10 일만 내놔 : Give me 10 days

[Mina's POV]


We're all about to leave in 15 minutes. 

Tzuyu, Chaeyoung and I are sitting at the living room, waiting for our managers to arrive. Jeongyeon and Momo are at the kitchen, making sandwiches for later. We all agreed not to eat before our shoot because it would make us look puffy and bloated. But I could see Momo sneaking mouthfuls of chicken strips when Jeongyeon's not looking.

She saw me staring and winked at me. I just smiled and looked away.

I'm hungry. I looked at Chaeyoung who's busy with her phone.

I slumped at the couch and closed my eyes. I think I'm going to take a nap.

I felt a hand over my head and I opened my eyes. It's Chaeyoung.

Her left hand is massaging my head while she's scrolling through her phone with the other. She tilted her head and flashed me a smile.

"I'll wake you up when the managers come." Her re-assuring voice made me smile.

I placed one hand on her lap and closed my eyes.



[Chaeyoung's POV]


It's a normal shooting day for us.

While Jihyo and Tzuyu are both shooting their scene, we're at the waiting room.

Mina and I are getting our make-up done and at the end of the room, Nayeon, Sana, and Momo are taking turns harassing Jeongyeon and Dahyun.

Momo's lying down at Jeongyeon's lap, with her legs on top of Dahyun's legs. Nayeon's trying to pull her away of Jeongyeon while Sana's trying to squeeze her body anywhere and everywhere among the three. It's just a typical Twice mess. I wish I could take a video but thankfully manager unnie is already doing it for me.

I looked at Mina and she has her eyes closed while the stylist is doing her hair. I don't think she got that much sleep last night. It's my fault for bothering her. I suddenly felt bad.

Jinjja neomu ippeuda.

I couldn't help myself from admiring her beauty.

Her eyes, her nose, her lips.

I especially like her lips. The shape, the texture, softness, and sweetness...

I coughed. Okay, my thoughts are getting out of hand.

She opened my eyes and caught me staring at her. I immediately looked the other way, feeling embarrassed.



[Mina's POV]


Chaeyoung and I will be shooting our scenes together. I think it's been awhile since we last did a CF shoot with just the two of us in one scene.

We hopped inside a blue Volkswagen beetle that matches our outfits. Chaeyoung's at the driver's seat and I'm riding shotgun.

"Oooh! I can't wait to get my license." She's steering the wheel like a mad person. I laughed. She's grinning at me like a kid.

"Where do you plan to go first once you get your license?" I asked.

"Hmm. I'm not yet sure. Where do you want to go?"

"Why are you asking me?"

"I'm just curious." She shrugged.

"Hmm. It would be nice to have a coast line road trip. Feel the breeze of the ocean, and when it's sunset, watch it at the beach." I smiled. I imagined myself driving alone along the coast line. With my windows down and my hair flowing from the cold wind.

"Then we could go there once I get my license." Her words abruptly cut off my mental image.

"We? You'll bring me on a road trip?"

"Why not?" she just looked at me.

"Just us?"

"Sure. Why? You don't like to?" she showed me a nervous smile.

"No. I mean yes. I do. I'd like that." I shook my head and smiled back. With that, my mental image changed. It's still me in a car with its windows down. Hair flowing, cold breeze brushing through my skin. I got one hand on the steering wheel and the other holding Chaeyoung's hand. I'm looking at her and she's smiling back at me, with her other hand outside the window dancing along the rhythm from the radio.

"Okay, girls. Eyes in front!" the director's voice caught me by surprise. A little startled, but I was able to regain my focus.

"Look at the camera... ACTION!"



[Chaeyoung's POV]


We already wrapped up our shoot. Momo unnie, Nayeon unnie and I are inside the first van. Jihyo, Jeongyeon and Mina at the second one and Tzuyu, Dahyun and Sana at the other.

Momo and Nayeon decided to do a vlive. We're all talking in front of Momo's camera when I got a notification from my phone that Sana, Dahyun and Tzuyu are also starting their own vlive. We started laughing. It would be a chaos if Jihyo, Jeongyeon and Mina decides to start a third one.

Every few seconds I check my phone. Nothing.

I wish they decide to do a livestream. It's been awhile since Mina and I have been in one.

Suddenly I realized that I just miss her. Why didn't I join the second van? I should've been there with Minari. I pouted.

It's because of Nayeon and Jeongyeon unnie. They've been at each other's toes lately and it's been stressing Momo and Jihyo out so they decided to separate the two. Which meant separating me and Mina as well. I sighed.

"Why is Chaeyoung sad?" Momo read one of the comments.

I looked at the camera. Oh. I thought I was out of the field of range.

"Anieyo. I'm not sad. I'm just hungry..." I tried acting cute.

Momo nodded. "Me, too. We haven't eaten today."

"You just finished your sandwich after the shoot." Nayeon revealed.

Momo's face went blank. "But... but it's a small sandwich. Jeongyeon ate, too"

Nayeon scoffed. "You both made sandwiches and didn't even bothered making one for me, too. Arraseo..."

They started bickering in front of the camera.


"I'll call Jihyo and Sana unnie. Let's go eat somewhere." I went out of frame and called them. I'll make sure to change vans after we eat dinner.





The nine of us are all sitting in a long table while the managers and other staff sat on the other one. It's Jihyo, Dahyun, Momo, Nayeon at the left side of the table and at the other side was Mina, Jeongyeon, Tzuyu, Sana and I.

Mina and I are at the opposite ends of the table and it bummed me out. If she's at the other side of the table, atleast I could get a good view of her somehow. With our positions now, it's quite impossible. Even when sitting down, Tzuyu, Jeongyeon, and Sana unnie are all towering over me. They're blocking my view of her.

"Chaeyoung-a! Stop eating like that." Jihyo is scolding me, "Jinjja, even from here I can hear you chewing. So unappetizing."

I glared at her and chewed even louder.

She shot me a death stare and I made a weird face at her. I'm really bummed to even be scared of our leader. Maybe tomorrow, but not now.

My phone vibrated.

            (Are you okay?)

It's from Mina. I tried to bend my back and stretch my neck as far as I could to see her from behind. She did the same and smiled at me. I instantly felt better.

I held out my hand and made an OK sign with my fingers and exaggeratedly frowned my face. It made her laugh. After a few seconds, she was out of sight, Tzuyu blocked her again. C'mon.

I received a message again.

       (Meet me outside in 3 minutes)    

After that I saw Mina stood up.

"I just need to get something." She said to the group and went to the other table. She walked towards manager Pinky.

"Oppa, can I borrow the car key? I left something inside the van." I can hear her voice.

"Oh. Do you want to me to get it for you?" manager oppa was about to stand up.

"Anieyo. Gwenchanahyo. I still have to find it. I didn't know where I put it exactly."

"You're sure? You don't want me to come with you?" manager tried to stand up one more time.

"No no no. It's okay. I'll return in a few minutes." With that he handed her the keys without further questions. She sneaked a glance at my direction before leaving. Okay...

I started counting down. 180... 179... 178... 177... 176......

...3 ...2 ...1

I stood up so fast I hit my hip at the table. It made so much noise and I almost tipped over Sana unnie's glass.

"Are you okay?" Sana unnie immediately touched my hip protectively. I'm trying to ignore the sharp pain on my hip.

"G-Gwenchanah. I'm fine. I-I just need to... go to the wash room. Take a leak. Pee. Reduce fluids. You know..." very smooth Chaeyoung. Like a pro.

If I'm in a murder trial, I'm 100% sure I'll be convicted immediately.

"Okay, weirdo. Just go to Mina." I heard Jeongyeon's voice.

"What? No. I'm going to the toilet." I was flailing my arms, doing X motions with it.

"Arraseo, arraseo. Stop making her wait. Just go." Jihyo unnie's shooing me away. As soon as I started moving away from my chair she winked at me she flashed me a huge grin.

My unnies can be jerks sometimes. But they're my jerks.

Then Sana unnie swung her arms towards me and slapped my hard. "Go get her, tiger. Grrr."

Okay, that's very unnecessary.

I shook my head and smiled as I walked out of the restaurant.


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Chapter 35: Aweee what a great story ...
Chapter 35: Read the whole story in a few hours, it was that good. Well done, Author-nim! :"D
Chapter 35: ahh i loved reading this in one sitting. this made me cry, happy, and so much more! it's so well-written! thank you for this!
2yeonislifeTT #4
Chapter 35: Autor-nim where's the sequence of give me 10 days? you don't intend to post anymore?
Chapter 35: yes yes yes !!! 2yeon x michaeng uwu
Chapter 35: Woohoo part 2!!!!!
cleofierayne 26 streak #7
Chapter 35: Yahhhhh part 2 !!!!
FillDir 306 streak #8
Chapter 35: Waaaaaah, a part 2! So excited!!
rosephineellen #9
Chapter 35: Why i can not see chapter 32 ??. I'm dying to know what happen after i waited you up this story???
Chapter 35: Woooaahhh part 2!!! I love you Author ~Saranghae <3333