The hidden gem


Maybe that Siwon should be feeling nervous right now but he feels nothing. After growing up as the only son of a mafia boss and then becoming the new leader, Siwon learned how to feel an absolute void. Right now he is going to destroy his rival - mafia boss Kim. The man was so stupid that he tried to harm Siwon’s organization and now he is going to pay for this mistake. 


Kim has no idea what storm is coming toward him and he is having a party in his mansion. Kim has one thing which always makes his parties unforgettable. He owns a cat hybrid. It is a boy but he has cat ears, cat tail and acts like a cat. Maybe that the hybrid could act more like a human but no one ever treated him differently. Kim is dragging the hybrid on a leash around a dining room full of people and his guests are amazed. They have never seen anything like this creature who is dirty and battered. A woman tries to give a bit of her meal to the hybrid but Kim violently yanked on the chain which is connected to a heavy metal collar around the hybrid’s neck. 


“It will eat when I say that the mutt can.”


Kim tugs on the hybrid’s cat ears until the animal hissed in pain. The mafia boss loves to hurt this stupid animal. His biggest fun is tugging on his sensitive fluffy ears, the hybrid always cries so much. Kim is tightening his grip on the chain and chokes the hybrid who is trying to grab the piece of meat which is the lady offering to him. The hybrid fell down and curled his long cat tail around his waist. Kim sadistically laughed and then told one of his men to take the hybrid back in its cage. The man is leading the hybrid back in the cold basement. There are lots of rooms which Kim uses as storage and on the end of the hallway is a room with the hybrid’s cage. He pushed the hybrid in the cage and turned around to a box with cans of cat food. He opened one can and dumped the content into a disgustingly dirty bowl. The hybrid is always hungry because one can per day isn’t enough even for a real cat. The boy’s tail swishes a bit when the bowl is being put down in his cage. The hybrid is hungrily eating with his hands and the man stands there for a while. The cat finished his meal and then curled into a small ball on top of his only possession which is an old blanket. The hybrid meowed silently because if he does lots of noise, he will be beaten up more than usual. The man needs to go back in case that his boss will need him so he turned off the only light in the room and left the hybrid alone in complete darkness. 


Siwon is waiting in a car a few kilometers away from Kim’s mansion and finally got a signal that Kim’s guests left. Siwon and his men have no problems with overcoming Kim’s guards and then started the bloody bath. After every single man from Kim’s mafia took the last breath, Siwon can plunder Kim’s house. His men are working on opening the big safe in Kim’s office and Siwon with his right-hand man Ryeowook go to explore the basement. There are huge bags of weed, some guns but Siwon isn’t interested in such regular things. On the end of the hallway is one last door. It is locked but the key is hanging on a small hook next to the door. Siwon unlocked the door and stares in the dark space. Ryeowook is fumbling around to find a light switch and finally succeeded. One single lightbulb hesitantly started to shine and shows them what is inside the room. 


Siwon can’t properly see what is inside the big cage because the room is still dark. They take a few steps closer and frowned because of the disgusting reek. Siwon touched cold bars of the cage and wonders why the hell does Kim have this big cage in his basement. 


“Boss, I think that something is inside.”


Ryeowook pulled out his gun and tries to open the cage with the key from the door. The cage really opened and Ryeowook is about going inside when a silent meow sounds from the darkness. They both freeze and after a while, a small grimy hands appeared. Siwon is staring in awe in the curious face which emerged from the dark. The most shocking is the pair of black cat ears on the boy’s head. 


“What the …?!”


The boy meowed again and this time they can see also his black tail. The hybrid tilted his head to the left side and stares on the new people. Siwon and Ryeowook take a few steps back and closed the cage again. The hybrid doesn’t attack, he is simply sitting there on the cold floor and stares on them. After a few minutes Siwon and Ryeowook see that he isn’t dangerous and Siwon opened the cage again.


“Who are you?!”


Siwon is carefully approaching the thing and crouched down next to him. The hybrid’s ears twitched and he turned his feline eyes to the man next to him. He doesn’t understand him but sniffles to the sleeve of Siwon’s coat and really likes this man’s scent. Siwon touched the heavy collar around the boy’s neck and sees the bleeding skin under it. The chain which is locked to the collar is also too thick and heavy so he will need some tool to free the weird creature. 


“Ryeowook, find me some tools.”


Ryeowook looked around and then announced that he is going to look for something. After a while, he is back with a toolbox. Siwon is tugging on the padlock and finally managed to open the stupid collar. The hybrid stares in shock how the heavy thing fell off and for the first time in his life, he can freely breathe. His whole spine is in pain because of the heavy thing which was binding him to the wall. Siwon stood up and doesn’t know what to do now. He has no idea what is this mix of a cat and a human or how to take care of him but on the other hand, Siwon isn’t so rotten to leave the boy locked in the basement of the house full of dead people. 


“Let's go.”


Siwon took off his coat and threw it over the hybrid’s back. The boy looked up on him and Siwon grabbed him under armpits to pull him up on his feet. Siwon started to slowly walk and the hybrid is stumbling next to him on his bare feet. They walked out of the basement and Siwon sees that his men already finished searching Kim’s mansion and they took everything valuable. They get in their cars and drive back to Choi’s headquarter. They started to sort through the documents which they stole from Kim and Siwon can finally head home together with Ryeowook and the hybrid. 


In a few minutes, they are entering Siwon’s modern house. All the rooms are spacious with a minimum of furniture. Siwon told Ryeowook to cook some for a late dinner and then grabs the hand of the hybrid who is staring at a shining chandelier. Siwon led him in his bedroom with a connected bathroom and walk-in closet. Siwon should dress him in something because the hybrid is wearing only a too-big T-shirt which is terribly dirty and worn out. Siwon is sorting through his clothes but he can’t find anything that could fit him. Everything is too big, the hybrid is tiny next to muscular Siwon. Finally, he found a hoodie which left here after one of his ex-girlfriends. Siwon went back into the bedroom and finds the hybrid kneeling down on the carpet and patting the soft fake fur. 


“Come. Time to clean you up.”


Siwon doesn’t know why he likes this little creature so much. Maybe that this is his chance to have a pet, he has always wanted a pet but his father said no every time he asked. And now he has this hybrid who is maybe the only hybrid on this planet. Well, he has never seen one so maybe that this cat is really the only one of his kind. Siwon stepped in the bathroom and started to run a bath in the big bathtub made from black marble. The warm water is steadily filling the tub and Siwon finds some bath bombs. He looked back on the hybrid and detects all the filth. The hybrid is caked with blood and dirt so it will take a lot of bath products to wash him. Siwon threw two bath bombs in the water and turns to the hybrid just in time to stop him from eating his stick deodorant. He smiles on the poor thing and hesitates for a while before taking off the disgusting T-shirt but then he stripped him and suddenly the boy is standing there completely .


The hybrid’s legs look like two white sticks and the black tail is curling around his left knee. Siwon reached his hand to him and helped him to get in the bathtub. The hybrid’s ears are flat against his head and he doesn’t know how to feel about the bath. No one has ever provided him such a luxury, no one gave him a warm bath before and his owners only hosed him off. Siwon smiled at him again and collected the water in his hands. He pours it over the hybrid’s back and grabbed a bath pouf. Siwon is carefully scrubbing his skin and droplets of almost black water are falling down in the bathtub. Siwon finally managed to get rid of the first layer of dirt. He drained the tub and ran freshwater only to going back to work. After much more longer time Siwon can see that the hybrid has ivory skin with lots of wounds and bruises. He will need to call a doctor but that can wait for tomorrow. 


Siwon unfolded a big towel and wrapped the soft fabric around the tiny hybrid. He takes one smaller towel and started to dry the hybrid’s black hair and carefully maneuvers around the cat ears. The hybrid is smiling a bit and his dark eyes are shining while following Siwon’s every move. Siwon moved to dry the tail and then led him in his bedroom. Surprisingly, Siwon doesn’t feel shy when talking off the towel and smiles on him.


“Is it good to be clean?”


The hybrid-only stares on Siwon and says nothing, only his tail is up. 




Siwon’s eyes widened after hearing the silent meow and chuckled.


“I will take this as yes.”


The hybrid is standing there and Siwon dressed him up. Now he can finally go to bed. Siwon lay down and the hybrid is only watching him and doesn’t go closer. Siwon patted the mattress and smiled.


“Come here kitty.”


The hybrid immediately jumped on the bed and put his head on Siwon’s chest. Siwon is surprised but then scratches the spot behind his ears. The hybrid closed his eyes and enjoys the first nice touch after long years. He is purring and Siwon can’t believe in his ears. He fell asleep like this with his hand on top of the hybrid’s head.


The morning came too soon for Siwon’s liking and the man tiredly sat up. However, he immediately jumped up after seeing that the bed is empty. 




Siwon runs to look in the bathroom but then spotted the tip of the black tail peeking from under the bed. He got down on his knees and looked under the bed. The hybrid is sleeping there curled into a small ball and his small hands are pressed to his face. Siwon sighed and doesn’t know if he should wake him up. Suddenly a loud knocking on the door woke up the hybrid who is immediately startled. It is only Ryeowook who came with breakfast for them and also he needed to check on his boss, after all, they don’t know the creature. Maybe it is only acting helplessly and could harm them. 


Siwon grabs the tray with their breakfast and put it down on the floor. The hybrid stays hidden and his huge eyes are watching Siwon. The mafia boss put one plate with scrambled eggs and salmon on the floor and pushed it toward the hybrid. The cat sniffles to the food and then frowned. He isn’t used to eating such food, or warm food. He only got food for cats and doesn’t know what to think about this. Siwon smiled at him and takes a bite of the delicious food. 


“You need a name.”


Siwon is thinking about a name for the boy until he realized something. The cat’s meowing sounds so pretty. It sounds like an art. 


“Yesung, that’s the perfect name for you.”


The cat looked up on Siwon who smiles again and the hybrid hesitantly takes a bite. Siwon is a bit shocked that the hybrid is eating with his hands but there was probably no one who cared about him enough to teach him how to use a fork and knife. They are eating breakfast and a doctor is already on his way here. 


Kibum is a doctor and works for Siwon’s mafia. He doesn’t know why did the boss calls him, he only said that he should take every possible equipment with him so Kibum’s car is quite full. He arrived and Ryeowook led him to the door of Siwon’s bedroom. Kibum is a bit nervous and doesn’t know what to expect. He braced himself and put his hand on the doorknob.


As soon as the man in a white coat walked in the bedroom, Yesung hides under the nearest piece of furniture which happened to be a desk. Kibum is staring on the swishing tail and doesn’t know what to say besides what the hell?!


“I found him in Kim’s basement last night.”


Siwon kneeled down next to the table and reached his hand toward the hybrid.


“I named him Yesung because I don’t know his name and he doesn’t speak.”


Kibum has no idea how to treat the hybrid. He has never seen such a thing. Yesung is staring at the man in the white coat and his wide eyes are full of fear. Kibum put down his two bags and took off the coat to get more comfortable. Siwon is trying to coax him out from under the desk and with the help of a piece of waffle he succeeded. Kibum takes a stethoscope and slowly puts the metal disc on Yesung’s bony chest to listen to his heartbeat and lungs. He doesn’t even know what he should hear. Does a hybrid have a heartbeat as a human?


Yesung blinks few times and looks up to Siwon who only smiled. He knows that Yesung is malnourished but after all, he saw the cans of cat food in Kim’s basement. Kibum finished checking his lungs and heart and then moved to treat the ugly wounds on his back, around his neck and everywhere around his body. Yesung tries to hide a few more times but then Siwon pulled him in his lap and his ears. Kibum is exhausted after examining Yesung. He doesn’t know what to think about this creature and also the number of wounds and traces of abuse and ual abuse made him sick. Kibum is going to do some research but he isn’t sure if he is going to find something serious, hybrids are probably living only in fantasy books. At least he thought that.


Ryeowook downstairs is trying to figure out what to cook for the hybrid. Lunchtime is going to be here and he doesn’t know what the cat would like to eat. Or Yesung, that’s how Siwon calls him. Ryeowook sighed and decided to prepare chicken with rice and vegetable. He sees Kibum who is leaving and then Siwon came with the hybrid. The mafia boss has some work to do so he the TV and the hybrid sat down in front of the screen. Ryeowook sees all the bandages and plasters and sighed. If his boss wants to pamper the hybrid, then he is going to follow his actions. 


Yesung is staring on the TV and his tail is showing how excited is he. Siwon went into his office and Yesung is watching some colorful cartoons. He meows from time to time to show that he is happy and Ryeowook has to smile. It is crazy to see the boy with cat ears and tail but he is so adorable that he is slowly winning Ryeowook’s heart. He doesn’t need to win Siwon’s heart because he has already wrapped the mafia boss around his tiny fingers.


Yesung is watching the TV until lunchtime when Ryeowook came into the living room and turned it off. The hybrid is shocked and doesn’t understand where did the colorful things go. 


“Come, food is ready.”


The hybrid jumped up and hurries behind Ryeowook. He sat down at the table and started to eat the chicken with his hands and Ryeowook cringed. He showed him a fork but the hybrid doesn’t pay any attention to it. Siwon smiled a bit and shrugged. They have lots of time to teach him everything. 


His men called their boss to let him know that they found a few interesting things in the papers from Kim’s safe. Siwon knows that Yesung is safe with Ryeowook who is going to try to civilize him a bit while Siwon drives to the headquarter. His men greeted the boss and Siwon listens to the news they have for him.


“We found this. It is a contract.”


Donghae handed him the piece of paper and Siwon quickly reads it. So someone gifted Yesung to Kim? There is a name of some pharmaceutical company from China but there aren’t many informations. Only the cat breed - so Yesung is Korean Shorthair - and Yesung’s age is written on the paper. Siwon thinks for a while and knows that he needs more information. 


“Hangeng? Do you want to go on a trip?”


When Siwon came back home, he found Yesung sleeping on top of his bed. Siwon is trying to be as silent as possible but somehow the hybrid woke up. Yesung quickly lifted his head up and meowed to say hello. Siwon smiled and sat down on the bed.


“I hope that you had a good time with Ryeowook.”


The hybrid nuzzled his head against Siwon’s chest. The man started to his hair and ears and Yesung started to purr. It is nice to be like this and Siwon forgot about Hangeng who is flying to China.


After two weeks of waiting, Hangeng arrived back and immediately goes to the house of his boss. He has lots of news but also one big surprise. Hangeng entered the room and in a few minutes Siwon came too. It is very early in the morning so Yesung is still asleep. Hangeng started to speak about the company which is hidden quite well, the building is standing in the middle of nowhere and it took a lot of time to find it. Hangeng acted like he wanted to buy a hybrid and heard about the company from his friend who already has a hybrid. They believed to him and led him in a laboratory. 


“Desperate pregnant women gave birth at the facility and then the scientists injected animals DNA in the bodies of newborn babies. Most of them died but the ones who survived became hybrids. But their rooms didn’t look bad, there were dozens of hybrids and they were fed well and looked healthy.”


Siwon nodded and Hangeng cleared his throat. 


“But I have one more thing.”


Hangeng quickly walked out of the room and came back with another person.


“This is Heechul. Siwon, it would be suspicious if I ask them so many questions and then say that I won’t buy a hybrid.”


Hangeng took off Heechul’s hat and a pair of black cat ears appeared. Siwon sighed and rubs his face.


“Hangeng, I am already busy with Yesung and you brought me another hybrid.”


The new hybrid smirked.


“Who says that I want to be with you?”


Siwon is surprised that this hybrid can speak and that he is so cheeky. Fine, at least now he knows that hybrids can speak. 


“What are you staring at?”


Heechul smirked and gives a provocative look to Siwon.


“My master taught me how to speak ….. and found out that it wasn’t the best idea.”


Hangeng explained that Heechul’s previous owners were four older men who bought him as a slave but died. Something is telling to Siwon that the hybrid’s slender fingers are involved in the deaths. Heechul was always sent back in the facility and waited for a new master.


“Fine, at least you can teach Yesung.”


The hybrid chuckled but Hangeng gave him a pleading look so Heechul tries to suppress his sassiness while Siwon led him in his bedroom where is sleeping Yesung. He silently opened the door and they walked inside. They hear a loud gasp coming from Heechul and the hybrid’s cold eyes turn soft.




Heechul runs to the bed and tightly hugs the smaller hybrid who is confused for a while before meowing in happiness. Siwon and Hangeng are standing there and don’t understand it. Who is Jongwoon?


“You saved my baby brother!”


Heechul is crying and hugs his brother in fear that he might lose him again. They probably aren’t real brothers but they look similar. Heechul was seven years old when Jongwoon or Yesung appeared. He was only a tiny baby with a short tail peeking out of a diaper and he cried a lot. No one cared about the wailing baby and Heechul was the only one who always picked him up out of his crib and rocked him. Since then Heechul felt like Jongwoon is his second half and took care of him before they put him in an auction. Heechul was bought by a rich businessman at the age of fifteen. Heechul has never forgotten about his baby brother and now they are back together thanks to Siwon. 


They left the bedroom to give them some privacy. Heechul is tightly squeezing Yesung while kissing him from time to time. He lost his hope to see Jongwoon ever again but luck is finally on his side and from now he isn’t going to take his eyes off Jongwoon, never.

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Chapter 1: awesome story
your stories are great as always please continue writing stories like yesung being a baby you're my fav author
Chapter 1: I hates hybrid genres but this is so nice. Or it might as well because of it's written by my favorite author lol. Is this it???? I want moreeee
CamiiAusterlitz #3
Chapter 1: ❤️
LongBanana #4
Chapter 1: I cry with this cuteness :')
Very lucky Yesung met with siwon.. and Heechul :"")
This can't end here T^T Sequel please...
400 streak #5
Chapter 1: wuaaaah~ this really needs sequel~~~

how dare you stop it here T^T