Everything will be fine

Everything will be fine

“She's disgusting ...”

- Why did JYP choose her?

“What is it about her?”

- She does not know how to sing, and the dancer from her is not important.

- And that stupid smile, just got it.

“She's ugly ...”

- I hate Kim Dahyun!

How many negative words and comments she had to hear in her address after she debuted in the group TWICE. At first she fell into depression, then she thought that if she tried even better, she would be loved, but after so many years, the anger only intensified.

Those people who wrote such words became even meaner and more aggressive towards her. It's a shame, unfair and incomprehensible. They don’t know her at all, they just see what is on the screen. They don’t even try to get to know her better . And as soon as such an idea came to mind, Dahyun relaxed, she simply began to ignore them , ignore them. Her eyes lingered only on those words where there was at least a bit of truth.

In addition, she had 8 friends who always supported, found amazing words, jokes to cheer her up. She could always cry on their shoulders, get kindness in her eyes, tenderness in her arms and love. DaHyun knew that her closest friends loved her, that they admired her. And when the girls kept telling her:

“You're so pretty, DaHyun.”

She believed.

“I love you the way you are, ” said Chaeyoung, hugging her, and DaHyun believed. She always believed her.

She also had fans, she also believed them. She knew that she had won their hearts and souls with her charm, charisma and ridiculous energy. She could communicate with them freely. And always, under any circumstances, she tirelessly repeated:

- Once, thanks to you, I can fulfill my dream. Thank you for believing in me. I will try harder to give you even more happiness and joy.

And she tried, even if she was tired, smiled, gave happiness and vitality. Everything in her calmed and gave a feeling of lightness.

Yes, that was Kim DaHyun, Dubu, Tofu.


Her name was Katherine Peterson, from the city of Nicholasville, Jessamine County, Kentucky, USA. A graduate of a prestigious college, IQ 140, a laughter in life with endless energy.

Now, when the clock struck at noon, she was going to go on a date with the most beautiful girl on the planet, with a girl whom she met purely by chance when she was walking in the park walking her dog. But instead of running to the meeting, Katherine stood in bewilderment in the middle of a noisy metropolis, staring at a business card with an incomprehensible handwriting, in an incomprehensible language. The man who gave her Katherine, grinning, somehow mysteriously promised:

“Here you will find what you are looking for.”

What she is looking for is not clear, nor is it clear how she moved to another country in such a short time, without a passport and baggage. Katherine looked around stupidly, pinched herself, making sure, yes, she was right here in an unfamiliar place:

“What the hell am I doing here?!” How did I end up here ?! I was just a second ago in my city, went to meet the beauty, and ... Ah , yes, some man gave me a card ... and ... I ... here ... How did I end up here ?! And where the hell am I ?! Am I moving in time? Hahaha, hahaha no, definitely not!

The next moment, she was in front of a building, surrounded by screaming and screaming girls, holding posters and banners.

“What the ... Mr. de is it me?” - surprised Katherine, blinking a couple of times.

I did not have time to say how I ended up inside that building with the same girls.

“I remember exactly that I didn’t go with them ...”

Her body moved to the hall, at row 7, place 21. Her eyes looked in front of her at the stage, where some Asian group, 9 girls performed. The music was loud, almost drowning, she wanted to pinch her ears, and so she did. Then she heard a soft voice, so calm and light. Katherine began to look for the mistress of the voice, which gave her feelings of lightness and freedom, but in front of her stood 9 unfamiliar beauties, and each of them said something, laughed or joked. They created more noise, annoyed.

“Dubu, do you believe in the transmigration of souls?” - heard Katherine whisper, but she didn’t understand where this question came from and whether it was at all.

Who is Dubu? Girl? Or tree names? Katherine did not know, and there was no interest in recognizing anything. She felt tangibly how her body was pulled somewhere, her gaze focused on the broad smile of the girl with a pink bun on her head. The girl waited, waited, then said:

- Don’t be nervous, it's just me - her fingers touched Katherine’s palm, smiled gently, she became so calm in her soul. “Everything will be fine ... Katherine ...”


“Hey, Katherine, how much can you sleep, you still have to go on a date!” - eyes sharply opened, Katherine screamed in surprise.

- What the heck! She cried, jumping out of bed, where, wrapped in blankets, she slept. - What the heck! - turned 180 *, saw the scared eyes of her best friend. - You?!

“Um, yes, I, why are you so broke in the early morning?” What bad dream did you have?

- A dream? - Katherine looked around, still not believing what was happening. She was in her bedroom, outside the window, morning, as sunny as that time. - Sleep, probably everything was a dream. A strange dream - she passed through her hair, shook herself, then again looked at her friend. “What are you doing here, Maggie?”

- I came to help with the outfit, as agreed yesterday by phone - having gone from fright, my friend simply said.


- Hey, DaHyun-unnie, wake up! - Chaeyoung braked, dropping onto the bed. - Unnie! - but to no avail, the girl did not answer, her eyes were closed. - Aigoo! - in frustration, she clapped her hands, getting up and going to the leader that she was waiting in the living room. More precisely, everyone was already waiting there, dressed and ready for the start of their schedule. - Jihyo-unnie, I can't do it! DaHyun-unnie doesn't wake up!

- You didn’t succeed? - the members were surprised looking at the upset Chaeyoung. Who-who, and Chaeyoung could always wake her friend. As soon as she was near, DaHyun opened her eyes and smiled brightly.

- Okay, let me - the leader of the group went into the room, Nayeon trudged along. - DaHyun, wake up! - shouted from the threshold, but the result is zero. The girls looked at each other, shrugged, shouted again, then began to slow down. Nayeon’s fingers accidentally hit the girl’s carotid artery ...

“Jihyo,” Nayeon whispered softly, barely audibly, looking fearfully at the sleeping DaHyun. The leader raised an inquiring eyebrow. “Dahyun, she's not breathing ...”

“Ha ha ha,” Jihyo laughed, pushing Nayeon in the shoulder. “Stop joking, unnie.”

- I'm serious - the girl did not support her friend's laughter, feeling for the pulse. “I can't hear her heartbeat.”

“Stop it,” Jihyo was indignant, touching the vein on her wrist herself. A minute, that's how much it takes to hear, but nothing was heard. “She ... is not breathing.” Nayeon-unnie, call the manager here ...

- What do you mean, "she does not breathe"? - they heard a question from the door, looked up, all the members stood there, Chaeyoung, that's who asked. She ran up, knelt beside the bed, touched her wrist with her hand. Her voice sounded with anguish when her ears focused on a pulse that was not there. A sob escaped from , her eyes becoming blurry due to unshed tears. Not only Chaeyoung, all members surrounded the girlfriend’s bed, and they all whispered as one in prayer:

“DaHyun-unnie ...”


- Katherine! Can I get orange juice in the fridge?

“You already took it, so why ask?” - appearing in the kitchen, wiping her hair with a towel on the go, the girl grumbled. “How long will you stay here?” - pushing a girlfriend sideways and removing eggs, bacon and milk from the refrigerator.

- I have plenty of time - she shrugged Maggie, taking a sip of cold juice, then she grimaced, spat out the remaining juice in the sink, wiped with her palm, turned the bottle and read the date on the label. “Ugh, Katherine, why are you keeping expired goods here?” Phew, disgusting!

“Especially for friends like you,” she laughed, cooking eggs, then she met her friend’s hungry look that looked at the frying pan. - Eh, okay, okay, I'll do it for you too.

“You're the best, Cattie,” hopped up with joy to Maggie, pouring the rest of the juice into the sink, and throwing the bottle into the garbage bag. “So what do you wear today?” Dress, pants or skirt? I would recommend that dress that still hangs in your closet. You never put it on. We bought it in vain?

“I put it on,” Katherine disagreed, looking up at the ceiling, trying to remember what day it was. - Precisely put it on - not one thought crossed my mind, Maggan just waited, clasped her hands in front of her, her gaze was skeptical about her friend.

- Well? - tired of waiting, she asked. - When did this miracle happen?

- I do not remember - the girl surrendered, biting her lower lip. - I do not remember, I!

“Never,” said the syllables, pretty smiling at Maggan. - But today there will be a test shot. And I'm sure that that girl, your artist - she stopped here and cast a questioning look at Katherine, she nodded - will be speechless when she sees you in him. I guarantee!

“I persuaded you to put it on today” - Katherine sighed hopelessly, laying the plates on the table and putting the forks with the knife next to them. - Come on, otherwise it will cool.


They all crowded in the hall opposite the hospital ward, where Kim DaHyun was taken only half an hour ago. Their producer talked to the doctor who examined DaHyun, but they could not find a place, wandered back and forth, looking impatiently at the end of the aisle, where their silhouettes were visible.

- Why so long? Why don't they tell us anything? What's up with DaHyun? - Nayeon broke the hospital silence, she held a large cup of hot coffee in her hands, but had not yet taken a sip from it. No one answered the question, and she did not wait, the question was rhetorical. Their tearful faces anxiously awaited the verdict from the doctor.

Finally, they heard the steps approaching them, they all grouped together, hugging each other, supporting. They held their breath.

- There is good news and bad. Where to start?

“Start with anyone,” Jihyo said with difficulty, swallowing, she tightly squeezed Naeon's hand, which stood next to her.

- There is breathing, but weak - everyone exhaled freely, but immediately became alert. - She woke up once, and here is a little snag - did not know how to say the doctor asked for the help of the producer.

“She said her name is Katherine, and she doesn't know anyone named DaHyun.” Then she again fell into a dream, and this is perhaps the worst.

- Do not pull - they asked in unison, barely restraining themselves so as not to faint.

“Our DaHyun is in a coma, and we don’t know if she will ever wake up.”

The first broke in sobbing Chaeyoung, Tzuyu tried to support her, but the only thing that came out was sob. No one believed what was happening.

Why them DaHyun? Why exactly her? What should they do now without a reliable friend?

And who is Katherine?


“Everything, everything, you helped me, now leave,” said Katherine, pushing her friend out of her apartment. - I am already a big girl, I do not need nannies.

“But I didn’t see you in the dress — Maggan didn’t give up, trying my best to stay.” “How do I know that I got it and put it on?” Hm?

- Oh my God! Maggie! She exclaimed irritably, running into her bedroom, opening the cabinet door with a knock, quickly rummaging there, finding the damned dress at the very end, took it out and hung it in a prominent place. Turning to her friend, she pointed to him and asked. “Are you happy now ?!”

- Nearly. Put it on, I want to see you in it - she calmly answered.

- I just can’t understand why you are my friend - picking up a dress, going to the bathroom.

“I love you too,” she called after her, smiling happily at Maggie.

15 minutes later, she appeared in front of her friend in all its glory. The dress perfectly outlined every line of her graceful body. The dark green color blends perfectly with fair skin and red hair.

“You will defeat her on the spot,” Maggan pronounced her verdict with admiration, scattering her figure, lingering on a small neckline, where her gift sparkled in the form of a chain with a broken heart. “Don't be nervous, Catherine, everything will be fine.”

- What did you say? - the girl stammered for a second, stunned by the words of her friend.

“I said that you shouldn’t be nervous that everything would be fine,” she repeated, thinking that Katherine had not heard the first time.

- Oh yes, thanks! Everything, now will you leave me? I need to prepare myself for a meeting with her! - pointed to the door.

- That's it, I got it. We’ll talk tomorrow. I need to know all the details of your romantic dinner - going out the door.

Katherine leaned wearily against the door, running her hand through her hair, throwing it behind her back. For a while she stood, not moving, then still moved away from the door, went to the mirror that hung above the nightstand, in the hallway, carefully looked at her reflection. She peered for a long time, then:

“Hi, what's your name?” - Asked the reflection next to another girl, with a wide and bright smile on her face.

- 1,2,3. Hi, I'm TWICE's DaHyun.

- TWICE? Cool last name - Catherine grinned.

- Silly, this is not a surname, that's what my group is called - the reflection laughed.

- Group? Okay, what difference does it make? ”Katherine shrugged, watching the reflection in the mirror try to look around where it was. - My main question is - are you a ghost?

- I`m?! - the girl showed herself, quickly shook her head denying. - No, I'm not a ghost, I’m probably a soul.

- Yeah, soul, I see. And what are you doing here? Got lost? She asked in all seriousness.

“You can ask a question,” she raised her ghostly hand, and without waiting for consent, inquired. - Who are you? And what a day of the week, maybe a year ...

- 2018 The 20th of October. USA, Kentucky. Katherine Peterson.

- Oh, so today is our anniversary. 3 years together! - a bright smile did not leave her face for a minute while they were talking. “I would return to my body if I knew how to separate myself from you.” Honestly, I don’t even understand how our souls merged together. Maybe you understand ? Maybe you're my fan? You know ... oh yes you don't know ...

“It’s too nervous for the soul , calm down, take it all in your mind” - calmed the ghostly soul of a girl named DaHyun. - I'm sorry, but I can’t chat with you for a long time, I have a date today.

- A date? ABOUT! - Katherine clearly saw, a blush on her cheeks, and an embarrassed expression. - Good luck! - shouted the soul of DaHyun in some strange language.

- Thanks, DaHyun ...


She just sleeps , she constantly said to herself, adjusting the blanket on her friend’s chest. She can hear everything perfectly, said the doctor. You just have to start talking, Chaeyoung.

- Hello! It's me. You know, here I thought you had such a dream, that you don’t want to wake up? Um, sorry, no thoughts, I don’t know where to start. The doctor said, you hear, I hope that it is. Today we performed without you, tried to shine as brightly as you did, but Once still noticed that we were crying. And they kept asking where you are. Wherever you are, come back to us, to me ...


The last time I checked whether I took everything, I looked at myself in the mirror, wiping the trace of lipstick on the corner of my lips, resolutely went out the door of my apartment.

Katherine knew that she looked 100% when she heard the whistle from men or openly admiring glances from women. But she did not pay attention to them , focused on the first date with a charming artist, whom she met yesterday. Barely remembering about her, her legs rushed faster ahead, afraid of being late.

Will he come?

- What? - the girl started, almost tripping over.

“I'm talking about the guy you are dating,” I heard DaHyun's voice in my head.

- Girl. I have a date with a girl, Katherine corrected her. “You scared me!” - continued walking, glancing at the wristwatch.

- Sorry, I just became curious. So this is not a romantic date, friendly? I often go on dates with my members.

“I have to disappoint you, I like girls, and I definitely want to charm her tonight.”

- ...

- Not what to answer? - a soul appeared before her eyes, and she was clearly shocked by the recognition.

“Sorry, I did not expect to hear that.” Uh ... do you like her? - found a question.

- Honestly? Fell in love at first sight ... She's gorgeous , now you will see for yourself. Look, there she sits in a half-turn - with awe pointed to a black-haired girl.


On the monitor, DaHyun’s heart rate accelerated, frightening Jeongyeon, who was sitting in the room, reading a book. She jumped up, not understanding what had happened. Her gaze settled on the pulse:

- Doctor! Doctor! She shouted, frantically pressing the call button. - Doctor! She…


“I hear your heart, DaHyun.” What's the matter?

- Nothing, identified ...

This girl, she can't be Chaeyoung, right?


“Are you sure you saw DaHyun’s pulse speed up on the monitor?”

“Yes,” Jeongyeon repeated once more, rubbing her temples tiredly with her palm. - I saw it.

“Then I don’t understand why,” he spread his hands in different directions, the doctor said doomedly, looking at the mark in the monitor, which stood in one place.

“I don’t know how to prove it to you, but I saw and heard ... DaHyun ... her heart ...” squealed again, and she exclaimed joyfully, “Do you hear?” This is DaHyun! She is trying to tell us something ...


Chae ... but ...

“Hi, Emily,” she said, smiling broadly , with the seated girl Katherine. - I’m not late?

“Hello, Katherine,” she smiled affably, returning a little to her side to let her pass to the table. “No, you are on time, I had come earlier,” she said shyly.

Knock knock knock knock ...


“Get out of the room!” The doctor asked, looking puzzled again and again at the blinking monitor. “This is the first time I'm contacting this,” he whispered to himself. “The equipment is fine, so why ...”


Her smile ... her dimple ... her eyes ... her voice ...

This girl's name is Emily.

She is not Chaeyoung!

Knock knock knock knock ...


For two hours, Chaeyoung looked intently through the window into the ward, where doctors and nurses conjured her friend. Beside her, Mina and Jeongyeon stood just as quietly. They were able to free time from the schedule, but soon their change will come to an end. Chaeyoung did not want to leave for a second from her friend, but could not do anything. When she received an SMS from Jeongyeon, she threw everything and rushed to the hospital, which is why she got a scolding from the manager. Now important was DaHyun. Only DaHyun. Everything else went by the wayside.

The rhythm of the heart returned to a peaceful state only when she approached her (she was allowed after much persuasion and crying) and kissed her forehead, gently her cheek, whispered:

- Everything will be fine, I'm here with you.

The magic worked, DaHyun calmed down, Chaeyoung even seemed that the corners of her lips lifted into a smile.

“As always,” Jeongyeon shrugged, as all the doctors looked at Jong-yon with a question. - Always, when DaHyun is nervous or worried about something, Chaeyoung for her is support and reliability. Always in the first place Chaeyoung, then we all.

“Because we are best friends,” explained Chaeyoung, but her heart sank treacherously in her chest, disagreeing .

Knock knock knock ... knock ...


“I had a great time with you, Emily — I really didn’t want to say goodbye to her, but Katherine overpowered herself, getting up from her chair and taking out her purse for payment.

- Are you in a hurry somewhere? - Emily's voice sounded upset, her look asked hopefully.

- No. Do you offer something? - Katherine was delighted, expecting the date to continue.

- Let's go to the park, to the pond - she asked, shyly looking away to the side.

“With you I’m ready to go even to the ends of the Earth.” Having plucked up courage, she sang a line from a song that she really liked. She decided to reveal her true intentions to the girl, and Emily understood, but did not refuse, finished the line from the song:

“And to be with you always, wherever you go ...”


The colors of the day disappeared as suddenly as they appeared when DaHyun first opened her eyes and realized that she was not in her body. The strangest thing was that she was not afraid, as if she knew that this would happen. The white light that surrounded her from all sides gave calmness, which she lacked recently. Yes, here, in silence, she could rest.

Then she heard a soft whisper. It became interesting, she reached for him, and so met Katherine. A girl with a similar character to her, but with bad luck. Katherine was simply bad luck in love. She was the one who was often abandoned. Her heart suffered, lost confidence, began to believe that it was better to be alone.

Not properly.

Man should not be alone.

DaHyun was not alone. Next to her were those who cared and loved her. The first name that slipped out of the tongue was Chaeyoung, the most beloved member, the best of the best. Sweetheart so she doesn’t. A cute baby…

Chaeyoung’s loud voice drowned out completely, gray color began to fill the space. It became difficult to breathe, tears streamed down my cheeks, and my heart stopped beating when I heard:

“Unnie, I'm already 20 years old, I'm not a child!” And when I say that I love you, everything is serious ...

... - Why do you always laugh at my feelings?!

…- L hate you!

... - I want you to disappear !

- You I need , come back, DaHyun-unnie - a barely audible voice whispered Chaeyoung, and she felt the heat from the hot touch.


“I'm sorry I said those words that time.” Everything came out hot . I need you, unnie, please come back. Just open your eyes and say ...


- Take it, take it, what is so scared - poking your business card in your hands, one of the fans said, sitting opposite DaHyun. “She will help you solve all the problems.”

“I have no problem,” DaHyun denied, not understanding why he was so assertive. “But thanks, for worrying about me.”

“It's a simple business card; it won’t bite you.” She already helped me, I just want you to be happy, Tofu - he managed to give it in his hands, and ...


Spinning, spinning ...

- Welcome to the world of desires. I already know what you want. Your wish is granted ...

Spinning, spinning ...

“Your desire to be fulfilled, but do me a favor, help this soul ...”

Spinning, spinning ...

“Your desire, it was fulfilled, and you yourself fulfilled it ... Go back to her, Kim DaHyun ...”


- ... and say ...

“Hey Chaeyoung, what am I doing here?” - waking up, stretching on the bed, asked DaHyun. - Why am I in the hospital? Hey why are you crying? Hey…

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