Chapter 24: Master Memers' Moment of Mayhem

Law of the Jungle: IZ*ONE Edition
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It’s the fourth day of their free period and Nako suggested that the Master Memers hang out before they depart for the show in Fiji. And so here they were, having lunch and chatting about random things, the topic of their discussion frequently changing due to their ever dynamic attention span. It’s been a while since they’ve gotten together like this, their most recent one before this current gathering was two weeks before the whole Law of the Jungle fiasco in the meeting room that fateful day.


“So,” Yena took a bite from her sandwich, “Yuri told me my house blew up.”


This statement garnered a selection of responses.


“What house? You aren’t rich,” Sakura said with a sarcastic lilt in her voice.


Hyewon laughed, “Something finally happened to that obnoxious looking house of yours.” She took a sip from her drink before adding, “That though, you spent hours making it.”


“Oh, is that so?” Yujin’s eyes went wide with shock. It almost seemed like she was genuinely sorry for the unfortunate accident that she had let happen, but the upward twitch of said otherwise.


Nako, being the tiny and angry gremlin she is, said, “I can’t believe someone blew up your house before I did. I wanted to burn your wheat farm too.”


“Hey, I’m trying to make you guys empathize with me,” Yena pouted.


Sakura hummed, popping a chip in , “Well, I ain’t feeling that at all. If anything, I only feel pity for Nako since she couldn’t be the one to do it.”


“And I,” Nako shook her head in mock disappointment, “Only wished that I was there to witness the grand explosion of your ridiculous abode.”


Hyewon snatched a chip from the oldest visual’s fingers, earning a look of annoyance. “Yena, how bad was the explosion?” she asked to save her best friend from any more clowning.


“It was a creeper but it blew out the wall with all of my chests and Yuri couldn’t save some of my stuff. I lost eight diamonds.”


“Woah, that’s kind of a lot isn’t it?” Yujin remarked. Even if she was the one that let Yuri do whatever to Yena’s house, she still knows that eight diamonds is a lot, especially when it takes a long time to find and acquire this material. “How much did you have? I can give you four to help you back up.”


“I had thirty-six,” the duck sighed.


Hyewon spit out her drink, “You had that many?”


“Yeah, what the heck dude? You have full diamond armor and tools and all these extra diamonds lying around while the rest of us had, at best, a diamond pickaxe and sword and three-fourths of diamond armor?” Nako raised her voice, just enough so that she could get her message across without gaining the attention of the other patrons of the restaurant.


“And here I was offering a good portion of my stock,” Yujin grumbled.


Sakura tilted her head, “You guys have that little?” She tapped her chin, in thought, “I have like almost a stack. Why are you guys living in squalor?”


Everyone, even Yena, gaped at the Japanese woman, feeling betrayed.


“Okay, okay, how the did you get so much?” Yena ran a hand through her hair, her eyes showing amazement and slight bitterness at the same time.


The cherry blossom girl shrugged nonchalantly, “I’m a gamer, what’d you expect.”


Hyewon sighed, “We gotta have a Minecraft meeting soon, preferably after Fiji because we have a lot of stuff we need to do.” She began cleaning up the table and motioning the others to do the same, “Oh and Yujin, you should just tell Yena that you led the creeper into her house while Yuri was in there.”


Yujin let her eyes go wide with panic, fear rising in her chest when she saw the resident duck’s face, “Wait, I can explain!”


“You guys ready to go to Han River?” Yena stood up and rolled her shoulders, “Yujin and I need to talk about some things.”


Nako smirked, “Yep, I’m ready but I gotta pay the bill first.”


And so began five minutes of arguing from Sakura, Hyewon, and Nako. Meanwhile, the puppy cowered under the terrifying gaze of their main rapper.


“Oh ,” she whispered, “I’m dead.”


Thankfully, the river banks were relatively empty so no one recognized them or approached them, giving the group the privacy they desired. However, having peace and quiet does not necessarily mean that the Mater Memers themselves were being peaceful and quiet.


“Dude, stop hitting me!”


With their asses on the grass, they were on their phones playing Minecraft and yelling at each other for the slightest misfortune that was brought upon any one of them. Yujin was hitting Yena’s in-game character while the latter was trying to rebuild the unfortunate hole on the side of her house. Nako was starting fires in a nearby village, causing the iron golems in the immediate vicinity to target her after accidentally slapping a villager in the face. Sakura was screaming about some random zombie that scared her while mining. And Hyewon was just watching the mess beginning to form around her while eating potato chips she got from God knows where.


"Hey, didn't you say you and Yujin need to talk about stuff," Nako said after a while, having managed to escape the constant barrage of attacks the villagers' metal protectors have bestowed upon her.


The tallest out of them gasped, a look of betrayal flashing on her young face, "Why did you remind her? She forgot on the way here too!"


"I didn't forget. Just needed to fix my house since it's of the utmost importance," Yena commented.


This seemed to put the younger at ease, sighing with relief. "So you aren't gonna kill me for what I did to your house?"


"Oh no, don't get me wrong, I'm still gonna get you back." Yena put away her phone and stretched her arms, "In fact, let's get it over with right now."


"Curse your big mouth you miniscule gremlin," Yujin shouted as she was dragged along by a duck, away from prying ears.


"What'd you say to me, you little shi-" Nako was cut off with a hand.


Hyewon shook her head in disappointment before retracting her hand from the short girl's mouth. "I know you guys are annoyed but you're still girl group members in a public space. Have some decency."


"You're starting to sound like Eunbi unnie." Sakura stole a chip from her hand, "I ain't surprised though."


“I’m just making sure that we don’t get scolded,” Hyewon moved the snack out of Sakura’s reach after she tried to snatch another one. “Also, you’re the second oldest, why aren’t you helping your ‘girlfriend’ enforce peace between the kids?”


The avid gamer reddened at the food addict's statement, "H-hey! Chaeyeon isn't my girlfriend."


Nako began laughing, almost dropping her phone, "She never said it was Chaeyeon unnie, ." The girl shrugged, "And besides, practically everyone knows y'all are together-"




"Sakura-chan, Hyewon unnie already said to shut up."


"But how did you guys know?"


Hyewon sighed, "It was so obvious the moment the test ended that something happened between you guys. You looked like you wanted to kiss her right then and there and she looked like she was ready to do the same too. Usually, one o

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7k+ words... Anyway please excuse any mistakes found here. In any case, please take the time to read the end notes because it has a personal message from me regarding IZ*ONE D-day. Don't be sad guys :)


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Chapter 29: ohhh so this was updated last zozi and i didn’t know? 🥹
i better reread the whole series now :D
reigngrey #2
Chapter 29: Thank you for the update
Chapter 29: Thank ya for updating even with hardships going on all around. It was an amazing update like always but THE CLIFFHANGER-
But- you created really lovely and beautiful scenes, I truly enjoy your stories :)
1761 streak #4
Chapter 29: i appreciate your works :)
1761 streak #5
Chapter 29: thank you updating!!! oh no d-day TT
oncexreveluvxsomnia #6
Chapter 28: Please update soon!!! I need my kangbi 🥺
Chapter 28: Thank you for the update author-nim
Chapter 28: Hahaha! I love how it's only supposed to be their EP 1 but it seemed like there are already a lot going on lol. Kinda brought me back to their training days in that fake mt smth. Anyway, Kwangbae is mostly like the other master memers, but she's really reliable when it comes to food (and that certain woman). As expected, lmao! Jinjoo moving forward! 1st EP and they got their crumb (bread factory, actually, lmao), thanks to Nako and the crew. Would wish to have that irl too lol. Thank you for the update!!
Chapter 28: Welcome back, ig 😂
I absolutely cannot wait on what mess will these kids do 🤩 Good luck with the crew in handling them ✊🏻
1761 streak #10
Chapter 28: wow they're finally there!!! and it's funny already!! lol wonder if everything will aired later on hmmm.....