oh, who was he kidding. Seungcheol himself hated the prince. 


“Anyways.” Jeonghan looked down at the scroll in his hands, holding it out to Seungcheol. “Do you mind holding this for me? I don’t have any pockets.”


That was a weird request. There was no harm to it, though, at least, Seungcheol hoped so. “It is my honor, your majesty-“


“Oh, shut up,” Jeonghan said. “I know you don’t mean that. But yeah, thank you.”


Seungcheol frowned, but grabbed the scroll nonetheless, putting it inside his coat. “Are-“


“My lord, my, you look MARVELOUS!” One of the Dukes (Seungcheol couldn’t remember his name) said to Jeonghan, giving a bow. 


“Oh, uh- thank you,” Jeonghan said, bowing down as well. 


He started wringing his hands, which upon closer inspection, they looked bitten, though he tried to cover them with nail polish. Why would Jeonghan be biting his nails?


“The music here is lively, isn’t it? Why, it’s the perfect atmosphere to dance, would you care to, your highness?” he asked, extending out his hand.


Jeonghan looked at Seungcheol, staring at him with wide eyes. Was he expecting Seungcheol to do something?


“Go ahead, your honor,” he said. It left a bad taste in his mouth, for reasons he didn’t know. “I hope you have a wonderful dance.”


“But I-“ 


“Excellent!” The Duke took Jeonghan’s hand and led him away, yet Jeonghan didn’t remove his eyes from Seungcheol. 




He didn’t want to dance with Duke Lim. Jeonghan didn’t want to dance with anyone.


He wanted Seungcheol. He had asked Seungcheol to hold the scroll so that they could dance. But yet he told him to dance with the Duke. 


Did Seungcheol not like him in that way? Jeonghan didn’t know. They had seen each other a couple of times. Jeonghan had thought… maybe…


Should he even confess to Seungcheol tonight?


The Duke kept trying to make small talk to Jeonghan, to which Jeonghan gave small answers. He wanted to leave. He wanted to talk to Seungcheol- 


“You’re at the age soon where you are supposed to find an alpha, no-“


“Excuse me.” Jeonghan let go of Duke Lim’s hands, bowing down. “I have something to attend to-“


Jeonghan didn’t even let him finish before running off, eyes looking for Seungcheol. 


Other nobles had their eyes on them, some attempting to talk to him, but Jeonghan blocked all of them out. He had to find Seungcheol. Where was he? Where was Seungcheol?


He looked around and couldn’t see him. He ran up the staircase to walk around the balcony and couldn’t find him either. Had he already left? Wasn’t he on duty? Did they move him to a different position? 


Jeonghan stood at the top of the staircase. All eyes were on him now, watching the prince. Many assumed he was going to make an announcement. 


He looked at every eye that faced his way, even Minghao and Junhui, who were wondering what Jeonghan was up to now.


He made  eye contact with everyone, which felt like years. Different ranges of emotions. Jealousy, lust, envy, disgust


Until he made eye contact with the one he needed the most right now.




Jeonghan was on the top of the staircase, and for the third time that evening, they made eye contact. Some would say, third time’s the charm. 


And when Jeonghan saw him, he froze. His face developed a nice flushed color, his lips parted slightly opened in thought. 


Seungcheol saw how Jeonghan grabbed his dress, pulling it up slightly as he ran down the staircase, almost stumbling twice.


When he reached the bottom, everyone looked away, though they still kept stealing glances, wondering what the prince was up to, what could have caused him to be in a hurry. 


Jeonghan was still looking at Seungcheol, and Seungcheol couldn’t bring himself to look away. He was curious by Jeonghan’s behavior. Prince or not, he still always held etiquette. What could have him acting this way?


Jeonghan stopped in front of Seungcheol. The omega was slightly out of breath, letting go of his dress as he bowed down again. “Seung… cheol.”


Seungcheol’s manners went out the window, as he stared at Jeonghan. 


“Did you need the scroll back?” Seungcheol asked. “I have it-“


“No- no, that’s… actually…” Jeonghan bit his thumbnail, which now confused Seungcheol even more. “If it’s too much to ask… may I ask that you deliver it later? If you open it and read it, you can see who it’s addressed to.”


“… no problem.” Seungcheol said. “You can count on me.”


You shouldn’t count on me. I’m going to ruin your life.


Jeonghan smiled, but in Seungcheol’s eyes, he still looked nervous. “Thank you, Cheol. You’re a lifesaver.”


He held out his hand slightly, before jerking it back. 


“It’s my job as your guard,” Seungcheol said, though it came out much colder than he expected. He didn’t mean it that way. 


He didn’t like how Jeonghan called him a lifesaver. If only he knew.


“Have you danced yet?” Jeonghan said abruptly. “It’s… it’s fun.”


Seungcheol shook his head. “I don’t want to get distracted while on duty.”


“I- I understand that but I-“


He’s making my job difficult, Seungcheol thought to himself. 


“Did you want to find someone to dance with, then?” Seungcheol said bitterly. “I’m sure there’s plenty of people who will dance with the prince-“


“Would you?” Jeonghan said quietly. “Are you… one of them?”


Was… was this a trick question? 


Seungcheol wondered… if there was some hidden meaning behind it. But the prince was cunning. 


But Seungcheol was one step ahead. 


He extended out a hand, giving Jeonghan a fake smile. Or, at least he thought it was fake. “Your highness.”




They were dancing.


The two of them were dancing.


Seungcheol had his left hand holding on to Jeonghan’s waist while their right hands were held high, interlocked together as they danced. 


They were in the center of the ballroom. Jeonghan didn’t know who was watching nor did he care. Seungcheol was dancing with him.


He could feel his heart bursting. Never in a million years did he think this was going to happen. He was nervous yet it was so thrilling, taking the risk and having Seungcheol dance with him.


He wanted Seungcheol to read the letter later, when he was alone. Mainly because Jeonghan was scared of getting rejected. He figured next time Seungcheol asked to see him, Jeonghan could be with Minghao so that he wasn’t alone when he faced the inevitable, worst case scenario. 


Or. Best case scenario…


Would Seungcheol say no? Or yes? They were dancing together but that could mean a million things. Maybe Seungcheol was doing it out of courtesy. Maybe he didn’t see anything special about them dancing. Maybe-


“Are you still nervous?” 


Jeonghan blinked, looking at Seungcheol in front of him. He was zoning out, this wasn’t good. 


The omega nodded slowly, looking down at his feet. The two were dancing in perfect rhythm. Jeonghan didn’t know Seungcheol was a trained dancer. That was nice- no, that hot. “I am.”


“Don’t be.” Seungcheol twirled Jeonghan a complete 360 before pulling him closer again. “You’re the prince, you’re perfect.” 


Jeonghan frowned. “I- what?”


“What, did I say something?” Seungcheol asked. “Your majesty?”


“What if I were a normal citizen of no status?” Jeonghan asked him. He was trying his best to hide the hurt from his eyes. “Would I not?”


Seungcheol didn’t say anything, the two dancing in silence. 


Jeonghan could feel something climb up his throat. He was going to throw up, oh dear heavens he was going to throw up-


“If you grew up with no status,” Seungcheol said slowly and quietly. “You’d be a different person. So I don’t know who you would be like.”


“Status or not, humans can be evil,” Jeonghan said. “I don’t think it matters at all.” 


“The commoners only commit atrocities because of those higher up screwing them over,” Seungcheol argued. 


Jeonghan could feel his eyes getting wet. “Did I screw you over?”


And at that moment, the two had been so engrossed in their argument, that when they were near the refreshments table with bottles of red wine, Seungcheol tripped, falling and taking Jeonghan with him wear the bottles of red wine exploded on his dead mother’s prized white dress.




Seungcheol prayed that the trip looked like an accident. 


This wasn’t what he had in mind. But it was a better alternative. The opportunities kept presenting themselves. This had to be a sign. This had to mean something, didn’t it?


He felt hands get on them, people shouting to help pick up the prince and his dance partner off the floor. Some people were shouting, many asking what was going on, what had happened, were they okay-


Seungcheol looked down at his outfit. He had gotten red wine spilt everywhere, and he was pretty sure there was glass. His back was aching in pain, as well as his ankle. 


He looked at Jeonghan beside him. The omega was just laying there, not making a move to get up, as many people attempted to pull him up, yet he made no effort. 


Jeonghan’s eyes were wide, blinking ever so slowly. Almost as if he were dead. He wasn’t dead, was he?


He looked dead, from the way the wine had spilt all over his dress, resembling blood. 


Seungcheol covered his mouth, attempting not to laugh. Jeonghan did look dead, and it was funny. A sick, twisted part of Seungcheol found it funny. 


But then Jeonghan finally moved his head upward slightly, making eye contact for the fourth time. The number four sounding like the word death. 


Tears started pooling in his eyes. “You-”


“JEONGHAN!” Minghao pushed everyone away from the prince, holding his hand. “Are you okay? Jeonghan can you hear me-”


And Jeonghan did not react the way Seungcheol intended. He did not scream, he did not bark orders, he did not cuss everyone out. 


No, he started crying. 


He was on top of a busted table and broken glass, and the prince started crying. 


“Your mother’s dress!!” Minghao managed to grab Jeonghan and help him sit up. “Oh no-”


His mother’s dress. 


Seungcheol thought of his dead parents. How he missed them. His life wouldn’t have turned out this way. No, he wouldn’t have struggled and fought for survival. He wouldn’t have stayed up all night wondering why nobody loved him. Wouldn’t have wondered if he did something in his past life to deserve it. 


He sat up, ignoring the pain that shot up through his body. “Jeonghan-”


Jeonghan covered his eyes as he cried, the wine burning him as he got up and pushed his way out of the crowd, away from everyone. 









He scrubbed. And scrubbed. And scrubbed the dress. 


The bathroom was filled with every kind of soap that the castle owned. Jeonghan had stripped down to his white cami and shorts, on his knees in front of the tub as he scrubbed as his life depended on it. 


His cuticles were bleeding. He had lost all feeling in his fingers, his hands red from the scorching hot water. And yet he continued scrubbing, desperate for the stains to come off, for the color to lighten, for anything. 


And yet. Nothing. 


Minghao was trying to help him, but he was growing tired. It was no use. There were no signs of results, and Jeonghan continued scrubbing. 


At that moment, the bathroom door bust open, and there at the doorway was a disheveled Seungcheol, catching his breath. “Jeonghan-”


Junhui appeared behind him, kicking him down. “Your honor, I’m so sorry-”


Seungcheol got up from the floor, the wine-stained piece of paper clutched in his hand. “JEONGHAN! I need to talk to you-”


Jeonghan let go of the dress in the later, tears filling his eyes again. 


“He wants to be alone!” Junhui yelled at him. “Prince’s orders!” 


“Junhui, Minghao, maybe you should leave.” Jeonghan said quietly. He was still staring at the dress in front of him, fully submerged in the tub. 


“Are you sure?” Minghao got up from where he was kneeling. 


Jeonghan nodded, his hands curling on the edge of the bathtub. 


Seungcheol waited till Minghao and Junhui left the bathroom and room, locking the door behind them. 


“I’m sorry,” Seungcheol stammered out. “I should have been more careful dancing-“


“It was on purpose,” Jeonghan said quietly. 


Seungcheol blinked. “I- what?”


Jeonghan looked at him. Five meaning change. “It was on purpose, wasn’t it?”


“I- I don’t know what you’re talking about it-“


“You’re trained.” Jeonghan stood up, not breaking eye contact with the alpha. “I saw your laugh, that you hid from everyone.”


Seungcheol’s face turned red. “I- Jeonghan-“


“Did this mean anything to you?” Jeonghan said, his voice getting louder. He was attempting to sound firm, but his voice was cracking, and a tear fell down his eye. “When you laughed with me, when we chatted, when you gave me those compliments, did it mean nothing?”


“Jeonghan.” Seungcheol held the paper up, the scroll that Jeonghan had given to him earlier to hold. Seungcheol didn’t read it tell he was stepping out of his ruined clothes, having completely forgotten about its existence. “I can explain- I didn’t know-“


“YEAH YOU DID!!!” Jeonghan yelled. “YOU KNEW!!!”


“I DIDN’T!!!” Seungcheol yelled back, his own eyes getting wet. “HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW?!”




Seungcheol also had tears falling down his face, but Jeonghan couldn’t tell if they were real or not anymore. “You have to understand, you’re the PRINCE!! How else was I supposed to react?!?”


Jeonghan hiccuped, his vision getting blurry. “You never even responded me when I asked how I screwed you over!!!”


Seungcheol wiped his eyes with the palms of his hand. “I- what?”


“You said commoners commit atrocities because of the higher ups screwing them over!” Jeonghan repeated. “How did I screw you over, Seungcheol, how?!?”


Seungcheol attempted to catch his breath as he wiped his eyes. Alphas don’t cry. He hasn’t cried in years. “Your father-“


“I am NOT my father!!” Jeonghan yelled. “Do NOT put this on ME!!”






Seungcheol's face darkened, his eyes narrowing. “You never would.”


Jeonghan finally broke down. 


He fell on his knees, sobbing as he buried his face into his hands, muttering words Seungcheol couldn’t hear.


“I’m sorry, WHAT-“











To: Choi Seungcheol




I know you don't know much about me, but I just really wanted to get this off my chest. 


I hope you are doing well. I know your position as a guard must be very stressful. But I’ve seen how fun you are along with your coworkers and your friends. And how nice and gentle you are. I hope you know that I really admire you for that. 


You show strong determination. I know that’s not an easy feat. So I hope you know that I am here from the sidelines, rooting you on. 


I get tired of my position. Sometimes I feel like I have it difficult, but then I hear about how you went through so many hardships while still young, and I realize what I have been through is nothing compared to you. And yet you didn’t let it affect you. You grew up to be a good person.


If I’m honest, I’ve been developing feelings for you for some time now. I keep trying to find other ways to say it, other ways to write this letter but I can’t. I really like you. I like the type of genuine person you are. 


We don’t have to court, though, I completely understand if you don’t see me in that way. But I don’t like to hide things from people. So I figured you should know. I try my best to be truthful and genuine. Thank you for letting us be friends. 


- Yoon Jeonghan









Jeonghan stayed in his locked room for a week. 


Maids, servants, guards, everyone was prohibited from entering the room. Jeonghan had moved his dresser to block the door for good measure. 


He had hidden an assortment of dried goods under his bed the day before the dance, so he was able to truly complete his wishes. 


Many times, Minghao came to hit on the door, threatening to bust it open. And Jeonghan would scream and cry, yelling of how pathetic he felt and how he just wanted to be alone, that he just wanted to mourn in peace. 


At first, he laid in bed. He had never quite accomplished this, even when his mother passed. As a royal, you always had something to do, whether it was meet people, attend lessons, etc etc. And for the first time, Jeonghan blew it all over. 


He would look over, and stare at the dress hanging on one of the dressers. Most of it was now covered in a red-purplish color, rips here and there from either the shattered glass or people who had tried to pull him up, or from when Jeonghan was scrubbing it until his hands bled. 


Why did the dress even matter? His mother had been dead for years. She wasn’t coming back. 


But Jeonghan missed her. The dress helped him feel like he was carrying her on. She was there with him, staying by his side, even if she wasn’t here physically. 


He still wanted her here, with him. Jeonghan wanted his mother. 


One of his biggest fears was having a child and not being there for them. Not being able to keep them safe. He wanted to be a good mother for them. Protect them at all costs. 


The delusional part of him had wished the father would have been Seungcheol, but alas. 




Jeonghan pulled out the basket underneath his bed with craft and sewing supplies, laying it all out on his bed. 


Then, when he was done with that, he grabbed his mother’s dress and took it out from the hanger, giving it one last look. 


It was completely ruined now. There was no way Jeonghan would be able to hand it down to his future kids. It was almost disrespectful. 


His mother wasn’t here anymore. But his kids, he’ll have to be there for them. He wanted to give them something, something to keep in memory of her, that they could carry around them. 


Jeonghan laid the dress down on the bed, and grabbed the scissors, apologizing to his mother before making the first cut. 










They were going to kill him. They were going to kill Seungcheol. 


Jeonghan was throwing random belongings in bags, despite their protests that he shouldn’t be moving. 


“The wound is very delicate Jeonghan!!” Minghao yelled, attempting to grab his arm. “They cut you pretty bad-“


“I need to leave.” Jeonghan, who had grabbed the white scarf made with the fabrics of his mother’s dress, crammed it into his bag before dropping it on the ground and grabbed both sides of Minghao’s face. “Minghao. We need to leave”


“I- what?” Minghao asked. He had also been crying, in pain at the sight of seeing his best friend wounded. “What do you mean?”


Jeonghan’s own tears fell down his face as well. “They’re going to hurt my baby, Minghao,” he said. “They’re going to hurt Seungcheol and my baby.”


“But it’s not SAFE!!” Minghao yelled. “Where- where do you plan on going?”


“I don’t KNOW!!!” Jeonghan cried out, full on sobbing. 


His whole body was in pain, his back aching from being pregnant, his feet swollen, the wound on his stomach burning him up. And his heart, his heart was bursting out of his chest, fear coursing through his whole body. 


Minghao also cried out in pain, pulling Jeonghan into a hug as they sobbed in unison. His best friend was leaving. People wanted to kill his best friend who was injured, and he was leaving. 


One of Seungcheol’s friends, Mingyu, dashed into the room. “I found Seungcheol. He’s with Jihoon right now. Are we getting the king involved yet?”


“Jeonghan is planning on escaping,”  Soonyoung said. “What’s Seungcheol planning on doing?”


Mingyu glanced at Jeonghan who was crying into Minghao’s arms. “Is he sure? Is he giving up the crown?”


“The crown never meant anything to him,” Junhui answered. “We need to figure out a way to block those men before smuggling Jeonghan and Seungcheol out of here alive.”











“Junmyeon, look!” Jeonghan said in a high pitch voice. “It’s cute, look, it’s a ladybug!”


His five-year-old son was sitting in his lap, the two outside of the house where they kept the garden. They were sitting on the steps, looking at the flowers growing beside them when Jeonghan found the insect. 


“It’s pretty!!” Junmyeon exclaimed, holding out his hand to hold the delicate creature. 


“You know, ladybugs were my mother’s favorite insect,” Jeonghan explained, gently placing the ladybug in Junmyeon’s palm. “They help keep pests away from the garden. They’re small but mighty workers, you know.” 


“Just like me,” Junmyeon said, grinning as he leaned over to put the bug in the flower. “Just like me, eomma!” 


Jeonghan laughed, remembering how Seungcheol always says that Junmyeon is their small and mighty worker every time the toddler helped them around the house. He was an obedient kid, thankfully. Maybe Jeonghan was doing something right.


He thought of his mother, and the scarf he had brought with him made from her dress. He couldn’t wait for Junmyeon to get older to give it to him. He was sure his son would appreciate it. 


“Just like you, Junmyeon,” Jeonghan said grinning. “My little angel.”




Author's note: their backstory was supposed to be half the chapter but it got too long lol. so now this fic will have 28/30 chapters before it completes. thank you guys for reading :)

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2446 streak #1
damn, Jeonghan is too kind for the world... despite the plans Seungcheol devised and how effective the execution was, he still forgave the other... not also that, Jeonghan also willingly gave up his royal status, he didn't really like nobles lol, to risk a life with Seungcheol... and like his story of making something out of his mother's old dress instead of just lamenting how ruined it it... reading abt their story just made me admire Jeonghan more tbh
2446 streak #2
Chapter 22: WELCOME BACK!!!
for real i had to go back to previous chapters to even remember the meeting Ten and Johnny were supposedly from? HAHAHAHAH i was like, WHAT MEETING? had to go back 4 chapters HAHA

Zitao finally caught sneaking out and Luhan caught covering for him too HAHAHAHA

anyway, if you ask me, everyone should just run away from the village tbh... no more controlling families, no more skewed hierarchical system... FREEDOM!
2446 streak #3
Chapter 21: should i repeat the first part of my comment in yoir other update? HAHAHA

anyway! now this is much more confusing, i wondered where they all were... so the first part is the kidnapped ones OUTSIDE the village, the part with Baek crying is INSIDE the village, and Yifan and Jun are also OUTSIDE the village if i remember correctly... are Taeyong and Jaehyun still in or have they ran away already?

anyway, the of Jeonghan and Seungcheol's story abt to happen! by this point, with all the info we're presented with, it's not looking good yet so I'm really curious how Jeonghan still married him
2446 streak #5
but the situation was calling for some sort of comfort, it was all so hectic for them, only then did they get the chance to pause and think things thru... i love it :)
Well written story. 👏
2446 streak #7
Chapter 19: lol Jun hasn't fully discovered yet, but he finally knows of Seungcheol's bit of being a jerk to Jeonghan... lol, but the scarf story is kinda telling me that even if Seungcheol destroyed it to embarrass Jeonghan, he repaired it and got Jeonghan's heart again? if I'm right, cute!

all these pairs making moves on each other tho... go do it! don't let those bastards dictate what you do!!!
2446 streak #8
Chapter 18: is it just me, or is this chapter really longer than others? anyway!!! olay, first, Jun and Yifan! they found Minghao!!! congrats!

next, Scoups, Jeonghan and Jihoon looks like they're off to escape safely now! the person who found them seems more like a friend than a foe...

as for the others still in the village! can't help but think that something big is going to happen, idk how they'll revolt or something, but something is definitely going to happen... btw how did Kun know where Jaehyun was???
2446 streak #9
Chapter 17: welcome back to this story as well authornim!
so much is going on idk what's going to happen anymore! HAHA
2446 streak #10
Chapter 16: an update!!! thank you!

HAHA i love how Vernon and Seungkwan are being so suspicious and safe! Jun and Yifan, even if i know they're good people, well the younger two don't! and they're doing it right, calling Soonyoung over would be the best decision, and he'd be the one to make sense of everything!

so, where are Jinyoung and Jaebum??? don't tell me the council got to them already? so the plan is abt to be aborted? and the rest of them are gonna turn this into a rescue mission instead? why is the council capturing so many people??? and Jaehyun is still missing! but at least Taeyong is with someone Jaehyun trusts!!! and hopefully, will hell them find Jae!!!

anyway, they found Jihoon!!! i do hope they get to escape to where Jun and Yifan are...