A stranger in your eyes - 3 (MiDaChae)


All morning, all day, and a couple of hours in the evening, Chaeyoung did not stop thinking about the letter lying between the album sheets. She wanted to open it, see the handwriting of the one who wrote, hoping that after all, the letter would be from DaHyun. She wanted to, but she was afraid. If this is not DaHyun, then this stranger is in love with her, will reveal his feelings to which she will not respond. She is not one of those people who can deceive themselves, hoping that they will love another, until the love that is stored in the heart fades.

Chaeyoung hoped it was DaHyun because DaHyun is the best friend in the whole world. It is comfortable, fun and amazing with her. It 's never boring with DaHyun .

Although, if she looked into the depths of herself, she would definitely know from whom she expects the letter.

But, that person looks at her only as a friend, a best friend .

That person likes a completely different person, not her.

Unfortunately, Chaeyoung couldn't be angry because she loved that other person herself.

Yes, no matter how much Chaeyoung was in love with Mina, she saw that her heart was given to DaHyun. Love at first sight. And how can you not love her best friend? She is the best. She's perfect. There was a time when Chaeyoung thought she was in love with her, until she saw Miyu Minu, a transfer student from Japan, on the doorstep of the school. As if lightning struck right in the heart, her breathing stopped, she froze in place, struck by it.

Now she was waiting on the bench, constantly glancing at her watch when her friends would come.

Chaeyoung finished school earlier, wrote to her friends, only Mina answered, saying that she would be free in 15 minutes. There was no answer from DaHyun so far, and Chaeyoung was worried about it. Usually DaHyun instantly replies to any message from Chaeyoung , why is it different today?

Maybe I should still open it, not wait for them? The letter is intended for me - while these thoughts rushed through my head, the bunches were already unsealing and taking out a neatly folded piece of paper, opening it and bringing it to my eyes.

Instead of a ballpoint pen, the letter was typed. The words written there sounded like a passage of verse, consisting of several lines, taken as the basis of a famous poet.

In another world

If you become a small, beautiful bird -
I would like to become a lush tree.

With the ability to fly wherever you want,

Even though I would have to live waiting.
To my branches, even a little,

So that you can lower your weary wings and rest

I would like to become such a tree.

(poem by 유미 )

At the end of the printed letter was only the name of the poet who wrote these lines. And that's all.

After reading Chaeyoung I understood what was written about, but why this person decided to describe his feelings in this way was not clear. And it was not clear who this man was.

- Beautiful poems, the person who wrote them to you is apparently fond of this poet - quietly said the voice of the girl sitting next to him.

Chaeyoung was so absorbed in the letter that she flinched a little when she heard the quiet voice. She looked up in dismay to find Mina next to her. Only her, without DaHyun.

- Have you been sitting here for a long time, Mina- unnie?

- No, just came up. I see that you are all focused, did not interfere. Sorry, I read your letter without asking.

- It's okay, I still wanted to read it with you. It remains to wait for DaHyun. Why is it taking so long? - a question was asked rhetorically, to which there was an immediate answer in the form of a girl leaving school.

The letter was forgotten for a moment, it fell from the hands to the ground with a light breeze, but none of the girls was in a hurry to pick it up. Both froze on the bench, gazing in total admiration at DaHyun in the outgoing sunlight. It seemed as if the last ray of the sun caressed the fair skin, displayed in the strands in red flowers, transmitting the halo above the girl's head. She seemed to flutter along the path, she had such an easy gait. Noticing them from afar, she smiled, showing a wide, pretty smile.

Both girls' hearts skipped a beat, they both sighed in admiration at the same time, took a breath.

And both, hearing this sigh, were afraid to turn around to see what was already clear.


The love that she had never disappeared.

The love that I felt then became a mystery to me.

Is it really possible to fall in love with two people at the same time?

If possible, then what to do with this feeling now?


In DaHyun today was a busy day. From the very morning, as she said goodbye to her friends and entered the classroom where the acting lesson was to be held, the head of the class said that the teacher was waiting for everyone in the assembly hall. It is rumored that the master class will be shown there, and that teacher Hwang has invited someone in the guise of judges.

DaHyun was nervous, very nervous.

Today they were given the task of showing hidden feelings, by their own example, a written script. She prepared very carefully, thought up and threw away the unfinished lines. Nothing was perfect, so when she went to bed last night she just waved her hand at everything, hoping that she would not be called today.

First mistake.

After all, if the lesson is in the assembly hall, it means that they will definitely be called to the stage and they will expect an acting game from you.

How to play what has long been hidden in my heart?

Second mistake.

DaHyun didn’t think they would really appreciate her performance today. Entering the hall after the rest of her classmates, she sat down on the fifth row, almost at the end of the row, looking ahead with wariness.

Yes, Teacher Hwang was already standing near the stage. She spoke to three other people, among whom DaHyun recognized the famous actress Im Nayeon with her Shadow of Time co-star Minatozaki Sana. The man standing next to them did not see DaHyun's face, but she could tell by his voice that it was the famous director and theater producer Kang Joey.

This is serious. There is no way to get out. What to do?

- Great, my whole class has already gathered, so you can start - clapped her hands, said teacher Hwang cheerfully, looking around her children. - At first, I think that there is no need to introduce anyone here, you already know who came at my invitation. You just need to know why they came here. So, I think you guessed it, they came because I decided to stage a theatrical performance at the school and I need actors and screenwriters for a future performance. So today, the whole day will be devoted to this topic. So which one of you wants to be the first to shine on stage?

Third mistake.

It will be a disaster. I really need to urgently come up with a script and figure out how to act in such a way that no one understands my real feeling. And so that no one would guess to whom these feelings are addressed. I need not to embarrass myself. So what will my script be about?

- And finally, we came to our talented girl. It is about her that I constantly talk to Sana and Nayeon, therefore, Miss Kim, I ask to go to the stage - her teacher Hwang asked after two hours of listening to different scripts and acting skills from classmates.

- What will your script be about? Sana smiled warmly at her as DaHyun entered the stage holding nothing but a pen.

- About how to remain a stranger for a loved one - said DaHyun a little stuttering , nervously glancing at the judges and everyone in the hall.

- Quite an interesting description, - commented theater producer Kang Joey, focusing on the girl. - What is the name of your script?

- I thought for a long time what to call it, but only one name sounded in my thoughts, so I left it - I my lips nervously, gathering all the courage into a fist, said with complete confidence: - "A stranger in your eyes."

- Oh, an unusual name, so I'm looking forward to your game, Miss Kim. When you're ready, start.

The last mistake was that it was impossible to hide all the feelings. They slip anyway, find a loophole, revealing more than one needs to see or know.

DaHyun wrote the script exactly to describe her life after embracing love for her best friend.

DaHyun played as if she lived from the beginning to the present moment.

There was a thunderous silence in the hall when, after half an hour of playing on stage, DaHyun finished her script in a low voice with the words:

- Should I remain a stranger in your eyes, or should I still tell about my true feelings and destroy everything?

The timid clap of her palms turned into a standing ovation, she was given a standing ovation, DaHyun exhaled the air she was holding in her lungs.


When the applause stopped, theater expert Mr. Kang Joey took the floor:

- I was waiting for you to answer your question, and when I realized that this question ends with your script, I was confused. I was very interested, you intrigued me, what will happen next. Honestly, for a long time I have not experienced this feeling as if I am filled with history. You conveyed your story so that I did not see you, but lived this little life with you.

DaHyun was pleased to hear such a response from her script in such a short time. If only they knew the script turned out to be almost as lifelike as her story with Chaeyoung . But no one should understand, because rumors spread and Chaeyoung will hear. And then all the friendship built can disappear like a haze.

No, I don't want to lose .

Let it be so, just the best friend, let it be so, than to hear " I don't want to see you again ."

DaHyun was so lost in her sad thoughts that she almost missed Teacher Hwang's next words, reinforcing the words after the praise from the rest of the judges:

- So, based on the results of the acting, our judges have identified those who will play in the upcoming performance and who will write the script, direct the production, light, sound accompaniment. The name was chosen and by mutual agreement it is "The Stranger in Your Eyes". So, congratulations, DaHyun, - Teacher Hwang said with a rather smiling face, looking at the wary girl, - you become a full-fledged screenwriter, part-time and stage director of the performance itself.

-Of course, with our help, - the judges assured seeing the frightened expression on DaHyun's face .

-But why… no, I'm certainly grateful, but why do you want me…- DaHyun babbled, squeezing the sheet of the written script more tightly in her hands.

- It's simple, you were the best - actress Minatozaki Sana smiled warmly. “Besides, I want to see how your story ends. What is the correct answer.

"But ..." DaHyun swallowed , looking pleadingly at Master Hwang.

- Do not worry, we will help if there are any difficulties.

- I'm not talking about that, although about this, but not ...

- You will succeed, Kim DaHyun - assured her head of the class, who was appointed the main character. - And we won't let you down. Just imagine, your script will be shown on a big stage.

-I’m afraid of this,- DaHyun whispered to herself, drooping her shoulders in defeat, realizing that nothing here depends on her.

Just write a script, more with words, lyrics, choose music for each scene and ... yes, the worst thing ... show your feelings.

- Now, starting from this minute, we will all work on the game. DaHyun , start to come up with a script based on what you voiced now, instructed Master Hwang. - While DaHyun is working on the lyrics, we will prepare for the game, to hide the emotions.

I had to come up with a different scenario, stupid DaHyun . Now reap the benefits.

The following hours did not touch her, completely freeing up space so as not to interfere with mental focus. In the end, when she finally finished the text, having painted everything down to the smallest detail, she was like a worn out lemon. She was exhausted, both physically and emotionally.

She wanted to leave, return to her home, hide under the covers, close her eyes and hide, pretend that today did not exist.

-DaHyun, do not forget, tomorrow we are not meeting at school, but at the theater, - the head girl reminded her when she said goodbye to her, hurrying to catch up with her friends from other classes. - I really like the way the script is written. I really want to play this role. Well done, DaHyun.

-Thank you, you are also EunBi, - DaHyun said weakly , saying goodbye to her, then her eyes slid tiredly across the schoolyard, noticing Mina and Chaeyoung who were waiting , tried to smile at them.


I smile at her, knowing full well that my smile is fake.

I don't have the strength to smile now, I just want to be alone.

My feelings are like an open book, I am now easy to read.

The mask I kept all day has faded.

I cannot control her.

Please, just let me go.

I need privacy

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