A stranger in your eyes - 2 (MiDaChae)


The next day promised to be sunny, warm and calm. It had rained a little the night before, so the air smelled of damp earth, clean and fresh air. A smile blossomed on her lips, her eyes shone with sudden happiness, this is how DaHyun greeted the morning as she closed the doors behind her, saying goodbye to her parents.

Throwing her school backpack over her shoulder, taking a deep breath, she hurriedly went down the steps, with an easy gait, walked along the street, turning into a familiar road. There were few pedestrians going to work or about their business, so it was so easy to breathe.

Today was the day after Valentine's Day, but the air was still filled with excitement and expectation for something beautiful and magical.

DaHyun almost approached Chaeyoung's house when her friend was running out of the house, happily waving her hand. Not expecting to meet her friend so suddenly, DaHyun stumbled a little on the road, blinking a couple of times to stabilize herself. She urgently needed to show the usual mask of her best friend, hide her real self from sight, not look like a stupid girl in love. To be just a stupid best friend who smiles, runs up to Chaeyoung , takes her by the elbow, and they cheerfully talk to each other to take Mina to school.


-Hello girls, you are later than usual today, - Mina said calmly when she met, throwing her long hair over her shoulder, revealing her fair skin. She was wearing an off-the-shoulder blouse and navy blue jeans today.

For her part, DaHyun saw how this movement affected Chaeyoung . The pain stabbed in my heart, leaving another scar there, which was immediately healed by the lie. DaHyun has long known that Chaeyoung is secretly in love with Mina. DaHyun found out about falling in love right away, unfortunately, Chaeyoung does not know how to hide such emotions. How else Mina hadn't noticed this, DaHyun didn't understand.

Mina walked around them and stood to the left of DaHyun , her morning smile shone even brighter, the look thrown at her friend's profile was anything but friendly. Chaeyoung, who followed every step of her crush, understood this perfectly. Swallowing the pain, she began humming a familiar tune that had been spinning in her head since nightfall.

She was joined by the voice of DaHyun , when she began to shyly sing along in her voice, soon all three quietly, not falling into the notes, sounded the song.

- Haha, we're just hopeless! - interrupting the attempt to sing normally, DaHyun laughed. - We will never finish singing it if each of you changes the lyrics!

- What if I don't remember the original song? I don't remember where I heard it at all - Chaeyoung defended herself by spreading her arms to the sides .

- Yes, the motive is familiar, and it seems like the text is on the tip of the tongue, but we screwed up anyway - agreed Mina, smiling at them with the gentlest smile. - We have been trying to sing it normally for a long time, we even tried to find a similar name, but what we found turned out to be wrong.

“Yes,” both friends held out, thinking about how to hear the original song again.

- In the end, it will pop up in our subconscious, and we will voice it - after a few minutes of silence, Chaeyoung waved her off , letting her friends go ahead as they approached the school gates. - So, Dahyunie - the girl suddenly lit up with the idea, slyly looking at her.

- Hmm? What's the matter with you, Chaengie ? - raised an eyebrow in anticipation.

- Are we going to argue about whether I will receive a letter from today or not?

- Hmm? - did not understand DaHyun's question , perfectly playing the role, perfectly understanding where Chaeyoung is leading .

- Letter. Yesterday's promise - clarified Chaeyoung , winking at Mina, she just shook her head, grinning.

- Ah, that promise! Valentine's Day will only come in a year ...

- So I have to wait for a letter for a year ?! I thought we were talking about tomorrow, that is, about today!

- It was necessary to clarify the date, Chaeyoung - Mina giggled , wrinkling her nose cute. - besides, I remember how we all agreed on the next year.

- Yes, I also remember that “you have no idea what to give me in return” ... Or did you say that wrong, Chaeyoung?

- So - she pouted, looking away, then carefully looked into DaHyun's eyes, reading her ulterior motive, but finding nothing, snorted, folding her arms over her chest. - Well, okay, no means no. Valentine's Day anyway.

- You will change your mind when the person you like confesses his feelings. In the meantime, this has not happened, we need to have time to go to school before the call, otherwise we will get stuck again after the lesson - she grabbed the hands of her friends and quickly pulled DaHyun along .


I'm afraid that the person I like will never confess to me.


There was still time before the call, they managed to run to their lockers in a short time, open the bottom drawer where comfortable ballet flats were kept, change their shoes, leaving home shoes there. School rules required each student to change their shoes. Therefore, special lockers were built, dividing into two halves: the upper shelf for textbooks, changeable sportswear, umbrellas; bottom shelf for shoes.

- What's your first lesson, Chaeyoung ? Art design? - Typing her numbers to open her locker, asked DaHyun .

Today was Wednesday, which meant that they would not see each other until the very end, which was bad for them. Time on Wednesday always went against them, they could only correspond, encourage each other.

- Yes, today we will study the structure of the human body - Chaeyoung enthusiastically shared, opening her locker. - Teacher Kim said that we will soon be drawing the person himself when we have studied all the lines and features.

- Oh, so soon you will be drawing from models, right? How interesting - I was delighted for my friend DaHyun, catching several morning letters and a couple of chocolates falling into my hands. - Your dream will come true soon, friend.

- I waited for this moment for so long that when the message from EunBi came, unnie couldn’t believe my eyes - diverting my attention to the phone, which I took out of my skirt pocket, found the necessary text, showed it to curious friends.

- Cool, I'm glad for you Chaeyoung - after reading the message on the topic of drawing, Mina smiled as she took out textbooks on foreign languages ​​and history of Korea from her locker. - Today I’m not having such a fun activity, but it’s quite informative. They promised to take us today on a tour of the ancient temple ...

- Wow! - interrupted her DaHyun, Chaeyoung gasped with admiration nearby. - Excursion?! So cool, unnie , this is such an exciting event, and you were still silent?

- I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I just forgot to say - let out a laugh of such a reaction Mina, casting a glance at her friends, who were still looking in complete surprise. “I’ll tell you everything when we meet after school,” she promised, conveniently laying the books on the bend of her arm.

- What have you got today, DaHyun - unnie ? - asked Chaeyoung curiously , without looking at taking the album, paint brushes. Together with the album, a white envelope fell out, which was immediately noticed by DaHyun's keen eyes . She sank down, lifted him off the floor, turned him over in her hand, cleared .

- Chaeyoung ... a letter for you ...

- yes, I remember what you said, I have to wait for him in a year ... - still oblivious, said Chaeyoung .

- No, I mean that you have a letter - the girl insisted.

- Oh, me? From whom? - finally looked back at her friend, seeing what she was holding in her hand. Biting her lower lip, Chaeyoung twirled the envelope unsurely , sighed, glanced at the waiting DaHyun . "Did you… did you write me a letter?" - with suppressed emotions, she asked, clutching the envelope to her chest. “I thought I’d have to wait a whole year, and it’s you… you were just teasing me, yes…

- Chaeyoung - firm and serious tone of voice sounded DaHyun, stopping babble girlfriend. -Just think how I could have put you a letter if yesterday I was with you all day, and this morning I came to pick you up at the usual time.

- That's not you? - Chaeyoung was upset , pushing the envelope away from her chest, looking at him again. - Then who?

- You'll find out when you open - simply replied DaHyun , hiding the true feelings of the forced smile that did not reach her eyes.

-Um, okay, then… - the first school bell rang, interrupting her. - Then, I'll open it later - tossing it into the album, Chaeyoung said hastily . - Good luck today, girls, we'll meet in the evening - waved goodbye, ran to class.

- I must go too, DaHyun - said goodbye to the still silent Mina, tenderly looking at her.

If DaHyun had been more attentive, she would have noticed exactly how Mina said goodbye to her. Now the girl was frank, she did not hide behind a mask of friendship. The emotions that had been stored for so long in the hidden corners of her heart burst out.

But she managed to hide them back when DaHyun turned to her, smiled encouragingly, pouting a little:

- I will miss you Mina. But I want to have some fun. Both of you have a busier day today than mine. There is nothing special about my day.

- See you tonight, DaHyun.


Have I missed my chance?

Yes, it is possible.

Although, I never got a chance.

Unfortunately, only I need my feelings.

The person I like doesn't feel the same for me.

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