Chapter 2 - The House's Floor 1: The Note

The House in the Woods
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Chapter 2 The House's Floor 1:

The Note

Yunho’s hands were slightly shaking as he peeked into the house. He clenched them into fists and looked around. He was greeted by a dimly lit room. The only source of light were the two candle holders hanging on the wall in front of him. The entryway was empty, free from any type of furniture that would've been present in an ordinary house. No chairs, no table, nothing, except a red rug laid in the middle of the room.


He took a few steps into the house and as soon as he did, the door behind him shut close. Shocked and panicked, Yunho immediately turned around and tried to open it again but no use. The door was shut tight and locked.


Frustrated, he kicked the door twice and banged his head on it. “Great!” Yunho mumbled. Now he was trapped inside the house.


The room fell silent and got darker as the only source of natural light was now gone. It was the kind of silence that falls right before you get knifed in the back. It sent a shiver down Yunho’s spine and he felt his blood chill in his veins. Yunho found it creepy, but eerie was a better word to describe it.


The dim lights flickered, casting a crepuscular glow within the room and caught Yunho’s attention. Yunho turned around, having his back facing the now locked door. The flames danced curiously even though there was no wind. The air was still but then how did the flames flicker?


One door locked, another door appeared. He was now face to face with a single door in between the candle holders. It looked precisely like the door he came from – a Victorian door but red. Yunho didn't even think that the door could be an exit, but he was a hundred percent sure it was a trap.


Yunho stared at the door longer than he should before decided to check around. He went to the empty grey brick wall on the left and rubbed it with his bare hands. It felt icy to touch. He did the same for the wall on the left. Hoping to find a secret passage on the wall but no avail.


What a horrible fate. Should Yunho just stay there? 'No. I’ll get out of this place no matter what,’ determined Yunho. He didn’t go into the house to give up and be stuck there. He came here to find a way out and he shall find it.


His last option was going through the red door – the door of freedom or the door of doom. Yunho held his breath as he thought about what could be waiting for him behind the door. Slowly, he pushed open the red door. As soon as the door cracked open, a disgusting smell greeted Yunho. With one hand coved his nose, he pushed the door open widely with his body until it banged the wall. But what awaits him was a dark room. He couldn’t see how big the room was because it was too dark in there. He couldn’t even see the wall on either of his sides, if the room had a wall. He couldn’t take it anymore. His stomach growled and the contents of his stomach were threatening to come out.


He had to retreat to the previous room to breathe. “What the hell?” Yunho said, panting. The smell was awfully disgusting. It pierced right t

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Chapter 7: it's like yunho is stuck in a dungeon and has to solve riddles to escape!!
Chapter 4: ooh!! this is mysterious! i feel like yunho is dreaming but he could be hallucinating...interesting!
Chapter 1: oh wow! the way you describe the forest kinda sends chill down to my spine!
Chapter 7: At times it appears Yunho's being possessed by some entity. Perhaps whoever led Yunho to the house is using him to relive some kind of past memory. Each room holds darker memories than the last one. Thanks for the update!
2034 streak #5
Chapter 7: Hahaha this story is just getting more and more interesting with each chapter. Poor Yunho! Wonder what he has got himself into now. Can't wait to see where the door would lead him to. Hope to see an update soon ^^
2034 streak #6
Chapter 6: Hahaha so the black cat could be jiji and Changmin as well? And wonder why Yunho was turning odd now and then. Think the house has got to do something. Anyway, as usual don't give away any spoilers please. Can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^
2034 streak #7
Chapter 4: Whoa! What's happening? Where did Yunho get himself into? Whose room he's supposed to go to and how can he do it? What about the pool of blood? And also who's the black cat? Hahaha so many questions but don't give away any spoilers please. I'll read the further chapters myself and will figure out the answers. Will be back later ^^
2034 streak #8
Chapter 1: Hello there author-nim, remember me from your other story? I stumbled upon this one while searching for yet another Yunho story to read. Lol... Anyway, the first chapter was really interesting and I somehow assumed the boy was JJ but turns out he's Yunho. Cool... Can't wait to read more but will be back later ^^
springmiya #9
Chapter 7: REALLY good
Chapter 7: things are getting creepier. yasks!