"if you're done taking your things please close the refrigerator."

jihoon called out his roommate with a bored look. his small eyes see choi seungcheol jump at his voice and quickly close the fridge's door. without taking anything.

he munch his cereal while watching with amusement at how seungcheol sighed, finger combing his disheveled hair and moving toward the water dispenser in the kitchen set.

he's hesitating for a while before pull one of the rabbit printed couple cup from the cabinet, fill it with coffee instant then take a transparent jar with white powder in it.

jihoon raise his eyebrows, tilting his head when he see seungcheol take a spoon of the powder from the jar to his cup.

"that's salt, you know?"

"hmm.." is seungcheol monotone answer, finger pressing the hot water to his cup.

it takes an exact 5 seconds before jihoon rolled his eyes when seungcheol curse out loud after he taste the beverage and throw the cup into the sink.

"why didn't you tell me it was salt??" the black haired man turn around to face his roommate fuming with anger.

"i told ya, but you didn't listen,"

he's stupid, jihoon rolled his eyes.

seungcheol groan loudly and slam his on the chair on jihoon's left. he lean on the back chair with head upward. bottom lips jutted out.

what a way to start his morning, he thought silently.

he absentmindedly grab the phone on the table, with jihoon still watching interestingly of course, open the lock screen but doing nothing but stare at it.

he blinks his eyes. mind blank.

he doesn't know what to do with it. he knew he had to do something with it but somehow his heart and his brain are on the opposite sides. it's gone haywire and he end up broken. malfunction.

"if you're going to live like zombie like this, you shouldn't broke up with jeonghan."

"this have nothing to do with that," sungcheol tch-ed in disagreement. putting back his phone on the table.

"uh huh,"

seungcheol side eyeing his longtime friend and pout.

"and i didn't live like zombie."


"this!" seungcheol raise his right fore finger up, "is something that you can call PTSD. it's normal. we've been together for 7 years and suddenly we broke up. so of course i need time to adapt,"

jihoon pour another milk to his cereal. definitely not buying the excuse.

"yeah, right" he repeat his answer.

it's still to early to have argumentation over love and ptsd with someone like choi seungcheol.

stupid and stubborn.

he knew the couple since they're in high school. always lovey dovey, disgustingly cheesy and stuck together like fish and their poop, he and everyone else were sure seungcheol and jeonghan would last long until they're old and stink.

some of their friends were betting if they would break up after a year, 3 years and 5 years. all lose their bet. jihoon though, win them all and pocketing the money with a wide grin. he has faith in the couple.

so imagine his dumbfounded look when his friend suddenly came home on one sunday evening saying he's broken up with jeonghan. with monotone voice, as if it's your every day conversation.

he initially thought the man was going insane for suddenly did that, but even if he did that with full conscience, the aftermath proving he's really gone insane by now.

jihoon catch seungcheol peeking at his phone again.

"what are you looking for?"

seungcheol lock the screen again, finger tapping the wooden table in steady rhythm. he's in deep thought.

"at this hour i usually send jeonghan good morning message, and tell him my schedule."

"but i can't do that now can i?" the man continue, staring at jihoon innocently.

jihoon silently want to smack that face. maybe a good whack will reassemble the screw in his brain. make him realize that what he did was ridiculous. he and seungcheol are long time friends, but he wouldn't defend this crackhead if jeonghan ever decide to kick him from the cliff. jihoon would probably help creating alibi for the blonde man.

"go make up with him then,"

seungcheol black orbs stare at his roommate with blank eyes.

"why should i? i was the one who break up with him,"

"over a stupid reason,"

seungcheol get up from his seat, he grab his phone and walk away from the kitchen.

"it's not a stupid reason," he talk lifelessly, rustling his hair as he going straight to his bedroom. he said this countless time by now, exhausted because everyone keep saying that.

"i'm going back to sleep."

the sound of the door close is soft, but in this quiet room it's echoing loudly for jihoon to sigh again.

stupid, stubborn and childish.
he noted before going back to finish his breakfast.


soft groan left jeonghan's mouth when he open his eyes. it's 8 in the morning, he somehow manage to wake up just with his body clock. he's really getting used to this. he grab his phone from the night table out of habit and stare at it for a few seconds to see no new message, frown, before he remember the reality and throw the phone on the bed beside him.

he sit up, pulling knees close and leaning his head on it. eyes staring at the poor phone.

it's been a week, why does it's so hard to adapt to a new environment? is 7 days can't win against 7 years?

he grimace. what is he expecting now that they have broken up? everything will not be the same anymore from now on. seungcheol seem okay with his new life, so jeonghan must continue with his too.

the thought make him more upset. how can seungcheol move on that fast? why can't he do the same? it's hard to accept that.

he's so mad ever since that day, at everything, at himself.

life is like a torture without his boyfriend, without choi seungcheol in his life. he pushed himself to be strong to bear a new day. he can't be this weak,

his eyes move toward the study table beside his bed and see some things that was not belong to him. maybe if there's a thing he need to do start moving on, it's to throw all seungcheol's left over things in his apartment.

and he's determine to do so.


"you're not going to eat that, han?"

jisoo turn his body side way to face his best friend.
they're in university canteen, it's lunch time so the huge place is currently full with students. chaotic and messy. but jeonghan is playing with his noodles, eyes blank, zoning out while his fork just tapping on his plate.

jisoo is getting worried at his best friend's condition after the man broke up with his boyfriend, his condition is really concerning.

yoon jeonghan is usually a cheerful guy with sparkling eyes. he doesn't get upset easily nor down in depressed. everyone around him can feel his contagious energetic smile and it never fail to make people smile too.

but currently the cheerful guy is no where to be seen. lost somewhere in 5th dimension.

he put his own spoon down and grab the beautiful man's face with both hand, cupping it, forcing jeonghan to look at jisoo since the guy didn't even budge when he called him.

jeonghan gasp at the sudden action and blinking his eyes in confusion.

"forget that jerk! move on with your life! there are a lot of men out there who is more handsome, smarter, richer, and maturer than him."


"don't stuck at him. he's not worthed." jisoo furrowed his eyebrows after his outburst.

he's a calm and laid back person usually. he barely raise his voice and prefer be a silence side kick kind of guy, so for the golden haired man to suddenly speak with so much determination make jeonghan stunned. determination in underestimation, his best friend is raging with fire currently.

jisoo finally let go of his face, huffing loudly but still staring at him.

"i'm sorry" jeonghan whisper.

"ooh please don't be. it's not your fault han. you didn't do anything wrong."

jeonghan is smiling sweetly and snuggling at jisoo, resting his head on the slender man's shoulder when he heard his best friend still continuing his diss at his now ex boyfriend.

"stagnant? stagnant my . what kind of expectation he want from a 7 years old relationship? he should just be honest that he's bored and want to find a new 'exciting' love."

the smile on jeonghan's face fell.

bored huh? the word is like a new stab to his already wounded heart. it's painful, he hardly want to accept the fact that seungcheol thought their relationship all this time is boring.

but how? from where? since when? why can't jeonghan feel it?

seungcheol was sweet as always, doing his duty as boyfriend obediently, and they didn't even fight. jeonghan feel everyday was a bless, he felt full and seeing seungcheol everyday still never fail to make his heart pounding with love.

is it really just him?

"jeonghan and seungcheol broke up??"

the 2 best friend look up to a new guest who sit in front of them. eyes widened at the new fact. lee seokmin.

lee seokmin is a friend from fine art dept focusing in musical acting. jisoo and jeonghan meet him during their first year in english class. his mouth is open wide. he put his tray of food and probed his chin on to his hand on top the table. trying to absorb the reality.

"why???" he asked comically.

"he's just a jerk." it's jisoo who answer it. jeonghan puffed up his cheek and hid his face in jisoo's shoulder. the golden haired man pat him on the head lightly.


"what kind of a man who break up with their lover for 7 years because he think their relationship is going nowhere. stagnant."

"for real??" seokmin still look surprised, he tilted his head in amusement.

"can we stop talking about it?" jeonghan sit up straight. these friends are not helping at all. he pout.

seungcheol is jerk for pulling that card to him, but he's not that jerk as a man. their relationship for the last 7 years was nothing but pure bliss for jeonghan.

now that he remember about this he want to cry again.he just want to dig a hole and hide there until apocalypse come and wash this world all together. gone was his determination to be strong.

"then you're single now?"

jisoo and jeonghan stare at the smiley seokmin in unison.

"actually, i'm hosting a matchmaking session next weekend. we're in need of more people. want to join?"

jeonghan is flabbergasted. he's waving his hands frantically at the invitation. he really dislike this kind of event.

"count him in!" jisoo slam the table enthusiastically. his eyes sparkling with excitement in contrast to jeonghan dumbfounded look.


"i'm decided. you can't mourn about it anymore. you have to move on"

seokmin nodding his head off at jisoo's encouragement.

"yaah, but it's only a week, shouldn't you give me more time?" he whine.

"i saw seungcheol with a guy in the cafe in front of our school on the way here, they look so close," seokmin chirped in with a light voice.

"see??" jisoo turn to jeonghan again. who's gape from not being able to retaliate.

well, seokmin is not lying. he really did see seungcheol with a guy, except the said guy is jeon wonwoo, his fellow online game partner. the combo is quite famous for their addiction to game online in their university. they're the founder of their game club after all. if you don't see seungcheol with jeonghan, then it will be with this wonwoo. and though they're close and can lead to another rumor, there is actually another person with them in the cafe. lee jihoon, seungcheol's best friend from music dept.

he just decided to skip that 2 little fact.

when he see jeonghan biting his lip and considering the information, and looking swayed, seokmin did a little halelujah in his head.

kim mingyu owe him one this time.

his tall friend from business dept was definitely head over heels for yoon jeonghan ever since they meet in a seminar for internship few months ago. he and mingyu were high school friend, when he knew seokmin know jeonghan, he's disturbing him at daily basis to introduce them and to give him jeonghan's number. of course he can't do that, since jeonghan has boyfriend and they're well known couple among their peers.

that huge puppy was on his nerve every time he whines after he knew that jeonghan was already taken and staring at the couple with this heart broken eyes everywhere he saw them.

"but i'm not sure..."

"jisoo can join too, then you won't afraid being alone." seokmin add in another idea.

they lack of people anyway. the matchmaking event was honestly on impulse when he heard about the info about jeonghan's break up, he grimace inside his head. he'll need more people, he'll definitely get mingyu to use his people skills to get more participants from his department. he think he can get some from fine arts students too.

jeonghan sigh when he finally agree to join the gathering on condition jisoo will go with him too.

this definitely doesn't sit well with his morale, but he's not a widow who's mourning over a dead husband. so he should be not feel guilty right?

jeonghan brushed his hair to the back, leaning his head back on jisoo's shoulder. he feels his head a little bit heavy since this morning and lost appetite too, he wonder if he's sick.

it's probably because of stress. he get sick easily whenever he feel stress.


seungcheol throw away everything in his bag to the bed. he still can't find it. he cursed.

where did he put that external hard drive? it contain his design material for the end semester project. he knew it, he should have at least make a copy to wonwoo's computer or save it online as back up. but no, being a reckless guy he is he believe that hard drive was enough.

jeonghan reminded him of this countless times too. he and his forgetful .

and to think his laptop is still in the service center getting maintenance and the probability he'd lose all his files, he's pale at the thought.

the black haired man sit on the bed, scratching his head while trying to remember where the last time he saw it.

if it's not in this room, then it's probably on that place.

jeonghan's apartment.

he grimace at the idea to visit his now ex boyfriend. he doesn't think the beautiful man will welcome him warmly like he used to be.

reconsidering his option, nevertheless he take a look at the clock in his room. 9pm. still young for a night. should he go?

he can call jeonghan actually, asking him to find it and get the hard drive tomorrow at school. it's the safest option. but his guts strongly telling him to see his ex boyfriend, in person. he wonder why. he's fidgeting in his spot.

because he miss him probably? he quickly dismissed the thought.
he really need to get used to do everything alone and not depended on yoon jeonghan anymore.

after much thought and dealing with all possibilities, seungcheol grab a denim jacket from the hanger and dash out of the apartment. jihoon has not back from his studio yet he noticed. well he wont take long time anyway.

seungcheol and jeonghan's apartment are just 2 block distance. a 15 minutes walk.
in between their apartment there's a bus station. seungcheol take a stare at the bench when he pass by and a lingering memories flooded his mind, a flashback of him grabbing jeonghan's hand from leaving, he didn't want to part yet, funny if he re think again, they've been together for so long but it's still hard to part with his boyfriend even after they're together in school.

so they would spend another more 30 minutes on the station's bench, just talking and spending time together. before seungcheol eventually walk jeonghan home, hand in hand.

that probably the most useless but full of happiness 30 minutes in his life.

when he reach the apartment's door, his brain suddenly blank. it seems like a wrong decision now that he think all over again. he blink rapidly to clear his mind, he's already here anyway. he'll just get the damn hard drive and leave. simple just like that.
he nervously ring the bell.

it takes around 10 minutes before jeonghan finally open the door, seungcheol is kind of worry. jeonghan usually didn't take this long to open the door. he's about to ring the bell again when the white door open, revealing jeonghan who's wrapped in oversized light blue hoodie, long pyjama pant that's folded on the edge, a disheveled hair and a red nose.

he's overly cute tonight, seungcheol is kinda taken a back and secretly admiring the beautiful yoon before realizing that the man is actually sick.

"what are you doing here?"
he's right, jeonghan's voice is hoarse.

"are you sick?" seungcheol ask worriedly when he see jeonghan coughing in between his question.

"just light cold." the man answer weakly. sniffing.

so this is why his gut telling him to go. his decision was right after all.

"have you drink your medicine?"

"what do you want?" jeonghan ignore the question. why would he care anyway? they have no connection now.

seungcheol fidgeting in his spot, he stare at the inside of the neat apartment. the man is alone right?

"my things, is there mine that's still left here?"

"what kind?"

"hard drive, that blue one. it has my draft design,"

jeonghan make a small frown when he tried to remember. but his head is clouded with fever it's tiring to just even try to think. he want to dismiss seungcheol, but he knew exactly how important is the hard drive for him.

did he not back up the file? jeonghan remind him thousands times to do that, but what can he expect from his ex boyfriend and his forgetful ?

taking another look at the black haired man, jeonghan feel his heart sank. did seungcheol lost weight? did he not get enough rest? his eye bags are just getting worse, and he look thin.

he took a step the side, gesturing the man to come inside.

"you can search it, but i think there's nothing left anymore." he weakly said then walk inside his apartment again. sneezing on the way.

there's a little relieve mix with nervousness when seungcheol walk inside the familiar room again. he close the door behind him and take a closer look.

there's no trace of other man inside the place. he sighed in relieved unconsciously. it still recent anyway, there is no way jeonghan turn to another man that fast. the beautiful man is not that kind of person.

"maybe it's in the bedroom," jeonghan said softly from the kitchen. taking out an orange juice from the fridge.

seungcheol divert his attention at the looking frail body, drowning in his hoodie. it doesn't seem like a small cold. he tch-ed in worry.

but he continue his journey to the bedroom to find his things. the faster he find it the better, so jeonghan can rest.

jeonghan put the glass in his hand down on the table. his fever seems to get worse with seungcheol presence. he's nervous as heck and the adrenaline up his left over energy. now he feels dizzy.

he want a cuddle so bad. jeonghan would usually stuck himself to his boyfriend and let seungcheol tuck him to bed. stay with him until he fell asleep.

he really want to grab the man, to ask for another chance. he still love seungcheol so much it become unhealthy anymore. but the pride and the sting that he's actually dumped still strongly stamped there. he's afraid he'd get rejected and he doesn't want that another pain to his already fragile heart.

seungcheol asked for a break up, why would he want to reconcile with jeonghan?

jeonghan heard steps at his way and turn his eyes to stare at his handsome ex boyfriend. the man hold a blue thing on his hand with a smile.

"found it,"

ah, so there's still some left in his place after all.

"have you drink your medicine?"
seungcheol walk closer.

jeonghan is just blankly staring at the older guy and flinch a little when seungcheol put his cold palm on his burning forehead. checking his temperature.

it's just shortly, but jeonghan want to surrender at the caring gesture. he doesn't refused when seungcheol drag him by the wrist to his bedroom, tuck him under the blanket. he left a little while and jeonghan can already feel loneliness attack.

he close his eyes, his ears perk up at the slight noise seungcheol made in the kitchen. this is like the usual situation, what happen right now just like their everyday life.

jeonghan wonder in his dizzy mind if the break up is real.

"han, wake up. drink this first," seungcheol softly hold jeonghan's hand to wake the man  and pull him up to sit.

jeonghan is usually a light sleeper, he get surprised a lot if he's woken up suddenly. but when he's sick, he'd be heavy sleeper, he wouldn't even budge even if he heard loud noises.

he pulled the study chair near him to the bed and sit near jeonghan who finally sit straight. still in dazed, the man doesn't seems to know what to do with the glass of water and pill in his palm.

seungcheol smile at the sight. jeonghan is that reluctant when it comes to medicine. that's why his sickness took quite long time to heal. he hates medicine. not even his mother able to make him drink it. even in the past seungcheol had to trick and bribe him with things to make jeonghan agree to drink them.

he take the pill and tell the sick man to open his mouth. jeonghan obediently did what he's told and scrunch up with disgust at the bitter taste when seungcheol insert the pill into his mouth then force him to take the water.

"you should go back."

is what jeonghan softly said after seungcheol take the water and put it on the night table.

"i'll stay until you sleep."

"you shouldn't have,"

"you know how lonely it is to be sick alone." seungcheol speak just as soft, "we may broke up, but i'll still here if you need me. we can still be friend han."

it sting.
the truth really sting.

jeonghan turn to his left, his back facing seungcheol who still stay seated in his chair.

it's hard for jeonghan to face him now, and it's harder to sleep with his presence. jeonghan tried hard not to cry.

his kindness only make him hurt. because what jeonghan want is not his companion as friend, but his love.

times ticking so slow, jeonghan is still not drift to sleep. his eyes is wide awake. and seungcheol is still here, really waiting for him to sleep.

"you can't sleep?"

jeonghan turn to see the man hover on top of him with worried look. he knew jeonghan is not sleeping. he shake his head lightly.

his brown eyes watching with curiosity when seungcheol take off his denim jacket and get inside his blanket. jeonghan gasp silently when he's softly pulled into the embrace using seungcheol's arm as pillow.

what is he going to do now?

"you're always a handful when you're sick,"

it's an inside joke between them before, jeonghan would usually playfully hit him and they would laugh together. now it doesn't feel like a joke anymore.

is that why seungcheol ask for a break up? because he's always a handful? that he's tired taking care of jeonghan?

"you don't have to do this," he mumble against the warm body, forcing himself not to grab the clothes and snuggle closer.

"but you won't be able to sleep if i don't do this right?"
"now go sleep," the man is his hair and hold his waist close.

jeonghan bite his bottom lip. his eyes are red from holding back his tears. he force himself to close his eyes and with the familiar warmth it doesn't take long before jeonghan finally drifted to sleep.

seungcheol lean back to take a closer look at his ex boyfriend's face after he heard soft snore. he looks a little bit pale but still beautiful nevertheless. his blonde hair is growing, his black roots start showing seungcheol notice. he remember he accompanied the man to the salon to dye his hair and almost died from boredom because it took pretty long time to bleach it.

but jeonghan satisfied with his new look so he's happy with it.

he look at the long lashes and the tall nose. his finger run through the cheek bone, caressing it lovingly.

it's still soft and warm. the same as always.

he run his eyes toward the soft pink buds and stay there.


he cheerfully skips in his steps to go back to his class after going from the bathroom and halt his run when he's near a certain class. with gleaming eyes he carefully take a step and take a peek at a certain boy in glasses sitting on the second row from the front.

he look serious doodling on his notebook. homework? notes? jeonghan really want to know.

his name is choi seungcheol, the boy who help him on their entrance ceremony. they're both freshmen, both late to go to the ceremony and had to sneak in to the auditorium in giggle. after the ceremony over jeonghan still remember freshly when the boy came to him and offered his hand. introducing his name with a wide smile.

jeonghan can never forget that blinding smile that haunting his life since then.

jeonghan always has a thing for a boy in glasses. the nerdy and studious guy is totally his type. because he likes them smart.

when the said boy look up and see him, he wave his hand a little bit too excited and grin wider when the boy wave back at him.

he continue skipping to his class back with stupid grin.
he's been determine. he's going to confess to choi seungcheol tomorrow.

when the next day come, jeonghan unfortunately had to deal with dilemma. he's nervously standing in front of the shoes locker, holding an envelope with love letter in it.  yes, love letter. he prefer it old school just like the novel he read weeks ago, an old novel about 2 person falling in love from exchanging love letter even before knowing who the sender. only this time he put his name in it and ask the person to come to the backyard for him to confess.

there is only this one little problem.

he's eyeing at 2 same name placate in front of the locker, chewing his bottom lip. he groaned, how can he not know there are 2 choi seungcheol in the same class???

some kids are eyeing him weirdly because he's been pinpointing his finger on the 2 shoes locker. he's thinking if he should just postpone the confession. but his heart tell him it should be now, because he's sure if he halt it to another day, jeonghan will definitely chicken out.

he grimace at his own cowardice.

a boy shorter than him open the locker near him. he blink his brown eyes.

lee jihoon, jeonghan read the name on the locker. he's in the same class as the 2 choi seungcheol. perhaps he know?

encouraging himself to be braver jeonghan called the boy.

"euhm, do you know which locker belong to seungcheol?"

the chubby cheeks boy raise his eyebrows, he watch the letter in jeonghan's hand which the boy quickly hide behind his back.

"which seungcheol?"

ah right, why is jeonghan so stupid?

"the handsome one," he answer cheekily.

this lee jihoon was thinking for second before he point at the locker on jeonghan's right with his chin.

"no.133" he said shortly before turn around and leave.

jeonghan said a quick thank you before happily open the locker 133 to see a running shoes and without thinking inserting the love letter in it before running away in glee.


he shouldn't believe someone's perception on what determine handsome.
he forget that beauty is in the hand of beholder. he sigh.

jeonghan is massaging his hurting temple when instead of the nerdy choi seungcheol that he want, he get the other choi seungcheol to stand in front of him. grinning from cheek to cheek at him.

he should be in doubt when he first saw that running shoes in the locker yesterday. he smack himself mentally. no way the nerdy seungcheol has running shoes kept nicely in his locker. at one glance jeonghan can see the boy didn't like sport. he's the book type, not outdoor type.

while this seungcheol here, is his opposite. jeonghan can see he's a member of their school's athletic team based on his jersey. the boy must be good at running because it's rare for freshmen like them to get into the team this fast and earn the club's formal jacket.

jeonghan himself is a member of soccer team and all he did everyday is practice kicking and picking up the ball.

"you're really cute up close," the boy speak.
his puberty doesn't seem to end yet, his voice is in the middle high range and the hoarse, but jeonghan can see when his puberty end his voice will be slightly deeper than this.

and the flattering compliment doesn't make him feel good. sure he blush a little, but jeonghan need to focus. he need to find a way to explain this misunderstanding.

"i'm sorry, i-"

"okay, i'll go out with you."


"that's why you call me here right? you want to confess."

"huh, yeah but-"

"i'm interested in you since i saw you at the entrance ceremony," the sporty choi seungcheol scratch his nose shyly and the little confession makes jeonghan's innocent heart pounding.

"i'm glad you're interested in me as well,"


"i don't know what to say maa" jeonghan is whining to his mother. he has his bolster with him, hugging it and rolling around on the carpet in front of the middle age woman who seems amused at his oldest son's cute complain.

she's currently knitting in the living room, spending some times to wait jeonghan's father back from business trip whose plane delayed because of bad weather.

jeonghan can't sleep and decided to go down to spilled whatever his mind had to his supportive mother. his parents know about his preference over man since he's in middle of school. they treat the news with laid back attitude and encouragement, saying it's not something you can force so just not to worry about it.

"you haven't answer him yet?"
the woman ask in surprise.

this sporty choi seungcheol is so rude. after confessing to him like that he didn't even give jeonghan chance to comprehend everything and suddenly offer him his phone, telling him to put his number in it and without mercy he's asking jeonghan for a date. a movie date to be exact. it's like a triple blow.

jeonghan is left speechless.

and jeonghan still haven't giving answer at the invitation yet.

"but this is not the choi seungcheol that i like," jeonghan looking up at his mother from his spot.

"is he cute?"

cute? well, he's pretty cute if jeonghan has to honestly say but his type is the neat, clean and geek kind of student.

"kind of" he murmuring his answer.

"well i don't think it's wrong to accept the invitation han,"

"but maa"

"it's just a little date. besides, do not judge someone from their appearance. you'll never know"

jeonghan bury his face in his bolster and rolled around again.
should he go to date with him?


it's a horror movie, jeonghan stare at the ticket in his hand with sparkling eyes. he watched this movie advertisement that appear when be browse around in his phone. actually he's kind of curious about this one, and it seems seungcheol is too.

at least they have the same similarity and grateful it's not some cheesy romance. jeonghan thought as he put the ticket in his pocket. gleaming with happiness.

he's queueing for the popcorn while seungcheol is in the bathroom. they made a deal when they met in front of the theater. seungcheol can pay for the movie but jeonghan will pay for the popcorn and their coke.

that's what his mother taught him. don't let him get over his head over first date. dating 101.
it's not because this their first date, but because this is also jeonghan's very first date, so he kind of nervous.

seungcheol seem disappointed at first but end up agreeing because jeonghan didn't want to give in.

they end their little date after a dinner at a ramen shop seungcheol frequently go, the ramen was declicious, he pat his tummy from satisfaction. seungcheol grin at him and he's embarrassed from doing so. however jeonghan was having fun that day, after successfully teasing the man for acting brave to choose a horror movie when in reality jeonghan can see him fidgeting at most of the scenes. seungcheol denying it wholeheartedly with red ears and jeonghan laugh even louder.

it was fun, and jeonghan didn't refuse when seungcheol ask for another date. and the next and the next date.

it was on their 4th date when seungcheol bravely gave him a peck on the lips after the man walk him home. leaving him goodbye with small skip and shy wave until he disappear from jeonghan's sight.

he cover his lips in surprise after seungcheol gone. his feet feels light and he squeeze his younger sister in tight hug when he caught her stealing jeonghan's cake in the kitchen over her bed time, looking flustered. on usual day jeonghan would telltale it to his mother and would take the satisfaction to have her scolded, but he let her go for now.

he didn't know since when he forget about the nerdy seungcheol. it's probably because the sporty seungcheol always find a way to steal his attention, be it from his daily chats that's full with cute emoji or when the man steal glances at him during club hours and made him blush badly and can't concentrate or maybe because jeonghan finally able to see how handsome seungcheol look when he's running. so carefree and hyper when he get compliment from his coach.

like a puppy.

later on he knew that lee jihoon is seungcheol's best friend who knew about seungcheol's crush at him and decided to help him by telling jeonghan the wrong locker number.

"but i don't see you regret it," was jihoon retaliation after jeonghan confronted him.

jeonghan was dumbfounded and blush in agreement.

they're officially dating after the 6th date, and jeonghan can never be happier than this accident set up.


jeonghan wake up with a lighter head the next morning. but he find seungcheol nowhere to be seen. he brushed his blonde hair to the back and see the bowl of porridge on his night table.

he crawl closer and touch the bowl. it still pretty warm, so seungcheol stayed til morning and bought this before he left.

he see the notes telling him to eat and drink his medicine again beside the bowl. jeonghan obediently eat the porridge but it stop after few spoon.

tears fall from his brown doe eyes to his lap.

he really miss choi seungcheol.




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this story will be short, probably around 2-3 chapter.
a refreshment from 'your special scents'. this is an old story that i haven't had time to write & it's on my mind lately when i write YSS.
if you follow YSS, i'll update it within this week. after finishing this one.
enjoy~ (the pain)


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I really like this story !!! It's really good.Please update soon :)
Chapter 2: I can't wait to see(read) them together again...
CheollieFans #3
Chapter 2: Makes me want more. I love this fanfic alrdy. Hoping han n cheol will back together uwu
Chapter 2: Aww nice update ;)) I'm curious what will JH do after what he knew SC did Yay!
Chapter 1: Please don't let Mingyu in the don't make one of them get jealous and surprise, they're back ...just let them naturally but romantically...T.T
Chapter 1: Aww nice story you got there. But why SC broke JH? Is it because of he thinks their relationship wont go any further? I cant relate since im single hahaha Anyways, JC, fighting! Authornim, fighting!